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01-04-2010, 08:53 PM
Is i jsut my area, o when others and theyre friends are all having a good time the police hae to chase you and ruin i buy dont catch you? It seems evertime we have a good day of riding the police chase us and try to catch us but never do, while in the trails. And no we never stop fom if sop tehy impound yr bike and o get yr license a year later which would be 18 in my state since we normally get it at 17. I personal have never been caught but this all ahppened to my one friend who go caught. So we have to run. Im jsut trying to if its just myarea of if the police are pains in the ***es everywhere.

01-04-2010, 08:57 PM
this might just be an assumption, but im going to guess that its spreading to other areas because of people like you. but it could just be me :confused:

01-04-2010, 09:05 PM
Yep ride in a legal area and you wont have any problems.
If you ride like an outlaw then you will be treated as one.:D :D :D :D

01-04-2010, 09:12 PM
quote both above me. steve

01-04-2010, 09:17 PM
Its NJ, there is not a single legal place to ride besides property you own or know someone who owns and even then-someone complains.

01-04-2010, 09:22 PM
it sounds like it is time to move or start something around your area for a petition or a club to start getting some trails. steve

01-04-2010, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
it sounds like it is time to move or start something around your area for a petition or a club to start getting some trails. steve

We have ails and own some trails, ll get complaints. Some times i guess you gota live life as an outlaw. Ride or die. but you to understand thy took all teh legal places from us. So where do they want us to go?

01-04-2010, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
We have ails and own some trails, ll get complaints. Some times i guess you gota live life as an outlaw. Ride or die. but you to understand thy took all teh legal places from us. So where do they want us to go?

Bak ta skool ta lrn howe ta spell

01-04-2010, 10:57 PM
dont mean to bash, but did you say ride or die??? dude its a four wheeler, ride legal or accept the consequences.

01-04-2010, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
We have ails and own some trails, ll get complaints. Some times i guess you gota live life as an outlaw. Ride or die. but you to understand thy took all teh legal places from us. So where do they want us to go? :huh :confused:

01-04-2010, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by 250x_kyle
Bak ta skool ta lrn howe ta spell

That just earned a genuine "laugh out loud".

And, I wonder where the conservatives are getting the notion that your public school's are failing.

01-05-2010, 06:43 AM
i agree with pipeless, you prolly are bringing it on yourself. and thats the reason its becoming an issue. ride polite and whatnot, dont run from the cops, althow i had my time and it is fun to give em a chase. its stupid, thow. your gonna ruin the sport for everyone.

01-05-2010, 08:28 AM
When I lived in PA I was going the speed limit down a road and a pig pulled me over and gave me 6 citations.... Some were around 300$ a piece. Will I ever stop again? HELL NO. I broke the bank after being "POLITE"................

I could have easily got away, but I figured I'd stop and he would warn me... So now they know the kid on the red arctic cat 500..

01-05-2010, 08:42 AM
6 tickets...? maybe speeding wasnt one of them but you were obviously doing something wrong. lol i have bean stopped many times by dnr and cops and never got a ticket, once my friend did for not having his helmet on. but there again he did something wrong. :huh im glad i live in michigan, the laws are so relaxed on quads here, go up the road, go werever you want, just follow the speed laws. its not like that in the city limits thow just in the rural parts.

01-05-2010, 08:49 AM
Yea well I had my buddy on the back, I gave him my helmet, I couldnt find my registration, didnt have a tag on it, riding on pulbic roads, no liscence, and not obeying traffic BS. I was going 35 in a 45 zone. so F*** um

01-05-2010, 09:44 AM
if you ask me you deserve all the tickets you got. these are things you need to have with you all the time no exceptions to where you are or anything. steve:rolleyes:

01-05-2010, 09:45 AM
Oh well...

01-05-2010, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by trx400Rider
Oh well...


Yep all of witch could have been avoided. It’s up to you to make sure all those things are done. Do you need some one to hold your hand all the time or can you man up and take care of your own responsibilities?

01-05-2010, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by trx400Rider
When I lived in PA I was going the speed limit down a road and a pig pulled me over and gave me 6 citations.... Some were around 300$ a piece. Will I ever stop again? HELL NO. I broke the bank after being "POLITE"................

I could have easily got away, but I figured I'd stop and he would warn me... So now they know the kid on the red arctic cat 500..

me and my buddy where riding down the edge of the street like 20mph (35 zone) in a tiny little town. at the same time some kids on sport bikes where riding up and down the street doing wheelies and flying around. someone called the cops and just as we where passing thru to go to the trail, me and him got pulled over, i ran, we stopped cuz his wheeler wouldnt shift lol. he got a $600 ticket.

its the chance you take riding on the road. law says you cant do it, then better trailer your wheelers to a track, or trail, or land you have permission to be on. thats my .02

01-05-2010, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Xplorer99
me and my buddy where riding down the edge of the street like 20mph (35 zone) in a tiny little town. at the same time some kids on sport bikes where riding up and down the street doing wheelies and flying around. someone called the cops and just as we where passing thru to go to the trail, me and him got pulled over, i ran, we stopped cuz his wheeler wouldnt shift lol. he got a $600 ticket.

its the chance you take riding on the road. law says you cant do it, then better trailer your wheelers to a track, or trail, or land you have permission to be on. thats my .02

Yeah up in PA everyone on there sport quads always raised so much hell on the roads. I only used the road to get from point A to point B when I needed to.. My friend cut his hand so I took the road to his house. And the pig didnt give two Sh***

01-05-2010, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47

Yep all of witch could have been avoided. It’s up to you to make sure all those things are done. Do you need some one to hold your hand all the time or can you man up and take care of your own responsibilities?


01-05-2010, 11:03 AM
at 16 you may still need it lol. :devil: steve

01-05-2010, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
at 16 you may still need it lol. :devil: steve

Hell yeah

01-05-2010, 11:08 AM
lol. ya there is a very huge increasing problem, i know alot of kids around that ride roads for fun, as well as state highways, not just dirt roads, the local and state police are really getting hard on people that ride on the road, weather its a dirt road or not. gotta be careful and not get caught i guess.

01-05-2010, 11:14 AM
It dont matter what no one says, there is always gonna be a new rider thats gonna take the chances.

01-05-2010, 11:23 AM
honsestly though, everyone riding on roads that gets caught by a cop (if it is illegal) should get pulled over. if not then is the cop really doing his job?

01-05-2010, 11:53 AM
The point of cops pulling you over and giving you citations is that they're hoping you wont do it again. Believe it or not, they're actually looking out for your best interest. A lot of idiots get hurt riding on the pavement.

