View Full Version : Does this sound fair???

01-12-2010, 07:26 PM
I have a Quad that does not get ridden very much ( shame i know) But i bought every motor part this company makes, and last year got their high dollar reed cage to finish it off. The motor does not have two hrs on it.

I went to start it up the other day, got it good and warm, when i hear this god awful noise and the motor locks up, so i thought.

I tear it down to find that the metal strip that holds the reeds down, had come off. The three small screws sat on top of the piston, chewed the dome and piston up. While that metal strip, must have shot straight under the piston, and wedged between the crank, and cases. No major damage, not even a scratch to the cylinder.

Here is my question to you guys, piston and rings $149.00, dome $49.00, gaskets $ ???, parts for reed cage $ ????. shipping $ ?????.

They gave me everything for $ 129.00 shipped, Do you think that is fair, or should i have complained and try to get it for nothing???

01-12-2010, 07:46 PM
i would say u were lucky to get it for that. Some companies are pretty rude when it comes to stuff like that.My luck they would have told me i should have made sure it was tight b4 i installed it. But i know for a fact i would have just unwrapped it and put it in! I've never checked that on a new cage...EVER! that really does suck though! Coulda been much worst though!

01-12-2010, 08:37 PM
i think they took care of you.

atv fan 28
01-12-2010, 09:16 PM
for 130$ bucks i wouldnt complain a bit. you got really lucky. it could have been ALOT worse!

01-12-2010, 09:20 PM
why do such weird things happen to 2 stroke engines???

01-12-2010, 09:26 PM
I'm not complaining, thats just it. i am not one to ***** and complain, i told them what happened, and what i needed, and that is what they offered. i was happy, i just started second guessing myself, thinking that if i were one to *****, complain, and threaten all kinds of stupid crap would they/ or should they have given me the parts.
All the reed cages i have ever bought, i never checked to make sure the screws were tight, i just bolted it in, untill now, they will definatly be checked from now on.

01-12-2010, 10:29 PM
businesses work funny sometimes... I know i would want a customers 100% satisfaction and by fixing a problem like that for free here and there once in a while wouldn't hurt...in fact it would build rep for my company but also you have to remember if you fixed a problem like that for a few who had a problem of somewhat similar sorts then everyone would expect you to treat them like that hence it would set your company back more $$ if you did... I know some companies will guarantee their own work but not if they send you their kit and you install it... I think you got a good deal out of it... yes it cost you some riding time and a bit of hasle but in the end if you think about it... they tried to right the situation feeling that you had gotten a flawed part from them and they want you to tell others how good they were to you in helping you fix the problem... i'm happy to hear that things worked out that good for you... in many cases they don't... here is another thing to remember when something like that goes wrong... it's called "the implied warranty of merchantibility" its alot to explain but if you yahoo or google it you can read up on this... i encourage everyone on here to check it out... it also could have helped you out and you may have gotten everything for free by mentioning this warranty to them... if you have any more questions about it just ask me... i've read quite a bit on it... I got my Sony ps3 fixed for free after the warranty had ran up on it by going about this warranty... good luck this time around... there is an idea... maybe i should post a thread on "the implied warranty of merchantability" to inform everyone of it..

01-13-2010, 02:04 AM
i had a problem with some spark plugs on my car. i wrote a letter along with pics of the BAD plug. (kept one for evidence) i wrote the letter in a way that was fair and asked for my money back for all repairs on my car. they refunded me for the plugs along with labor costs and the price of a coil pack. i basically told them my lawywe is aware of the situation and will take necessary action if necesssary.