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01-17-2010, 05:09 PM
So what are your thoughts on Phoenix? I know most of us knew the results already (:rolleyes: ) but how do you think this is going to play out for the rest of the season?

I'm glad Dungey won and happy Short's doing well also.

Sucks that Stewart got injured but he still managed to finish the race and pick up some points.

Reed DNF'd for the second week in a row and honestly I don't think he's a contender this season. Too many people came out swinging and are delivering out on the track. Not sure if he's not liking his bike or if its just bad luck and he's unhappy with his results thus far. I think his spirits are low and he's only going to become more frustrated and angry out on the track which probably won't help him any.

Stewart should have stayed out of Reed's pit and just been thankful he finished the race. Chad isn't much of a threat to him or anyone else as of now so he should have left it at that. But he probably got caught up in the heat of the moment and went wild :p ...Stewart's frustrations are showing as well I guess.

What's everyone else's thoughts? A CRAZY season so far for sure!!

eastside 400
01-17-2010, 05:55 PM
well reed is done, looks like his hand needs surgery, IMO it should of been stewart who should of walked away with broken bones because of his stupidity and arrogance on the race track, he completely took partridges line in air and this happens every race stewart is in, in the lcq he took tommy hahns line over the finish line jump. reed didnt intend anything on stewart, he just took the inside and js cut down without looking. i cant stand stewart and i never could, someone needs to take him out before he takes everyone else out

01-17-2010, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by eastside 400
well reed is done, looks like his hand needs surgery, IMO it should of been stewart who should of walked away with broken bones because of his stupidity and arrogance on the race track, he completely took partridges line in air and this happens every race stewart is in, in the lcq he took tommy hahns line over the finish line jump. reed didnt intend anything on stewart, he just took the inside and js cut down without looking. i cant stand stewart and i never could, someone needs to take him out before he takes everyone else out
how is it james fault for cutting down on chad when he is in front of chad. last time i checked you dont base your line choice on whos behind you. and if you noticed james had to take that line because brayton cut down in front of him to.

01-17-2010, 06:57 PM
no one needs to take anyone out...i hate that...have your little fights off the track, but dont screw around with trying to take people out on the track, thats how people really get hurt...not saying reed took stewart out or vice versa, i just dont like people getting violent on the track...other than that, mad props to dungey, real glad to see him pick up a win

01-17-2010, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by eastside 400
well reed is done, looks like his hand needs surgery, IMO it should of been stewart who should of walked away with broken bones because of his stupidity and arrogance on the race track, he completely took partridges line in air and this happens every race stewart is in, in the lcq he took tommy hahns line over the finish line jump. reed didnt intend anything on stewart, he just took the inside and js cut down without looking. i cant stand stewart and i never could, someone needs to take him out before he takes everyone else out

reed was 100% at fault. look at the line he took. since when has going to the middle of a corner, spinning around and going the other way fast? since the person your spinning into is currently holding #1. reed is a little *****.

01-17-2010, 08:23 PM
I guess stewart went to talk to reed in the pits after the race and pushed reeds bike off his stand. I bet he loses points for doing that.

D Bergstrom
01-17-2010, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
reed was 100% at fault. look at the line he took. since when has going to the middle of a corner, spinning around and going the other way fast? since the person your spinning into is currently holding #1. reed is a little *****.

I didn't see it like that at all. Do you watch much supercross? What Chad was doing is called "squaring the corner"(there are other names for it, but that is what I always called it), riders do it all the time, been doing it for decades. By the way, Chad did not hit James, James ran in to Chad. There was two different lines in that corner, they just happened to cross. In fact, both James and Chad were following someone into the corner using the same lines they were using, Chad and James were just closer together and hit. Both of them share blame equally for that crash, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In the heat race though, that crash was all on James. He shifted his bike in the air and ended up just about underneath the other guy.

As far as James going to Chad's pit, I am sure James was there to start sh**, trying to blame Chad for something that he was just as responsible for. I did hear about James actually knocking Chads bike off the stand and onto the ground. James deserved to have security called on him. Depending on what went down, I think James may deserve a penalty.


eastside 400
01-17-2010, 08:51 PM
js got a warning for his actions after the race, reed was initially fined and suspended bc js was saying that he intentionally pushed his head to hurt him but then the AMA reviewed it and saw that reed was just getting his arm out from under js. reed took the inside in that turn thinking that js was going to stay outside, he didnt know that js was gonna cut under brayton or anything. i still think js is arrogant and he always acts like it, if he is "the fastest dirtbike rider" like everyone is calling him now then the points should not of come down to the last round last year, im sure a bunch of guys could go that fast if they were willing to take everyone out in the process and crashing whenever

01-17-2010, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
reed was 100% at fault. look at the line he took. since when has going to the middle of a corner, spinning around and going the other way fast? since the person your spinning into is currently holding #1. reed is a little *****.

since JS is holding the #1 plate he should be smart enough not to try to split 2 people over a tripple and cause a wreck and he should know how to look ahead in a corner.

my views is every rider tries to block pass and JS just figured he would just plow him over. if ahead JS rides smart but if he is ever behind he rides over his head.

01-17-2010, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
reed was 100% at fault. look at the line he took. since when has going to the middle of a corner, spinning around and going the other way fast? since the person your spinning into is currently holding #1. reed is a little *****.

Definitely a no fault crash. He was squaring up the corner under one of the slower riders and it looks like JS did the same. Eh Stewart could've probably stayed a tad higher, but reed was almost out of the corner by the time they hit. It was an aggressive move by both, but the wreck could've easily been avoided by stewie. Reed took a low line under stewart so he was pinched as far as lines to take.

What about Stewart cutting under patridge? I think he's the guy that got the shaft out of all of this. Once again another irrational and wreckless move my JS7. Winning is great and all, but when you're nailing a 90'+ tripple, don't take someone else's line. Have some respect and sportsmanship.

01-17-2010, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
reed was 100% at fault. look at the line he took. since when has going to the middle of a corner, spinning around and going the other way fast? since the person your spinning into is currently holding #1. reed is a little *****.

:confused: :huh

I dont think either of them are at fault for that wreck..... But i do think Stewart rode like an idiot from heat races to the main. Seems like people are totally forgetting him cutting off partridge and causing a wreck that could have ended alot worse and pulling a few us his cheap shot passes throughout the night. Both himself and "posse" showed their true colors after the race also. I said it in the other post, they guy lost alot of respect and fans out of the crap he pulled last night.


01-17-2010, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by eastside 400
js got a warning for his actions after the race, reed was initially fined and suspended bc js was saying that he intentionally pushed his head to hurt him but then the AMA reviewed it and saw that reed was just getting his arm out from under js. reed took the inside in that turn thinking that js was going to stay outside, he didnt know that js was gonna cut under brayton or anything. i still think js is arrogant and he always acts like it, if he is "the fastest dirtbike rider" like everyone is calling him now then the points should not of come down to the last round last year, im sure a bunch of guys could go that fast if they were willing to take everyone out in the process and crashing whenever

link to this information???

01-17-2010, 09:25 PM
Stewart was riding like an idiot out there. I don't know about the Reed move. I like Reed, but that was a very aggressive move on lap six with James.

On the other Hand..... GO DUNGEY! Looking back on it.....I'm really more of Suzuki fan than a Reed fan. I just love the zuki, always had.

eastside 400
01-17-2010, 09:26 PM

near the bottom

01-17-2010, 09:28 PM
sometimes no ones at fault in a crash, stuff happens and someone always wants to ***** and complain about it. i think it was definatley reeds fault but who cares? thats what happens in motocross. what about the whoops first lap in A1 last year? i bet theres people out there that say stewart tried to take reed out :rolleyes: i say let 'em race.

01-17-2010, 09:32 PM
is there any video of stewart pushing reeds bike off the stand?

