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View Full Version : Let's hear some Good Samaritan Stories?

03-06-2010, 06:38 PM
Let's hear some Good Samaritan Stories? Maybe a time you had the chance to help some kid out who was having a hard time through a certain section of the track? or a guy stuck in some mud? or maybe you came upon an accident at the dunes?? Let's hear some stories!!

03-06-2010, 07:32 PM
Guy with a YFZ450 was stuck in that super thick suction feeling type mud up past the bottom of the frame. He was way back in the woods at the bottom of a big pit. Basically the guy would have had to walk atleast a mile through the woods to find someone. I really didnt want to get all muddy but I couldnt leave the guy there. Ended up finding some logs to dig it out and put under the quad to wedge it up. Neither had a tow strap so we had to use man power being knee deep in this thick stuff. Helped a few people with roll overs too lol I just hope when I'm in need someone else doesnt mind getting dirty to help me out. One time I was stuck on the top of a berm haha All the wheels where off the ground and I was younger at the time and could not pull my 400ex off of it haha. A guy stopped and picked up the front end so I could ride back down the berm.

03-06-2010, 07:42 PM
i was on a trail ride a few years ago and was following this guy on his shiny new raptor 700. as we were going down the hell with a slight curve to it he clipped a tree with his right front tire and proceeded to roll his brand new quad all the rest of the way down this hill(another 15 feet or so). me and my buddy were way ahead of everyone else in our group so we stopped and made sure he was okay, looked the quad over, helped him straighten up his bars and followed his back to camp to make sure he made it back.

03-06-2010, 09:03 PM
Got in a pile up on the start of a race. One guy was stuck under his quad and I could have just pushed my quad back and went but picked it up off of him. What makes it better is he protested me two races before on something stupid.

03-06-2010, 10:11 PM
A year ago, i was out on my honda recon 250 with a buddy on the back putting around the coal banks. We went down into a guly where some of the really awesome hills are, and we see a guy out in "THE POND", which is more or less a coalsilt and water reservoir of complete unhappiness. There were 3 or 4 guys with him, so we pulled up to see what was going on. Apparently he wated to get a BIG run for the hill, and decided to go out and swwep around through the mud. His quad was stuck up to the top of the front tires and about the exhast in the back, in this terrible suction kind of mud, and he was up to his thighs. His friends had a little trail of rocks, sticks and other junk to increase the surface area of their steps so they didn't sink. All of his buddies were laying, flat on their guts, yanking on his arms tring to get him out. This wasn't exactly working for him and with all of his struggling it put him to about his waist in the muck. They were on 250r's and 450's, but one of them did have a weak tow strap, so I backed my little old 250 recon up to as close as i could without being in the coalsilt mud, and we threw the tow strap out to him. He wrapped it around his waist and i attached it onto the quad. 3 guys sat on the back rack and i applied some throttle, it went tight and i gave it a little more and he started yelling, so i backed off. At this point he was a little above his waist and at the breaking point. He grabbed one of the bigger sticks and pushed down on it and went totally crazy trying to get out. He screams, "Call the mother ******* fire company and get me out!!" Some of his buddies laughed at him which of course, caused me to chuckle. So his pal goes out and wraps this tow strap all around him, puts it back on my quad and we try again. The recon gave it all and he finally pops out of the mud and flops around like a coal silt covered fish. He gets to more "dry" land, rips his mud filled boots off, thanks us very briefly and just walked all the way to the top of the hills and lays down. the quad stayed there over night. The next morning we go out to see if its still there and we see the remnants of a retardedly long rope all the way to the coal road at the top of the hill, and some piecesof broken plastic from the quad. what a wonderful place to be, the coal region of PA

03-07-2010, 12:26 PM
the shop i work at is 20ft from the rail road and some guy inspecting the tracks pranced up to me holding his butt and said "man i gotta **** you got a john" me knowing the feeling i let him use the shop toilet:)

03-07-2010, 01:31 PM
I took my kids minigolfing today instead of hitting my buddies track for the first time since November......Does that count?haha:D

03-07-2010, 01:37 PM
we were at the dunes on a weekday and got out in the big dunes and found a guy stuck in a pond with his rancher. he had his boy with him but the kid was riding a 90. so we tossed him a strap and tied it up to the yfz i was riding and pulled him right out. he had just got out in the water too deep and had it die on him so it pulled out easily.

i took i pic f it before we pulled him out

03-07-2010, 08:49 PM
took my kids minigolfing today instead of hitting my buddies track for the first time since November......Does that count?haha

Yes that does count!! Bonus points for ya man!!

03-07-2010, 09:28 PM
last season i pushed a little kids quad off the track for em durin practice when his chain fell off in a muddy spot