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View Full Version : im thinking of leaving my job to go to school..

02-01-2010, 07:47 PM
im thinking of leaving my secure job to go to school for diesel tech. i have a good job that ive been at for 5 years now im just not happy there any more plus the hrs suck.... im nervous thoe, im taking a gamble with the economy, think id be able to find a job after schooling what do you guys think?

02-01-2010, 09:17 PM
if you like turning wrenches on your own stuff... i wouldn't do it, you just get tired of it. it just seems that the "joy" that i use to get when working on my own stuff is gone. there is some cool fun stuff, but pretty much every thing is heavy as hell, everything is dirty-greasy-nasty, and its an expensive job. right now i'm paying 1300 dollars a month in just tool bills, getting somethings paid off quicker, my tools and tool box worth is well over 30,000 and that's only two and a half years on the job. one of the perks of where i went to school is half priced tools.. o almost forgot with arrow trucking shutting down you have a bunch of techs looking for hard to find jobs and over a thousand truck drivers are out of work and some will probably be looking at the mechanic field. business is slow and shops are down sizing their staffs.

this is merely my opinion and what is happening around here.. what school were you thinking of going to? sponsor/intern program?

02-01-2010, 11:05 PM
If your going to go to school for a deisel mechanic, try to get a job lined up for that first... More so with a rail road company, or a larger trucking company. Are you single? If so, I'd get a road job, if not, find one locally... There is awesome $ in it. I should have chased that carrer when I got out of the Army, I'm a deisel mechanic to :D

GOOD LUCK either way...

02-02-2010, 06:11 AM
the army is paying for most of the school if i decide to go, but thats exactly what im worried about, not being able to find work after school... im looking at lincoln tech(barrin) in windsor locks CT its close to 50k for the school the army has 40 of it covered, if i dont use my gi bill by augest i think i loose it...hmmmm thanks for the imfo guys im going to check the school out today

02-02-2010, 06:11 AM
the army is paying for most of the school if i decide to go, but thats exactly what im worried about, not being able to find work after school... im looking at lincoln tech(barrin) in windsor locks CT its close to 50k for the school the army has 40 of it covered, if i dont use my gi bill by augest i think i loose it...hmmmm thanks for the imfo guys im going to check the school out today

02-02-2010, 06:11 AM
the army is paying for most of the school if i decide to go, but thats exactly what im worried about, not being able to find work after school... im looking at lincoln tech(barrin) in windsor locks CT its close to 50k for the school the army has 40 of it covered, if i dont use my gi bill by augest i think i loose it...hmmmm thanks for the imfo guys im going to check the school out today

02-02-2010, 07:57 AM
When you get done with the program do you get a certificate or a degree? With my program I got an associates degree, so now if I want to go back to school for something else, I'm already a couple steps ahead. Bad part about a 50k certificate is when you put it on an application and Billy bob going for the same job lists out several ase certifications, he ends up looking better on paper to some jobs even though he doesn't have the training that you do. Everybody sees ase certified and that get all googly eyed, a monkey playin with himself could get ase certified. You are doing good by looking ahead three steps but you gotta look ten steps ahead to plan out and see how many baskets you have your eggs in..

02-02-2010, 06:52 PM
is doing both an option for you?

Its tough for sure, but i feel good knowing that i can work at night and go to school during the day. I get them to pay for most of it and still get a good paycheck. With the way the economy has been i got no problem staying in school a little longer than than the average student because im working 50+ hours, expecially since work is footing most the bill.

Im hoping once im done with school hopefully the economy is picking back up, then i have a degree and 5+yrs in with a major company on my resume.