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01-27-2010, 08:18 PM
This guy makes me sick. Excuses, excuses, and more excuses. What a bafoon!

travis rimmer
01-27-2010, 08:31 PM

01-27-2010, 08:32 PM
says the guy who most likely voted him in :p

i find it hilarious that everyone actually believed that he would achieve things to make him a god. When all he did was lie to get into office so his stupid healthcare system would get denied :o

01-27-2010, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by k4f5x0r
says the guy who most likely voted him in :p

i find it hilarious that everyone actually believed that he would achieve things to make him a god. When all he did was lie to get into office so his stupid healthcare system would get denied :o

I didn't drink the koolaid ;)

Cant wait til 2012 so we can throw this bum out.

01-27-2010, 08:51 PM
yeah i can't stand this guy, at all. When i saw he was running for president and preached all this bs, i knew it wasn't going to happen! all hes done is talk about all this great stuff, and he got the people to listen. what a shame

01-27-2010, 08:51 PM
I voted for the other guy! But he was a progressive as well. We were screwed either way.

01-27-2010, 08:52 PM
I dont want to get into a political debate but IMHO the US's 2 party system will be the death of this country.

If a third party president was voted in (any third party) then the Dems and Repubs would get thier crap together in a hurry.

01-27-2010, 09:59 PM
It was just a status quo election it was him or Hilary to be the first non-caucasian male to make it to pres, neither know what the h*** they are doing. I didn’t even noone to vote for. Agree with the 3rd party, what we have in place now WILL sink this country already is. I’m convinced osama-bin-laden’s brother is running it now or both be dead long ago.

Love when Clinton, Obama, and Bush get up to press talk, reverse oreo cookie, guess it’s better than Hilary in middle although bush might not think so and Bill would approve…….lol! Why not he did it, 3 somes-r-us! Wonder if the Clintons and Tiger Woods belong to same country club. LMAO! :blah:

01-27-2010, 10:04 PM
1,089 more days
i have a countdown on my facebook

01-27-2010, 10:13 PM
bla bla bla, whether obama tried or not it doesnt matter he doesnt run the govt, i like the guy, i think he was the right choice regardless, mccain would just have better excuses and get no more done

01-27-2010, 10:43 PM
He spent my money and now I have no job, but he still wants to spend my money.

You can't win.

Instead of helping other people around the world, help the people who pay for it. Stop taking my damn money and paying for other people's food and shelter and help me put food in my stomach and save up for a house. Instead of dropping bombs on a lost cause, give that money to us. Don't raise taxes and then spend it on crap we don't need. Don't give a country that fell apart millions and billions of our dollars that ten years from now will be burning our flag and calling us all kinds of names. I should have a choice to pay for causes not, you tell me what my money will go to when I lost my job because you guys screwed up.

Stop being so God damn retarted.

01-27-2010, 11:19 PM
have you seen how much money is sent to hati i'm not Satan but 55 million is more that that country was worth stuff is rough all over i odn't rember hearing to many time when United states has a problem 50 country's on there way or donating 55 million dollar's in 2 weeks time anyone rember katrina and how nothing was really done right
our country is down for the account econmy wise imo
war's in country's where we don't belong trying to find weapons that don't exist
gas prices is what done in the civilian economy but they won't say that on tv
bailout's wasn't that billion's wasted on a company that was crooked in first place how did that buy out work considering it was shown today the goverment got jipped by AIG

01-27-2010, 11:21 PM
My boy lost his job been calling the KS unemployment for 3 months can't get through nobody's home if I were dead he would have starved by now, unemployment that is our money we are entitled to and can't even get when needed......same as our tax dollars going overseas......Nice! When we got tons of unemployed americans that need food and water, housing!...health care for the old/young... Commit to American needs stop the lies!

Al qaeda is running the country! :devil:

All his programs for the low-middle class do nothing! EG: You have to be a 3mos- year behind for mortgage help not even bail-out by then foreclosed! HOMELESS!! Ruined Credit for 10 years, bancrupt!...I can go on and on! :rolleyes:

He just keeps giving our money to over seas or corrupt bailouts to bankers, CEO bonuses now he says we need more regulations on banks and bailout money? WELL Daaaa! And this guy the President just now figuring out you don't give banks a open check book.....lol! Guy's been out of control spending since day one. Give it overseas now! :rolleyes: To the underground drug lords!...that hate and are jealous of us!

