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03-14-2010, 07:35 PM
every time i go riding something goes wrong. the time i went riding before today the renthal bars cracked in half from a wheelie. and recently i bought a a lonestar carrier used localy and went out riding today for the first time on it. so i was coming home with some friends from this new spot and we were a bit lost on the way home and we had to croos a road and go up a hill but the cops were sitting there so we kept going up the railroad tracks and then we stopped to talk about what we were going to do and then the cop came down the tracks after us so we split 2 and 2 and we came up to a dead end and got in the midle of the tracks over a bridge the we got back on the opposite side then all of a sudden my quad bogged down so i puled in the clutch and it was fine so then i let off the cluch and it boggfed again so i got off and my friend thought my brakes locked up so in a hurry i cut my brakeline and it still didnt move so i looked at my carrior and molten metal was poring out. my bearing on the chainside broke and melted to the axle and killed the carrier and axle:mad: :mad: :mad:

03-14-2010, 07:46 PM
Sorry to hear that man! What happen with the cops? Kinda left us hanging...how'd the story end besides a broken bike?

03-14-2010, 07:49 PM
yea you left us hanging... i was expecting cop busted us for trespassing or something and impounded my bike...whats the rest...hook a brotha up

03-14-2010, 07:59 PM
You are installing the parts yourself? I would assume then you did something wrong.

03-14-2010, 09:16 PM
prob should of greased the bearing a little better.

03-15-2010, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Metrickid
Sorry to hear that man! What happen with the cops? Kinda left us hanging...how'd the story end besides a broken bike?

o sorry bout that my friend who ran the other way , i called his dad and he brought us a rope and unfortunatly yamaha had to save the day. and the cops ended up going after my other friends and the one with the ltr was bloing donuts in front of the cop

03-15-2010, 11:05 AM
i know for a fact it was good bc i rode it on the roads the day before i went on the ride and everything was fine and i checked the axle earlier in the day

03-15-2010, 11:06 AM
the i bought it from is refunding me and giving me his stck axle he has layin around

03-15-2010, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by jdog75
the i bought it from is refunding me and giving me his stck axle he has layin around

If thats the case then it sounds like to me that he might have already known there was something wrong with it.

03-15-2010, 11:54 AM
Well are you sure that your axle wasn't worn? I had to replace an axle once when I did a bearing carrier because it was worn from the last carrier. It doesnt take muchto have a bit of dirt get past the seal on the bearing carrier. Glad it worked out with the cops. Thats hilarious about your buddy.

03-15-2010, 12:11 PM
holy crap.. that was the longest run on sentence i have ever seen.

03-16-2010, 06:33 AM
did you set up the carrier right? what kind of bearings did you use.

F...... the police
its sad cops dont have nothing better to do than chase kids on atv. i like to tell them to go catch a terrorist or child molester there seems to be plenty of them.

03-16-2010, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by sc400ex_rider
did you set up the carrier right? what kind of bearings did you use.

F...... the police
its sad cops dont have nothing better to do than chase kids on atv. i like to tell them to go catch a terrorist or child molester there seems to be plenty of them.

if your riding on public roads then its not sad when your breaking the law

03-16-2010, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by sc400ex_rider
did you set up the carrier right? what kind of bearings did you use.

F...... the police
its sad cops dont have nothing better to do than chase kids on atv. i like to tell them to go catch a terrorist or child molester there seems to be plenty of them.

lmao let then follow me, i find it very fun being chased

happens all the time with the special cop in the unmarked car :P

03-21-2010, 07:06 PM
well this all took place on railroad tracks but it wasnt the railroad police it was the towns police, and i was using the lonestar double row bearings. and it was setup properly. tand the axle was completly fine when i put it in no you can fit your pinky finger in the gap betheen the bearing and the axle

03-21-2010, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by sc400ex_rider
did you set up the carrier right? what kind of bearings did you use.

F...... the police
its sad cops dont have nothing better to do than chase kids on atv. i like to tell them to go catch a terrorist or child molester there seems to be plenty of them.

i agree, the cops in my town will take a kid on a quad before they go to a murder scene. there is a town next to mine where the cops dont give a crap as long as your obeying normal laws like speed and such, i even went past the police station in the town.

03-21-2010, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by steve181
lmao let then follow me, i find it very fun being chased

happens all the time with the special cop in the unmarked car :P

I got chased by 3 popo's friday night. That was a big adrenaline rush. idk how I made it away.

03-22-2010, 07:34 PM
luckily i live in a small county i can get from one end to the other in about ten minute on my ex let alone find a trail to lose em

03-22-2010, 07:34 PM
luckily i live in a small county i can get from one end to the other in about ten minute on my ex let alone find a trail to lose em

backwoods 400ex
03-22-2010, 08:22 PM
when your getting chased just pin it to win it and dont look back :)

03-23-2010, 07:48 AM
wait, so you cut your brake line because the quad was boggin down?

