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View Full Version : Venting about stupid ppl...and asking for your guys opinions

01-15-2010, 01:01 PM
Well Ive been trying to sell a bike of mine for about a month. I dont have to sell it, Just feel like i would like to have some extra cash since i am working on setting up a trailer on some land as a place of my own. I had a guy write me today telling me he would give 1100 cash this weekend. I laughed and explained to him it had 400 dollars in tires put on it 100 miles ago with the coating still on them and all new wheel bearings..and that i found the bike for him is his price range ( http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/mcy/1553865211.html ). He gets pissy and tells me its an 11 year old bike and "freaking goodluck" then he writes me back 2 minutes later and says whats the bottom dollar. I said very lowest is 2500, it has a clear title and sportbikes are just something that go so low on resale and stop, and 2500 is about the stopping point. He writes back saying he buys this all day for less than 1500 dollars and that ill never sell it blah blah blah yaddah yaddah yaddah. i said well im glad for ya and i would like it if he would send me a pic of a bike he buys for less than that and proof of price. But the more i think about him he just has me fired up and pissed lol. Some ppl just rub me the wrong way and are disrespectful. Ill attach a pic of the bike. I know its a different color combo but its what i liked. i originally priced it at 2900 to him and come down to 2500. I dont think he will find another one with new tires and the other stuff on it for that price with a clear title. Mine has 16000 miles on it which i dont think is bad for a 99 bike



01-15-2010, 01:12 PM
That bike is for sure worth $2500. Even if it is 11 years old.

D Bergstrom
01-15-2010, 02:11 PM
I here you on dealing with people. I put my 2003 Ford Mustang Cobra up for sale back in July of last year. Had a price in my mind that I would sell it for and not a penny less. I was amazed at the low ball offers I got.

One guy texted me a bunch of times asking questions then finally offered me a price about 2/3 what I was asking. I told him no thanks. 5 minutes later, I get a phone call from him. Wants to know why I will not accept his offer, says in the current economy, that is all the car is worth, you should sell it to me because this is the best offer you are going to get, yada, yada, yada. I stick to my price, he then calls me every dirty name in the book and hangs up. For the next couple of months I get random texts from different numbers, but the same area code that he called from. Figure it was still him, probably just using his buddies phones. Needless to say, I sold it last week for what I wanted.

Yes, it took time, but I knew the car was worth what I was asking, just had to find the right buyer. That is my advise to you, the bike looks nice, you will find somone who wants it for the price, it is just going to take some time. Right now is a bad time to try and sell anything, no one seems to be buying.


01-15-2010, 02:24 PM
I hear ya man. People just suck. It is the walmart mentality of the nation. And, nobody knows quality. Your best bet is to sell it word of mouth with your friends because all you get from craigslist is douche tire kickers.

I had couple running 250R's and a pile of parts for sale. I had a guy act like he was going to buy sight unseen. I was like, 'bring 3000 cash" and he was "yeah no problem".

He shows up in a freaking MINIVAN to haul away all these machines and parts. No sale, no money, just a bigtalkin tire kicking time waster.

01-15-2010, 02:27 PM
Oh, and nice bike you have there.

01-15-2010, 03:36 PM
give ya a nickle for it

01-15-2010, 03:46 PM
besides the terrible green wheels and hardware, and bad tires, the bike looks like its in great shape.

Good luck with the sale.

01-15-2010, 06:15 PM
f uck the haters dude bikes dope as hell.efinatley worth way more then ur askin. and i deal on craigslist a lot i was gonna buy a xr70 off some dude. i drive 1 hour get to his place and he goes oh yea first gear in the transmission is chipped but runs great yada yada. i said why didnt u tell me this before i left my house he looks at me and says honestly i thought i could push it off on ya but u know what ur lookin at i was like huhhhhhhh:huh

01-15-2010, 07:39 PM
craigslist is awful.....i use a paid classified, price my stuff in the right area and it sells, if your patient youll always get your money

ill generally go back to the oldest ads and something thats near what ill pay needing to flip it for a profit, offer them what i can pay and about 50% of the time if its not sold i end up with it...but i dont go into it with a ego, im polite, let them know where im coming from and make it aware im there if they get in a jam

ive also sold alot of the stuff...last season had a 04 400ex...mint, new gripper seat cover, only a bill of sale...not out of the norm for sport quad numbers were all good, i ended up selling it for 2500...but int he meantime recieved a email from a hotshot "businessman" offering me 1500 with title...obviously a dealer... i told him nope 2000 he could come get it, no title....he said well you can keep it no one wants a stolen quad (i had run the vins at the state police before i even advertised it to be safe) sold it the next day for 2500 and i beleive the kid filed for lost registration..., what a douche.......those dealers are the ones who own about 10 business in there lifetime that all fail after a yr or two end up working for the town and retire...
:blah: its all about ego for them, any business is a game of ppl and they suck at that game...

btw i would not sell that bike for less than 3,000 my buddy had a 99 r6 sold 2 yrs ago for 4,000 almost as clean as yours with less miles

01-15-2010, 10:17 PM
Thanks for the comments guys. I didnt think i was in the wrong on my price but wanted to make sure from some other ppl who have dealt with bikes more than me. Ill tell you guys what i would do. I would trade this bike for a nice CRF/KXF/YZF 250. 04 or newer. I have saw some of those 250 bikes going cheaper than what im asking for my bike but heres what im thinking. All my riding areas are closing to quads. If i could get a decent 250 and get the hang of it, if i like it than i would sell my quad and have a little more cash in my pocket. My quad keeps taking cash out of my pocket :( i just found out today my subframe is broke in 2. I can have it welded but where its at i dont trust it. so there goes more money sucked out of the bank through paypal.

01-16-2010, 01:18 PM
I think it's a reasonable price as long as you throw in some paint stripper. :devil:

Tommy Warren
01-16-2010, 11:54 PM

01-17-2010, 06:49 AM
People automatically assume since you put something up for sale that you are desperate for money.
It cracks me up sometimes dealing with people :p

01-17-2010, 09:13 PM
Nice bike, around here you could probably find that for around $1800-2200 if you wait. Could get $2500 if you wait for the right person. Some people make low ball offers because sometimes the seller agrees. I found a built civic with b18 all gsr stuff yada yada, he wanted $3500. I got it for $1000:o . Sold it the same night for $2500 before I even put name on title..sometimes ya get lucky