Granted there are circumstances when its unavoidable, like when you need to access a trail, or the trail crosses a road. Just ride slow (like 1st gear slow) and dont act like an idiot. How you act and how you carry yourself will go a long way when dealing with the police. Not having a helmet, and not having a current registration are certainly not going to help you in any way.

Who rides without helmets still... honestly? It amazes me how stupid people are. :ermm:

01-05-2010, 01:15 PM
sorry for the bs typing my wireless key bord was dying on and off. But What im saying is that all the police once rode in my town. The trails go out of my own back yard for miles. Everywhere they tell us to ride we go and they tell us to go somewhere else. Sometimes you just gota say F um. Im 16 and reckless, just like prettty much all the other riders around me. We ride and we pretty much have learned not to care what they do. We get chased allot and we escape all the time. The day i get caught (which will prob. never come), will be the day i stop riding, if i have to ride with a risk in stead of not riding at all i will. I would stop and be nice but im not guna get screwed over, theyre certain lines you cant cross.

01-05-2010, 01:17 PM
btw all you guys who are hating on me for not getting trailered to somewhere legal to ride, try being 16 having your dad die at 11, and have a mom who doesnt support you in riding, or have a trailer hitch. Not to mention in a state where you have to be 17 to drive. Where else am i supposed to ride?

01-05-2010, 01:52 PM
i have to go along a couple miles of roads to get to where they let us ride and all i do is go slow and stay to the right as much as possible. i have been stopped i think 3 times and given warnings all 3 never ticket. it is the way you act. if you ride like an a**hole up and down the street thats when they going to do something. they see my group all has helmets and registered and not trying to cause trouble they'll be nicer.

01-05-2010, 03:06 PM
You must be venting, because you are complaining about something you have full control over. I did my share of outlaw ridding back in the day and know where you are coming from. But I also grew up and got over it and started doing it the right way and have had no problems since. A lot of it may have to do with how you react when you get caught. If you cop an attitude with the cop, he is not going to cut you any slack. Do what you want but don’t complain about it.

Put as much energy into solving the problem as you do complaining about it and you may be surprised how much you can get done.:D :D :D :D

01-05-2010, 03:09 PM
Put as much energy into solving the problem as you do complaining about it and you may be surprised how much you can get done.

Hay that would make a good sig!!!

01-05-2010, 03:39 PM
well im not really venting all thought it may sound that way. Just im trying to see if i just have a town full of a**holes or everyones towns are like that.

01-05-2010, 03:57 PM
I’m sure it’s tuff not having a dad and even more so now that your 16. At that age you are just short of getting a car and your freedom and you’re making that transition into adult hood. It’s a tuff time with a dad much less without one. Is there a friend, uncle or teacher that may help you get some track time? Hang in there and it won’t be long till you’ll be driving and will be able to do for your self. Mean while help and support your mom and don’t do those things like “outlaw ridding” that will put more stress on her. Maybe that’s what she objects to and not the quad itself. If you show a little more responsibility maybe she will support you more. Remember running from the police is a felony and you don’t want to go there. You would be better off just stopping and taking your lumps, pay your fine and move on. You may have to grow up sooner then your friends and learn to take responsibility for what you do at an earlier age then most. Try and limit your ridding to the areas that are less risky for now.

01-05-2010, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Miami_Vice454
i have to go along a couple miles of roads to get to where they let us ride and all i do is go slow and stay to the right as much as possible. i have been stopped i think 3 times and given warnings all 3 never ticket. it is the way you act. if you ride like an a**hole up and down the street thats when they going to do something. they see my group all has helmets and registered and not trying to cause trouble they'll be nicer.

Same here. I was sitting on the side of the road here in TN and the officer just waved at me. I think the police are different down here. I dont ride like a renegade on the streets. Some people think every teenage rider is disresecptful, but some people are just stupid........ :ermm:

01-05-2010, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I’m sure it’s tuff not having a dad and even more so now that your 16. At that age you are just short of getting a car and your freedom and you’re making that transition into adult hood. It’s a tuff time with a dad much less without one. Is there a friend, uncle or teacher that may help you get some track time? Hang in there and it won’t be long till you’ll be driving and will be able to do for your self. Mean while help and support your mom and don’t do those things like “outlaw ridding” that will put more stress on her. Maybe that’s what she objects to and not the quad itself. If you show a little more responsibility maybe she will support you more. Remember running from the police is a felony and you don’t want to go there. You would be better off just stopping and taking your lumps, pay your fine and move on. You may have to grow up sooner then your friends and learn to take responsibility for what you do at an earlier age then most. Try and limit your ridding to the areas that are less risky for now.

Thanks for a good answer somewhat, hah im trying to find some freinds who wanna ride tracks but its kinda hard il have to loook into it. thanks tho.

01-05-2010, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by trx400Rider
Same here. I was sitting on the side of the road here in TN and the officer just waved at me. I think the police are different down here. I dont ride like a renegade on the streets. Some people think every teenage rider is disresecptful, but some people are just stupid........ :ermm:

I chill when im on the streets and where a helmet always. Just where i live being on the streets even if your engine is off and you have a full tank to prove its off and hasnt been run is a problem.

siggy konowaluk
01-05-2010, 04:17 PM
i have some local trails next to my creek i go down to every once and a while but there not legal. if im down there for just a short ride people wont care but i cant be down there all day. but most the time i go to other friends houses or to places that im alowed to ride in.

01-05-2010, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by siggy konowaluk
i have some local trails next to my creek i go down to every once and a while but there not legal. if im down there for just a short ride people wont care but i cant be down there all day. but most the time i go to other friends houses or to places that im alowed to ride in.

we have tons just we ride on them all day rather then not ride at all hah

01-05-2010, 04:40 PM
i had those same problems for years and finally i got smart and got a quite pipe and now i ride stealth and noone knows im riding so they dont call the cops on me , id sugesst a quiter silencer of making a baffle for ure or buying a quitecore for it , you willlose alittle lowend snap but its not much

01-05-2010, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by UNBROKEN
i had those same problems for years and finally i got smart and got a quite pipe and now i ride stealth and noone knows im riding so they dont call the cops on me , id sugesst a quiter silencer of making a baffle for ure or buying a quitecore for it , you willlose alittle lowend snap but its not much

I guess i may trr that...to bad i sold my stock pipe.

01-05-2010, 05:33 PM
yeah people dont realize it when your on your machine but in the right area the sound of a good pipe carries for miles and i have heard my hmf with the stock pipe downshift for a corner thats 3 miles from my house and then take off again. there loud. and if your riding in someones back yard then your gonna piss em off.

