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View Full Version : Xc Front Tires

02-09-2010, 06:31 AM
I'm looking for a "decent" set of front tires for my Hipers. 21/22x10 XC type. Don't have to be brand new but a decent amount of rubber on them. NO plugs/patches unless there cheaper not looking to spend a fortune and willing to wheel/deal if anyone has a need for some YFZ parts... Need kinda quick (before first weekend in March)... PICS make for a better reply! here or e-mailed to ryan_moore_86@yahoo.com

Just PM me here if you e-mail any so I know NOT to spam it...


02-09-2010, 07:08 AM
For a Yamaha... Figured I better make sure it's known in case anyone has wheels and tires :D Stock 3-2 wheels would be just fine, long as there are regular XC tires on em... NOT all beat to h e double hockey sticks (he!!)

02-10-2010, 08:11 AM
got a nice set of stock yfz fronts 21-7-10 about half tread if you would be interested in them no plugs no patches. let me know

02-10-2010, 08:23 PM
I'm going to hold off on the fronts. I might have to buy a new set of a-arms since Houser can't seem ti find me the RIGHT balljoints...

Thanks for all the offers!!!