I HATE dumb Politicains! :devil:

01-28-2010, 12:59 AM
:o tired of it all, dem, rep,con,lib,right,left, they dont not know what we want or need i wanted to reach through the tv and smack him, and the same goes for the virginia governer what an idiot:o

01-28-2010, 03:08 AM
All presidential canadates say the same thing every election since the very first one. They all tell you what you want to here and when they get elected it’s business as usual.
Welcome to the Soviet Union. It won’t be long now. We will be a third world country soon.
Our forefathers went to war with England over a tea tax and called it terrene.
That was nothing compared to what is going on now.

01-28-2010, 05:38 AM
we should just get clinton back least the economy was better...so what he screwed around..he is a guy, hell we all do it..the fact that he could manage my money better and get him 2 women...well thats some serious multitasking.

01-28-2010, 06:29 AM
You are all forgetting one thing, He is a figure head. It took 8 years to get us into teh place we are now and you expect 1 man to fix it in 1 year.He did not cause this mess he inhertited it. I didnt vote for anybody nor have I ever voted. They do what they want when they want by majority vote so one man saying yes or no makes no real diffrence.

01-28-2010, 06:39 AM
Originally posted by rodeo#11
we should just get clinton back least the economy was better...so what he screwed around..he is a guy, hell we all do it..the fact that he could manage my money better and get him 2 women...well thats some serious multitasking.

Go read a book.

01-28-2010, 06:58 AM
Our political process is pretty simple...

You get to vote who gets into office. Once they are in office, they decide what happens based on those they are in bed with...special interest groups, etc.

Your only power past election day is the special interest groups you belong and contribute to. If you don't belong to any, then you have no power. Join AMA, join NRA, join whatever special interest you believe in if you intend to have a voice after you walk out of the voting booth. If your special interest group has no money to support the candidates or fight them, you have no voice.

The President can try to guide things but he can't get much done without the House of Representatives and the Senate coming to agreement.

I am not defending Obama. I didn't think he would be able to get much done anyhow. Figured he was in and out in 4 years and the political landscape might make a change by then.

01-28-2010, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by 400exrider69
have you seen how much money is sent to hati i'm not Satan but 55 million is more that that country was worth stuff is rough all over i odn't rember hearing to many time when United states has a problem 50 country's on there way or donating 55 million dollar's in 2 weeks time anyone rember katrina and how nothing was really done right
our country is down for the account econmy wise imo
war's in country's where we don't belong trying to find weapons that don't exist
gas prices is what done in the civilian economy but they won't say that on tv
bailout's wasn't that billion's wasted on a company that was crooked in first place how did that buy out work considering it was shown today the goverment got jipped by AIG

Why do you think china barely opened their wallet to give money. they knew we would give it to them. in other words, china's donation was in our name

01-28-2010, 08:07 AM
FYI, lots of countries helped out with Katrina.

link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_response_to_Hurricane_Katrina)

I don't usually reference wiki but you can just do a google on "international Katrina" and pop up lots of references...such as Canadian government website just showing their involvement.

01-28-2010, 08:09 AM
didn't see it that way but everyone thinks it's the united states job to help them out

01-28-2010, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by 400exrider69
didn't see it that way but everyone thinks it's the united states job to help them out


01-28-2010, 08:47 AM
i'm all for helping people out when they need it. but i just don't see any help coming back to us.
were pumping out millions of dollar's to other country's but we need million's of dollar's here where are poor people,unemployed, under paid people are and there still unemployed under paid and poor we need help here if you can't help your self how can you help other's

01-28-2010, 08:54 AM
He's a silvertongue with an incredible rhetoric and thats what people can't seem to see past.

He's opaque once you see past the wall of bull **** he's built up in front of your eyes.

He came into office with 8 years of fubar'd America to fix, so common sense should have told everyone in this country that his promises were no fulfillable. You cannot fix whats been destroyed in a fraction of the time it takes to destroy it.

Think about it..

you build a sand castle, and it takes 3 hours.. but it only takes one jackass 1 second to stomp right in the middle of it and youre back to square one.

I agree with ChopTop. We need a 3rd party president, and then the Dems and Reps would have to get together and find a middle ground. Right now, they just fight each other tooth and nail.

Dems want a more socialist type economy, republicans want a capitalist economy, but they fail to see that pure capitalism is impossible.


Im gonna keep living in the sticks and when the **** hits the fan, anyone here is welcome to come hold down the fort. As long as they dont ride a damn suzuki.. or drive a chevy.:scary:

01-28-2010, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by honda350r

Jesus would take care of his own before helping others.

What would you do? Rescue your own family from a fire, or rescue your neighbors from a fire first?