01-05-2010, 05:52 PM
That’s a good point on the stealth technique, I have a KLX 250 duel sport and you cant even here it run when you’re sitting on it. I ride it everywhere with no problems at all.
I have over 10,000 miles of trail ridding on it and I’ve never been stopped, street or trail.

01-05-2010, 06:01 PM
i like the stealth idea, but for the record we dont ride in people's backyards we ride in the woods they own, not to mention the woods theyve never been in or known they owned. Just the woods thats nothings on or in just spare room.

01-05-2010, 06:35 PM
i agree. they have been cracking down on illegal riding everywhere. this summer me and 2 buddies got chased by the fish and game and they caught us after awhile because we had to wait for traffic to clear on a busy road (it was a highway actually) to get back to my house, but he got there before the traffic cleared. they impounded our bikes for $125 each, took our "riding licenses" and drove us home in the cop car. luckily we were all 15 at the time so non of us had our license and we didnt get into any major trouble. but one of my friends was turning 16 two weeks later. he wouldve lost his driving license for that. good thing we werent 18 or we really wouldve been in trouble

also we never ride on the street. we need to ride about 4 house lengths to get to the trails but people call the cops when we ride. we spend alot of time in a big sand pit that the town owns. we never ride there when theyre working but its fun when they arent. but this situation shows how people really are *** holes about it. me and 3 friends went out to the pit and were riding. another buddy was coming late and while we were riding he got dropped off at my house. well he got stopped on the street by a cop and he called us and the cop made us come back. luckily he cut us a break but its still stupid how some people cant just let us have fun. we arent bothering them, im not on their property. oh boo whoo they have to hear my engine for 30 seconds. i dont ride crazy on the street. i wish some people would just be more relaxed when it comes to things like this

01-05-2010, 07:27 PM
ya i almost got busted waitin for the police on a road so i ran a car off the road ran a red light and got radared by another pig doin 70 on a state road. i would of got away but my buddy on his crapaha crappior couldnt keep up or keep his mouth shut

01-05-2010, 07:41 PM
In NJ it works kinda like this:

We had an offroad park, it was WAY down south Im about halfway point in terms of where I am in NJ and its like 2 hours for me. I went once, they promptly closed it down pretty much for good.

Only other legal places to ride are tracks, which like me is not everyons style or interest. Otherwise its all illegal unless you can find private land.

In which case good luck finding land that doesnt have a house on it or near a house as we have had a huge building boom for nearly 20 years that keeps spreading further. Where I live the population alone has nearly doubled from all the building.

So we have several spots that are rather well known and illegal and plenty of spots that few know about. We ride those and hope no one bothers us pretty much. I have a nice spot with MILES of trails (mostly sand/sandpits) 15 mins from me and no one bothers it b/c it borders state game land and fireroads otherwise and the rest is actually is just swampy.

However the illegal areas the cops cracked down on hard. Its all revenue in reality, they dont care about you riding it-they see dollar signs.

Getting caught here is near automatic like 500+ dollars of tickets, impound and impound fees and possible suspension of your drivers license if you got one. The cops in most NJ towns (in my experience) are jerks who are on power trips. Just driving down the road they are horrible, they are 100x worse with offroad vehicles.

Alot of us buy used, and of course the chances of a title are SLIM in that case. I have bought 3 quads, not one had a title-stolen..who knows and not my problem either. But in order to insure and register you need a title and insurance and registrations like 200 a year-I can insure my car for that! Then you need to have the proper tags displayed of course. Few if any actually register or insure.

But in reality there just isnt any single place thats legal besides private land. I sure as heck cannot find any people who will let me ride on their farms-and I asked like 10 different farmers-liability or worries of what you will do. Im not driving 2 or more hours to PA to go ride for 2-4 hours and then go back home, its just not worth the travel and expense.

People whine about us riding too, yea its noisy-but they make all kinds of noise too! Loud cars/trucks, motorcycles, music, etc. I live in a neighborhood of 60+ homes and when I got my first quad (I had a dirtbike a long time ago before we moved and never had issues b/c we lived in a more rural area, but i sold it cause i outgrew it) not a single soul had an issue with my riding it for hours in my yard or even blasting up and down the road (the streets only have 1 in and out) every once and while-except my jackass neighbor behind me. One bad apple ruins it and he calls the cops and they come and talk to me. Now im 25 and live at home (student) and they basically rip me a new one-meanwhile they drive like jerks themselves no less.

So really what would you do? I totally sympathize with jason here. Yea hes had a rough deal and I cant say ive been thru what he has-but the kids have no where to go to ride! Alot of you have places within an hour or less, have trucks and trailers and more money than he does-cut the kid some slack.

01-05-2010, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by jdog75
ya i almost got busted waitin for the police on a road so i ran a car off the road ran a red light and got radared by another pig doin 70 on a state road. i would of got away but my buddy on his crapaha crappior couldnt keep up or keep his mouth shut

its people like you that make everybody hate four wheelers. get your machine off the road. nobody wants to hear youre running red lights and running cars off the road. its to bad you didnt get hit

01-05-2010, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by mitchconley
its people like you that make everybody hate four wheelers. get your machine off the road. nobody wants to hear youre running red lights and running cars off the road. its to bad you didnt get hit

You need to chill i agree riding streets is bad, but telling someone you wish the got killed isnt the way to go about it.

01-05-2010, 08:19 PM
Hey Jason, clean your inbox out-will ya.

01-05-2010, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Hey Jason, clean your inbox out-will ya.

no problem didnt no its full sorry.

01-05-2010, 08:23 PM
np :)

01-05-2010, 08:23 PM
Oh yeah, This thread is going REALLY well.

Some of you guys seem to have this warped sence of entitlement, that makes you think riding is some sort of god-given right. Well, it's not!

It is a sport that has a proper place, and when operated in that proper place, you will have no problems.
Too bad if your preferred riding spot is owned by someone else who dosent want you to ride there.
That's why it's called PRIVATE property.
They bought it, they paid for it, they get to make the rules.

Then to go running people off the road is just assinine! I suppose you don't even consider who might be in the car.
A mom, kids, grandparents, somebodys sister, etc.

I think your just a bunch of whiney punks causing problems, that have no respect for others, and should have your butts kicked by the judge, and have your quads taken away permenantly with a zero tolerance mindset.

you complain about area's getting shut down, and you act like this ???
Do the math,... just WHY do you think riding area's are pushed farther and farther away ?
It's because of idiots like you that we all suffer the problems of less and less riding area's.

Yeah, THAT's how it really is !