01-17-2010, 09:47 PM
Its easy to sit here and point fingers lol. Racing is racing, stuff happens. Every pro-am race ive raced gets buck wild with rough passing. Stuffing people, people cross jumping jumps.

At that level of racing people take racing very serious and if you give them an inch they will put a wheel in.

Just my other 2 cents.

01-17-2010, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by eastside 400

near the bottom

Thanks for the link!

Originally posted by jesseweaver
is there any video of stewart pushing reeds bike off the stand?

I want to see this as well. Don't get me wrong, Stewart is a great racer, not taking that away from him, but man he has a hot head.

01-17-2010, 09:56 PM
Man i was so pumped to see this race but when i came on here earlier the other thread killed it for me:( still a good race though! shaping up to be a GREAT season!

How about weimer in the 250F class? He's having a great year

01-17-2010, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by rollie
Man i was so pumped to see this race but when i came on here earlier the other thread killed it for me:( still a good race though! shaping up to be a GREAT season!

How about weimer in the 250F class? He's having a great year

I agree. I've always liked Weimer and I'm glad he got his big break. I had big hopes for Dan Reardon, but I guess AX1 killed that.

I like to route for some of the underdogs as well and was hoping Mike Sleeter had something going, but it just looked like a failure to launch.

01-17-2010, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by rollie
Man i was so pumped to see this race but when i came on here earlier the other thread killed it for me:( still a good race though! shaping up to be a GREAT season!

How about weimer in the 250F class? He's having a great year

yea i think this year will be pretty good, nobody was giving dungy a chance a few weeks ago. i think it might turn out to be a good top 4 battle between stewart dungy VP and short... and im really looking forward to outdoors as well as long as everyone runs it. are any of good lites guys outdoors last year running 450s this summer?

01-17-2010, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by jesseweaver
yea i think this year will be pretty good, nobody was giving dungy a chance a few weeks ago. i think it might turn out to be a good top 4 battle between stewart dungy VP and short... and im really looking forward to outdoors as well as long as everyone runs it. are any of good lites guys outdoors last year running 450s this summer?

I don't think they really announce that til a little later. Everyone was counting Dungey out, but wow! What a show. Kudo's for him. I thought RV was going to be the same way when he made the switch to 450's, but for lack of terms, his season was a let down. I'm a hardcore Reed fan, but I'd love to see Dungey run away with it his first year.

01-17-2010, 10:22 PM
neither of them were at fault for the wreck but reeds out of hand

in my eyes reeds to blame, this is why

first off its lap 1 or 2

2nd your in 10th and 9th is passing for 8th....why would you dive inside him to put a block style pass on him like its the las t lap for the win

i can understand reeds frustration , his career is coming to a close and without stewart reeds whole career would of been a near walk in the park...

its so strange at the same time...reed acts like hes better... but stewart has made it apparent that hes not several times

2nd off..... if your angry with yourself for trying to make a dumb pass and taking yourself out why on earth would you smack someones head... reed had no idea if stewart was hurt...hit him in the head??? come on....

reed is a great athlete, a smart rider and a champion...whether hes a good show like stewart or rc doesnt matter, the fastest rider isnt always a champion it takes alot of mental endurance to go the path chad has went... **** 99.9999% of guys could never hold a candle to him, he needs to drop the lites class ego and be satisfied with his place in the sport and the respect everyone has for him before they start losing it

stewart is not cocky....for someone whose competition names the fastest rider in the world...think about it, your that great ...famous and rich...most of us would float away are heads would be so big, you gotta have respect for him, im a stewart fan hes professional, hes never let reeds nonsense get the better of him.... keep in mind were outsiders looking in...there is alot of stuff i sense being said and heard 2nd hand fueling this feud... and things we dont know about...so to pass judgement on something isnt fair to either...but stewart doesnt need reed...he doesnt come in contact with reed until reed does with him...ive never once seen stewart push a rider off the track on purpose...cough cough vegas 09....mr reed

see james doesnt need to do that he passes and pulls away...reed is the only one throwing a monkey wrench ,so whether its been his fault or not hes going to percieve it has this slowpoke is taking me out because he cant beat me, so james deserves a pat on the back for only getting pissed now...hell back in the 90s ud find guys fist fighting on the back sections for far less

stewart is guilty of riding with no consideration for his or anyone elses safety...but hes never intentionally taken anyone out, stewart is a machine

this race his first race was just a misjudgement on his part, im sure he didnt anticipate partridge being there or the speed etc... immaturity on james's behalf but hes working on it....

im glad reed is out of the season now...unfortunate it was a injury but as long as stewarts not too hurt it should make for a good season

i feel like ppl dont give james the credit he deserves , i kinda think james may not feel fully accepted, he never seems to be aiming for the spot light like reed, or its just not part of his personality

01-17-2010, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by KXRida
I don't think they really announce that til a little later. Everyone was counting Dungey out, but wow! What a show. Kudo's for him. I thought RV was going to be the same way when he made the switch to 450's, but for lack of terms, his season was a let down. I'm a hardcore Reed fan, but I'd love to see Dungey run away with it his first year.

ya know i dont have anything bad to say about dungey...but he plugged god a bunch on the podium one time and ever since ive been turned off by him i guess

ever since the jlaw villopoto incident i havent like poto either... i generally dont watch lites but happened to catch that race befor ei knew who jlaw was and when i seen poto riding like a dick and jlaw beat him down i was like damn this guy is the man haha

01-17-2010, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by SRH
neither of them were at fault for the wreck but reeds out of hand

in my eyes reeds to blame, this is why

first off its lap 1 or 2

2nd your in 10th and 9th is passing for 8th....why would you dive inside him to put a block style pass on him like its the las t lap for the win

i can understand reeds frustration , his career is coming to a close and without stewart reeds whole career would of been a near walk in the park...

its so strange at the same time...reed acts like hes better... but stewart has made it apparent that hes not several times

2nd off..... if your angry with yourself for trying to make a dumb pass and taking yourself out why on earth would you smack someones head... reed had no idea if stewart was hurt...hit him in the head??? come on....

reed is a great athlete, a smart rider and a champion...whether hes a good show like stewart or rc doesnt matter, the fastest rider isnt always a champion it takes alot of mental endurance to go the path chad has went... **** 99.9999% of guys could never hold a candle to him, he needs to drop the lites class ego and be satisfied with his place in the sport and the respect everyone has for him before they start losing it

stewart is not cocky....for someone whose competition names the fastest rider in the world...think about it, your that great ...famous and rich...most of us would float away are heads would be so big, you gotta have respect for him, im a stewart fan hes professional, hes never let reeds nonsense get the better of him.... keep in mind were outsiders looking in...there is alot of stuff i sense being said and heard 2nd hand fueling this feud... and things we dont know about...so to pass judgement on something isnt fair to either...but stewart doesnt need reed...he doesnt come in contact with reed until reed does with him...ive never once seen stewart push a rider off the track on purpose...cough cough vegas 09....mr reed

see james doesnt need to do that he passes and pulls away...reed is the only one throwing a monkey wrench ,so whether its been his fault or not hes going to percieve it has this slowpoke is taking me out because he cant beat me, so james deserves a pat on the back for only getting pissed now...hell back in the 90s ud find guys fist fighting on the back sections for far less

stewart is guilty of riding with no consideration for his or anyone elses safety...but hes never intentionally taken anyone out, stewart is a machine

this race his first race was just a misjudgement on his part, im sure he didnt anticipate partridge being there or the speed etc... immaturity on james's behalf but hes working on it....

im glad reed is out of the season now...unfortunate it was a injury but as long as stewarts not too hurt it should make for a good season

i feel like ppl dont give james the credit he deserves , i kinda think james may not feel fully accepted, he never seems to be aiming for the spot light like reed, or its just not part of his personality I couldn't have said it better. 100% true

01-17-2010, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by SRH
neither of them were at fault for the wreck but reeds out of hand

in my eyes reeds to blame, this is why

first off its lap 1 or 2

2nd your in 10th and 9th is passing for 8th....why would you dive inside him to put a block style pass on him like its the las t lap for the win

i can understand reeds frustration , his career is coming to a close and without stewart reeds whole career would of been a near walk in the park...

its so strange at the same time...reed acts like hes better... but stewart has made it apparent that hes not several times

While I can see your point, block passing is infact a part of racing, but I still see it as a no fault accident. If it was a true block pass, I'm sure Reed would have been a little more aggressive with the rear brake and swinging the back end around.