Its human nature to take care of your own, but its todays social standard to play World Police and try to save the earth. We dont have the resources, or the capability, and its time for this country to start fixing itself.:macho

01-28-2010, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by 400exrider69
didn't see it that way but everyone thinks it's the united states job to help them out

definitely agree. I heard one guy from Haiti living in the US on Oprah complaining that we were dropping supplies from airplanes treating them like dogs. Couldn't believe that we are dropping water (to save lives) all over the island because the airport couldn't handle the traffic load and somehow we weren't doing things right.

The one thing for everyone to remember is this tragedy happened in an instant without warning. They couldn't possibly "prepare" for a tragedy of this magnitude without help. Heck, we couldn't prepare for Katrina and we knew it was bound to happen. I remember hearing about the city living in a bowl since I was growing up in the 70's. It finally happened is all.

Robin Hood
01-28-2010, 03:48 PM
We were screwed either way.

An independent would be able to turn this mess around. I voted for Obama just because Bush screwed us over royaly from a surplus that Clinton got us into.

He hasn't been in office that long guys - cut him some slack. If **** worsens, then kick him the F out.

01-28-2010, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by honda350r
WWJD ? who wants jack daniels:confused:

01-28-2010, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by buck440
who wants jack daniels:confused:

I do!:devil:

01-28-2010, 10:28 PM
the reason why the economy was good with clinton was mostly due to the technology boom of the 90's

01-28-2010, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Hondaracing819
the reason why the economy was good with clinton was mostly due to the technology boom of the 90's

Then in the mid-to-late 90’s dumb corporate America thought we should be part of a “Global Economy” and outsourced American jobs for cheaper labor to third world countries that can’t even speak English or build Tonka Toys right use the metric sys, part of what crashed the IT and Auto industry, now we are seeing the powers to be FINALLY realize if you want something done right DO IT YOURSELF! We are pulling high-tech work back from ITALLY, ISREAL, RUSSIA, INDIA, not up to American Standards most technologically advanced country in the world, let’s hope they don’t invade our Military next and Air Bus gets the Refueling Tanker contract…that be a bad sign Air-Bus subsidized by 5 foreign countries building American Military Backbone Aircraft. And the next time someone answers an American customer service phone that speaks broken English I’ll ask for a supervisor till I understand WHAT THE H### THEIR SAYING!!!! :rolleyes:

01-28-2010, 10:48 PM
I did notice that all my local channels and some national channels aired the save Haiti concert the other night, but not one furan channel ran it. What dose that tell ya? No Spanish channels ran the special at all.

01-28-2010, 11:26 PM
I laugh when people say.... He has 8 years of problems to fix. Obama has more than quadrupled the spending of Bush's entire presidency in only one year.

The so called stimulus that was passed last year was nothing but a payoff to everyone that got Obama elected (government labor unions, universities, etc) . 4 million jobs have been lost since it was passed.

Lets not forget what caused this problem in the first place. In the early 1990s Congress put tremendous pressure on banks to lend to low income individuals or face huge penalties because govt believed everyone was entitled to own their own home. Now i am not saying the banks are not at faught. But it was the govt that enabled them to their greedy ways (Community reinvestment act).

The Bush administration attempted to crack down and Freddie and Fannie way back in 2003 the week Arnold Schwarzennager announced he was running for governor, but when Bush's officials went before congress and warned them about the lending practicies of Fannie Mae and Freddie and the enormous threat it posed to the economy if nothing was done, the officials were called racist by several black congressman.

So don't sit there and say Bush was fully to blame for this current crisis, please do some research!

01-28-2010, 11:50 PM
Reagan: "Government is not the solution to our problem government IS the problem"

No truer words have been spoken.

Leave the private sector alone, housing, banking, business, anytime the gov gets involved it goes downhill. The pressure of the government towards the banks in giving loans is what caused a lot of the problems we face now. Its goes back all the way to President Carter. take a look at the The Community Reinvestment Act. When you cannot afford something do not buy it. simple right? Personal responsibly goes a long way. how about we start using our heads?

01-29-2010, 12:39 AM
A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have. - Thomas Jefferson

01-29-2010, 07:45 AM
I had to laugh when he got on the "Jobs" soapbox. If he were worried about job creation, he wouldn't be taxing small businesses and corporations into oblivion.

My thoughts are this: Who gives a $#!@ if businesses pay ZERO in taxes, especially right now, if it means they can lower prices for consumers and afford to hire new workers. If it were me, I would offer a freeze on income taxes to any company/corporation that pledged to use the savings to lower prices and/or hire more employees.

