View Full Version : kneecap damage

02-08-2010, 08:46 AM
has anyone ever broken or done damage to their kneecap? in 2008 i had a wreck and trashed my right ankle. well my left kneecap also had a crack all the way across, wide enough you could stick the tips of your fingers in it and kinda spread it apart. well i asked the doc about it and he checked it out and asked if it hurt or bothered me in any way, and it didnt, so he said dont worry about it. well now this weekend i slammed into a wall at a StadiumCross race, and my left knee was the first thing to hit, now that the swelling has gone down, i can feel 2 cracks in it now!!!! but it DOES NOT HURT when i move it, i can jump, run, stretch, no pain. there is a little pain when i feel the cracks with my fingers. I'm planning on going to the doc on friday. just going to see what ya'll thought. I wrecked in my Qualifyer on fiday, so i raced a Main on friday, 2 practices, a qualifyer and main on saturday with my knee like this and NO PAIN?!?!?!

Here was my knee Fiday night after the race.

now it has brusing around it.

02-08-2010, 08:51 AM
WOW, hard to believe there si no pain in that thing with the way it's all swelled up like that..does it feel like there is water in it? hopefully everything turns out good at the doctors!! good luck..

02-08-2010, 08:57 AM
ya in that picture it was FILLED with liquid. i've had it elivated and a leg cooler on it at night and the swelling has gone down enough for me to explore my kneecap. but yes, it is very weird for it to be that messed up with no pain? dont bother me, rather no pain

02-08-2010, 10:05 AM
in july of 08 i wrecked and tore my acl/mcl and cracked my knee cap on the same knee. I dont remember exactly what they did but he out some kind of mesh cage around my knee cap to give it a little more structure. not exactly sure if they called it something but thats what they did

02-08-2010, 10:40 AM
Knee/shin guards might be a good idea... I don't understand how that doesn't, nerve damage?

02-08-2010, 12:24 PM
I cracked my kneecap from a wheelie gone wrong awhile back and can't kneel for more than a few minutes at a time on it now. But never incountered anything like yours.

Hopefully everything goes well with you.

02-08-2010, 12:32 PM
get moar kneebrace, homes.

02-08-2010, 06:50 PM
severe nerve damage maybe?? Thats pretty rough man i would def. get a second opinion on that one.

02-08-2010, 07:03 PM
That makes my knee hurt....and my stomach turn just thinking about poking my finger between the pieces of a broken knee:scary:

02-08-2010, 07:10 PM
I feel on some icy concrete stairs years ago, and I have what I think is a bone chip or a crack in my knee cap. I can move it up and down with my fingers, no pain at all. Never even got it checked out because it never hurt.

02-08-2010, 07:16 PM
here is an update pic on the knee.


02-08-2010, 08:34 PM
I must be strange... I'm sittin here munchin on potato chips while lookin at your mangled knee!

But yeah, get to the doc, ASAP. I wouldn't wait until Friday. And see a different doc. ;)

02-08-2010, 08:34 PM
with the purple bruising I would say you have a nice sized crack. Go to you orthopedist right now. You dont want this to haunt your for the rest of your life.

I shattered my right kneecap when I was 19. Motorcross...tried to triple a double / single that didnt work out. I cant kneel at all and walk with a limp...and that was after 6 months of rehab after a knee cap replacement. Plus I still get fluid behind the knee cap. Let me tell you how fun it is getting stuck with an 8 ga. needle through the back of your knee to drain it a few times a year. I did all this 18 years ago and each year it aches a little more.

02-09-2010, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
ya in that picture it was FILLED with liquid. i've had it elivated and a leg cooler on it at night and the swelling has gone down enough for me to explore my kneecap. but yes, it is very weird for it to be that messed up with no pain? dont bother me, rather no pain

I was there in corinth Friday night. Where you on a red or white 450r? I was there a few weeks back too. Not racing though, i broke my femur this past july.

Id definitely see a doc to btw:scary:

02-09-2010, 01:30 PM
I was the White 450. the red one was my brother, this past week has been one crappy week for us.