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02-05-2010, 04:43 PM
Hey were saved: according to the news the economy is coming back. NBC just announced that jobs were going up and so were sales. What did they use for an indicator, cheap wine sales were up to record levels and gamboling has risen 30% in the last six months.

Are you kidding me!!!!!!!

02-05-2010, 05:21 PM
if the economy was coming back wouldnt people be using expensive wine to drink away there problems? :p

02-05-2010, 07:15 PM
it would be nice to see a little stability im confident in the next yr or 2 we will see some good improvemnts

02-05-2010, 07:16 PM
The economy must be coming back, I just got laid off.

CRE Performance
02-05-2010, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by chucked
The economy must be coming back, I just got laid off.

So did 20,000 other people. But the unemployment rate went down. The liberal media and democrats all think Americans are F'n idiots evidently. It doesnt take a math wiz on that one.

Tommy Warren
02-05-2010, 07:26 PM
A special thanks to everyone who wanted to make history instead of fixing a damaged economy. you got your black man and we are all paying for it. Because you were successfully blindfolded by the media you are all going down....and your bringing your neighbouring countries with you......NOBAMA:grr:

to everyone who didn't vote for douchebama.....thank you and better luck next time:ermm:

02-05-2010, 07:30 PM
I started going to a gym, they always have some news channel on. They are still talking about tiger woods. Goes to show how worthless the media is

CRE Performance
02-05-2010, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by chucked
I started going to a gym, they always have some news channel on. They are still talking about tiger woods. Goes to show how worthless the media is

Bad part about this.....I feel the media was about 90% responsible for getting him elected. Now he's on TV telling people to stop watching the media now that they are uncovering his b*ll****.

02-05-2010, 07:59 PM
It wasn’t just the media, you had black selebs pumping there audiences before the election. I was watching a Steve Harvey repeat on comedy central and he stopped in the middle of his routine and actually said if you were black it was you duty to vote for obamie. Those were his actual words, of curse we know what would happen if it were turned around and a white man did that.

HOPE and CHANGE Witch means: you better hope you have some change left when I get done with you.
He said he had a plan but he never said what his plan was, I’m still waiting.

Oh wait his plan was to spend all of our money and tax us to death.
Welcome to the world of the haves and the have knots.

02-05-2010, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
It wasn’t just the media, you had black selebs pumping there audiences before the election. I was watching a Steve Harvey repeat on comedy central and he stopped in the middle of his routine and actually said if you were black it was you duty to vote for obamie. Those were his actual words, of curse we know what would happen if it were turned around and a white man did that.

HOPE and CHANGE Witch means: you better hope you have some change left when I get done with you.
He said he had a plan but he never said what his plan was, I’m still waiting.

Oh wait his plan was to spend all of our money and tax us to death.
Welcome to the world of the haves and the have knots.

I hope some of the taxes go to grammar school!:blah:

I can tell the country is picking up, because I've been out of work since the second week in December. :rolleyes:

02-05-2010, 08:43 PM
i cant believe soem of you guys believe obama was going to change anything...to be honest i still wouldnt vote for mccain, i dont care what you say, neither one of those yahoos would of fixed this mess in a yr, mccain gives me the creeps and obama feels like my freind....i cant beleive some of you even wonder why obama was elected over mccain...americans dont give 2 ****s as a whole and they dont put any thought into politics, they voted for the coolest guy

i hate to bring up the race card but man this is 1 website no black man will ever get credit for anything he accomplishes....lol

i blame it on all the greedy white people giving loans to the lazy dumb white people...then they used this poor half and half fella to take the fall:blah:

the whole problem with this country is no one cares, they think everyone else should care about them and they expect to be taken care of and they beleive they have the right to anything they desire.....the american dream has become the american disease if you ask me...

CRE Performance
02-05-2010, 09:04 PM
I dont blame it on the loan situation at all, I think it is a bi-product of a greater problem. Dont get me wrong, im a conservative ....but I do blame the failing financial situation on fuel prices. Fuel prices that were raised to fight a war, a war that in my opinion couldnt and shouldnt be avoided. When the fuel prices went to above $3-$4 a gallon, a middle class family then and still does have a biggest expense...fuel. It is something that no matter how much garbage people spew about sitting at home cant be replaced, it has to be had. I figure the only good part about getting a democrat in office was the fact that fuel would down, and the economy would improve.....Obama nor his democratic congress have done one damn thing to correct it. They have spent a helluva lot of money and made some rather ignorant mistakes to make up for it, like closing Gitmo.

For the record, I dont give a damn if he is black, white, 49% or what he is....him and his democratic congress arent getting it done, only going backwards. I expected change, I expected worse case scenario a stalemate in the economic situation ....what I didnt expect was a change for the worse.

02-05-2010, 09:19 PM
We need chang Put poor people in office.............