03-23-2010, 06:51 PM
i thought it was bogging but i realized when i puled in my clutch it wasnt and my friend who i shouldnt of listened to said i think your brake locked up so he tossed me a knife and i went to town with no luck

03-23-2010, 07:05 PM
ya had the same thing happen to me except without the bearing meltdown. me and some friends were riding and low and behold the cops show up at the old abbandoned sand lant where everyone rides. we were the most suspicios looking ones there cause they took after us and my one friend was on a honda cr70 and got away. they were state cops too. ...note to self police cars cant do hillclimbs. lol

03-23-2010, 07:32 PM
that skrikes some goodmemories. a cop tried to climb a big coal hill chasing some atvs. well it didnt tun out to well for him, he ended up gettin stuck and people were throwin roostes over the edge a him. then when he remembered about reverse he didnt relize the angle of the slope and ended up blowin out a shock. oh well his problem now

03-24-2010, 10:29 AM
Respect the rules! It is people like this that gives riders a bad name and also gets riders banned from trails and riding areas. I'm sorry but you guys are idots!

03-24-2010, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by a4guy
Respect the rules! It is people like this that gives riders a bad name and also gets riders banned from trails and riding areas. I'm sorry but you guys are idots!

its amazing what all these kids think is funny. somebody failed at teaching the difference between right and wrong. im getting really tired of the 400ex section because of all the crap from the 14 year olds lately.

03-24-2010, 10:43 AM
I agree! I am 26 and love to raise hell and have a good time. But there is a time and place to do this. Your parents obviously failed when teaching you to follow rules and laws. I will see you on an episode of cops soon I'm sure.

03-24-2010, 04:06 PM
well by the way there isnt any riding areas trail or anything for that mater that is legal around here for atleast an hour besides my friends abandoned landfill and believe me its not that big.

03-24-2010, 05:03 PM
No excuse for breaking the law.

03-24-2010, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by a4guy
No excuse for breaking the law.

I agree. You guys are dumb asses. You post up an old report from the 80’s that is trying to ban 3 wheelers, on one thread. http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=432444
In witch they are successful in banning them.
Then you start another thread and brag on how you like to run from the cops when you’re riding illegally, and you all think it’s funny.
Just wait till they ban quads because of idiots like you, and will see how funny it is.
Do us all a favor and just sell your quad now and go find another sport to ruin.
Not to mention that you are posting on a public forum that you have broken the law and give details on when and where and how you did it.
What a bunch of morons.

03-24-2010, 05:41 PM
And to the op.
I’m glad you are such a dumb *** when it comes to working on your bike. “ I think my break is hung up, give me a knife and I’ll fix it”!!!!!
I mean come on really!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully breaking down all the time is what you deserve, if your answer to a problem is to take a knife to it and hack it up. What’s the point do I really need to say it.

03-24-2010, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
you are posting on a public forum that you have broken the law and give details on when and where and how you did it.
What a bunch of morons.

He cut his brake lines AND he snitched on everyone...lol

03-24-2010, 06:17 PM
ok so im not really proud of getting chased. actually i hate to ride the road for more than a few yards. where i live it is legal to ride on the side of the railroad track. so idk why the cop started chasing us. seriously i HATE to do antything illegal

03-24-2010, 06:20 PM
and i had permission from the owner to ride at the sand plant. the cops didnt know and i figured they didnt know i did so i ran

03-24-2010, 06:25 PM
Well, that's why you stop and talk to the cops before they have to chase you. That way they know you are aloud to be there. You must give respect to get respect. Now that riding spot will be watched from now on. All it takes is a little common sense and a little common courtesy.

03-24-2010, 07:05 PM
i come from a family with a bad history so i figured they wouldnt believe me so i didnt even try. if i knew they wouldnt bust me i would have stopped to tell them but my dad had a wild side and got a bad rep for my family. so i just run and avoid the problem

03-24-2010, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I agree. You guys are dumb asses. You post up an old report from the 80’s that is trying to ban 3 wheelers, on one thread. http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=432444
In witch they are successful in banning them.
Then you start another thread and brag on how you like to run from the cops when you’re riding illegally, and you all think it’s funny.
Just wait till they ban quads because of idiots like you, and will see how funny it is.
Do us all a favor and just sell your quad now and go find another sport to ruin.
Not to mention that you are posting on a public forum that you have broken the law and give details on when and where and how you did it.
What a bunch of morons.

