View Full Version : Removing intake tube from air box

02-08-2010, 04:51 PM
Does the black rubber intake tube that connects to the carb disconnect from the airbox?

If so, how?
I don't wanna mess anything up.

02-08-2010, 06:22 PM
Yes it does. I removed it from the stock airbox years ago when I went to an aluminum box.

You basically have to start on the front bottom corner of the airbox where the stock snorkel tube inserts. Push that rubber part out from the inside while pulling from the outside. Once that part is out you will have to flex the main airboot part (where the filter attaches) and try to pull it out. It wouldn't hurt to warm things up first with a hair dryer or bring the airbox inside and work on it. After you remove it you will have a big "snowman" shaped hole in the airbox since the airboot and snorkel boot are all one piece.

Good luck man, work slow and don't force anything, it's easy to crack the thin plastic of the airbox.

02-08-2010, 07:44 PM
Thanks for the help....

Worked like a charm.