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01-24-2003, 09:58 PM
As soon as I buy my quad Ive been workin hard for.... I lose my job b/c the company i work for is losing business and money.... so now I'm out of a job and there isnt any place hiring around here... on top of all that my cell phone broke and i have to BUY a new one (it quit workin not even half a month after the one yr warranty ended) which I cant afford........ I cant believe its stress city here.... sorry guys i just had to vent... its been tough around here... at least i have the weekend to devote to riding my quad.

01-24-2003, 10:00 PM

your not gunna sell the 250x are ya?

01-24-2003, 10:01 PM
im sorry to hear that

01-24-2003, 10:01 PM
i wouldnt dream of sellin it... i worked hard for that quad and that quad is my baby, that thought aint even crossed my mind once

01-24-2003, 10:20 PM
take some time off,.. relax & do some riding;)

01-24-2003, 10:24 PM
Thats rough. Good luck on finding another job

01-24-2003, 10:50 PM
That really does suck, I'm sorry to hear what you're going through.

Keep your head up and go out Monday holding nothing back, you'll get a better job than the one you had before and it will all be OK before you know it.

For now, take out your ride this weekend and don't let it bother you.

01-24-2003, 10:53 PM
That sucks and i'm sorry to hear that. I hope things pick up for you soon. You will be in my prayers.:)

01-25-2003, 12:08 AM
I hear yahh man, I QUIT my job 2 months ago (thinking I could get another in no time) and still havent found one! Times are real hard now and the bills dont stop coming. I hope it does not come down to me selling my 400 just to live. Stupid Bush and the economy.

01-25-2003, 05:59 AM
Damn that sucks. Hope you find a job soon.

01-25-2003, 08:22 AM
hope u get a job soon. i know what ya mean about having tyo work hard to buy somthing and then losing your job. when i bought my 300ex i paid it in cash with money i had saved up from working. i was going to buy a new 400ex but i would of had to take out a loan and i was only 14 at the time so taking out a loan would have been hard to do. and then the day after i bought it i got lfired from my job because the place i worked at had to realloctae their budget. well stick in there and keep searching for jobs in your area and even if you find a job that ya got to drive an hour to go to work take it a job is a job. and oh yeah dont even think abut selling the tundra. my dad has one and that is the best veichle he has ever had.
and bryan if ya got to sell somthing why dont you sell your rancher before your 400ex. you will be able to get more money out of it. good luck in finding a job you two

01-25-2003, 08:45 AM
Things will work out, they always do. Keep you head up and remember jobs come and go, but life just goes by. Take the time to enjoy the things you like while you look for a job.

Best of luck.

01-25-2003, 12:50 PM
Working just takes time out of riding :D Sorry to hear you lost your job, good luck finding a new one! Dont bother buying a new cell phone, how bad do you need it? Things always break right after the warrenty is over... you should know that.

Tainted Glory
01-25-2003, 12:55 PM
well the economy is goin to shi!t if bush goes to war.

01-25-2003, 03:33 PM
I lost my job, My girl friend dump me and blow the rearend in my truck, and fryed the clutch in my car all in one week. No I sit home with no money, no truck, no car, no quad, no girl friend. Shizt aways happens all at once. I can't wait until the unempoyment checks come.

01-25-2003, 04:38 PM
sorry to here that kara...remeber me?? hahaha, ya BUSH SUCKS, I CANT WAIT TILL HIS WHOLE PLAN BACKFIRES, oh but theyll find a way to blame it on the democrates...damn bush + buddies cough republicans cough cough

01-25-2003, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by 250xChick
and there isnt any place hiring around here...

yeah, unless you wanna work 40 hours a week:D

01-25-2003, 04:58 PM
i cant beleive how blind you peoples are!! let me see, it is one mans fault there is a sag in the economy. what do you expect, the economy to flourish non stop??? this sag in our economy now will only make it stronger in the future!! so chill out and ride!!!