Chill out bro. Ya its not TECHNICALLY legal to ride quads on the road. When your in my shoes and your 14 and your riding spots can't be reached by the trails you cruise down the edge of the road and don't be a jack off and mess with cars and everything. Alot of the times the cops will leave you alone and just keep going sometimes they like to be jackasses and just get you in trouble for NO REASON. If your riding down the VERY edge of the road and going the speed limit or even under and want to dick you over then ya id be running to iv'e done it myself. Its not all the kids faults its the jackasses who don't fully understand us. Riding is something we love so we find places to ride and go there. When some one wants to be a dick and ruin your fun you tend to mess with them or do something to get back at them. Either way you look at it someones being a dick or doing something "wrong".

03-24-2010, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by 2001warriorman
Chill out bro. Ya its not TECHNICALLY legal to ride quads on the road. When your in my shoes and your 14 and your riding spots can't be reached by the trails you cruise down the edge of the road and don't be a jack off and mess with cars and everything. Alot of the times the cops will leave you alone and just keep going sometimes they like to be jackasses and just get you in trouble for NO REASON. If your riding down the VERY edge of the road and going the speed limit or even under and want to dick you over then ya id be running to iv'e done it myself. Its not all the kids faults its the jackasses who don't fully understand us. Riding is something we love so we find places to ride and go there. When some one wants to be a dick and ruin your fun you tend to mess with them or do something to get back at them. Either way you look at it someones being a dick or doing something "wrong".

there is just so much wrong with this its not even worth it.

03-24-2010, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by 2001warriorman
Chill out bro. Ya its not TECHNICALLY legal to ride quads on the road. When your in my shoes and your 14 and your riding spots can't be reached by the trails you cruise down the edge of the road and don't be a jack off and mess with cars and everything. Alot of the times the cops will leave you alone and just keep going sometimes they like to be jackasses and just get you in trouble for NO REASON. If your riding down the VERY edge of the road and going the speed limit or even under and want to dick you over then ya id be running to iv'e done it myself. Its not all the kids faults its the jackasses who don't fully understand us. Riding is something we love so we find places to ride and go there. When some one wants to be a dick and ruin your fun you tend to mess with them or do something to get back at them. Either way you look at it someones being a dick or doing something "wrong".

Childish thinking by , you guest it........ children!!!!

03-24-2010, 08:22 PM
I am lucky to have been brought up to respect and not fear the police. I am friends with most officers in my area and often wave to them as I cross their path in my truck, on my quad or on the snowmobile.

03-25-2010, 05:39 AM
Its the same way where I live. They normally dont care alot of them ride themselves lol. There is one or two cops however that just like to get people in trouble he made a kid on a quad wreck and break his neck and the other kid break his arm and leg! Its normally not the riders causing the trouble here its a few pricks who say "were riding stolen quads" or "Tearing up their property" when they dont own it and will say about anything to get you in trouble or your quad taken away.

03-25-2010, 01:31 PM
yesterday i went riding and was on the road for a few feet i passed a cop he waved do i waved back most of them around here dont care but you get one or two that want to over do it and be total jerks. when i ride i dont rip and tear everything i ride sensible and i have respect for the land i ride on most people go on without permission an i get blamed for it

03-25-2010, 01:50 PM
Well its not like i go around looking for this anyway and if there is a way to avoid road i will. Im not trying to get quas banned. And i didnt start this thread to show of how "funny" it is to get chased i was trying to tell a story about how my carrier seized while i was riding and how it was a perfectly fine carrier. I would have posted this thread weither it happened will i was on a trail just riding or i was running from the fbi. i had no intentions of starting this, but im sorry im not going to pay a 500 dollar fine and get my quad impounded by some cop whos job wasnt to protect the railroads anyway.

03-25-2010, 01:53 PM
And i didnt join this forum to go about telling stories about how cool it is to run from the cops and cause trouble. i joined to get help from people whove had expeirience with 400s and also share my expierience with them

03-26-2010, 01:07 PM
Where I ride I have to cross a few roads on the train tracks. I have passed a few cops with no problems. Its not legal to do that where I ride but I always stop and look both ways before I cross and I don't rip it up until I get out of sight. Just be respectfull and give people who are legal the right of way. 99% of the time the cops will look the other way. If you get the 1% who wants to give you a hard time just don't stop, get in the woods . A cop car can't fit in a quad trail.

03-26-2010, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by erik420
Where I ride I have to cross a few roads on the train tracks. I have passed a few cops with no problems. Its not legal to do that where I ride but I always stop and look both ways before I cross and I don't rip it up until I get out of sight. Just be respectfull and give people who are legal the right of way. 99% of the time the cops will look the other way. If you get the 1% who wants to give you a hard time just don't stop, get in the woods . A cop car can't fit in a quad trail.

