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View Full Version : Legal Help-Sum1 wrote me bad check. Closed acct

02-08-2010, 08:38 PM
Well Someone wrote me a check for a total of $300 dollars and turns out they had closed their bank account. What can I do?

02-08-2010, 08:40 PM
Have the bank give you his contact number?

02-08-2010, 09:17 PM
i had that happen to me so i went to the bank witht he police got his address and contact number and went to his house with the police.

02-08-2010, 09:20 PM
I have a buddy that cuts grass and whenever he gets bad checks he takes the people to small claims court, it is illegal to write a bad check so you should be able to take leagal action, espcially if you have run it through your bank acct and gotten the copy back that says why it was returned.

I dont think you will get any info from his bank about him, it is usually against bank policies to give out info to random people, regardless of the situation (i wrk at a bank). 99% of the time if they were able to give you a contact number he wont answer, or the number will be disconected.

Check with your local courts/law enforcement to see where you go from here.

02-08-2010, 09:21 PM
OR, plug the address from his check into your GPS, wait for him to come home, and BEAT HIS *****

02-08-2010, 09:59 PM
You have to send a certified letter to the address on the check Once you get the return receipt back or the unclaimed letter itself back, you can take it to the courthouse (magestrate I think) and they will put out a warrent. You are allowed to collect the face value of the check plus a fee (like the $25 $35 returned check fee that you see sometimes) plus the filing fee at the courthouse. Thats the "legal" way to approach this. It is a slow slow process but eventually you stand to get back your money.

02-08-2010, 11:11 PM
I know who the person is they know they did wrong.....My EX girlfriend...Bought a computer off me for 400...Paid 200 in cash and 200 in bad check and another 100 in bad check for another amount she owed..For a total of 300...So need to know what I should do now. Went to get a payment from her last week as its been months and all she said she had was $20 dollars. Im tired of playing cat and mouse

02-09-2010, 09:59 AM
I dont blame you. So basically you have 2 choices. Forget about the money and move on, OR, tell her either pay TODAY or I'm taking both checks to the magistrates court...PERIOD. Send her the letter and let the court deal with it so eventually you get your money back. I have 2 theories on bad checks at my business. When you write a check and its returned...I say you probably made a mistake in your account and I trust you will take care of it. BUT when you write me a bad check on a closed account....you KNEW it was closed so basically you stole what ever you were "supposedly" paying for. I have absolutely NO sympothy on that and if I can make you pay with penalty your D*** sure about to. Ex gf or not....she porposly cheated you out of $300. She need not give you any BS about she didnt know.

02-09-2010, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by jkiserracing
I dont blame you. So basically you have 2 choices. Forget about the money and move on, OR, tell her either pay TODAY or I'm taking both checks to the magistrates court...PERIOD. Send her the letter and let the court deal with it so eventually you get your money back. I have 2 theories on bad checks at my business. When you write a check and its returned...I say you probably made a mistake in your account and I trust you will take care of it. BUT when you write me a bad check on a closed account....you KNEW it was closed so basically you stole what ever you were "supposedly" paying for. I have absolutely NO sympothy on that and if I can make you pay with penalty your D*** sure about to. Ex gf or not....she porposly cheated you out of $300. She need not give you any BS about she didnt know.


02-09-2010, 11:59 AM
if your not worried about the money, but just dont like being taken advantage of. than i would make her work for the money if you know what i mean.

02-09-2010, 12:02 PM
Oh I am not afraid to confront her on this...She is my year and a half olds mother so i see her daily for my son's sake to pick and drop him off. I have made the threats to do so but no legal action. However i blew it up in her face about the bad check issue and she said "there is nothing you can do about it as I already checked into it"prolly trying to bluff me.. But been to long I am ready to get my foot wet

02-09-2010, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by OutlawEX
However i blew it up in her face about the bad check issue and she said "there is nothing you can do about it as I already checked into it"prolly trying to bluff me.. But been to long I am ready to get my foot wet

With that kinda attitude, Take her to court.

02-09-2010, 12:18 PM
Yeah, small claims court. You want the laptop back or the money.

Tommy Warren
02-09-2010, 05:19 PM
I'm sure you can find a hitman for less than 300 bucks....may solve a lot of problems.....just throwin it out there