I would also work on putting limits and restrictions on social services to weed out all of the habitual users. Image if the government were to mandate something as simple as random drug testing while collecting unemployment benefits, or mandatory birth control while on WIC or Welfare. I'd also like to see more investigators assigned to disability cases. I have personally known several people collecting full or partial disability that have absolutely no problem when it comes to doing recreational stuff. If you are collecting full disability, you should be fully disabled, not playing golf.

01-29-2010, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by F-16Guy

My thoughts are this: Who gives a $#!@ if businesses pay ZERO in taxes, especially right now, if it means they can lower prices for consumers and afford to hire new workers. If it were me, I would offer a freeze on income taxes to any company/corporation that pledged to use the savings to lower prices and/or hire more employees.

No, no, no...that would make too much sense:huh

01-29-2010, 08:58 AM
so, we eliminate corporate taxes which will lower prices or create jobs. Makes sense. So now, we just have to raise taxes on individuals across the board to pay for government services (that the corporations are no longer helping cover) right?

The good news is that the corporations will make more money and thus pay the employees better so they will be in a position to pay more towards taxes. Any individual making money from investing in the corporations will have to pay on their earnings.

Obviously, somebody has to pay for government spending via taxes. The only question is what is the most beneficial means of taxing to cover government spending. Or, we just keep borrowing and let some future generation pay it off.

01-29-2010, 09:01 AM
of course, corporations would just become holding companies for individuals...so they could collect wealth without paying taxes.

01-29-2010, 10:41 AM
Give a million dollars to every man or woman over 55 looking at retirement on 3 stipulations 1) they buy a new american car 2) they pay off their house or buy a new one 3) they retire

For the cost of 50 billion dollars you would have 50 million new american car orders, 50 million open jobs, and 50 million mortgages paid in full, and 50 million happy retired folks in a good position to pay taxes.

01-29-2010, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
so, we eliminate corporate taxes which will lower prices or create jobs. Makes sense. So now, we just have to raise taxes on individuals across the board to pay for government services (that the corporations are no longer helping cover) right?

See Part B of my plan. :cool:

Too many people out there making social services benefits a career instead of a step up and out of a bad situation.

01-29-2010, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by F-16Guy
See Part B of my plan. :cool:

Too many people out there making social services benefits a career instead of a step up and out of a bad situation.

You get my vote as long as you make corporations pay taxes on any profits they don't distribute out...or come up with something to stop individuals from saying they have no wealth when in fact they do...just tied into a corporation. :-)

01-29-2010, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by trick450r
Give a million dollars to every man or woman over 55 looking at retirement on 3 stipulations 1) they buy a new american car 2) they pay off their house or buy a new one 3) they retire

For the cost of 50 billion dollars you would have 50 million new american car orders, 50 million open jobs, and 50 million mortgages paid in full, and 50 million happy retired folks in a good position to pay taxes.

I ran this by Cron once and he's probably getting a good chuckle it don't work, but if you could just lower the age to 50 my b-day is next Wednesday I'll elect you as Pres...then I could retire and won't have to come out here a beeeeech about stuff I know NOTHING about! :D

01-29-2010, 02:39 PM
I'm not going to propose a plan, cause I don't have it figured out, but what I can say is that the gov. could spend less, tax me less, and I would be a happy camper. I hate seeing gov. workers sitting around drawing a check, while I know that I'm the one paying their wages.:scary:

01-29-2010, 02:52 PM
IT"S ALL BUSHES FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-29-2010, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by trick450r
Give a million dollars to every man or woman over 55 looking at retirement on 3 stipulations 1) they buy a new american car 2) they pay off their house or buy a new one 3) they retire

For the cost of 50 billion dollars you would have 50 million new american car orders, 50 million open jobs, and 50 million mortgages paid in full, and 50 million happy retired folks in a good position to pay taxes.

math way off 50 billion divided by 50 million only equals $1,000. ea to give a 1 million to 50 million people will cost $50,000,000,000,000.00

01-29-2010, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
I'm not going to propose a plan, cause I don't have it figured out, but what I can say is that the gov. could spend less, tax me less, and I would be a happy camper. I hate seeing gov. workers sitting around drawing a check, while I know that I'm the one paying their wages.:scary:

this is my plan too. Government needs to stop spending so much damn money it doesn't even have. There are too many services being offered by the government for free. People need to stop leaning on the government for handouts so they can live beyond their means.