Originally posted by SRH
2nd off..... if your angry with yourself for trying to make a dumb pass and taking yourself out why on earth would you smack someones head... reed had no idea if stewart was hurt...hit him in the head??? come on....

reed is a great athlete, a smart rider and a champion...whether hes a good show like stewart or rc doesnt matter, the fastest rider isnt always a champion it takes alot of mental endurance to go the path chad has went... **** 99.9999% of guys could never hold a candle to him, he needs to drop the lites class ego and be satisfied with his place in the sport and the respect everyone has for him before they start losing it

His place in the sport? May I remind you he is infact a multi SX champ still holding 1 more pro win than stewart. If anyone is losing respect, it's stewart. His wreckless and outlandish riding on the track isn't only endangering himself, but other riders. Travis Preston anyone? Kyle Patridge? Ivan Tedesco? Any of these names ring a bell?

As far as the crash, I'm still 50/50 on what Reed was doing. One angle it looks like he smacks him and the other it looks like he's getting leverage to get his arm out. James was taking a nap on Reed's broken hand. I guess he was expecting an excuse me first?
Either way, AMA ruled that it was not an unsportsman like act and nothing was issued. No doubt about it Stewart should've kept his line if a rider was down below him. Reed was trying to sneak in under Brayton but JS followed through with squaring up the corner as Millsaps and Brayton did.

Originally posted by SRH
stewart is not cocky....for someone whose competition names the fastest rider in the world...think about it, your that great ...famous and rich...most of us would float away are heads would be so big, you gotta have respect for him, im a stewart fan hes professional, hes never let reeds nonsense get the better of him.... keep in mind were outsiders looking in...there is alot of stuff i sense being said and heard 2nd hand fueling this feud... and things we dont know about...so to pass judgement on something isnt fair to either...but stewart doesnt need reed...he doesnt come in contact with reed until reed does with him...ive never once seen stewart push a rider off the track on purpose...cough cough vegas 09....mr reed

see james doesnt need to do that he passes and pulls away...reed is the only one throwing a monkey wrench ,so whether its been his fault or not hes going to percieve it has this slowpoke is taking me out because he cant beat me, so james deserves a pat on the back for only getting pissed now...hell back in the 90s ud find guys fist fighting on the back sections for far less

Stewart not cocky? Did I hear that right? Great rider, but by far one of the most arrogant. I've met him several times at the pro races and it seems to have an attitude. Yes Stewart does pass and pull away, but 95% of his passes are dirty and usually result in contact. I feel RC set the best example of how to act. By far the racing never went to his head and he's a great guy to talk to at the races.

Originally posted by SRH
stewart is guilty of riding with no consideration for his or anyone elses safety...but hes never intentionally taken anyone out, stewart is a machine

this race his first race was just a misjudgement on his part, im sure he didnt anticipate partridge being there or the speed etc... immaturity on james's behalf but hes working on it....

im glad reed is out of the season now...unfortunate it was a injury but as long as stewarts not too hurt it should make for a good season

i feel like ppl dont give james the credit he deserves , i kinda think james may not feel fully accepted, he never seems to be aiming for the spot light like reed, or its just not part of his personality

Ya know I thought JS really turned his riding around with AX1, but once again he presented more irrational and wreckless moves. Winning is great and all, but when you're nailing a 90'+ tripple, don't take someone else's line. Have some respect and sportsmanship. I thought the 2010 season brought out a new james stewart after watching round 2, but I guess we were all wrong. Doesn't look like much has changed.

01-17-2010, 11:20 PM
ahhh your too biased i can see it

also the reason the crash occured was reed did not anticipate js to pivot like that but if he hadnt you could see reed was coming in on a block pass...its just not necessary on lap 2 when the rider in front of you is moving thru traffic at the same rate, especially when its a championship contender...just let him go and wait til lap 15 to make your move

you ever ride or practice with riders a few ability levels below you and come in about 2 times the speed of them....its dangerous this is what bubba runs into with the other riders....

those riders all ride a pace below james, he comes up on them much faster so hes anticipating ahead much further much quicker when he reaches them **** happens occasionally, i cant really see avoiding it, you ever pull up behind a car in traffic when your going 75 and there going 45 and change lanes?

regardless for everyones sake james needs to keep this in check, but as james said hell die trying to win

reed has more wins but hes not a faster rider, hell alwasy play 2nd to james ..its going to go down as reed won championships when everyone else was hurt... he should be satisfied hes played it as well as he has and has the championships he has with having to contend with rc and stewart...im not saying let them win , but come on taking cheap shots and riding that aggressive with things between the 2 that have happened people will stop viewing him as a champion instead he will be the cry baby

btw rc made all the same mistakes as stewart... rc got booed more than anyone...pastrana , mc and reed have all been slammed pretty good by the goat in the same fashion as stewart....

stewart is a more extreme version of rc, if he stays hungry stewart may be the new goat, reed's prime is over, james will probably surpass reed by the end of the yr for wins

01-17-2010, 11:22 PM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7o0aHp6HezQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7o0aHp6HezQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

reeds been dealing with this his whole career....reed shouldnt of talked trash saying hed beat him with a start...stewart let reed pass him to show him who the boss was...and its been snowballing ever since

01-17-2010, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by SRH
ahhh your too biased i can see it

also the reason the crash occured was reed did not anticipate js to pivot like that but if he hadnt you could see reed was coming in on a block pass...its just not necessary on lap 2 when the rider in front of you is moving thru traffic at the same rate, especially when its a championship contender...just let him go and wait til lap 15 to make your move

Biased, slightly, but I'm all for a good race. No hiding the fact stewart is fast, but it comes down to the simple fact that he has no self control. I was really impressed with his ride at AX1, but like I said, JS showed his old ways in round 2. Keep in mind, Reed's placement in Ax1, every position is needed and sometimes riding aggressive on lap 2 is needed.

Originally posted by SRH
you ever ride or practice with riders a few ability levels below you and come in about 2 times the speed of them....its dangerous this is what bubba runs into with the other riders....

those riders all ride a pace below james, he comes up on them much faster so hes anticipating ahead much further much quicker when he reaches them **** happens occasionally, i cant really see avoiding it, you ever pull up behind a car in traffic when your going 75 and there going 45 and change lanes?

Ofcourse some are going to run a slower pace. Part of the territory. Mc, RC, CR, Pastrana, and many of the greats all encountered this, but how many absurd crashes have you heard about resulting from them passing slower riders?

Originally posted by SRH
regardless for everyones sake james needs to keep this in check, but as james said hell die trying to win

reed has more wins but hes not a faster rider, hell alwasy play 2nd to james ..its going to go down as reed won championships when everyone else was hurt... he should be satisfied hes played it as well as he has and has the championships he has with having to contend with rc and stewart...im not saying let them win , but come on taking cheap shots and riding that aggressive with things between the 2 that have happened people will stop viewing him as a champion instead he will be the cry baby

Still a win is a win, can't take that away. If stewart remainded cool and collected during his races he'd be able to finish more than half of the series. Not bagging on him, but there is a point when one's riding can become too aggressive and JS is flirting with that line. I believe last year the AMA brought this to his attention as well.