01-05-2010, 08:27 PM
I live in Minnesota - "the land of 10,000 lakes", the place where everyone thinks a fourwheeler would be more than welcome driving in the roadside ditch.
But the closest legal place for me to ride is over 150 miles away!!! And that is a 4 mile abandoned railway trail - come on!! This is a problem!! And kids who run from the cops, don't wear helmets, break the law, destroy other peoples land, and cant spell are ruining it for all the legal people who have to put more effort into getting to legal riding places than the actually riding!! And I don't think its going to get any better - so I guess we should all just sell our four wheelers and buy more ps3's and xbox's and sit on our butts and get fat and lazy - yee haw!!!
Sorry just frustrated and wanting to ride!!

01-05-2010, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Its all revenue in reality, they dont care about you riding it-they see dollar signs.

I assume by this you mean the infamous 'ticket quota'? Quotas have been outlawed by the Federal Government since the early '80s. When law enforcement officers are going through the required training, they are required to take a written test along with a physical test. A small paragraph in the written portion is about quotas. If an officer is working for a local police station and quotas (or bonuses for more tickets) are being slipped under the table, it is the officers sworn duty to report this to the state. If the officer works for the state (aka troopers) and such a thing happens, he is required by oath to report the incident to the federal government. Even though such a thing is virtually unheard of.

Here a copy of one of the legislative bills banning police quotas for your enjoyment.

HOUSE BILL 13 By: Delegate Smigiel AN ACT concerning Law Enforcement Agencies - Prohibition Against Arrest and Citation Quotas FOR the purpose of prohibiting a law enforcement agency from establishing a quota for the agency or law enforcement officers of the agency for making arrests or issuing citations; prohibiting a law enforcement agency from using the number of arrests made or citations issued by a law enforcement officer as the sole or primary criterion for promotion, demotion, dismissal, or transfer of the officer; providing for an exception under certain circumstances; defining a certain term; and generally relating to law enforcement agencies and quotas for making arrests or issuing citations. BY adding to Article - Public Safety 3-504. (A) IN THIS SECTION, "QUOTA" MEANS THE MANDATING OF A FINITE NUMBER F ARRESTS MADE OR CITATIONS ISSUED THAT A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER MUST MEET IN A SPECIFIED TIME PERIOD. (B) A LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY MAY NOT: (1) ESTABLISH A FORMAL OR INFORMAL QUOTA FOR THE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS OF THE AGENCY; OR (2) USE THE NUMBER OF ARRESTS MADE OR CITATIONS ISSUED BY A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER AS THE SOLE OR PRIMARY CRITERION FOR PROMOTION, DEMOTION, DISMISSAL, OR TRANSFER OF THE OFFICER. (C) THIS SECTION DOES NOT PRECLUDE A LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY FROM: (1) USING QUANTITATIVE DATA FOR ARRESTS, CITATIONS, AND OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES AS MANAGEMENT TOOLS OR IN EVALUATING PERFORMANCE; (2) COLLECTING, ANALYZING, AND APPLYING INFORMATION CONCERNING THE NUMBER OF ARRESTS AND CITATIONS IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT A PARTICULAR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OR GROUP OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS DOES NOT VIOLATE AN APPLICABLE LEGAL OBLIGATION; OR (3) ASSESSING THE PROPORTION OF THE ARRESTS MADE AND CITATIONS ISSUED BY A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OR GROUP OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect October 1, 2006.

Here is a link with a news article about the Pennsylvania police getting bonuses under the table for writing extra tickets. It was ILLEGAL.

Coming from a family that has several law enforcement officers in it, I can not STAND it when people break the law and then blame it on a concept that was outlawed years ago.

If you're going to speed, by all means do it. Just smile and take your ticket when you get one. If you're going to trespass, by all means do it. If you want to run when the police chase you, do it. But when you wreck and get caught, you better be dang ready to accept your fine, get your quad impounded, and probably face a prison or juvenile reformatory for evading arrest, which by the way is a felony. Also, don't be shocked or upset when the atv riding eventually gets confined to parks. Then shut down completely. You can rest in peace knowing it was people like YOU that caused it.

And for the love of god, do NOT get on atv sites and complain about how bad you are, and how the system is corrupted, and how police are just trying to earn their monthly quota. Are some officers corrupt? Of course, they are human. But most of them are trying to look out for you, the public's best interest, and work a hard, honest day to bring home money to feed their families with.

This isn't directed towards anyone in particular.

01-05-2010, 08:33 PM
You sound like one of those people who hate "4 wheelers" haha, to every teenager riding is a god-given right, im going riding its not like im smoking a blunt on someones door step - "Whiney Punks"or making a forest fire, im riding for a good old fun time just like everyone else does. And i dont know about anyone else but having my "butt kicked by a judge"? Honestly where do you come up with this. If im riding deep in the woods and my friends own half the property and we zone off a little bit were not bothering anyone, they can barely here us. Its just some people complain for the hell of it to ruin other peoples fun. Where you ever a kid?

Originally posted by tri5ron
Oh yeah, This thread is going REALLY well.

Some of you guys seem to have this warped sence of entitlement, that makes you think riding is some sort of god-given right. Well, it's not!

It is a sport that has a proper place, and when operated in that proper place, you will have no problems.
Too bad if your preferred riding spot is owned by someone else who dosent want you to ride there.
That's why it's called PRIVATE property.
They bought it, they paid for it, they get to make the rules.

Then to go running people off the road is just assinine! I suppose you don't even consider who might be in the car.
A mom, kids, grandparents, somebodys sister, etc.

I think your just a bunch of whiney punks causing problems, that have no respect for others, and should have your butts kicked by the judge, and have your quads taken away permenantly with a zero tolerance mindset.

you complain about area's getting shut down, and you act like this ???
Do the math,... just WHY do you think riding area's are pushed farther and farther away ?
It's because of idiots like you that we all suffer the problems of less and less riding area's.

Yeah, THAT's how it really is !

01-05-2010, 08:41 PM
Here is some real world info I know is fact.

Ticket quota isnt outlawed at all, you are based on performance-dont write them and you get a bad review, bad review means less chance of raise, etc, etc. Just cause its a law doesnt mean they didnt figure out ways around it.

Perhaps where your from it aint like that, but here it is and has always been. Im a volunteer FF/EMT and know plenty of cops and Im currently training to be a cop-ticket quotes still exist in one way or another.

As for taking away places to ride and legalities and such: This is NJ there isnt a legal place to ride unless you own the land or know someone who does-and trust me land-its in short supply. Or its a track-and theres a whole maybe 5 of them in NJ.

Yea stupid kids ruin it for the rest of us thats for sure-but its not like they caused what NJ has-its been that way since I was a kid-BEFORE atv/dirtbikes were popular and every kids parents bought them one.

If you dont live here-dont tell me about legal places to ride-cause there pretty much aint any.

