View Full Version : DMC exhaust questions

03-09-2010, 08:31 PM
Hey guys,

I am thinking about getting a DMC afterburner quiet 4, full exhaust. I need a QUIET exhaust (louder than w/ the pea shooter but quieter than stock w/ the baffle removed). I was wondering if the DMC afterburner quiet4, with the quietcore and spark arrestor installed, would be quieter than the stock exhaust with the baffle removed? I think the DMC should fit the bill - stock exhaust is 92 db, with spark arrester removed it's 101 db. I think the DMC is supposed to be around the mid 90's.

I basically ride in 2 places - at my farm and at my cottage. At my farm, I run without the baffle, and with the necessary adjustments (no airbox lid, and the cherry bomb installed). But at my cottage I have to put the spark arrestor back into the exhaust, put the airbox lid back on, and un-install the cherry bomb, which is a bit of a hassle doing every time I want to go riding up there. Not to mention that the LTR feels much slower running the stock tune and everything. I was thinking, if the DMC quiet exhaust is quieter than the stock exhaust with the baffle removed, then I could just run that all the time.

I guess running the DMC, with the cherry bomb, quiet core and sparker, and the airbox lid removed (or moflo airbox lid) would be OK then? Wouldn't cause any engine issues but would not be as loud as the current setup.

Coles notes - Can I run a full DMC afterburner quiet 4 system on my LTR with the spark arrestor and silencer installed, airbox lid removed (or outerwears cover on), and Yoshimura Cherry bomb or do I NEED the DMC EFI control?


03-10-2010, 10:11 PM
Way better quiet exhaust systems out there than DMC, IMO.

03-12-2010, 09:20 AM
Why not give your opinion then? Doesn't help much to tell him his idea sucks then not give him yours. I don't know what would be a good quiet exhaust for ya bro, never been an issue for me. The Yosh I used to have wasn't "too" loud with the quiet core installed but I dont have an actual number for ya. It fell apart on me though so I'm not promoting it, just sayin it wasn't very loud.

03-12-2010, 01:54 PM
I don't know what the quietest is, but I know you do NOT want to get an HMF! I'm real happy with the performance, but man is it loud! One of the loudest next to Dasa I think...

03-12-2010, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Speed_MDS2
Why not give your opinion then? Doesn't help much to tell him his idea sucks then not give him yours. I don't know what would be a good quiet exhaust for ya bro, never been an issue for me. The Yosh I used to have wasn't "too" loud with the quiet core installed but I dont have an actual number for ya. It fell apart on me though so I'm not promoting it, just sayin it wasn't very loud.

Didn't say it sucked, just was implying to look elsewhere, just that there are many more 'established' companies.

There are plenty of exhaust systems out there that have pretty much the same features and it's really just a matter of preference, so if you like DMC, then by all means buy DMC.

However, if you shop around you will find others that might fit the bill. You can look at Big Gun, FMF, CT Racing, and the Yoshi, which isn't too loud, less than the stock exhaust with the baffle out.

If you do a full system i would recommend and EFI controller.

03-12-2010, 08:18 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys.

I would love to get a yoshi but honestly I don't want to drop about $500 for a full system. I found the DMC for $265 shipped and I think it will be fine. There is a used RS5 on ebay right now, with quiet core, going for $100, 2 days left in the auction, reserve met. I will hold off on buying the DMC until I see what the price gets up to. If it goes over $265, then I'll probably just get the DMC. If it is like $200 or $230 or around there, then I'll probably get that instead. I'm just worried it will be too loud... I'll see though.

BTW I read up about the FMF/HMF/DMC/2 bros/etc EFI maps, they are all made by Dobeck, they are actually just re-packaged versions of the Dobeck unit. The problem with them is that they can only ADD fuel to the map, not take it away. Supposedly the Cherry Bomb already adds more than enough fuel to the map, so any more and your bike will actually perform WORSE (I've seen some dynos that back this up). So I will pass on that.

03-17-2010, 12:07 PM
motoworks has a new quiet one i think

03-17-2010, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Canadian144
BTW I read up about the FMF/HMF/DMC/2 bros/etc EFI maps, they are all made by Dobeck, they are actually just re-packaged versions of the Dobeck unit. The problem with them is that they can only ADD fuel to the map, not take it away. Supposedly the Cherry Bomb already adds more than enough fuel to the map, so any more and your bike will actually perform WORSE (I've seen some dynos that back this up). So I will pass on that.

Agreed. I have the Motoworks unit, which is the same above and the exhaust; the exhaust kicks *** but the FMI unit is crap. I will be selling it shortly and purchasing the new PCV.