02-05-2010, 11:47 PM
The two party system will be the death of this country. Each side knows it's either / or and just wait thier turn. Niether one has done anything to help the people since Rosevelt. Vote for a third party and let the big two know if they don't clean up they will be unemployed.

02-06-2010, 12:08 AM
Hrmmm . To me it just looks like stimulus money is starting to kick in. What happens after all the stimulus cash has been used up? Oh yeah ... back in the same position as before.

Bank CEOs are still giving themselves big bonuses, The car companies have done nothing to fix the problems they have with sales or introduced new economical models, The banks are sitting on repoed homes that they can't sell , and people still can't get loans even with proven income records.

What's really screwing you guys in the USA... your dollar is not as strong as it was 2 years ago. Protectionism isn't allowing your economy to get back on it's feet . Investors are still very cautious of investing into manufacturing and such ... so they're sticking with comodities which are proven .. gold and oil !!! When the dollar gains strength , then the economy will restart ... but investors are still leary , especially after billions were given to CEOs who were told no more bonuses , yet they're still receiving them.

02-06-2010, 12:43 AM
all of you have made some good points. i agree things are tough.but instead of *****ing and whining about it. if you don't like it tell me ONE SINGLE PLACE that's better and then move there.

02-06-2010, 01:19 AM
i've got plenty of work and money is not a worry for me but i still see plenty of my family and friends having issues due to the current economic state and i'm sick of it. i've said it from the beginning, obama was the democratic party's way of pulling a sheet over the eyes of america while they did what they please. i agree the only real option we have at the moment to turn this around is to vote in a 3rd party president at the next opportunity but which one do we have enough background on to support?

02-06-2010, 01:48 AM
^^^ Agreed. I say we just get Bill back in office. :macho

Ruby Soho
02-06-2010, 07:06 AM
don't blame it all on obama. no matter who you elected we would have been in the exact same position we are now.. and you guys would be saying its mccains fault and that we should have voted for obama.

02-06-2010, 08:21 AM
No I don’t think anyone thinks obama was going to save the economy. That would be stupid. The problem is the ridicules solutions the obama administration is using to handling it.
I mean come on taking 700 billion dollars to bail out a broken down and mismanaged savings and loan industry that rewards it CEO’s with million dollar bonuses. It like paying a crack head to break into your house to support his drug habit.

Then on top of that you have a media industry that is so bias and full of miss information and is so one sided. There is no accountability for the actions of the top executives that are responsible for this mess.

02-06-2010, 08:43 AM
What's so funny to me is this "health reform".

I over heard some guys talking or *****ing about having to pay a small co-pay for their meds saying how they're fed up and we need to get this **** passed so they are free. Yet When I'm tuned into the TV there are commercials advertising to go down to MX and buy the same meds for a fraction of the cost in the US.

The same guy was *****ing about his recent knee surgery and how he was gonna talk to his Doc about better pain meds as soon as he got back home.

Now what's wrong with this picture LOL...

02-06-2010, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star

Bank CEOs are still giving themselves big bonuses, The car companies have done nothing to fix the problems they have with sales or introduced new economical models, The banks are sitting on repoed homes that they can't sell , and people still can't get loans even with proven income records.


02-06-2010, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by feuerstack411

I was just about to mention that. Ford has done a great job recovering. Stock price was $1.84 5-6 months ago now its $11.xx.

About bama, he just spends too much god damned money, plain and simple. This is a time to withhold as much as possible as to reduce taxes on the people who are really hurting. As far as the housing crisis, we can lay that blame on Clinton and the Dems for forcing banks to give low income high risk mortgages to people under the theory that "every America should own a home." I guess that one has blown up in their faces huh?

02-06-2010, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by trick450r
I was just about to mention that. Ford has done a great job recovering. Stock price was $1.84 5-6 months ago now its $11.xx.

Ford didn't take the bailout money either:)

About Obama, this recession was 6 oh so years in the making. You can't expect the economy to fixed in one year. Stop being so close minded,racist,ignorant, or whatever, and start being realistic.
Anyone with common sense would realize you can't fix this mess in a year.

02-06-2010, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by CADWELL
What's so funny to me is this "health reform".

I over heard some guys talking or *****ing about having to pay a small co-pay for their meds saying how they're fed up and we need to get this **** passed so they are free. Yet When I'm tuned into the TV there are commercials advertising to go down to MX and buy the same meds for a fraction of the cost in the US.

The same guy was *****ing about his recent knee surgery and how he was gonna talk to his Doc about better pain meds as soon as he got back home.

Now what's wrong with this picture LOL...

The trouble with buying meds from furan country’s like MX and Canada is they don’t stick to the same standards and the meds you get down there are not as pure and contain dangerous compounds that will interact with other meds and could lead to your death.
One reason Tylenol can say that there the most recommended pain med given by hospitals is that they give the hospital the Tylenol for free and then the hospital charges you $12.00 a piece for them. Tylenol gets free advertising and the hospital makes a killing from them.