01-05-2010, 08:44 PM
i hope you let riding go somewhat as a cop.

01-05-2010, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
You sound like one of those people who hate "4 wheelers" haha, to every teenager riding is a god-given right, im going riding its not like im smoking a blunt on someones door step - "Whiney Punks"or making a forest fire, im riding for a good old fun time just like everyone else does. And i dont know about anyone else but having my "butt kicked by a judge"? Honestly where do you come up with this. If im riding deep in the woods and my friends own half the property and we zone off a little bit were not bothering anyone, they can barely here us. Its just some people complain for the hell of it to ruin other peoples fun. Where you ever a kid?
Yeah, I was a kid, and pretty much still am, I love to ride, and I don't have issues with the fact that the closest riding area to me is 100 miles away.
but I was raised to respect other people, there property, as well as the law, and if you broke that law, you paid the price TWICE.
First with the authorities, then again with our parents.
If I had even THOUGHT about doing some of the things I've seen written in this thread, my Father would not have SOLD my bike, ...He would have MADE ME GIVE IT AWAY, Then he would have made me pay him back for it.

01-05-2010, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by tri5ron
Yeah, I was a kid, and pretty much still am, I love to ride, and I don't have issues with the fact that the closest riding area to me is 100 miles away.
but I was raised to respect other people, there property, as well as the law, and if you broke that law, you paid the price TWICE.
First with the authorities, then again with our parents.
If I had even THOUGHT about doing some of the things I've seen written in this thread, my Father would not have SOLD my bike, ...He would have MADE ME GIVE IT AWAY, Then he would have made me pay him back for it.

when you dont have a father you gota teach your self how to act like a man sometimes, you gota learn from experience not word of the wise. And somtimes you dont gota let your parents know whats going on, sometimes you gota live free, in my life (not to sound "whiney") ive gone through just about more bull**** and bad things then most of you have together. I come out of all this saying, you live once, you have one chance at life, live it good the first time. After all my bad experiecnes i just say wow could it get any worse and it always does, sometimes you pay in other ways for things done, but so far in my life ive paid allot more then i owed to i got allot of taking back to do.

01-05-2010, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
You need to chill i agree riding streets is bad, but telling someone you wish the got killed isnt the way to go about it.

For real... Whats up with these ppl hating on teenagers.

This may be why alot of people hate dirt bikers and ATVers....


Its not all teenaged people

01-05-2010, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by trx400Rider
For real... Whats up with these ppl hating on teenagers.

This may be why alot of people hate dirt bikers and ATVers....


Its not all teenaged people

Yea they blame everything on us...where teh future so if tehy hate us that bad when theyre all old and about to die when can make it worse on them haha

01-05-2010, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
Yea they blame everything on us...where teh future so if tehy hate us that bad when theyre all old and about to die when can make it worse on them haha

They certainly do like to blame alota BS on us. But thats alright. I dont really mind. I was just sharing something that happened to me, and apparently its a HUGE deal to others.
But anyhow, are you close to TN Jason?

01-05-2010, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by trx400Rider
For real... Whats up with these ppl hating on teenagers.

This may be why alot of people hate dirt bikers and ATVers....


Its not all teenaged people

if one of them dumb ****s got in my way id run them the **** over

01-06-2010, 04:53 AM
Originally posted by trx400Rider
For real... Whats up with these ppl hating on teenagers.

This may be why alot of people hate dirt bikers and ATVers....


Its not all teenaged people

I'm not hating on anybody. I simply think people need to find a new excuse besides the ticket quota. Or apparently the ticket quota conspiracy, lol.

I understand having no family owned land or legal riding place can be difficult. That is why I didn't criticize.

01-06-2010, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by flyboy1294
I'm not hating on anybody. I simply think people need to find a new excuse besides the ticket quota. Or apparently the ticket quota conspiracy, lol.

I understand having no family owned land or legal riding place can be difficult. That is why I didn't criticize.

Finally a normal person :D

01-06-2010, 07:37 AM
I just came from a meeting with my local County Commissioners. They want to impose new restrictions and additional taxes and licensing on those of us that ride ATV's or off road bikes. Would you like to know why???? Maybe is because of the A=hole ATV rider who rides on property he does not own nor have permission to ride on. It could be because everyone wants the loudest exhaust they can find all in the name of more power that they never use anyway. It could be because of the A=hole ATV rider who tears up private property and go blasting up and down the street at midnight. Recently several ATV were on a local golf course some where around midnight. I hope I find out who they were, as the damages where estimated around $100 grand. You know the type of rider I'm talking about....

If you're getting tickets because you’re driving on the roads.... I'm sorry, but quads were not designed to be on the roads. If you're getting tickets or are being chased, it’s because you're not following the law. Sorry to be harsh, but we all need to follow the law...

OK I feel better now...

01-06-2010, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by trx400Rider
They certainly do like to blame alota BS on us. But thats alright. I dont really mind. I was just sharing something that happened to me, and apparently its a HUGE deal to others.
But anyhow, are you close to TN Jason?

no im pretty far im all the way in NJ.

01-06-2010, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
no im pretty far im all the way in NJ.

Damnn. I used to live in PA, but we moved 6 months ago to TN =/

01-06-2010, 02:41 PM
We are blaming anyone who rides where they are not supposed to.
You youngsters are the only ones that complain about ridding illegally and expect the other riders who follow the rules to back you up. Well sorry Charley it aint gona happen. Much of the reason you don't have a place to ride is because you won’t follow the rules and then when it gets taken away from you then you seem to think it's unfair. When your reasoning skills mature and you get a little older hopefully you will see the light.

Just because you can buy a 4 wheeler doesn’t mean you can just ride it where ever you want. It seems to me if you have no place to ride then it would be in your best interest to come up with an organization that would support your sport.
Just getting on here and complaining to us is not going to help you in your illegal activities. I for one won’t support you.

01-06-2010, 02:53 PM
me and my buddy got yelled at by a game warrden for riding on private property. the catch is my buddys dad owns the land and posted all around. his uncle happened to be driving by and notice that we were getting reamed out. he also noticed that when he pulled into the field to block us off he also knocked over a fence post and ran over quite a bit of corn. my buddys uncle got out and tried to help us reason with him but he was being a real prick. so he called the cops and had tresspasing charges pressed on him.

you just have to play the cards your delt and play them corectly. get some smart friends. play it safe. and remember if it seems like a bad idea it probably is a bad idea.

01-06-2010, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by trx400Rider
Damnn. I used to live in PA, but we moved 6 months ago to TN =/

that sucks.

I ride on private property that my buddy owns not allot but part of where we ride, and we still get yelled t sometimes being a nice guy and reasoning doesnt work like everyone thinks it does.