01-25-2003, 05:17 PM
How is the economy the fault or credit of the president? Clinton didn't show up and get me a job when I got out of college, and Bush didn't make me lose a job last summer, or get me hired again.

As for the war comments, go take an economics class, every major conflict the US has been in has resulted in an upturn in the economy. WWI -> the 20s, WWII-> the 50s.

One other thing, what does either political party have to do with corporations reporting false profits? Enron, Xerox, and the list goes on... Boeing is being indicted for 146 counts of selling secret information to the Chinese, also known as treason. Yep, that must all be the fault of them D*** politicians.

02-12-2003, 04:50 AM
Hey there Blondie69. I have a friend looking for someone here in Moncton to take pictures. He owns a compagnie here in Moncton and said he needed someone in NS. PM me if your interested.

02-12-2003, 06:17 AM
people, with Bush's economic stimulus package ( war with Iraq) we will all be working 1 week after it goes into effect. j/k

Seriously though I do hope you find a job soon. Maybe this is a good time to load the quad up and visit all those places you have been wanting to visit IE: Glamis, dunes in Oregon, rocky mountains, Little Sahara, or even race the GNCC circuit.

Best of luck.

02-12-2003, 07:51 AM
Sucks to lose your job, You guys cuttin Bush down is stupid hes an awsome president def. better than that idiot Clinton

02-12-2003, 07:56 AM
You guys cuttin Bush down is stupid hes an awsome president def. better than that idiot Clinton

You got that right.

People need to get the facts straight about government,economy,war

You canadians PLEASE. your country needs us more than we need canada. When sh1t goes down who are you going to call?
The good ole USA baby!

02-12-2003, 05:28 PM
hahahahhahaha, what has the economy done since he was in....

02-12-2003, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Tainted Glory
well the economy is goin to shi!t if bush goes to war.

war will boost the economy, it will open up jobs in factorys, whos gonna make all our bombs

02-12-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by 250xredrider
Sucks to lose your job, You guys cuttin Bush down is stupid hes an awsome president def. better than that idiot Clinton

i have to agree, some people are just quick to blame without the facts, open uo a newspaper before you come on here and make ignorant comments about the president if you don't like him or this country then leave, im sure afganistan has plenty of open land

02-13-2003, 07:09 PM
that sucks....sorry....im gettin a job escavateing for about 8 bucks an hour:D i cant wait then im goin to but a yz250 f maybe....hopefully new....


02-13-2003, 07:53 PM
well shiit happens , what u gonan do, instead of being here complaining about it, look for a job

02-13-2003, 08:00 PM
Yea Yea Yea, I know what it is like to go through hard times, but when the hard times come.......just work harder. Tell me this, what good is complaining about it gonna do, it isn't going to make it go away. 250x chick is it that bad not having a cell phone who knows maybe it'll do you some good. :rolleyes:

The fact is everyone is goin through hard times so everyone stop crying and start doin sommin about it.:grr

Look at the people who are living on the streets in boxes why don't you go tell them about how hard it is to find a job and all that ****. We should be thankfull that we have all the **** we have. I mean we are here on exriders.com ;atving beeing one of the more expencive sports(for some of us it is our lives) and we are whining about money. Heh

02-13-2003, 08:07 PM
O yea, by the way, let blame all of our unemployment poroblems on the president. That seems reaonable God forbid it is our fault. I will admit that somtimes we can't controle if we get fired or cut. In that case just get another job. People make it sound way harded than it really is.:o :rolleyes: :scary:

02-13-2003, 08:24 PM
I wish it were that easy.. there aint any jobs around here to get... no one's hiring and Ive checked places more than once and everything... Right now Im havin to do graphics design at home for ppl but I'm probably not going to be able to race or buy gear for a while.. i most likely wont get to race before i graduate now

02-13-2003, 08:34 PM
Well, I hope all goes well.

02-13-2003, 08:39 PM
250Xchick, ...i 'll keep ya busy for a while ;)
soon as we get started on that lil job for me ..:blah