Originally posted by SRH
btw rc made all the same mistakes as stewart... rc got booed more than anyone...pastrana , mc and reed have all been slammed pretty good by the goat in the same fashion as stewart....

stewart is a more extreme version of rc, if he stays hungry stewart may be the new goat, reed's prime is over, james will probably surpass reed by the end of the yr for wins

Earning a championship by good racing is the way to do it. Yes, aggressiveness is sometimes needed, but taking other riders out and putting controversial moves them is not the best way to win a championship, but in the end it's all another number to JS.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/aKjLFCKjLsg&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/aKjLFCKjLsg&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/L6K3366zwNA&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/L6K3366zwNA&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Stewart's "missed shift" (poor Kdub)
<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/hVkKi4jNfGI&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/hVkKi4jNfGI&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

01-18-2010, 12:06 AM
thats all the past, the crash this weekend with partridge was a freak thing stewart came into his line but who knows what he was anticipating

stewart has self control, he has soo much confidence he puts himself in situations a normal rider wont, hes comfortable there, and it goes wrong they hold him accountable which is right, give up on the guy because of a mishap in traffic..ohhh hes back to his old ways...naw mishap, if he does it the next 2 races...yeah hes a problem

idk what your trying to get at? everyone out there respects for his ability, hes the fastest...its when your not and you stoop to deliberately putting yourself in a situation where the faster rider is taken out ppl begin to question you...

riding aggressive is necessary but riding smart is more necessary especially when youve got 0 points... you dont slam in there on the 2nd lap when your in 10th.... if i had to bet money on what he was thinking it was "oh were in traffic....back in the pack if i make a move and james happens to go down and i move to the front of the pack hes sore hell never catch me and ill be in position to run with him in points and no one will think it was an intentional move just racing" otherwise i would of kept picking thru the pack with james and if i was faster id pass him once we came down to the last 5-7 laps if not id have to be satisfied with my finish this round....

see what im saying

01-18-2010, 12:13 AM
btw ..if you want to place blame for that a 1 crash last yr.reed shouldnt off been that close in the same line...whats he thinking ...and he was dazed when he took out windham....if anyones at fault in a 1 last yr it was reed..

tedesco...yup stewarts impatience, same with rc at dilla...but again...this isnt intentional so i dont know where you trying to go with it? if stewart was deliberately taking out other riders for his own gain id say yeah its not good for his image or legacy...but the fact he gets wild is just maturity, hes still a younger guy still figuring things out

01-18-2010, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by SRH
thats all the past, the crash this weekend with partridge was a freak thing stewart came into his line but who knows what he was anticipating

stewart has self control, he has soo much confidence he puts himself in situations a normal rider wont, hes comfortable there, and it goes wrong they hold him accountable which is right, give up on the guy because of a mishap in traffic..ohhh hes back to his old ways...naw mishap, if he does it the next 2 races...yeah hes a problem

idk what your trying to get at? everyone out there respects for his ability, hes the fastest...its when your not and you stoop to deliberately putting yourself in a situation where the faster rider is taken out ppl begin to question you...

riding aggressive is necessary but riding smart is more necessary especially when youve got 0 points... you dont slam in there on the 2nd lap when your in 10th.... if i had to bet money on what he was thinking it was "oh were in traffic....back in the pack if i make a move and james happens to go down and i move to the front of the pack hes sore hell never catch me and ill be in position to run with him in points and no one will think it was an intentional move just racing" otherwise i would of kept picking thru the pack with james and if i was faster id pass him once we came down to the last 5-7 laps if not id have to be satisfied with my finish this round....

see what im saying

Oh I agree but there is no hiding the fact the JS is probably one of the most aggressive riders out there and this has been brought to the AMA's attention quite a few times.

Originally posted by SRH
riding aggressive is necessary but riding smart is more necessary especially when youve got 0 points.

Besides the 0 points, I think this is the best advice JS could hear. I commended him on his Ax1 win. He ran a smart race and it showed. He didn't show his out of control side and rode a good race. Him and dungey had a great battle on the last few laps. Last year JS's aggressive riding almost lost him the series seeing has it came down the last race with only a 5 point difference. When JS made a mistake (with riding on the edge for 20 laps he usually did) Reed would capitalize on it and usually take the win. If JS would ride like he did in Ax1 he'd be a serious force to be reckoned with, but now we have a series contender most likely out for the year, JS who may or may not be hurt (I'm not judging on anything, but it almost looked like a show for the camera, but who am I to say), and poor kyle partridge who got screwed on the whole deal.

01-18-2010, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by SRH
btw ..if you want to place blame for that a 1 crash last yr.reed shouldnt off been that close in the same line...whats he thinking ...and he was dazed when he took out windham....if anyones at fault in a 1 last yr it was reed..

tedesco...yup stewarts impatience, same with rc at dilla...but again...this isnt intentional so i dont know where you trying to go with it? if stewart was deliberately taking out other riders for his own gain id say yeah its not good for his image or legacy...but the fact he gets wild is just maturity, hes still a younger guy still figuring things out

I'm going with the point that he has a lack of respect and sportsmanship for other riders. He has a nitch for landing on other riders A LOT. I honestly can say I've seen JS land on more riders since he's started pro than any other racer out there. It's not a good image to portray. Racing with him out there would be like racing with the Goon's off mx vs atv reflex. If you haven't played, go race a round on easy and you'll see what I mean.

I remember the big stink about the reed/stewart whoops crash and in his press release he "missed a gear and hit neutral." Reed shouldn't have been that close in the same line? Watch the stewart/dungey battle through the whoops and tell me how close they are. Reed have a very respectable line to hold. I'm not pointing the finger, I'm just stating the obvious and the facts.

01-18-2010, 01:58 PM
I am not suprised about dungeys success at all. Ricky Carmichael has been in his corner for a while and it shows. The kids head is screwed on straight also which is not common.

Are those suzukis rippin or what!!!
I have to say it easily looks to be the fastest bike
out there by far. IMO

01-18-2010, 07:26 PM
I heard the AMA had a press release that stated from here on out no one is aloud to get within 20ft. of stewart on the track. If so and he wrecks the blame will automatically be put on Reed, no questions asked.

I know most of us will defend our favorite racers, but this one tops it all i think. Some of the Stewart fans blow me away.

Riding too close in SX??????

Reed is to blame for pulling a block pass???? What are you thinking? Number one that was about the most distant thing from a block pass if you call it that. If reed wanted to pull a "stewart" block pass he would have taken his Right hand and twisted it back alot.... not come into a turn slow and on the brakes and get hit.

Reed is to blame for trying to make a pass???? Well how about stewart putting the squeze on Hahn in the LCQ over the finish line jump, he already made the main event but still had to make the pass??? Or how about on LAP 2 Stewart pulling the biggest block pass of the race on Windham making contact on a mid pack position????? Ohhhhhh snap, i forgot we are supposed to blame reed again.

And again what everyone is seeming to forget, stewart taking out himself and partridge. He even looks over at the guy on takeoff and STILL cuts him off. Wow, listen to me.... i keep forgetting it was Reeds fault.

I can go on and on over this crap. Is Reed perfect, NO! Is Stewart perfect, NO! But it doesnt take a rocket scientist to call it like it happened.

Thats just all the BS on the track. Going to Reeds motorhome, trying to beat in the door, kicking over his race bike, and making and idiotic scene with his group of clowns...... well again ill stop there.

Thank you

01-18-2010, 07:34 PM
So how do you pass Stewart if you cant get within twenty feet of him on the track?

01-18-2010, 07:37 PM
You dont pass james stewart....... he is the fastest man god created.......

Figured id write that before a stewart fan got on here and wrote it.


01-18-2010, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by jrspawn
You dont pass james stewart....... he is the fastest man god created.......