01-06-2010, 05:56 PM
most adults hate 4 wheelers even though most households have one. They are too loud and they tear up their property rutting up their ditches and riding on private public roads. I am guilty as charged I do have a loud four wheeler and i like pounding pavement but I stay off peoples property and dont start trouble . it does suck not being old enough to be employed or drive but it wont be long next thing you know your twenty then thirty then you can have 50 acres and a yard full of 4 wheelers

01-06-2010, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
that sucks.

I ride on private property that my buddy owns not allot but part of where we ride, and we still get yelled t sometimes being a nice guy and reasoning doesnt work like everyone thinks it does.

Yeah it does.
I ride on my parents land, they have 33 acres. My neighbors have around 65, and next to my buddies house theres a few hundred acres we ride on. So it's all good, but nothing like I used to have. Up in PA I can ride for days and dayyysss without going on the same trail... I miss the sh** outa PA. Riding was my life.

01-08-2010, 12:02 AM
Hey guys just gonna give my .02..... I live on a farm, with 325 acres. So i am not able to understand where some of you guys are coming from.. But i am a criminal justice major.... with the plans on joining the police force soon. Take it from a person with experience .... If you act like a hard *** your gotten get a ticket!!!!!! If you are completely open and honest about what you were really doing you have a good chance... But if you don't do anything that is wrong you aren't gonna get pulled over.. and please stop reffering to police as " fish " or " pigs " or " pricks " these are the men and women who keep you and your family safe everyday... i don't see any of you being willing to put your life on the line for the safety of others...

01-08-2010, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
i don't see any of you being willing to put your life on the line for the safety of others...

i joined the Army does that count :rolleyes: and plan on joining my local PD when my enlistment is over but i still got to agree with some on this thread some of the local cops are pricks ive been disrespected for things ive havent done before but i kept my dunkin donuts jokes to myself cuz his fatassss prob didnt get breakfest of something

01-08-2010, 12:00 PM
If you served in the military you are an exception to what i am saying... and i agree there are a couple cops in my hometown that can be really mean sometimes. He just picks on the teenagers though... I am just dissapointed to see how teenagers now a-days have no respect for authority... so when a Police Officer see's you acting suspicious he is gonna stereo type you as being a hard *** teenager that is looking for trouble ( even if you aren't one and aren't doing anything wrong, the teen's made there own bed for this problem. )

01-08-2010, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by trailrider894
If you served in the military you are an exception to what i am saying... and i agree there are a couple cops in my hometown that can be really mean sometimes. He just picks on the teenagers though... I am just dissapointed to see how teenagers now a-days have no respect for authority... so when a Police Officer see's you acting suspicious he is gonna stereo type you as being a hard *** teenager that is looking for trouble ( even if you aren't one and aren't doing anything wrong, the teen's made there own bed for this problem. )

The reason we are liek this is becasue of ahole cops everyday. They treat us like garbage and honestly i could take down the whole department by self if i wantedd to so theyre really dont protect me. All those pricks really do is bother us and give us more troubles to worry about. if the cops didnt bother us wed be nicer and mre willing to agree.

01-08-2010, 01:20 PM
If it were not for people like you the cops wouldn't be have to be " pricks " ..... lets see whose laughing when a Police Officer saves your life.

01-08-2010, 02:45 PM
really it just depends who the cop is alot of them are jackasses just because they get off on it and a few of them are good people with some common sense, i've never had one mess with me on an atv even when i pass them on the road but i've been pulled over in my camaro for bull**** reasons they even illeagly impounded my car, the funny thing was the judge made them pay my impound fee ($560) and that officer was fired.

01-08-2010, 02:50 PM
First off I do understand law enforcement and appreciate there service. And yes I tried to sine up but I’m just to damn old. lol!!! I have had both good and not so good experiences with the police. Not all of my own doing. And I must say most but not all of the time I would much rather get stopped by an older cop then a young one. The older owns seem to be more tolerant and are not so quick to whip out the ticket book and in most cases will let you off with a warning. Where as the young owns seem to think there going to change the world by coming down hard on everyone. I do think a lot of the cops are hypocrites and do many of the very things that they slam everyone else for. I know a few cops and they all think there above everyone else.

01-08-2010, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Duf6
really it just depends who the cop is alot of them are jackasses just because they get off on it and a few of them are good people with some common sense, i've never had one mess with me on an atv even when i pass them on the road but i've been pulled over in my camaro for bull**** reasons they even illeagly impounded my car, the funny thing was the judge made them pay my impound fee ($560) and that officer was fired.

Thats the problem here in NJ, about 90% of cops ive encountered over the years have that prick attitude and will cite you for something no matter what cause they can.

I mean my friend for instance drove a red ford taurus. It was old and somewhat beat up, he got pulled over like every single day till he sold the car 3 months later. I mean I was with him a bunchof times and he didnt do a thing. Even asked if the car matched some kinda description and got told no everytime.

I have a corvette and my town has a car show every 3rd thurs of the month in the summer. The cops would wait till it was over and get you for loud exhausts on your ride home, or other misc BS till us guys who owned wreckers in town TOWED their cruisers and impounded them when they illegally parked to get doughnuts or coffee. Funny how they stopped bothering people on car shownight after that.

01-08-2010, 03:21 PM
I was ridding a three wheeler on the beach back in the early 80’s when it was legal to do so, I got 5 tickets in one day. I got stopped by one cop who gave me a ticket for ridding on the part of the beach where all the cars go up and down. He said it was a state highway and therefore I was breaking the law. Even though hundreds of atv’s were all doing the same thing, but I was the only one he stopped. He told me the only place I could ride was on the duns. So I moved to the duns and about 30 minuets later his buddy stopped me and ticketed me for ridding in the duns. I got three more that day because I refused to stop ridding when I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I hired a lawyer and got all of them dropped, but I did spend 200.00 on the lawyer. Every time I got stopped they would make up some BS and write me up. We continued to ride the beach long after that and had few problems. After all it was legal to ride on the beach back then. If you’re in the right don’t be afraid to stand up for your self. But if your wrong then take your lumps and move on.

01-08-2010, 04:55 PM
Why isn't riding ATV's, dirtbikes, UTV's etc on the road legal?
IMO it should be legal, but I think its illegal cuz thats how they make alot of $ by F******* ppl over who ride 1/2 down a road.. I'll stop for them, im always straight up with a officer. But I dont understand why they have to fine you so much. Fining me isnt guna keep me from riding.

01-08-2010, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by trx400Rider
Why isn't riding ATV's, dirtbikes, UTV's etc on the road legal?
IMO it should be legal, but I think its illegal cuz thats how they make alot of $ by F******* ppl over who ride 1/2 down a road.. I'll stop for them, im always straight up with a officer. But I dont understand why they have to fine you so much. Fining me isnt guna keep me from riding.

