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01-12-2010, 07:23 AM
I'm a little confused and looking for advice.

For starters, my tv only has 1 HDMI input. I also have a surround sound system that has 2 Optical inputs only.

Ok, this was fine when I only had my dvd player and the cable box hooked up (dvd player runs on the red/blue/green wires) and they both had optical outs.

I'm trying to build up my system, I have decided I need an HDMI/Optical switchboard.


This appears to be the one everyone reccomends. Hook up to 4 HDMI and Opticals up to it, send one cable to the tv and the other to the receiver. Problem solved. Except its $300.00.

OK option two:

I could buy an entirely new receiver that has 3 HDMI in's and one out, my take is that you just plug in your hdmi units to the receiver and it steals the sound, and then sends the image on up to the tv.


It is still around $300.00.

Third option:
This would be the cheap route. Looks to do the same thing that the switcher above did, except it has no "optical-in's" and thus must scale the sound from hdmi and convert it to optical. It also is not the same size as everything else in my tower, and might looks funny, but it is only $50.00



Bottom line, I want something that works well, looks good, and will be able to be hooked up to a universal remote when I eventually get one, and of course the cheaper the better.

Anyone have any helpful comments?

01-12-2010, 07:27 AM
Another question, would the new receiver recognize to change both sound and picture with one click of a button siunce the hdmi's would be routed through it?

01-12-2010, 08:21 PM
I don't know how much you want to spend but a new receiver is the best way to go. Not only does it solve your HDMI input/output problem but you get an upgrade in sound quality as well. I was looking for another receiver and Crutchfield had the Onkyo TX-SR707 (http://www.crutchfield.com/p_580TXS707B/Onkyo-TX-SR707.html?c=4) on sale for $629. My brother called me from the local HH Gregg and said this same one is on sale there for $599. Just a month or two ago this was a $900 receiver. It will not switch your video settings when you switch sources, these are inherent to your TV. On my HDTV in the living room I've got the cable box and Bluray player and now that my TV is calibrated to my satisfaction I don't have any discernible difference in video quality in terms of color, brightness, etc. when watching standard HD television shows and watching a BR movie. Same goes HDTV in my bedroom. On that one I've got a cable box, Xbox 360 and PS3. I never have to adjust video settings when switching between them.

01-12-2010, 10:29 PM
What do you currently have? TV, speakers, receiver etc?
You say you are trying to build up your system? What exactly are you trying to do here? Just add additional devices or get better audio etc?

If you are simply trying to add more hdmi devices your best bet would be to go to best buy and get the HDMI switcher made by rocketfish I think it is $99 dollars...Will automatically switch between whichever device you currently have turned on...Then run optical out on your TV to your surround sound system...Any sound being fed into your TV will then be forced out to the surround sound....

Is your current sound setup a home theatre in a box setup or is it a receiver and speaker setup?

If you are looking to upgrade a system/get better audio I wouldn't waste your money on that receiver...Efficiency wise and sound quality wise its not going to compare to a lot of other stuff out there...If you buy a good receiver not only is your system going to sound better but it is going to last you longer as well...A decent set of speakers with a good receiver and the whole setup could last you 20+ yrs...I work at Best Buy and I have customers come in on a regular basis telling us how the reciever they bought in the 80's just died and they need something new...Do yourself a favor...spend a bit more you will be happier in the long run

01-13-2010, 04:05 AM
The receiver and speakers are old, but to be honest, they still sound great. It is a yamaha htr 5830 receiver with 5 speaker surround and with 2 small subs. I believe it was a box system (minus the additional sub) if you mean one of those deals where you just pay 299 and get the whole system (not sure of the actual cost)

The tv is a projector. panasonic ax100u

I was just at best buy this weekend and asked someone about a switcher, be said he had no idea what I was talking about and pointed me towards the receiver with the hdmi inputs/output.

01-13-2010, 04:07 AM
And to answer your question, I'm try ing to get the most bang for my buck. I am on a budget, a $600 receiver is not out of the question, but I'm really not sure I need to spend that much. I'm happy with how it is turning out, I just want to not have to switch my hdmi and optical if I want to play the ps3.

