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View Full Version : school...spy cams

02-19-2010, 05:45 AM
harriton high school, not sure were that is, but all 2100 students were issued mac laptops to take home and use in school. they came with webcams , but they were remote activated, the school says that they only activate the camera if its lost or stolen. well everyone leaves there laptop open all day, and theres students saying they get changed in front of it...bring it in the bathroom during showers to listen to music....

this is crazy and felt id share. just saw it on the news so if someone finds a link post it up

02-19-2010, 05:54 AM
I'd have to know all the particulars before passing judgment but hopefully it's truly only being used if lost or stolen. However, I'd like to see the use agreement that I'm sure all parents have to sign. I'd be willing to bet it says to only use it for school projects, homework, etc. Playing music in the shower isn't a school function and I can pretty much guarantee that high humidity environments aren't great for its longevity. I'd also like to know how many of these students are now using their new toy to download stuff off iTunes, e-flirt with each other over iChat and the list goes on.

It's funny that people get their panties in a wad before there's any proof that anyone's camera has been turned on remotely yet these same people want to take that same computer and use it in violation of the agreement they signed. I work for a company that gives me a cell phone, laptop and other pieces of technology and there's a Terms of Use that I have to sign. I know full well at any minute of the day they can check what websites I'm visiting, what my emails say, etc. and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

02-19-2010, 06:59 AM
piece of tape over camera. problem solved

02-19-2010, 07:02 AM
Why does every single high school kid need a laptop? Much less one provided to them by the school. Another massive waste of resources if you ask me.

02-19-2010, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by trick450r
Why does every single high school kid need a laptop? Much less one provided to them by the school. Another massive waste of resources if you ask me.


02-19-2010, 07:21 AM

i saw the story just this morning..

now im going to paint with a broad brush here, but i want to stir debate and id like for others to add there $0.02 as well..

this is another situation where our technology has outpaced guidelines..
IMO, here is a case where the school has taken it "over the line", in a most hypocritical way.

not saying the same is true everywhere, particularly with the school involved in the incident, but did the parents have a say or even have access?

in the local schools in my area, theyve been occasionally asked, but always decided not to have cameras in classrooms..

so, the hypocracy is that it seems ok for the school to allow invasion of personal space and privacy for the protection of the teachers, but when parents want to have video access to the teachers/classrooms with respect to the treatment of their children it becomes an invasion of the schools/teachers privacy and wont be allowed.

recently there was a case where a judge ruled in the childs favor for posting some vile stuff about a teacher.

inversely, a judge ruled in favor of the school over a students suspension for posting vile stuff about a teacher..

im of the opinion that once off the school campus, you're allowed to do and say as you please with the caveat that your actions do not cause or imply physical harm.

in cases of clear slander that can be damaging to a teachers career or their ability to perform their duty, then it becomes a matter for the courts, rather than the school taking it upon themselves to instill punishment for actions off campus.

there have always been some students who trashtalk teachers/faculty among friends. its also true that there has always been some teachers that trashtalk students among the teaching staff.

in both of the cases above, not knowing the actual content, i wouldve called the parents in before anything else and confronted the student and the parents.(of cousre, looking from the outside in is always easier)

02-19-2010, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by trick450r
Why does every single high school kid need a laptop? Much less one provided to them by the school. Another massive waste of resources if you ask me.

oh yeah... i forgot to say something similar to this..

yes.. a colossal waste of money.

02-19-2010, 08:15 AM
school must have seen a lot of kids beating

02-19-2010, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by trick450r
Why does every single high school kid need a laptop? Much less one provided to them by the school. Another massive waste of resources if you ask me.

I got through school just fine, and we were lucky to have one computer with a floppy drive in each room. Ridiculous what we are paying for these days...

02-19-2010, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by dns1764
school must have seen a lot of kids beating HA!

02-19-2010, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by trick450r
Why does every single high school kid need a laptop? Much less one provided to them by the school. Another massive waste of resources if you ask me.

Bingo, I rarely used a laptop in school.

02-19-2010, 11:14 AM
They also let the kids use a calculator on a math test. What the hell!!!!!!!
If it’s a test to see if they can use a calculator, that’s one thing but to let them use them on all test is counter productive. In my day we had to work out the problem in long form and we had to turn in the work sheet that we did all the long forms on and show how we solve the problem.

As for the cameras tape will fix that.

On a deferent note, there are thousands of remote traffic cameras on the freeway and there supposed to be for traffic control. But if I go buy some of the ones that are in the ghetto areas they are all pointed toward the housing projects and are never pointed at the traffic. Kind of makes me wonder just what they are looking at.

Even scarier then that, they can activate your home and cell phone and turn on the receiver and listen on you even when the phone is closed (on but not in use).

They use the fear factor and say that all these cameras are for safety but if that’s so then why are they putting them in some of the safest neibor hoods in town?