Figured id write that before a stewart fan got on here and wrote it.

who couldn't win a championship when the GOAT was racing a full season against him

01-18-2010, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by jrspawn
I heard the AMA had a press release that stated from here on out no one is aloud to get within 20ft. of stewart on the track. If so and he wrecks the blame will automatically be put on Reed, no questions asked.

I know most of us will defend our favorite racers, but this one tops it all i think. Some of the Stewart fans blow me away.

Riding too close in SX??????

Reed is to blame for pulling a block pass???? What are you thinking? Number one that was about the most distant thing from a block pass if you call it that. If reed wanted to pull a "stewart" block pass he would have taken his Right hand and twisted it back alot.... not come into a turn slow and on the brakes and get hit.

Reed is to blame for trying to make a pass???? Well how about stewart putting the squeze on Hahn in the LCQ over the finish line jump, he already made the main event but still had to make the pass??? Or how about on LAP 2 Stewart pulling the biggest block pass of the race on Windham making contact on a mid pack position????? Ohhhhhh snap, i forgot we are supposed to blame reed again.

And again what everyone is seeming to forget, stewart taking out himself and partridge. He even looks over at the guy on takeoff and STILL cuts him off. Wow, listen to me.... i keep forgetting it was Reeds fault.

I can go on and on over this crap. Is Reed perfect, NO! Is Stewart perfect, NO! But it doesnt take a rocket scientist to call it like it happened.

Thats just all the BS on the track. Going to Reeds motorhome, trying to beat in the door, kicking over his race bike, and making and idiotic scene with his group of clowns...... well again ill stop there.

Thank you

Sadly that's about the truth and all stewart fan's seem to think the same. I'm not taking anything away from him. He's fast as hell, but just can't ride a good CLEAN race, yet when something happens it's everyone's fault but his own.

01-18-2010, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by snacob14
who couldn't win a championship when the GOAT was racing a full season against him

haha no kidding you're comparing him to THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME!!

stewart is not a championship rider, he has a tremendous amount of speed, the most this sport has ever seen in my opinion, but with that speed comes mistakes. no one is able to ride that fast and not make mistakes. its part of motocross. who here has never missed a gear? it happens. i guess you could say its "his fault" but it was a mistake, like it was said earlier he doesn't do this stuff on purpose. he is not the smartest rider out there, far from it. did stewart try to land on that guy in phoenix? of course not! was it a stupid move on his part? yes! did reed or stewart try to take one or the other out? no, but it happened. who cares who's at fault?

01-18-2010, 11:01 PM
im sorry i assumed chad and you guys were intelligent and wouldnt dive inside of the 9th place guy as hes passing 8th on the 2nd lap of 20....

i dont know either of the guys if i thought reed was passing legitimately after the 10th lap or so no one would of said anything, if you watch where reed was going he was diving inside james and then tried to stop as he realized james was pivoting..i dont have any doubts reed was going into that corner with intentions of putting a sketchy block pass on stewart

stewart passed hahn for the gate pick he gained

theres no such thing as riding too close, that video was posted suppose to be showing james causing problems....i said if there was any sort of problem it was reed riding too close

there is alot more to the reed stewart rivalry than weve been hearing im sure

lets say i was racing along on the 2nd lap making a pass and bam my rival is parked in the middle of my line and takes me out...then smacks me in the head......i think id be visiting his pit area after the race as well

01-18-2010, 11:04 PM
By now most of you have likely seen, read, or heard about my chaotic night at round number two of the Supercross series in Phoenix. Nothing seemed to go my way last night, but at the end of it all, I chalk most of the events up to an unfortunate string of bad luck! Here’s my take…

After setting the fastest overall lap in qualifying, I went into the night program feeling pretty good. In what can only really be described as an unfortunate racing incident, however, I ended up hobbling off the track after getting landed on in my heat race. I was in pretty bad shape, but I tried my best to get back out there to race for as many points as possible in the main event. After a rough start, I found myself battling mid-pack, which ended in a pileup on lap five with Reed. The accident itself was a bummer, but while I was getting up, CR hit me in the back of my head. Needless to say, I was pretty dissatisfied with his decision to do so, especially given the fact that it’s not the first time this has happened.

From there, I simply rode my best to salvage as many points as possible, and then after the race went straight back to the pits to have a chat with Chad about the incident. To say that I was frustrated at this point would be a huge understatement, so I think it was for the best that Chad, nor anyone from his team, could be found at their truck.

I want to race. That’s why I’m here. So to consistently have to look over my shoulder every time CR gets close has gotten really old. From where I sit, it sure seems like he has repeatedly tried to take me out, which makes me question his agenda.

Thank you all for your loyal support, and I look forward to the championship battle that lies ahead.

- James

01-19-2010, 02:39 PM
The incident looked to me to just be racing. James went out side chad went inside. james squared off the corner to pass the other person in front and hit chad. No ones fault really. If my hand was broken and i had someone laying on it. Id push them off it too! I think everyone has got this thing built up with chad in there head and the second he does something wrong Theres a huge thing over it. Where if it was some over ride like villopoto or windham who had had the crash then pushed james off we wouldnt be having this discussion now. Just my 2 cents

01-19-2010, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by SRH
By now most of you have likely seen, read, or heard about my chaotic night at round number two of the Supercross series in Phoenix. Nothing seemed to go my way last night, but at the end of it all, I chalk most of the events up to an unfortunate string of bad luck! Here’s my take…

After setting the fastest overall lap in qualifying, I went into the night program feeling pretty good. In what can only really be described as an unfortunate racing incident, however, I ended up hobbling off the track after getting landed on in my heat race. I was in pretty bad shape, but I tried my best to get back out there to race for as many points as possible in the main event. After a rough start, I found myself battling mid-pack, which ended in a pileup on lap five with Reed. The accident itself was a bummer, but while I was getting up, CR hit me in the back of my head. Needless to say, I was pretty dissatisfied with his decision to do so, especially given the fact that it’s not the first time this has happened.

From there, I simply rode my best to salvage as many points as possible, and then after the race went straight back to the pits to have a chat with Chad about the incident. To say that I was frustrated at this point would be a huge understatement, so I think it was for the best that Chad, nor anyone from his team, could be found at their truck.

I want to race. That’s why I’m here. So to consistently have to look over my shoulder every time CR gets close has gotten really old. From where I sit, it sure seems like he has repeatedly tried to take me out, which makes me question his agenda.

Thank you all for your loyal support, and I look forward to the championship battle that lies ahead.

- James


01-19-2010, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by SRH
By now most of you have likely seen, read, or heard about my chaotic night at round number two of the Supercross series in Phoenix. Nothing seemed to go my way last night, but at the end of it all, I chalk most of the events up to an unfortunate string of bad luck! Here’s my take…

After setting the fastest overall lap in qualifying, I went into the night program feeling pretty good. In what can only really be described as an unfortunate racing incident, however, I ended up hobbling off the track after getting landed on in my heat race. I was in pretty bad shape, but I tried my best to get back out there to race for as many points as possible in the main event. After a rough start, I found myself battling mid-pack, which ended in a pileup on lap five with Reed. The accident itself was a bummer, but while I was getting up, CR hit me in the back of my head. Needless to say, I was pretty dissatisfied with his decision to do so, especially given the fact that it’s not the first time this has happened.

From there, I simply rode my best to salvage as many points as possible, and then after the race went straight back to the pits to have a chat with Chad about the incident. To say that I was frustrated at this point would be a huge understatement, so I think it was for the best that Chad, nor anyone from his team, could be found at their truck.

I want to race. That’s why I’m here. So to consistently have to look over my shoulder every time CR gets close has gotten really old. From where I sit, it sure seems like he has repeatedly tried to take me out, which makes me question his agenda.

Thank you all for your loyal support, and I look forward to the championship battle that lies ahead.

- James

If you want to race, learn how to race first. I'm still slowly losing respect for JS7. If he could race like he did in Ax1 all would be fine.

