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View Full Version : T2RACING...anybody know him?

02-15-2010, 04:00 PM
just wanting to know if anyone knows him? seems like a good guy i checked into other posts he was involved in. reason im asking is cause i payed for some boots on the 4th. he was gona all weekend and told me he could send them out the beginning of the week. he got caught up in the blizzard they had up north and it took a while for him to get back to me. on the 10th he wrote me and told me he just got dug out and got power back , and would get the boots sent out asap and get me the tracking number. that was 5 days ago. haven't heard anything from him, wrote him a couple times just to check in, but no response. he seems like a good guy and i'm not doubting that he'll send the boots out, but i haven't heard anything from him for a while.startin to get a lil worried.has anyone else dealt with him as far as buying anything goes..i'm prolly just worrying about nothin but...

02-15-2010, 04:06 PM
If he is the feller from WV he is a good egg. I know we are still having power outages and the snow has things all screwed up. Not offering any excuses, but I dont recall any bad dealing from him in the past so hopefully soon he can get things rolling

02-15-2010, 04:16 PM
yeah that's him. i read into alot of his other posts. he seems like a really good guy, legit too..i'm probably worrying about nothin but i just haven't heard anything at all in a while and i kinda needed the boots for this weekend..but i'm sure they'll get here..

02-15-2010, 04:23 PM
yea. ive never dealed with him but this storm has things really screwed up. i lost power for 7 days. and our roads are still terrible.

im not making excuses for the man. im just saying he might need a little extra time due to the conditions