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View Full Version : Painted My Wheels Black (Lots of Pictures)

01-25-2010, 01:39 PM
Well, after much consideration, I finally decided to go ahead and paint my stock wheels. I was going to go the bedliner route, but after talking with a guy at the auto parts store, I decided to try Rustoleum Hammered Spray (http://www.rustoleum.com/CBGProduct.asp?pid=29). He said he used some spray bedliner on the skids on his Jeep, and it held up alright, but started to chip after a while. He told me his friend use this Hammered stuff on his and it's held up great. He really swore by the stuff and it was cheaper than the liner, so I figured what the hell. Overall I was very impressed with the paint. It went on easy and covered real well. The wheels came out looking brand new, practically all the scratches and dings got filled in. It also dried to a nice texture, like a textured powder coating.

Anyways, here are some pictures of the process and finished product.

The paint used:
Stuck some index cards around the bead and draped a trash bag around the tire:

The index cards wouldn't sit in the bead on the rears, so I had to tape it off:






01-25-2010, 01:50 PM
looks good, let us know how it holds up

01-25-2010, 02:01 PM
what did you do to prep the surface? did you clear coat over it? an please tell us how it holds up. thanx!

01-25-2010, 02:02 PM
one of my favorites now.

01-25-2010, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Honda4life05
what did you do to prep the surface? did you clear coat over it? an please tell us how it holds up. thanx!
I just clean the surface really good with some degreaser and a scrub brush, then sanded with 150 grit, then cleaned it again and dried. I didn't use a clear coat, wasn't sure how it would act with the hammered texture.

Originally posted by Pipeless416
one of my favorites now. Haha thanks, man. Kinda ironic since yours is my favorite.

01-25-2010, 02:42 PM
i love it. your bikes really come together throughout the last few months. it looks good, you keep that thing looking mint

01-25-2010, 06:21 PM
Sorry bkelly didnt want to steal the thread, but you did help me with alot of this build since most everthing i have done is what you have done!! I used Rustoleum black under coating!! i think it worked pretty good!!


01-25-2010, 06:30 PM
Looks good, dude. You're gonna love the shocks.

01-25-2010, 06:32 PM
did yall notice how the front tires are going opistite directions......if your sitting on the bike the right one if you look the side tread its going clock wise but on the left side its going counter-clockwise

not sure if it really matters that much, just seemed different to me and i sat and stared at it and realized it was the tires

01-25-2010, 06:38 PM
ya your left front tire is mounted backwards

01-25-2010, 07:17 PM
looks awsome man i love it...other than your tire being mounted backwards but thats ok still looks awsome haha

01-25-2010, 07:41 PM
Wow, I never even realized I did that haha. It was such a pain to mount the damn thing I wasn't even paying attention to the direction I was mounting it.

01-25-2010, 08:00 PM
lol now your new paint will get scratched breakingt he bead to change the tire

01-25-2010, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by FRESHY21
lol now your new paint will get scratched breakingt he bead to change the tire Yeah, probably haha. I've got like 3/4 of a can left over so I'll just touch it up after I get it back on.

01-25-2010, 08:07 PM
ive been to the dunes before and ridden for an hour, wondering whats wrong with my bike, when my paddles are on backwards :chinese:

01-25-2010, 09:14 PM
haha happens to the best of us!! and i agree it is a ****** to wrestle the tires on and off haha

01-25-2010, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Donjuan400ex
haha happens to the best of us!! and i agree it is a ****** to wrestle the tires on and off haha It really is. We were even using the tire changer from Harbor Freight. Maybe it wasn't going on easy because we were putting it on backwards hahaha. I'm just gonna take it to a tire shop tomorrow and have them flip it real quick then hit it with some more paint.

01-25-2010, 09:34 PM
Could be worse lol. I once bought a car and didnt realize it had directional tires on it and rotated them in an X pattern.

Want to guess just how long they lasted? I bought tires 3 months later lol

01-25-2010, 10:35 PM
Alright, guys. Enough about my little tire mishap haha.

01-26-2010, 03:07 PM
I want to sub this thread so I can find it later but I cannot find anywhere to subscribe to this thread.

01-26-2010, 03:35 PM
Under the last post on the page and to the right.

01-26-2010, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by bkelley
Under the last post on the page and to the right.

Thank you.

01-26-2010, 07:06 PM
looks great im re-doing my rims with that! you should hit the nerf bars with some!

01-26-2010, 07:29 PM
Nah, the nerfs would be too much black. I think I might hit my air scoops with it, though.

01-27-2010, 05:42 PM
bkelley, Is atv cycle shop still open? If I remember correctly its in North Las Vegas off of Craig. That place is sick!

01-27-2010, 06:31 PM
Yeah it is. They place is cool but they're pretty pricey. They quoted me $2,000 to do my 426 kit. That means they were trying to charge like $1,700 in labor.

01-27-2010, 06:37 PM
:eek2: WOW! I never quizzed them on labor or engine work. I was pretty impressed with all the fully built quads they had. Also the fact you could buy pretty much any quad bone stock... Go in there and add practically any bolt you wanted.

01-27-2010, 06:46 PM
Yeah, they do have a lot of nice built quads and the parts selection is pretty good, they just don't have the best prices. Though it's hard for anyone to compete with online stores these days. Regardless, what they quoted me for the 426 kit left a bad taste in my mouth. My dad's even known the owner (Steve Abbot) for a long time.

01-28-2010, 01:23 AM
very nice professional job, looks good now lets hope it holds up

01-28-2010, 08:18 AM
BK, very nice job, I just did the same thing to my rims, one suggestion though, go on ebay and buy those full lug nuts,

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chrome-ATV-Lug-Nuts-10MM-Honda-TRX-450R-250R-400EX-ATC_W0QQitemZ300390064887QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors _ATV_Parts_Accessories?hash=item45f0a4a2f7

I got black and painted them red to match my red plastics, the red he sells is not the same shade.

01-28-2010, 12:13 PM
Man, why'd you have to do that to me haha? I've been trying to convince myself that I am happy with the stock lugs. Can I see a picture with your red lugs? I was wondering how that would look.

01-28-2010, 12:17 PM
I'm trying to post a picture now, give me a few minutes.

01-28-2010, 12:48 PM
Okay, this is the best I can do for now. What do you think.

01-28-2010, 12:57 PM
Haha I can't really tell anything from that picture. Sorry, man.