I'm with you on this. A few months ago I got pulled over riding down the side of a road at my friends house to get to a trail and the cop was gunna give me a 750$ ticket.

01-08-2010, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by nastyrider17
I'm with you on this. A few months ago I got pulled over riding down the side of a road at my friends house to get to a trail and the cop was gunna give me a 750$ ticket.

What the hell is a ticket guna justify? It aint guna prove sh*t. I just dont get it. its BS..

01-08-2010, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by nastyrider17
I'm with you on this. A few months ago I got pulled over riding down the side of a road at my friends house to get to a trail and the cop was gunna give me a 750$ ticket.

Been theyre thats why i always run. Finally people agree....and i have fellowriders

01-08-2010, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
Been theyre thats why i always run. Finally people agree....and i have fellowriders

yea, all the other 15 and 16 year olds agree.

01-08-2010, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
yea, all the other 15 and 16 year olds agree.

Hey if were good enough to get away and then get away in the trails? where decent rider i no that hah. And teen agers are pretty much 70% percent of the riders

01-08-2010, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
Hey if were good enough to get away and then get away in the trails? where decent rider i no that hah. And teen agers are pretty much 70% percent of the riders

good reasoning. ruin it for everybody else, because you're 'good' enough to escape. you're not winning any arguments here. i understand you want a place to ride, but before you keep giving us all an even worse reputation, just wait till you're 18 and you can move anywhere you want.

01-08-2010, 05:46 PM
tru. where not ruining it for anyone really, theyre never guna outlaw it all together. im not goign to pul over, get caught, and not ride agian for awhile and whens the next day comes i cant ride again. F that.

01-08-2010, 05:49 PM
When I got F'd over for riding on the road, I wasnt able to ride till we moved to TN which was over 2 months....

01-08-2010, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
tru. where not ruining it for anyone really, theyre never guna outlaw it all together. im not goign to pul over, get caught, and not ride agian for awhile and whens the next day comes i cant ride again. F that.

Do you really think they can’t or won’t out law atv’s. There once was a day when you cloud buy a three wheeler ATC but where are they now? Outlawed that’s where. You seem to think it can’t happen to atv’s. hahaha

01-08-2010, 06:12 PM
to be honest it's all about money you get fined for not having a seatbelt on but you don't have to wear a helmet on a motorcycle ect. they don't care about if a nobody gets hurt it's all about money, now in ohio if you turn your windsheild wipers on in the middle of the day for any reason and you did turn on your headlights on auto $150 fine even on a sunny day

01-08-2010, 06:50 PM
sorry i meant didn't turn your lights on

01-08-2010, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Do you really think they can’t or won’t out law atv’s. There once was a day when you cloud buy a three wheeler ATC but where are they now? Outlawed that’s where. You seem to think it can’t happen to atv’s. hahaha

Its possible it could happen. But personally Ive ridden ATC's and honestly I found them way to dangerous due to the tippy nature they have. Thats why they were outlawed imho.

01-08-2010, 07:07 PM
I am disgusted by some of you guys...

I ride my atv on the road all the time... i have nevergotten a ticket for doing it either. I am a respectable rider and like to keep things that way. I believe that in order for the system to perform well and make sure that the peace is kept you need to start bringing up the issue with the police officers with the city council and other city officials. Let them know what you think about the situation's that you speak of. Trust me if you run, even once they are going to forever have your description on a hot sheet for people who have run while riding atv's. If you get pulled over and they give b.s. about something you didn't do, but you have run or lied in the past, i think you deserved the ticket. When i see a Police Officer while riding my atv, i pull off to the side of the road and stop and usually give him a peace sign or something and wave and they always just keep on their merry way. You guys are warping this entire situation to just what your perspective is, not what the law's require and what is morally right for the police officers to do. They are hard working men and women who go out everyday to make a living for there familys, and there job is hard enough without disrespecting people who run from and lie to them over anything.

01-08-2010, 07:18 PM
no offence but i work harder in one day then they do all year 90% of all cops are overweight and serverly out of shape very few really risk themselves to help others, like i said before some took the job to make a difference most wanted power and pay for nothing

01-08-2010, 07:22 PM
X-2 on stopping for a cop, all the times ive riden i always stop and since ive been 13 ive never gotten a fine or ticket on my dirtbikes or quads, the one time the cops stop me the first thing he said was i figured you'd shoots rocks all over me and take off like most, but instead he just checked my vin asked where i was going and said have fun, if you run 99% of time they will inpound your quad

01-08-2010, 07:34 PM
yea same thing. me and my friends were going along the road just cruising along not being stupid and we saw a cop so we stopped and turned around and when we did that another cop whipped in front of us blocking the whole street and got on her radio "stop right there! turn the bikes off!" and we did. she was really surprised and let us go with a warning. its best to always stop.

01-08-2010, 07:45 PM
like i said some good some bad but slowly our rights are being taken away faster and faster, that dosent mean be disrespecful but i think people should use commen sense mostly the one's who think their in chage

01-08-2010, 08:10 PM
What you guys keep failing to understand is in NJ they basically make it a game to nab you and your bike, impound them and fine you to death.

In NJ we cant own cool guns, cant pump our own gas, have to get our vehicles inspected, cant lift our trucks unless you get a special inspection, no fireworks, cant ride offroad anything anywhere unless you own it or know the person that does and got permission (and even then its a battle). Basically we are not allowed to do much of anything. If I didnt have a full scholarship to attend school I wouldnt even be here.

Basically they dont care, they are interested in making cash and apparently "keeping the public safe" from us horrible people who go offroad. If they dont nab you on the trail-they will just look up your plates and show up at your door. Think of all the cash they spend doing this to get perhaps 500 dollar fines from someone-when they could be doing real policework and solving crimes?
They have dedicated patrols for it, they have their own atv's, they tell the public to turn in anyone on the road or making to much noise.

There is actually a law enforced in my town-gotta have 3 acres to ride your atv otherwise its illegal. Considering unless you live on the out skirts of town its not possible to have 3 acres as its all sub divisions of homes. There is no legal place to ride except a track or private property period in NJ. They took away the only offroad park we had!

I personally will only ride in places I know the cops cant get to, have multiple exits/entrances and I can park my truck WAY far in so the cruisers cant get in. Plenty of my friends got busted and the quads impounded and literally thousands in fines. Dont tell me to go ride at a designated park/offroad trail complex-all of them are over 2-3 hours away from most of us.

