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View Full Version : First acoustic guitar

02-17-2010, 03:54 PM
Well I have played some electric a while ago (freshman year of highschool so 6 years ago). But now I am lookig to get back into playing and want an entry level guitar. I have my aim set on the yamaha f335. It's $150. I know my way around a guitar But the only bad thing about that yamaha that o have read is that it has highaction, but you get used to that. Does anyone. Have any suggestions.

02-17-2010, 05:11 PM
If it's what you want, and the action is high.... you can adjust that.

Pull the bridge piece out, sand it down on a block little by little.... Do this till you get the action you like. Obviously, there is a limit on it.... buzzing will be the result of too low of an action. So just be careful, or you'll have to buy a new bridge piece and start fresh.

02-17-2010, 07:52 PM
The best thing to do is just go to your local guitar shop and sit down and play as many guitars as you can. Take your time and hit more then one place. There are many good cheep guitars out there and you don’t have to spend a lot of money. I have picked up many guitars that are just alike and they all will sound and play deferent.
One thing to watch out for is an acoustic guitar with old strings will not sound as bright as one with new strings. Sometimes they sit on the shelf so long the strings go dead.

Happy hunting