01-19-2010, 04:49 PM
telling james stewart to learn how to race is like telling travis pastrana to learn how to backflip:huh

was that a joke?:confused:

01-19-2010, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
telling james stewart to learn how to race is like telling travis pastrana to learn how to backflip:huh

was that a joke?:confused:

lol agreed

ax = arenacross

01-19-2010, 05:53 PM
After watching the crash, and more importantly Reed's post crash actions again, I don't really see Reed "hitting" Stewart in the head. When they fell Stewart's head and neck landed on top of Reed, Reed wanting to get up as quick as he could pushed Stewart off of his chest and got up. I don't see Reed intentionally hitting Stewart. Heres the only vid I could find. Not the best but w/e <object width="580" height="360"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/bUc5PCLgV4o&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/bUc5PCLgV4o&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360"></embed></object>

01-19-2010, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
telling james stewart to learn how to race is like telling travis pastrana to learn how to backflip:huh

was that a joke?:confused:

Pull moves like that in any other motorsport and see what would happen. Nascar would probably pull your *** for 2 races and fine you $20,000. Hes wreckless and simply makes bad moves on (and recently off) the track.

01-19-2010, 06:30 PM
since reed is out GO DUNGEY!!!

01-19-2010, 07:53 PM
Anyone else with Sirius listen to the conversation about this ordeal on jason ellis show? It was pretty good. More and more keeps coming out. And by the amount of fans calling in, stewart has lost alot of respect. Nothing like stewart beating on doors yelling im going to kill you in public. The best part was stewart coming off like billy BA trying to pick a fight, and he didnt even take his helmet off through the whole deal. Must have been a little scared of Reed laying him out if he really did find him in the trailer:eek2: :macho

01-19-2010, 08:09 PM
Saw this on another site, you gotta laugh.

Stewarts posse just stopped by to say hi.

01-19-2010, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by jrspawn
Saw this on another site, you gotta laugh.

Stewarts posse just stopped by to say hi.

dont really find this funny

01-19-2010, 08:23 PM
I must have missed the Ellis show, but I could only imagine what was said. I'll agree and I'm not the only one saying it, but Stewart is losing respect as a racer. It's bad when one has to say to themselves, "I wonder which racer he's going to take out tonight?"

01-19-2010, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by ryan243
dont really find this funny

Supposed to be a bunch of gangsters/thugs(from be cool). As in them trying to beat chad up.....

It was followed by a pic of chads posse(from a non reed fan of coarse lol)

01-19-2010, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by KXRida
I must have missed the Ellis show, but I could only imagine what was said. I'll agree and I'm not the only one saying it, but Stewart is losing respect as a racer. It's bad when one has to say to themselves, "I wonder which racer he's going to take out tonight?"

why is stewart loosen respect? reed is the one that took his line, he couldnt do anything... reed has been a dick wad for a few years, i thought he was the man but now hes a huge dill hole...

im not a big bubba fan also, im shooting for ryan Dungey to win, hes local for me....

01-19-2010, 09:57 PM
so what bubba went to chads trailer pissed and threw a fit.
very few of you cant honestly say you havent at some point lost ur cool....ya keep sayin bubba is wreckless and out of control and its a question of who he will take out next. I dnt really recall him intentionally wreckin anyone, and dnt say anything about him rubbin against or bumpin people. "cause let me tell ya somethin son rubbin is racin", this is supercross its close quarters and all riders bang bars, thats part of it.

01-20-2010, 05:28 AM
Originally posted by woodsracer144
why is stewart loosen respect? reed is the one that took his line, he couldnt do anything... reed has been a dick wad for a few years, i thought he was the man but now hes a huge dill hole...

im not a big bubba fan also, im shooting for ryan Dungey to win, hes local for me....

Listen to a few sports talk shows and here what people have to say about stewart, then you will see what the general consensus is. Excuse my language, but Bubba is simply an arrogant prick and knows he can get away with just about everything. Hell he's even an *** to half of his fans!

John Noftsinger
01-20-2010, 09:34 AM
i didn,t know stewart was in Nerds (looks just like him).reed got screwed out championship last year sure stewarts faster( reed was winning in points till these three races at end of season) but there were three races that looked like reed was targeted and those three races took away a championship for Reed (looked fishy) ,Reeds done for season and cant wait to see Dungy take the championship this year from stewart !

01-20-2010, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by KXRida
Excuse my language, but Bubba is simply an arrogant prick and knows he can get away with just about everything.

GREAT way to put it!! thank you. He knows hes the best, and my OPINION is ... "supercross" on tv should be called "the bubba stewart show" because EVERY race focuses half their attention of the entire programming schedule on JUST HIM. Even after he crashed they stopped showing the race for a good 5-10 minutes just to watch him hold his side where he was hurt then get carried away...

For all you dumbf*cks that think partidge's wreck WASNT bubba's fault, your all idiots, go watch the replay time after time, slow motion, whatever it takes to make your idiot self realize that bubba CUT OVER in the air and ended up in partridges line resulting in the collision. Stewart NEVER keeps his lines, and alot of his wrecks are because he rides out of control, not giving a crap about who else is racing, nor their safety. He cares about nobody but himself because he knows everybody likes him and he's the best.

As for the reed/bubba collision... I dont blame anybody on that.. if anybody on here actually RACES, and doesnt just ride, you know by that time of the night, they were all tired, racing for positions, and accidents happen. Reed thought he could slip by bubba, he didnt know bubba was going to cut down that fast, and reed couldnt just STOP on demand, its called being tired and slow reactions, arm pump, etc... anything could of played a role, dont just assume by what you saw on TV. I think they are at equal fault, they way I see it is that reed didnt have enough time, but he went for it anyway, its racing, take chances, bubba could of at least slowed down, but he was too busy riding dirty with no hand or foot on the brakes, not caring for anybodys safety, full of gas out of the corner, and little did he know, there was reed trying to pass him, so he just ran into him..

I've been watching supercross for YEARS, and yeah bubba used to be cool... now he just rides dirty and sloppy and focuses on nothing but himself and his finishes, he doesnt give a crap about anybody else. If you guys actually take the time and add up all the times bubba crashed, (sometimes 3-5 times in ONE RACE) they are sky high compared to ANY other riders, he just rides wayyy to sketchy and causes too many accidents, but yet the media thinks hes the BEST so he always gets the benefit of the doubt because he wins the most...

Overall, Dungey is on top of his game this year, as long as he stays away from bubba and doesnt get wrecked out, i think he's got the title. And for everybody thats saying reed is done... I think he just needs more time to get used to his bike... look what happened to bubba when he switched...

And i could care less to see bubba swap lines in the air again and get seriously hurt or paralyzed, it would be his fault , except the media would trick all you guys into believing somebody else caused it.. I'm sick of hearing how good he is after all the *****y things hes done.. karma IS a bit*ch and it will catch up to him someday hopefully...

Thats what I THINK, its my OPINION, so anybody who wants to bash me, go ahead, waste ur time, its my OPINION, and I could care less what you think or have to say!

01-20-2010, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Jim417mx
but yet the media thinks hes the BEST so he always gets the benefit of the doubt because he wins the most...

doesnt winning the most usually mean you are the best??
sure js7 crashes a lot, but he pushes way harder than anyone else out there...im not saying he doesnt race dirty or take people out sometimes, but his mindset is ride at the very edge as fast as you can at all times no matter what...he doesnt hold back one bit....i dont root for reed or stewart, im a dungey guy, but i have to respect the fact that js7 puts 150% into every race

01-20-2010, 01:09 PM
well put jim... james is pretty much dead even with kyle bush in my book.. (i don't like either) js has always just came across as a look at me! goodie two shoes..

