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View Full Version : Follow the UK MX 250 Modified Classes With Adam James Racing

Adams granddad
03-06-2010, 12:19 PM
The UK MX race season is about to start and 14 year old Adam James has moved up to the 250 modified class from the 100 shifters.

Adam will take part in 4 UK championship events with the NETT in the North of England, NORA MX in the South of England, QRS in Scotland and the British Championships.

You will see from Adam's Calendar we have a pretty full schedule for the next 8 months and we will be providing up to the minute race reports and Raptor photos, monitoring Adam's progress throughout the year (good and bad).

The UK events are run under the governing body of the ACU, which permit ages between 12 and 16 years in this class, so you can be sure there is some tough opposition out there, but we are confident in rewarding Adam's sponsors with some podium positions.

Check out the spec on Adam's ATV.......... In conjunction with Adam’s great new sponsor we've sourced some fantastic products, investing in the machines handling with the best shocks and the very first (in the world) production 250 Raptor A-Arms from a well known manufacturer. The engine is completely stock at the moment, so it will be nice to see how it stacks up against the opposition.

To coincide with Adam's move into the 250 classes we have given his website its 1st Birthday makeover, with a complete new look, take a browse through and be sure to check back weekly for the latest updates at www.AdamJamesRacing.com

Lastly good luck to everyone out there.