I understand riding on the roads are stupid and on peoples property. I personally dont ride on private property, I ride on state game land thats been carved with trails and fire roads for eons now. Those who ride on private land risk the fact they might be caught-but when few other options exist what do you do?

01-08-2010, 08:18 PM
yeah that sucks thats worse than ohio, and the only good thing to come out of NJ is kevin smith movies

01-08-2010, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by CJM
but when few other options exist what do you do?

same thing i need to do in illinois.. trailer them to a state that does allow riding. the closest decent trails for us to ride are 3.5 hours away in wisconsin. we just have to ride less. compromise.

01-08-2010, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
same thing i need to do in illinois.. trailer them to a state that does allow riding. the closest decent trails for us to ride are 3.5 hours away in wisconsin. we just have to ride less. compromise. X2, maybe it's not another state, but our closest riding area is still a 2 hour drive away. If we want to ride, then that's what we do.
No other LEGAL options available.
so that's what we live with, and respect the law.

01-08-2010, 09:08 PM
Some of us arent gonna waste half the day driving around to get to a place to ride.

01-08-2010, 09:09 PM
Missouri is probably one of the better states to ride in :) we have about 7 places within 2hr's of my house to ride.

01-08-2010, 09:10 PM
?don't know what to say/less freedom

01-08-2010, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Some of us arent gonna waste half the day driving around to get to a place to ride.

so accept the consequences. :rolleyes:

01-08-2010, 09:20 PM
Then it seems like to me that some origination is in order. If everywhere in your state is illegal to ride because the laws have been changed then you need to organize, start a club get together, call your elected officials and change it back. You have the power of the people if you would put some of that energy into solving the problem instead of creating it. This not only applies to your ridding but most of your rights are being challenged through the patriot act and other corporate originations that are useing fear and safety as excuse to take away your rights in order to make you safer. The fight for your freedom is not always fought on the battle field, sometimes it has to be fought in the court room. Wake up people we have work to do.

01-08-2010, 09:23 PM
Then it seems like to me that some origination is in order. If everywhere in your state is illegal to ride because the laws have been changed then you need to organize, start a club get together, call your elected officials and change it back. You have the power of the people if you would put some of that energy into solving the problem instead of creating it. This not only applies to your ridding but most of your rights are being challenged through the patriot act and other corporate originations that are useing fear and safety as excuse to take away your rights in order to make you safer. The fight for your freedom is not always fought on the battle field, sometimes it hast to be fought in the court room. Wake up people we have work to do. __________________

Pretty much exactly what i said earlier.... but everyone was being to immature to listen to good solid advice.

01-08-2010, 09:39 PM
no you might have the right idea but it doesent work that way,they'll just take more and more/land of the free my ***

01-08-2010, 09:43 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by CJM
Some of us arent gonna waste half the day driving around to get to a place to ride. [/QUOTE

do us a favor then and sell your quad, instead of ruining our sport!!! hopefully a MOD will lock this thread cause no matter what advise everyone says, your not going to listen!!!!!!!!

01-08-2010, 09:58 PM
1. Kids have no power period.

2 Im not driving around allday just so i can drive 4 hours and ride 1? WTF is this? Riding is an addiction, and once you do it allot you cant stop, i ride 4-5 days aweek. Im not driving that far everyweek. And im no gunna stop riding. Alone in gas id be paying a fortune.

3. I dont have a problem with protection from law enforcement but when they try and ruin **** i get mad. For EXAMPLE: Halloween day i was ridding minding my own buisness with my friends, out of no where we start getting chased by a police durango in the woods. So we leave before he really sees us to try not to start somthig, next thing i no some cop on foot trys to tackle me of my machine, thats not legal at all to do that to a minor. Infact i tailwhipped it and made sure he got some roost. Then he grabbed my friends shoulder and almost pulled him of his KX250 which would have broken atleast a leg in a such a high speed fall. This is why i have problems. I wouldnt hae to run if they were nicer, but the first person to talk gets f'ed and known wants to be that person.

01-08-2010, 10:07 PM
are you still talking about this crap. suck it up and move on.

01-08-2010, 10:15 PM
can we get this thread locked?? we are getting no where... these kids are to bull headed to face the facts. Just let em get there bikes impounded... and that way we don't have to here them complain about the problems that they started.

01-08-2010, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by jasonanderson1
I dont have a problem with protection from law enforcement but when they try and ruin **** i get mad. For EXAMPLE: Halloween day i was ridding minding my own buisness with my friends, out of no where we start getting chased by a police durango in the woods. So we leave before he really sees us to try not to start somthig, next thing i no some cop on foot trys to tackle me of my machine, thats not legal at all to do that to a minor. Infact i tailwhipped it and made sure he got some roost. Then he grabbed my friends shoulder and almost pulled him of his KX250 which would have broken atleast a leg in a such a high speed fall. This is why i have problems. I wouldnt hae to run if they were nicer, but the first person to talk gets f'ed and known wants to be that person. Lets see,....
Evading a police officer
Failure to submit/comply with a police officer
Vehicular Assualt on a police officer

Gee, I'm begining to see your point.
Those cops have have absolutely no reason to be singleing you out and harrassing you.

Give it a break.
The more you talk, the more you show what a flagrant deviant you are.
You deserve everything they are citing you with. You have caused it all yourself, and have no one but yourself to blame.
Go cry somewhere else.

01-08-2010, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by tri5ron
Lets see,....
Evading a police officer
Failure to submit/comply with a police officer
Vehicular Assualt on a police officer

Gee, I'm begining to see your point.
Those cops have have absolutely no reason to be singleing you out and harrassing you.

Give it a break.
The more you talk, the more you show what a flagrant deviant you are.
You deserve everything they are citing you with. You have caused it all yourself, and have no one but yourself to blame.
Go cry somewhere else.
well put ron well put

01-08-2010, 10:51 PM
People who live a long way from where they can enjoy there sport have to travel more then others. If you like to fish but didn’t live close to a lake, then you have to travel.
Same goes with everything else including off road ridding. Know one said it was a cheep sport and you are the one who chooses to ride.

I agree well put ron.

01-08-2010, 10:52 PM
12 pages? Really? Why isn't this closed yet? This is absurd, we don't need this kind of idiotic exposure on a PUBLIC FORUM, especially by people who are supposed to be on our side!:grr:

01-08-2010, 10:52 PM
Apparently riding atv's is totaly wrong and illegal. Police should be more concerned about the teenage gangster kids.. Not someone who rides down the road every once and awhile.

01-08-2010, 11:08 PM
Oh I agree the cops can spend there time on something more use full. But why would you want to stop this thread? There is some funny chit in here. I mean after all we have people confessing to felony’s on here. Funny stuff.