Big brother is creeping into every aspect of your life.

02-19-2010, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by dns1764
school must have seen a lot of kids beating

:scary: lol

But on a serious note, colossal waste of money. There is no need for a laptop in High School. Even for college you don't HAVE to have one, just makes things more convenient. There is no need to have a laptop in high school. Period.

02-19-2010, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Nova
colossal waste of money.

exactly, we had a class set of laptops in middle school about 4 years ago that i used twice, thats it. We have computer labs with desktops for everyone and i see no reason to have anything more than that. They should have kept the money for the laptops and put it into worthwhile things like graduation coaches to get them graduated and more teachers to lower class sizes.

people now adays:rolleyes:

02-19-2010, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
They also let the kids use a calculator on a math test. What the hell!!!!!!!
If it’s a test to see if they can use a calculator, that’s one thing but to let them use them on all test is counter productive. In my day we had to work out the problem in long form and we had to turn in the work sheet that we did all the long forms on and show how we solve the problem.

As for the cameras tape will fix that.

On a deferent note, there are thousands of remote traffic cameras on the freeway and there supposed to be for traffic control. But if I go buy some of the ones that are in the ghetto areas they are all pointed toward the housing projects and are never pointed at the traffic. Kind of makes me wonder just what they are looking at.

Even scarier then that, they can activate your home and cell phone and turn on the receiver and listen on you even when the phone is closed (on but not in use).

They use the fear factor and say that all these cameras are for safety but if that’s so then why are they putting them in some of the safest neibor hoods in town?

Big brother is creeping into every aspect of your life.

Let's not get paranoid too fast there. I agree that as time goes on though people are being held on surveillance more and more.

The main reason I wanted to quote your post though was for the calculator comment, are you kidding me? Maybe for the younger ones to learn how to calculate by hand when they're in elementary school that's alright, but once you're in college or at university or even in advanced mathematics in secondary, it is literally impossible to work without a good scientific calculator. Try calculating the square root of 23 418,986 by hand.

Time has passed, things have changed, but I think some things should stay the same way, I totally agree that laptops don't have their place in the class, they are more of a distraction than anything else. Just a good 'ole computer room for research where the teacher can see the screens is more than enough. And what do you think those kids do when they get home anyway? They go sit their *** in front of a computer screen. Talk about wasted money... 2000 apple laptops.. pshh

02-20-2010, 11:38 AM
Id have to see more info to make any judgment but why should the cameras be remotley active? couldnt they just have a gps thing or something? As long as the people who can activate the cameras are responsible then there shouldnt be a problem. Its a little scary that someone could watch you at anytime your in front of the computer but thats a risk all those people took when they took the computers.
As for all the students having computers, thats cool. Hopefully one day students being issued laptops will be as common as them being issued text books. Laptops and the internet can be one of the biggest resources for students and if schools provide them its even better. I dont think the world will modernize that quickly but in like 20 years Im sure that will be a norm.

02-20-2010, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by trick450r
Why does every single high school kid need a laptop? Much less one provided to them by the school. Another massive waste of resources if you ask me.
I completely disagree. Being in college as we speak, I know for a fact that laptops are mandatory to be able to even function in school. Schools are going paperless which means all assignments are online. When i was back in middle school we all had school issued laptops. It made eveything so much simpler. All i had to carry was the laptop, no book bag, binders, or textbooks. Technology is the way to go, here in a few years, there will be no more need for books in school.

02-20-2010, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by 4wheelinmatt
I completely disagree. Being in college as we speak, I know for a fact that laptops are mandatory to be able to even function in school. Schools are going paperless which means all assignments are online. When i was back in middle school we all had school issued laptops. It made eveything so much simpler. All i had to carry was the laptop, no book bag, binders, or textbooks. Technology is the way to go, here in a few years, there will be no more need for books in school.

I agree college classes need computers nowadays but not Middle School.

02-20-2010, 03:17 PM
my school is the same way. its funny that you mention this becuase it is just starting to happen everywhere in our school. Our school has a program where the staff can literally watch our screen and exactly what were doing unless you turn your airport off. the first day they issued the new rules about what kids were aloud to do, kids blew it off. well that day, 40 laptop were taken from kids.

when the camera is on on the macs a green light comes on next to it. if that comes on you will be able to tell. on thing you can do is turn your air port off.

I have them at my school and i will say it is alot better, schools are getting more technology based and it is nice. they do block EVERYTHING. i can understand myspace, facebook, youtube, game sites etc. but some of the stuff is just insane. when researching things you cant go on a website that is a "personal page". if we type in xbox on google its blocked.

Im not complaining here cause i like my school laptop. i don't think its right what they are doing but i also realize these are issued for school purposes and kids are using them for the exact opposite.

the spying is wrong. but they cant do it unless your at school, so for the jerking comment, kids are a little messed up if they are jerking it at school.