02-06-2010, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
A special thanks to everyone who wanted to make history instead of fixing a damaged economy. you got your black man and we are all paying for it. Because you were successfully blindfolded by the media you are all going down....and your bringing your neighbouring countries with you......NOBAMA:grr:

to everyone who didn't vote for douchebama.....thank you and better luck next time:ermm:

i agree with u on this one haha but mcain's old *** prob would have croked and then we would have more issues

02-06-2010, 12:54 PM
Are you kidding me, closed minded? 700 billion is closed minded. Most people can’t even understand how much that is.
It takes 10, 100,000.00 to make a million.
It takes 1000. million to make a billion.
So that dept is 700,000- one million dollar bills. That’s crazy!!!

Let me give you youngsters a history listen. In 1941 Eisenhower proposed and implemented a plan to link our infrastructure by building the US interstate highway system. It was a two fold effort to, one put Americans to work and two too create a highway system that would allow us to ship our goods across country in order to win the war effort. Going back even farther during and after the great depression men were hired by the Us government to dig ditches by hand and burry gas lines and work on our infrastructure, again it was done to reduce unemployment and put the country back to work. I just watched a program on the history channel and the state of our infrastructure is in dire need of rebuilding. NY city looses 40% of there fresh water to water leaks in the old system. Our sewer systems are old and breaking down, we are just barley able to keep up with the demand for gas and we have not built not on single oil refineries in over 30 years. Our electrical grid is over worked and can’t handle the load we put on it and that’s why we have those rolling blackouts. The interstate highway system is 60+ years old and is breaking down.

We need to start rebuilding this country and not worry about other countries.
That 700 billion would have put a lot of people back to work and fix a lot of things that really need to be fixed. They should have let those finance co. fail like they deserved to.

02-06-2010, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by UNBROKEN
i agree with u on this one haha but mcain's old *** prob would have croked and then we would have more issues

I'd rather live in Soviet Russia then have Palin as president.

Just throwing this out there, I'm not a Obama supporter

02-06-2010, 06:04 PM
confused...where did 700 billion go again?

02-06-2010, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
confused...where did 700 billion go again? aig bailout

02-06-2010, 07:33 PM
started at 85 billion and ballooned into $150 billion. Anyone know how much was paid back?

Same with the 700 billion?

pretty sure this is the same as TARP and most of the money was paid back.

02-08-2010, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by SRH
i blame it on all the greedy white people giving loans to the lazy dumb white people...

This right here couldn't be more right! How the hell are 90% of the people I see driving brand new vehicals, awesome homes, 1 or 2 kids spending more and more, yet only work in a factory on an 8-10 hour shift? They just return to work from a 6mo. lay off and get the loans. Me...I go in with a GAURANTEED payment thanks to a pension that never go's down, wife working, and get told... "you don't have the credit"... OK... so I have a 548-565 score (was 540 last I checked but have NO idea how that crap works). I'm like 19-15 points from having great credit but can't even get a dam pre-paid credit card to IMPROVE it, NOR can I get anyone to help with a small enough loan, even my local bank of 10 years won't do schite cause I might give 'em the shaft...WTF??? Am I missing something? Banks WANT loans to build there revenue correct? So why is it a man with a SURE FIRE payment, can't even buy a dam gumball??? Our entire system is in the crapper if ya ask me. I can go on for hours for this BS but will insist I save my breath... I'm just PIZZED OFF!!!

So, do I have a right to be or am I biatching about nothing?

***WAIT!!!!*** I GET IT!!!! My "lack there of" for credit must be all them tax's and garbage I pay going to help the dam Hatians when our OWN are worse off... THAT'S IT!!!

02-08-2010, 07:25 AM
I think your forgetting that under Reagan administration the banking industry was told by the federal government that they would not continue to back them if they didn’t give out all those risky loans in the first place. Of curse when all those loans didn’t get paid back then the feds had to step in and fix what they screwed up. Now even with good credit the banking industry is hesitant about lending money. It’s not just you , I have exhalant credit and I cant get a loan ether.

I will keep saying it, welcome to the world of the haves and have-nots.

02-08-2010, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I think your forgetting that under Reagan administration the banking industry was told by the federal government that they would not continue to back them if they didn’t give out all those risky loans in the first place. Of curse when all those loans didn’t get paid back then the feds had to step in and fix what they screwed up. Now even with good credit the banking industry is hesitant about lending money. It’s not just you , I have exhalant credit and I cant get a loan ether.

I will keep saying it, welcome to the world of the haves and have-nots.

