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01-23-2003, 04:59 PM
i was wondering if i will hafta get somthin special with my insurance liability, like if someone would jump it, get hurt then sue me?
thanks alot

01-23-2003, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by toomeyshee87
i was wondering if i will hafta get somthin special with my insurance liability, like if someone would jump it, get hurt then sue me?
thanks alot

I have a waiver I created...........I could perhaps get you a copy. you simply make your "guests" sign it before they ride

01-23-2003, 05:11 PM
so theres no extra money i gotta dish out to the insurance agency and that waver will hold up in court??:eek: :D

01-23-2003, 05:15 PM
I know that it happens but WTF is wrong with someone like that?If i am riding on somebody's land and hurt myself from something I did theres no way in **** i would even thinkk about sueing somebody.Thats just phucked up to even try it.People like that need to loose every thing they got,and see what its like to get sued.Cause most people i know would loose it all if they were sued.

01-23-2003, 05:17 PM
insurance is the best thing....but if a guy signs a paper saying he understands the dangers, then it should hold up in court.

01-23-2003, 05:17 PM
[/B]AMEN TO THAT!!!!![/B]

01-23-2003, 05:17 PM
ok thanks!!!

01-23-2003, 05:28 PM
Good idea 4punks! Anyone who tries to sue would look pretty dumb to the court I would think, since you have their sig, make sure if they are under 18 (or 16?) they have their guardian sign it too, you should have 3 sigs actually, yours, theirs, and a third person like your parent, or someone who you know will stick up for you. Make sure you cover everything!

01-23-2003, 05:30 PM
oo i will! ill even include "and this document forbids me to be a dumbass and sue you for my own actions"

01-23-2003, 05:51 PM

By signing this form the parties here after referred to as “Visitors” have agreed to have read & understood the following terms & conditions.

1) The use of the ADD YOUR NAME HERE property for the purpose of recreation in no way makes the ADD YOUR NAME HERE family, or their insurance provider liable for any damages to the visitors person or property.
2) The Visitors will not hold either the ADD YOUR NAME HERE family, or the builder of any structures or improvements to the property liable in the event of injury or death.
3) Visitors are using the ADD YOUR NAME HERE property at their own risk.
4) Visitors are expected to treat the ADD YOUR NAME HERE property, ADD YOUR NAME HERE family, and other Visitors with respect.
5) Visitors will not leave behind any trash or debris.
6) Visitors will not be allowed to bring alcohol, drugs, or firearms onto the ADD YOUR NAME HERE property.
7) ALL Visitors will be required to read & sign this form before entering the property.
8) Visitors understand that off road vehicles are in use at the ADD YOUR NAME HERE property and that they must use special care when in the presence of off road vehicles.
9) Visitors using off road vehicles at the ADD YOUR NAME HERE property will be required to wear protective gear & clothing such as helmets, boots, gloves, eye protection, long pants, and long sleeve shirts.
10) Visitors using off road vehicles must have read and understood the owners manual associated with the vehicle they operate.
11) Visitors to the ADD YOUR NAME HERE property understand that the ADD YOUR NAME HERE family possesses pets, and are aware of the dangers associated with family pets.
12) Visitors will not be allowed to access the ADD YOUR NAME HERE property without first gaining permission from the ADD YOUR NAME HERE family.
13) Visitors who refuse to sign this form will be asked to leave the property immediately.
14) Visitors may be asked to leave at ANY time for ANY reason or face criminal trespass.
15) Visitors should not bring guests without first gaining permission from the ADD YOUR NAME HERE family.
16) This document is intended to protect the ADD YOUR NAME HERE family and the builders of their property improvements from criminal or civil liability, in the event an accident occurs on their property.



__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________

01-23-2003, 05:52 PM
I normally charge for this ......:)

01-23-2003, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by luvmyex
I know that it happens but WTF is wrong with someone like that?If i am riding on somebody's land and hurt myself from something I did theres no way in **** i would even thinkk about sueing somebody.Thats just phucked up to even try it.People like that need to loose every thing they got,and see what its like to get sued.Cause most people i know would loose it all if they were sued.

i agree totally. i think about ppl who sued ppl while they were riding on there land and you just want to go up to each one and punch them in the face and tell them to go F themsleves! if i got hurt i would want someone to call the ambulences house from but thats it.

01-23-2003, 06:09 PM
you would be suprized what you would do, if you crashed on someone else's land, your mommy and daddy might not have several grand laying around for the surgery you may have to go through, so just gotta think about these things sometimes

01-23-2003, 06:20 PM
Quote Bean
Yay Canada! Free Health Care! I hear ya though Bean. Good Waiver 4punks! I should print a couple of those out, for just incase stuff. Most of the time we are pretty good, no injuries or any problems, I have been threaten to be Shot before, that was cleared up quickly, Friends dad haulled the guy off his property and said if he got caught treaspassing and hunting again.... Never seen that guy again.

01-23-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
I normally charge for this ......:)

That's a great form...thanks for sharing. I hope to have a track up on the land we just bought.

Thanks again.


01-23-2003, 08:47 PM
hey man..like i said everything should be ok with the waiver. but whoever said if their under 18 they need a gaurdian to sign it is right. when i signed the waiver at my buds house both of my parents had to come out and see the track and both had to sign it. also i hear you need to get the waivers made by a lawyer but i dunno if thats true or not. i don't think it matters too much. if anybody should be concerned about liablility its us because i guess if you hurt yourself you could sue us but i'm not sure about that either. anyways just get the waivers made up and you should be fine.

01-23-2003, 09:01 PM
Isn't Ben going to school to be a lawyer?? Talk to him, I am sure he would guide you through the steps to take the necessary precautions.

01-23-2003, 09:19 PM
Isn't Ben going to school to be a lawyer?? Talk to him, I am sure he would guide you through the steps to take the necessary precautions

I was thinking that also but then figured it would be like free legal advise and you know what that costs :)

Seriously there are some states that will still allow a lawsuit to be taken through the system even with the waiver. Seems there are interpertation issues on what the signer or rider may have thought the waiver meant and also the fact that there is still the of potential true liabilities. by that I mean things like cables across the trail or other potential hazards that the owner or operator could have maintained to prevent the accident or injury.

Remember that lawyers spend years in school and their whole time after workin on this stuff so theres a good chance they will come up with something.

And its not allways the rider who sues either as it can also be a parent or relative

01-23-2003, 09:23 PM
very true 440....its a risky thing to do........****, if you have a pool, and some kids sneak in, and one drowns or something, you could probably get sued...........................look at the family who tried to sue Burger King for christs sake!! Cause her FAT little baby weighs 375 and eats whoppers for breakfast

01-23-2003, 09:24 PM
I normally charge for this ......

Do we get EXriders discount:confused: :D

01-23-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
I normally charge for this ......:)

Copied and pasted...Thanks 4punks:)
