View Full Version : NeverLiftRacing

01-09-2010, 07:21 AM
I purchased handguards from this kid. The picture showed them mounted and the install kit, and he send me just the plastic shields. Then I attempted to return them and he would not take them back.

WATCH THIS GUY!! :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr:

01-09-2010, 03:31 PM
Here I will tell you what Skippy! I will send you the mounting hardware seeing as how its attached to the handguards, and then I will send the the handlebars, then the steering stem and then the rest of the quad seeing as how it was all pictured in the ad.

"PowerMadd Handguards $20.00"
Not "PowerMadd Handguards and Mounting Hardware $20.00"


01-09-2010, 03:39 PM
listen guy, i have purchased and sold hundreds of items on here, ebay and numerous other sites, now and then i have problems with poor sellers and buyers, here is another example. why buy useless plastic handshields?? it doesnt make sense, unless they come w the mounting hardware to use them.

they will be in the mail monday. i filed with paypal, they can track you down and handle it. stop wasting both our times!

01-09-2010, 03:49 PM
haha why would i sell the handguards and mounting hardware for $15.00 when the handguards (sold separately even at their website for $34.99 and mounting hardware sold separately for $24.99 ) are worth more than that alone? Its not my fault that you just jumped to conclusions and you are just mad at yourself and taking it out on me because of it. Stop wasting my time GUY! Why dont you give me a call and we can talk about it, instead of you being an atvriders internet gangster :huh

01-09-2010, 06:44 PM
Well said...over a $20..00 item!

01-10-2010, 12:33 AM
Not even $20.00, it was $15.00 and for a whopping $25.00 more he could buy the mounting hardware for a grand total of $40.00 which is $5.00 more than just buying new Handguards and save $20.00 over buying both parts brand new. The handgaurds look brand new and were never ridden with other than my test ride when buying the quad. Oh well no biggy, life goes on

01-10-2010, 12:48 AM
SOLD! PowerMadd HandGuards Yellow $20.00 Shipped OBO SOLD!

I see NOWHERE it says "SOLD WITH MOUNTING HARDWARE"... Skippy.. you got shipwrecked on your own rock pal... Make sure and ask ALL the right questions next time... Chalk up your loss, sell them for what you paid AND for your mailing them back and forth, and get your money back that way. Paypal or anyone will do nothing about it. You got WHAT YOU PAID FOR...

Sorry for ya luck...

(original thread)

01-10-2010, 06:32 AM
they are going back and let paypal deal with it.

thx for wasting my time! im done w this!

01-10-2010, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by skippy1999
they are going back and let paypal deal with it.

thx for wasting my time! im done w this!

Don't get lippy skippy I'll spread you like Jiffy.... I'm telling you, PAYPAL WILL DO NOTHING!!! It's "YOUR" fault that you neglected to ask if the mounting hardware came with it.

You wouldn't go into a food store and take bread back cause it didn't have meat and cheese on it for your sandwich... Whoopsie, I wasn't smart enough to look thru the clear plastic bag and not see it. Maybe next time I should ask the DELI GUY to make me one with everything... DEEERRRRRR Dude ur a looser

01-10-2010, 10:30 AM
Next time Ill ask my friends to log on also.. but anyway, its all fine.

Look for your handshields next week. And ill forward the tracking number to paypal, they can sort it out.

Tell me the last time anyone sold handguards on here without the mounting kits.. NEVER.

If you guys want this to get nasty, we can!

Its only a bad transaction, easily corrected with a refund. So that is how we will handle it.

I have no use for the shields without the kit, so they are heading back. Deal w it!

01-10-2010, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by skippy1999
Next time Ill ask my friends to log on also.. but anyway, its all fine.

Look for your handshields next week. And ill forward the tracking number to paypal, they can sort it out.

Tell me the last time anyone sold handguards on here without the mounting kits.. NEVER.

If you guys want this to get nasty, we can!

Its only a bad transaction, easily corrected with a refund. So that is how we will handle it.

I have no use for the shields without the kit, so they are heading back. Deal w it!

