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02-15-2010, 11:00 AM
anyone ever delt with these *******s. i had a squirrel die in my attic above my bed room a few months ago and couldnt find him. So i come home last night to find maggots on my bed and on the floor. they are coming down from the attic though my fan. i've already killed like 30-40. i crawled into the attic last night and found and removed the squirrel. i'm planning on going back up today to remove all the insolation. been a nasty job, but the way the pest control people talk is that they are bad arses and can withstand chemicals.

any help would be appreciated :ermm:

Tommy Warren
02-15-2010, 11:22 AM
burn your house down! thats pretty gross dude. I couldn't sleep with maggots crawling on me. good luck:eek:

02-15-2010, 01:02 PM
I've got a good story for you. A friend of mine is basically your definition of a wannabe gangsta. His mom moved out of the house to live with her boyfriend and left the house to her son. I guess he thinks that having the house look like a train wreck and never washing dishes will make it look like a "trap house". I guess people selling drugs there makes him feel even more bad ***. Anyway where I'm going with this is the dishes. I swear to God there was not a clean dish in this house. Well one night a friend of mine was snooping around in the kitchen full of dirty dishes and I hear him dry heave. I walk in and there is a casserole dish FULL of those nasty little *******s. Needless to say, we haven't been back over there since.

02-15-2010, 02:39 PM
You’re lucky that all the maggots didn’t turn into flies. I came home one day to find thousands of flies in a window. I never figured out where they came from, my house is clean and I’ve never found anything dead or even smelled anything prier to the flies. The maggots will die if you remove the food sores. They will dry up without the moisture of a carcass to feed on. You may hit them with some insecticide just to make sure there dead.

Yeah it’s grouse but it dose happen from time to time, if there wasn’t a vent there you would have never known that they were there.

Just think you could have woken up with the maggots falling on your head in the middle of the knight. Now that would have been grouse.

02-15-2010, 04:07 PM
Anything that kills flies should kill maggots.....just fly larva

02-15-2010, 05:29 PM
BUY FLY TRAPS NOW!!! A few months back i had a skunk die in my basement window well. It froze and we had a few warm days and it started to stink. I removed it then. problem was that the maggots craled into the basement. We had a chit load of flies. It got to the point where there were so many flies on the small basement windows that I was taking a blowtorch to them. Good luck with them

02-15-2010, 05:33 PM
yikes! how long did it take them to turn into flies. the pest control guy said without their food sorce, they should be gone within 3-4 days

02-15-2010, 05:42 PM
BUY FLY TRAPS!!! I had a skunk die in my basement window well and it froze so i never noticed it. We had a few days of warmer weather and it started to stink. I got rid of it, but not all the maggots. The maggots must have crawlled into the basement. A week later we had a chit load of flies in my basement. I even took a blowtorch to the ones sitting on the window. good luck having them in your bedroom

02-15-2010, 06:04 PM
Here is a trick I learned, get you some Raid ant and roach killer and spray the inside of your window sill and when ever something gets in, it will usually migrate to a window and it will die. That stuff will last for mouths and really works. You will have to get rid of the dead insects that collect at the bottom of the window sill though. try it, it works.

02-15-2010, 06:46 PM
Whatever maggots you missed will either die without the food source or just turn into flies. Get the fly traps. Cheap and easy!

02-15-2010, 08:17 PM
Do what these guys said and get some fly traps. I made the mistake of leaving a bunch of fake bait in the solution or what not in a milk crate with my cover-alls. I brought the milk crate in the house to clean the cover-alls. The next night I came home flipped on the light and there was a thousand flys in the laundry room. It was horrible. Good luck with them.