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View Full Version : Elka system 3 adjustments

03-01-2010, 01:53 PM
i know someone just posted a question about this but i didnt want to take over there post.

anyway, when i got my 450 it already had a system 3 on it but the guy said it was not adjusted right and i just now got it adjusted to where i think i like it but i was wondering if you all could tell me your settings just so i could compare them? one of my buddies has the same one and he told me his settings but i didnt really like how they felt. (he races MX and i race XC)

OK so while standing infront of the quad facing the system 3 i first started by turning both nobs counter clockwise so i have a starting point. from there i turned the grey (bigger) nob 3 clicks clockwise and then i also took the red (smaller) nob all the way clockwise then turned it clockwise 2 clicks clockwise. i havent got to really ride it yet since snow is melting here and its a mess out.

if you guys would tell me what settings you all are using it would be great, i just want to have some different starting points to try so it dont take me all day to adjust it. i have tried to email elka several times but got no reply so i was leaving a phone call for my last resort.