I've stayed out of this because I am not an expert in the subject area and didn't feel like doing the research. I remember credit opening up like crazy under Reagan. I thought the strategy was to grow the economy in the short term by getting people to spend money...that they didn't have. I was a college student at the time with about 40k in credit card limits when my parents couldn't even get credit in the 70's. I didn't even have a regular paying job.

02-08-2010, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
on comedy central and he stopped in the middle of his routine and actually said if you were black it was you duty to vote for obamie.

Thats not even our main problem.. Blacks didnt vote him in, it seems like there are alot of them becasue they group up. but blacks only make up like 11% of the U.S......... it was Young White people that voted him in.

02-08-2010, 11:35 AM
385 days in office to this point just a little over a year and he was supposed to turn around the whole country in that time frame?
so when are any of you gonna put your name on that ballot so the you can just whip us into shape over night. and lets not forget that obama is only one man and their are checks and balances. legislative, executive and judicial. and maybe we should help with spending in our own country and modify "the war on drugs" which has been an utter failure.

02-08-2010, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by 440racer66
385 days in office to this point just a little over a year and he was supposed to turn around the whole country in that time frame?
so when are any of you gonna put your name on that ballot so the you can just whip us into shape over night. and lets not forget that obama is only one man and their are checks and balances. legislative, executive and judicial. and maybe we should help with spending in our own country and modify "the war on drugs" which has been an utter failure.

no one man can change anything. He is the President but he doesn't control Congress. The problem is he is viewed as too liberal. You have moderate democrats and liberal democrats. The party is divided hence he isn't going to get much done. People will get upset that nothing is changing and vote the current ones out. It's a cycle.

Those in office try to balance their contributors with the general voting public. Ultimately they base decisions on trying to keep themselves in office as politics is a career. Government would operate differently if there were term limits and people weren't concerned about being re-elected.

02-08-2010, 02:24 PM
I agree his only one man and being the president doesn’t mean he can just wave a wand and make it all better. If the house or senate blocks him then there is not much he can do.
If these legislators would just stop the childish way they do business and just vote for something because it’s the right thing to do instead of voting against it just because the other party came up with it. It’s like if one party comes up with a good solution the other will vote it down just for spite. Witch just leaves us in the crapper.
I saw on the news that they spent 60 million dollars of the stimulus money on sins that said that they were spending the stimulus money.
I thought they were supposed to stop the wasteful spending but I guess not.
Not to mention that 700 billion dollar bail out money was just the start, most people don’t realize that he spent another 780 billion on the stimulus package.
I think the black minority is much higher then 11% but your right it was a strong liberal white votes that helped put him in.
I only brought up the Steve Harvey thing because it was so raciest but yet no one seems to care. But a white man can say “they look like a bunch nappy headed ho’s” and he looses he job and carrier.
The banks don’t want to loan because there not sure the federal government will bail them out again.
Obama said that he doesn’t want to fallow the Reagan administration and spend money we don’t have yet he has spent more money in the first year then any other president in history. If he keeps printing money the way he is the dollar will fall and it won’t mater how much money you have it will be worthless.
On top of all this they were not even aloud to read the bail out and the stimulus package before they had to vote. They voted on something that they no idea of what was in there.
They forced it through making everyone thing it was an emergency when they knew all along what was going on. Totally irresponsible if you ask me.
There is so much wrong with our judicial system it’s ridicules.

Even if we vote them all out they have passed legislation that will allow them to receive there currant salary for life. We need to get rid of the special interest groups and lobbyist and 90% of the currant administration. And speaking of the popular vote that’s a big joke right there. It’s not the popular vote that counts but the electoral vote that counts anyway and that dose not always represent the average vote.

03-02-2010, 02:02 AM
Check this out for a perspective of what 1 billion is.

03-02-2010, 09:02 AM
Whatever happened to " ask not what your country can do for you..."?

03-02-2010, 09:12 AM
Mmmm. I love wine :D

03-03-2010, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by SRH
i cant believe soem of you guys believe obama was going to change anything...to be honest i still wouldnt vote for mccain, i dont care what you say, neither one of those yahoos would of fixed this mess in a yr, mccain gives me the creeps and obama feels like my freind....i cant beleive some of you even wonder why obama was elected over mccain...americans dont give 2 ****s as a whole and they dont put any thought into politics, they voted for the coolest guy

i hate to bring up the race card but man this is 1 website no black man will ever get credit for anything he accomplishes....lol

i blame it on all the greedy white people giving loans to the lazy dumb white people...then they used this poor half and half fella to take the fall:blah:

the whole problem with this country is no one cares, they think everyone else should care about them and they expect to be taken care of and they beleive they have the right to anything they desire.....the american dream has become the american disease if you ask me...

Totally agree with ya here

03-04-2010, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
Ultimately they base decisions on trying to keep themselves in office as politics is a career. Government would operate differently if there were term limits and people weren't concerned about being re-elected.

100% point of fact...