And then further down the road, when I get a universal remote I want everything to gel together.

01-13-2010, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by CDALEMX301

If you are looking to upgrade a system/get better audio I wouldn't waste your money on that receiver...Efficiency wise and sound quality wise its not going to compare to a lot of other stuff out there...If you buy a good receiver not only is your system going to sound better but it is going to last you longer as well...A decent set of speakers with a good receiver and the whole setup could last you 20+ yrs...I work at Best Buy and I have customers come in on a regular basis telling us how the reciever they bought in the 80's just died and they need something new...Do yourself a favor...spend a bit more you will be happier in the long run Of course that Onkyo isn't as good as a Sunfire receiver but I don't think he wants to spend $4000 on it either. That receiver I listed is a step up from anything on Best Buy's shelves. And just because someone's receiver lasts 25 years doesn't mean it's top-of-the-line. When we moved 3 years ago we threw my dad's old Marantz stereo out that was still working. He got it as a wedding gift in 1974. I've got a Pioneer receiver in my garage that I use when I work out that I bought in '94, doesn't mean it's high quality. Audio equipment is like computers, they become virtually obsolete in a handful of years whether or not they're still functioning. Sound formats improve, connections change, etc. My Pioneer doesn't have any optical or HDMI connections and my Sony in the living room has optical but no HDMI. Both work perfectly fine but both could be replaced. I don't have THX or many of the other new audio formats.

01-13-2010, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
Of course that Onkyo isn't as good as a Sunfire receiver but I don't think he wants to spend $4000 on it either. That receiver I listed is a step up from anything on Best Buy's shelves. And just because someone's receiver lasts 25 years doesn't mean it's top-of-the-line. When we moved 3 years ago we threw my dad's old Marantz stereo out that was still working. He got it as a wedding gift in 1974. I've got a Pioneer receiver in my garage that I use when I work out that I bought in '94, doesn't mean it's high quality. Audio equipment is like computers, they become virtually obsolete in a handful of years whether or not they're still functioning. Sound formats improve, connections change, etc. My Pioneer doesn't have any optical or HDMI connections and my Sony in the living room has optical but no HDMI. Both work perfectly fine but both could be replaced. I don't have THX or many of the other new audio formats.

I am not against what you are saying at all man...He doesn't need to spend 4k on a receiver to be happy 99% of the people in the world don't need to spend close to that to be happy...But I can promise you that Insignia reciever won't last his as long or sound as good as that onkyo you recommended...

I mean the Onkyo is going to be 7.2 capable, have multizone/multi source capability, and have 1080P upconversion...Which the Insignia cannot do...The onkyo is also going to be a higher current amplifier and have larger capacitors in it to be able to hold its sound longer and clearer and not work itself or the speakers as hard...

I am not trying to tell you I am a HT know it all because I know I am far from that and I learn new things about it everyday...

One thing I will say is your facts are not even close to straight on what you can get from BBY find any best buy with a Magnolia HT in it and you will find that onkyo receiver as well as many other higher receivers as well...Now I am not saying that BBY sells all the top of the line because there is obviously more higher end stuff out there but it appears that they can get or have more in stock then you can believe...That particular Onkyo receiver is currently 799 on there website so it doesn't touch the price that you showed but when the stuff goes on sale there is good deals to be found....

and to the OP.... http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Rocketfish%26%23153%3B+-+4-Way+HDMI+Switcher/9185375.p?id=1218049842545&skuId=9185375&st=hdmi switcher&cp=1&lp=3 This is the product that the best buy sales guy you spoke to said didn't exist...I guess thats where we all get our reputation of not knowing anything....Rather then looking something up if they haven't seen it its not real...I really feel like the stores that have a Magnolia in them are going to get you some better customer service and I have heard this from other customers as well....Maybe try finding one in your area they can demo some stuff for you and really get you on the right path....

Basically that switcher is going to allow you to plug all your HDMI sources in and then carry the optical audio from your TV to your receiver....