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01-07-2010, 08:19 PM
i know that everyone has there set ups and it comes with trial and error, im not asking for your secrets, just a little help with the base set ups, im use to the woods stuff... be qite honest, i had my quad set up for my home track and never really changed much on it, just sayed as it was...

Im looking to race the SD race in 2010... i will be on my 250r, what motor im going to run im not really sure yet, im going to take another look at class rules so i know what CC's can i can run in what classes...

i would just would like some help on how you set your quad up, what are some better set ups...
where do you want your ride height sitting at and all that.
also what tires are good, and what arnt?

does the EDT have a mx class? at the local tt's they have a slicks class and then a MX, the Mx is just mx quads, with knobbies...

thanks for the help...

01-08-2010, 01:30 PM
hoosier or american racers are a good selection as for yor tires...as far as the knobby class they dont think they have a knobby class but you can change mx tires with tt tires....and run and have some major fun ....

01-08-2010, 02:11 PM
Try and get a swaybar. It makes a world of diffrenece. You can find a used one on Ebay I'm sure. Lower your ride down also. Try to get as close to 5" as you can. The track in SD doesn't have big jumps.

01-08-2010, 02:45 PM
where do you measuer ride hight at? what points i mean...

01-08-2010, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by woodsracer144
where do you measuer ride hight at? what points i mean...

Bottom of the frame at the pegs and and where the frame starts to angle up, usually just behind the a-arms. These measurements need to be taken with you (or someone the same weight) on the bike. Your front to rear measurement should be no more than 1/2" difference. Usually the front is a little higher than the rear.

01-08-2010, 04:13 PM
the EDT is left and right correct?

what do you do when its just left turns? i've seen quads totally off set, the left side is sucked really close the the inside and the right sides has like a +3 arms...

thanks for the help guys...

01-09-2010, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by woodsracer144
the EDT is left and right correct?

what do you do when its just left turns? i've seen quads totally off set, the left side is sucked really close the the inside and the right sides has like a +3 arms...

thanks for the help guys...

Yep, EDT is always left and right turns. I've always set my quad neutral even on ovals. The only thing I do is change the front suspension setup a little.

01-09-2010, 10:00 AM
what about tire copmound? i know that in dirt track with stock cars my buddy has new tires on every time he hits the track unless he already has it made or some other unknown reason

01-09-2010, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by woodsracer144
what about tire copmound? i know that in dirt track with stock cars my buddy has new tires on every time he hits the track unless he already has it made or some other unknown reason

Yea, the Pro and Pro/Am guys runs new tires alot. I run soft or medium compound tires so they last a little longer. I've been running American Racer SD-33 fronts and SD-23 or SD-38 rears depending on the track. SD-33 on all 4 corners would be a good combination for an amatuer.

01-09-2010, 03:11 PM
is the higher the numer the harder or what? what do you do for prep? i know the carts put them in ovens...

01-09-2010, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by woodsracer144
is the higher the numer the harder or what? what do you do for prep? i know the carts put them in ovens...

Yep, higher the number the harder the compound. I don't currently do any prep but I'm going to probably try some tire softner this year. There's a million different tehqniques you can try. Grooving and siping is pretty much the norm though.

01-09-2010, 06:27 PM
what is siping?

01-10-2010, 08:09 AM
Siping is when they take the tire groover and use the sharp ends of the knife to put lil slices in the tire to let heat in.

Lowering:: Swingarm horizontal. Up or down means less traction.
Tires: I ran the SD33's..Use a tape measure and measure around the tires to get them the same. It's not just about air pressure.
You will need a swaybar.
TT beadlocks are a good thing.
rear width:: wider for more traction, in for less.

When you get serious, you'll need 4 bathroom scales to put under the tires and "scale" the machine. Same weight on all 4 tires then you put a "wedge" (extending the right swaybar link) in the right front to combat the hard left turns..
To each his own, but I adjusted the right front to have a lil negative camber.

TT racing rules!

01-10-2010, 10:44 AM
Thanks for all the help guys I didn't think I would have people tell me this

From what I under stand about sway bars you can make them harder and softer depending where you mount the tie rod type arm

02-10-2010, 06:04 PM
I really see no need for a sway bar or lowering kit if your NOT going into the money class's. I ran mine last year right off the MX track with only a rear set of Hoosiers and waxed arse.

Get your tires first, DO NOT USE PREP!!! If you want a softer tire, buy a softer tire. SD-23 is a good compound to get. Get a groover and put a few more lines in to allow for the dirt to move out both ways (left and right) I wouldnt advise siping though unless you can afford to buy tires alot.