I dont know who this user is and I think its funny that you are jumping to conclusions again because he made another valid point

You might as well keep them, you got what you paid for, and PayPal already contacted me and my ad is correct in their eyes so good luck with your statement on there as well as here

I cant say that I pay attention to every pair of handguards that sell on here, whether they are listed with mounting hardware or not

No one is trying to get "NASTY" besides you. Its quite obvious that you are acting like a child over a purchased product that you assumed included mounting hardware when it clearly says "PowerMadd Handguards $20.00"

You just dont demand a refund after buying something without going to the seller first and inform them on why you want a refund. You just automatically send me a refund without contacting me first like a child. I told you to call me and we can talk about it, but you insist on being a Internet Tough Guy so you tell me who is being "NASTY"

Are you so Ignorant that you dont understand that you buy the mounting hardware separate from the handguards? They are not useless unless you cant figure that out.

01-10-2010, 01:18 PM
Hell I'd buy from ya!!! jiffy spread aint gonna keep me from it with some BS... as stated, not your fault he didn't ask. Like the Army says... DONT ASK... DONT TELL!!!! He must just be gay is all and know the roll HAHAHAHAHA

01-10-2010, 03:22 PM
Well I guess now I know that when making a list of parts for sale I should list what th item is and what is not included haha :D

01-19-2010, 01:40 PM
This is really none of my business.....but i would have assumed that the mounting hardware came with them.

If it is not that big of a deal....just give the guy his 15.00 back and try selling them again....and list that the mounting hardware does not come with them. Pretty easy taking the high road on this one.

Again none of my business....so if you feel the need...flame on,I can take it.

01-19-2010, 02:46 PM
LOL no flaming needed, feel free to assume all you want. I would have been happy to deal it out if he hadn't just jumped down my throat from the very beginning accusing me of ripping him off. Its all deeper than is shown here but I'm sure you get the idea. I'm a nice guy and have sold/bought tons of stuff on here without a problem, but no matter what, there will always be one complaint somewhere down the line. He claims he shipped them back but its been over a week and a half and last time I checked it does not take that long to ship a couple pieces of plastic. Good day!

01-19-2010, 03:01 PM
Yeah.....I really should know better than sticking my nose in where it don't belong.

Don't mind me......kind of a slow day at work.....know what I'm sayin'

01-19-2010, 03:02 PM
Im siding with NeverLiftRacing on this. You should never assume anything when you are buying something. I would not return the item either. Paypal will do nothing for him. He received the item described.

02-10-2010, 06:10 PM
Get the handguards back and sell them again. Just be clear of no mounting hardware to the next person you sell them too.

02-11-2010, 01:02 AM
He never mailed them back! This is old also btw

06-22-2010, 02:22 PM
he was to lazy to take the parts off and lay them out for the pic. then its just like ebay, its only whats in the pic. i seen plenty of ppl on here take huge loses on parts. like a new set of 450r stock front shocks for $100. these are $650 ea new but i guess you could just send him one and say "no you assumed you were getting two" LOL GHETTO :rolleyes:

06-22-2010, 02:25 PM
Man you must have dug this one out of the archives haha. This happened so long ago and he knew he was wrong and took care of it. What made you wanna post on this anyways? Honestly! What a loser!

06-22-2010, 02:34 PM
I chose to be the bigger man, and let it die! It wasn't worth my time nor effort. So I just threw them out and bought new ones. No biggie.

I realized that you are an ***, and will not deal with you again, no biggie.

I have a garage of 20+ quads, Im not sweating a few bucs. ASk Pappy if you dont believe. ALL race quads!

06-22-2010, 02:37 PM
Haha you sound like a man dropping the A word. And you sound like a smart guy by throwing them away after paying for them. And if it wasnt a big deal then why did you cry and moan so much about it??? Huh, I guess I'm the only one who is confused here. And congrats on your 20+ quads, can you ride them all at the same time? Or do you have 20 children and thats why you act like you do? Just curious...

06-22-2010, 02:42 PM
I tossed them to forget about you. I'm old enough to be your father. I do have 3 kids that race, and I have been racing/riding for 30+ years. Its about lack of respect. You talk a big game, but its the person behind the computer that matters. Grow up!

I have forged many race friendships thru the years, Im not worried about you.

Good luck! Youll need it!

06-22-2010, 02:54 PM
Thanks I'm thankful you are looking out for me :)
but if anyone is talking a big game its you Mr. BigTimer

06-22-2010, 11:35 PM
bahahahashahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahh ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha this is so funny neverlift ill buy from u cause u the best