01-20-2010, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by John Noftsinger
i didn,t know stewart was in Nerds (looks just like him).reed got screwed out championship last year sure stewarts faster( reed was winning in points till these three races at end of season) but there were three races that looked like reed was targeted and those three races took away a championship for Reed (looked fishy) ,Reeds done for season and cant wait to see Dungy take the championship this year from stewart !

typical Reed fan ^^^ always blaming it on someone else, just like 22 himself does.

im not gonna blame stewarts loss on anyone but himself. yes he is a wreckless rider and that is why he crashes a lot. i still think he is the fastest out there (dungeys only ran 2 races, thats not enough to prove himself yet).

i like how a lot of people say how james has no consideration for other peoples safety then they go and say they'd like to see him get paralyzed. contradiction maybe?

i have resepct for stewart just because of how fast he is and how fearless he is. motocross is actually a dangerous sport and i don't thinnk bubba pushes it too far. sure some stupid stuff happens but thats part of racing

01-20-2010, 01:30 PM
contradiction ? ya, but look at it this way,

Consider my safety, and I'll consider your safety. ... land on me, and then I'll land on you, stewart always acts dirty first, until then, I'll stay in my lines and finish my race accident free with more points than you because you were too busy riding dirty and crashing with people.

James is *****ing about points, yet if he takes time to stop and think, No crashing = more points, he'd still be in the points if he didnt ride so dirty and switch lines and crash, wouldnt he? He could of lined up at the main event feeling 100% if he didnt let partridge soften up his landing with bubbas bike.

01-20-2010, 04:17 PM
why dont yall take a look at our own sport and u'll see some ppl do/make the same mistakes stewart does.. its what happens when you go fast.. **** happens.. its racing..

reed knew that stewart was hurt so in my opinion i think he didnt have to be as aggressive as he was or wait till you have a lil bit more room to do so and the end result would've been diff and neither of them would have went down...

he passed hahn aggressively for gate pick and anybody that knows anything about racing,, gate pick is very important...

ya he bumped into kdub..100% rite but rubbin is racing and kdub didnt go down and has done the same to other riders himself so i dont see what the prob is there??

yall jus put urself in stewart shoes and with everything that happened that nite even if he was in the wrong and with the history him and reed have & say you wouldnt do something like that.. you'd be lying your *** off...

yall are jus a bunch f***in HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-20-2010, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by oj250r
why dont yall take a look at our own sport and u'll see some ppl do/make the same mistakes stewart does.. its what happens when you go fast.. **** happens.. its racing..

reed knew that stewart was hurt so in my opinion i think he didnt have to be as aggressive as he was or wait till you have a lil bit more room to do so and the end result would've been diff and neither of them would have went down...

he passed hahn aggressively for gate pick and anybody that knows anything about racing,, gate pick is very important...

ya he bumped into kdub..100% rite but rubbin is racing and kdub didnt go down and has done the same to other riders himself so i dont see what the prob is there??

yall jus put urself in stewart shoes and with everything that happened that nite even if he was in the wrong and with the history him and reed have & say you wouldnt do something like that.. you'd be lying your *** off...

yall are jus a bunch f***in HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just tired of him taking out other races and I'm kinda guessing the racers themselves are tired of his sh*t too. Like I said, he knows he can get away with anything.

01-20-2010, 09:01 PM
i dont know... bubba came down and reed was there... he couldnt really do anything...

i personally dont care about those two... im shootin for Ryan to take it all!

01-20-2010, 10:02 PM

01-21-2010, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by oj250r
why dont yall take a look at our own sport and u'll see some ppl do/make the same mistakes stewart does.. its what happens when you go fast.. **** happens.. its racing..

reed knew that stewart was hurt so in my opinion i think he didnt have to be as aggressive as he was or wait till you have a lil bit more room to do so and the end result would've been diff and neither of them would have went down...

he passed hahn aggressively for gate pick and anybody that knows anything about racing,, gate pick is very important...

ya he bumped into kdub..100% rite but rubbin is racing and kdub didnt go down and has done the same to other riders himself so i dont see what the prob is there??

yall jus put urself in stewart shoes and with everything that happened that nite even if he was in the wrong and with the history him and reed have & say you wouldnt do something like that.. you'd be lying your *** off...

yall are jus a bunch f***in HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on man!!! Are you for real!!! Reed should wait to pass Stewart because he knew he was hurt. That's the most rediculous thing I've heard of in racing. Yes, Stewart was hurt but he was on the track racing just as hard as anyone else, hence the pass and bump on kdub, therefore, he shouldn't get any special treatment. If you even watched the race, you would have seen that Stewart had run the line that Reed took in the previous laps and that's when he put the move on Kdub. Not to mention, Reed was setting that pass up 2 or 3 laps before it happened. Reed couldn't have been anymore gentle because he didn't hit Stewart. Stewart came down on him. There was a high line and a low line. Stewart went high with Reed behind him knowing he would want to get by. Stewart should of known to protect the low line and he was taking a chance of being blocked by going high.

Your point about gate pick is very important is a little flawed. It is important but it's not as important as moving up positions in the main to receive actual points towards the championship.

You contradict yourself when you say rubbing is racing and it was ok that Stewart bumped Kdub because he didn't go down. If rubbing is racing, then what happened between Stewart and Reed is just racing and there was an unfortunate result in they both went down. If you feel rubbing is racing, then you better be prepared to accept the outcome whether it's in your favor or not. Again, if you watch, Reed did not hit Stewart, he came down on him and being he was up so high on the berm and had to slow down he tipped over into Reed which took them both out. The same thing could have happened between kdub and Stewart but fortunately for them, it didn't.

The bottom line is, it was just a racing incident. Neither Reed nor Stewart meant to take each other out. It's to early in the season for that. Stewart went high, Reed went low and they came together. I will say this, Reed didn't need to push Stewarts head, regardless of what they say, that was uncalled for. Stewart didn't need to go into Reed's pits. If anyone should have gone into someone else pits, it should have been the guy that Stewart crossed in front of on the triple. That guy had every right to go into Stewarts camp because everyone knows you hold your line when going over a jump. That was just another stupid mistake by Stewart. Everyone on here are so quick to place blame on the other rider just because it's not their guy, they don't even watch and listen to what happened.

01-21-2010, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by treake
Come on man!!! Are you for real!!! Reed should wait to pass Stewart because he knew he was hurt. That's the most rediculous thing I've heard of in racing. Yes, Stewart was hurt but he was on the track racing just as hard as anyone else, hence the pass and bump on kdub, therefore, he shouldn't get any special treatment. If you even watched the race, you would have seen that Stewart had run the line that Reed took in the previous laps and that's when he put the move on Kdub. Not to mention, Reed was setting that pass up 2 or 3 laps before it happened. Reed couldn't have been anymore gentle because he didn't hit Stewart. Stewart came down on him. There was a high line and a low line. Stewart went high with Reed behind him knowing he would want to get by. Stewart should of known to protect the low line and he was taking a chance of being blocked by going high.

Your point about gate pick is very important is a little flawed. It is important but it's not as important as moving up positions in the main to receive actual points towards the championship.

You contradict yourself when you say rubbing is racing and it was ok that Stewart bumped Kdub because he didn't go down. If rubbing is racing, then what happened between Stewart and Reed is just racing and there was an unfortunate result in they both went down. If you feel rubbing is racing, then you better be prepared to accept the outcome whether it's in your favor or not. Again, if you watch, Reed did not hit Stewart, he came down on him and being he was up so high on the berm and had to slow down he tipped over into Reed which took them both out. The same thing could have happened between kdub and Stewart but fortunately for them, it didn't.