EXACTLY!! Finally one person who understands my point of view

03-28-2010, 08:29 AM
i do the same thing. I stopped and looked and there was a cop about a 100 feet away looking at me and he didnt do anything. there were no cars coming so we contined up the tracks. we were unfamiliar since it was are first time so we were waiting on the tracks by an opening on to the road, then all of a sudden the same cop came up the street and pulled in that area so i assumed he was giving me a hard time so i was off

03-28-2010, 10:57 AM
I live in a rural area of florida, I lived here for 26yrs, when I was growing up from age 7 to 16 we rode every day all over the place.

From when I was 14 to 16 is when the cop's started craking down on us, Ill admit to running, after my first two tickets they told me next was impounding and license suspension till I was 21.

So after that yeah, we ran from them, we even played game's with them on a daily basis, but it was dumb and stupid now that I look back at it, we could have got hit by car's, wrecked and got hurt, got our bike's impounded.

When I was 16 we sold all our three wheeler's and dirt bike's because there was no where to ride.

Then out of nowhere there was rumor of it being legal to ride? I was 23 at the time, so I looked into it and sure enough earlier that week they made it legal to ride with certain requirement's.

Thats when I bought my 400ex, for the next 4 month's, it was legal to ride. It sucked constantly, the cop's pulled you over everytime they saw you to check your crudential's, they lied about how fast you were going, and were real jerk's. But you coud ride anywhere you wanted to.

Then once again they outlawed it, so me and a ton of other people got screwed, we spent a ton money on our atv's with registration for riding on the roads and enhancements we made to our quad's, I was out $1,000 that I couldnt even use anymore.

But I still dont ride on the road's anymore, I have to drive over a hour and 45min, then pay $40 just to get in to the closest legal ride spot for my area, it suck's but that's what I have to do.

The reason they OUTLAWED it again, was because of the dozen's of 14 yr old rider's that ran from the police while it was "LEGAL" to ride on the street. And hundred's of complaint's about teenager's racing, this was directly out of several different sherriff's mouth's...

Some people dont know when to stop....really most of the cop's that stopped me were jerk's but in the end they told me where to ride legally and said they liked my atv...lol. I never once got a ticket and was pulled over atleast 15 times in that short legal ride time.

They also told me that 90% of the time, they just want to tell them where to go to not cause trouble.

Most will give you a ticket or a warning, but the majority of the time if your riding slow and cautious, with a helmet, off the road, they will leave you alone or tell you where to go. Just be POLITE, dont curse, and say yes sir...lol.

03-30-2010, 06:20 PM
i understand where your coming from and im not trying to have an answer for everything but that town has a reputation for being real strick. I met a guy once who was unloading at a parking lot in the same town with his buddies and the cop said unload here and youll get a ticket so they left and went somewhere else near the tracks and sure enough as soon as one of them unloaded the cop pulled up and wrote him a ticket

03-30-2010, 06:20 PM
i understand where your coming from and im not trying to have an answer for everything but that town has a reputation for being real strick. I met a guy once who was unloading at a parking lot in the same town with his buddies and the cop said unload here and youll get a ticket so they left and went somewhere else near the tracks and sure enough as soon as one of them unloaded the cop pulled up and wrote him a ticket

03-30-2010, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by jdog75
i understand where your coming from and im not trying to have an answer for everything but that town has a reputation for being real strick. I met a guy once who was unloading at a parking lot in the same town with his buddies and the cop said unload here and youll get a ticket so they left and went somewhere else near the tracks and sure enough as soon as one of them unloaded the cop pulled up and wrote him a ticket

Ya I see your from PA also hows things out your way. Things are about to get worse since my buddy got clipped by a car on his dirtbike. He looked both ways and didn't see anything started to pull out to go 30 feet down the road to get from a field to his dirveway and right when he looked back he saw a white car laying on the breaks flying right at him and hit him and throw him off the bike. Hes ok but the cars bumper is messed up and he now has a 109.50 fine and the cost of the bumper. I think he just wasn't paying attention very good but who knows.

03-30-2010, 09:33 PM
sounds like your carrier broke out of karma

03-31-2010, 10:29 AM
the cops are real bad around hear except in one town were they say as long as you respect the laws of the road and dont take all main roads they dont care, but otherwise everyothr town will get you with everything you can think of i got an evading police charge bc a cop saw me and didnt do anything as he watched me pull into my friends house then later he came to my house with the fines but i fought it in court and he didnt show so that got dropped

03-31-2010, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by tayyo789
sounds like your carrier broke out of karma

maybe but it was makin funny noises way before this even happened

03-31-2010, 11:59 AM
then maybe it wasnt fine before that day like you thought

04-01-2010, 08:19 AM
maybe but it was nothing that nobofdy picked up on until later that day.