The bottom line is, it was just a racing incident. Neither Reed nor Stewart meant to take each other out. It's to early in the season for that. Stewart went high, Reed went low and they came together. I will say this, Reed didn't need to push Stewarts head, regardless of what they say, that was uncalled for. Stewart didn't need to go into Reed's pits. If anyone should have gone into someone else pits, it should have been the guy that Stewart crossed in front of on the triple. That guy had every right to go into Stewarts camp because everyone knows you hold your line when going over a jump. That was just another stupid mistake by Stewart. Everyone on here are so quick to place blame on the other rider just because it's not their guy, they don't even watch and listen to what happened.

couldn't agree more. Plus making a dumb pass like that for gate selection? Um.. the other 18 gates are already chosen, it's not that big of a deal when you only have 2 gates to choose from.

haha I love that video. In one part he says it was just a racing crash and it was probably cause by brayton, millsaps, reed, and him all in the same corner, yet when he was asked about going in the pits he's like "yah reed too me out and the dude smacked me in the head." I don't condone fighting in pro sports, but man I'd love to see Reed lay his *** out.

01-21-2010, 08:52 AM
That video with Stewart did clear up a few things. James admitted he was wrong for pushing down Reeds bike which was nice to hear... and he also said that he's aware it was just a racing accident and not done on purpose. I think he was more disappointed then anything that they both crashed and they weren't even battling for a decent spot.

We need Reed to do an interview and share his side of the story now as well. He's out for the season so I'm sure he can find time to do a 10 minute interview about everything that happened in the 2 races. Sucks to see him have a string of bad luck like this... but I'm sure he will be ready for outdoors.

01-21-2010, 08:55 AM
js just simply ride to hard to early.. any time he gets mid pack or some thing happens where hes not leading, he ride like an avalanche is behind him. if he'd slow up a peg or two he could probably count the times he has crashed, instead of having a number that's nonexistent in his crash column.

slow up, calm down and pick your moves. points go off your finishing place not how big the lead was or how many laps you were out front. the last lap is the money lap imo...
and yes i know his sponsors want to see him out front all the time, but does he want to race two more years or twenty more years?

and the js reed colision, reed looked like his move was going to be backing it in more than running all the way up the berm. and when you look at the vid js was probably two to three feet closer to the center of the corner than what the others were running. simple racing accident. reeds arm caught bubba's bars and they both ended up taking soil samples....

01-21-2010, 11:42 AM
Chad Reed interview on what happened

01-21-2010, 02:01 PM
i wonder if he did this interview before he saw stewarts....to me it seemed like stewart owned up pretty well and said he was being stupid, but chad acted like he hadnt heard that yet

01-21-2010, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by ryan243
i wonder if he did this interview before he saw stewarts....to me it seemed like stewart owned up pretty well and said he was being stupid, but chad acted like he hadnt heard that yet

stewart owns up at first and the the more he talks he goes against it? to me he sounds like he's trying to play the poor poor pitiful me card. reed says whats what straight up, he doesn't "umm aaa, umm aaa" "like you know" "it is what it is ya know"( in js context that last one is annoying)... given reeds is in text, it can be interpreted in many ways, but stewart fumbling words, rolling his eyes, looking all around trying to figure out what to say or lie to please.. just seems to me if js said what he thought i'd be not his problem... just my opinion and my take on the interviews

01-21-2010, 02:57 PM
I tell you what. I was a reed fan before, now im even more of one. He tells you how it is. There's no lies no BS. Just speaking his mind. I respect him for that.

01-21-2010, 03:07 PM
Jeeeezzz all of this over a wreck in a race? I agree with fhk, sometimes ***** just happens during races. Sometimes peoples' lines get mixed up and crashes happen. As far as js after the race, give him a break. Was i the only one that saw how terrible of a night he was having? It was probably pretty frustrating, and reed pushing him in the head was all he could take. I sure know that i have been in situations where i lose my cool...james and chad are no different.

01-21-2010, 03:15 PM
This is stuarts career though. He shouldn't act like that. Hes paid millions t race and act proffesional doing it. Not running over there threatening to kill him. If he walked over there afterwards to talk about what happened, fair enough. But he didn't

01-21-2010, 03:41 PM
World's fastest "C' rider!

01-21-2010, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by bomberman
This is stuarts career though. He shouldn't act like that. Hes paid millions t race and act proffesional doing it. Not running over there threatening to kill him. If he walked over there afterwards to talk about what happened, fair enough. But he didn't

There is no proof James said that. OF COURSE his team is going to say that James threatened him... They HATE James. They WANT him to seem horrible and get fined/suspended. He very well could have said that but honestly, unless he admits it we'll never know.

I'm not taking sides on this... but that's a he said/ she said type of deal... It's obvious in that interview that Chad's a little cocky and hates James... What do you think he was going to say he did at his pit?

Once again, not taking sides... just saying that what Reeds team said can't be assumed to be 100% accurate.

01-21-2010, 10:10 PM
...both of these guys think there the best in there own minds , reed thinks no one should pass him as much as stewart does

stewart passes chad and goes 99.9% of the time... unless chad gets aggressive with him they stay up and stewart wins...

so hes obviously faster, if you cant understand james feeling its reed taking him out then your crazy

if i was flat out faster than another guy and more than a few times the guy has taken me out ..intentional or not id be quite pissed

i dont have any loss of respect for james....chad..come on...pain or not... u dont slam someones head like that...thats not out of pain that was anger...slamming james head was helping anything...chad saying it was just becauase the bike was on his hand is like a child stealing and getting caught and saying he forgot his wallet...

the racing incident is a racing incident...i still question chad coming in that hot when there that far back in the pack that early in the race...whether he intended on giving stewart a "whats up *****" or just moving ahead it was a dumb move

i dont think alot of ppl look at a ricky or a james differently than reed...which is wrong...ricky and james are the best because of there dedication to winning... there not as interested in the spotlight as reed ...which from everyone posting heres perspective makes rc or james seem like a cocky prick...

now jrspawn...i cant even take your opinion on james seriously since you throw james into a stereotype like that...i dont care what anyone says...mx is a white hill rod sport to an extent and i dont think alot of riders and fans are use to getting beat by someone other than a white guy....especially the fastest rider to put there leg over a bike is a black guy...and the only professional black mx guy to be comepeitive in the pro class in the sports history...the only other riders who could hold a candle to james is rc and pastrana in there prime...he might have a championship challenge from some younger riders this year but if you put james 1 on 1 against any rider at the track...i cant see him losing

from my perspective james is out there to win ..he gets paid by winning.....everyone knocks him for his careless style but in his mind if hes not in the lead he willk crank the speed on and put himself there or take himself out...i feel for his competitors but respect that mentality... its disgusting to see other riders being pumped on top 5 finishes with million dollar contracts...never saw that in the 90s when most of the guys were making 250k or less

james knows he wil get paid even if he goes jlaw out there as long as he wins...he can threaten to kill who ever he wants as long as he puts the bike on the podium...now if his whole season went like the last race you might be right

01-22-2010, 02:16 PM
Okay....After reading 9 pages of this thread, I am so sick of hearing "if you raced and didn't ride you would know that Reed's pass was legit." Blah blah blah....If you were a smart racer, you would have let Bubba get past the two racers and then make your move when its just you and him. If you come up on a bottleneck or pack of riders what do you do? Do you wait patiently until you can find your way around them or do you pile it in them and cause a wreck or jam everyone up. A smart rider would wait because patients is the key to becoming a fast rider. Why was Ricky Carmicheal so great because he was patient!!!!! You guys just aren't thinking right if you try to pack it in on someone with three people in the corner. . Come on you know something is gonna happen. Its fine by me if you do it with just the one guy in front of you thats a block pass. It was a stupid pass on Reeds part and he cost himself and maybe Bubba a championship. Reed is a phenomenal rider and he should have known to be a little more patient about making the pass. Im sure since Bubba was injured he would of passed him later on. Yes Bubba is *****ing but he also has a right too. He took it a little far in the pits but that is "heat of the moment" actions. All I am saying is that was a stupid pass on Reeds part and not saying it was intentional or nothing but everything that happened to Reed was his own fault.