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View Full Version : Arenacross Questions?

01-04-2010, 11:36 AM
I will be racing in a Arenacross race on feburary 19th and 20th. i was wondering what kind of tires i should buy for the back. im thinking about getting a set of 8in wheels and buying 18x10x8 turf tamers and cutting evrey other lug. any advice from an arenacross racer??

01-04-2010, 03:43 PM
Anything good for hardpack. Look at the ITP Quadcross also

01-04-2010, 04:27 PM
itp sx

01-04-2010, 07:11 PM
i do alot of indoor racing and i just go with the itp mxr6 they are the softest compound and i have never had any problems they seem to last me about 2-3 seasons as long as you take care of them

01-07-2010, 11:32 AM
obviously none of the above ppl race indoor arenacross. You need to have a little bit more info before tire choice!!!

IF its hard slick packed and grooved you need quadcross or razrcross or hoosier soft coupound

IF its loamy...and the dirt bikes run the same day...it will stay loamy..... you want a razr mx...holeshot... or a hoosier standard compound.

01-07-2010, 11:47 AM
i raced in this even three times prior and ive always ran 10in wide hoosiers on a 10in wheel. they worked good but i got to lookin and i noticed alot of the arenacross racers been runnin like 18 tires on 8inch wheels so im gonna try sumthin new this year, if it dont work ill put my hoosiers back on

01-07-2010, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by roberts5
i raced in this even three times prior and ive always ran 10in wide hoosiers on a 10in wheel. they worked good but i got to lookin and i noticed alot of the arenacross racers been runnin like 18 tires on 8inch wheels so im gonna try sumthin new this year, if it dont work ill put my hoosiers back on


Im talkin about hoosier mx tires.

01-07-2010, 12:18 PM
don't start the acussing.. yes I have raced them.. I used to use 18 in holeshot mx's on 10 inch now I use the 18 " sx's on 8's...

and he did not say specifically INDOOR arenacross... so don't start accussing when you can't even read..

you never know exactly what the dirt will be like so you take your best shot at it.. it used to be turf tammers and if it was different that day you cut off knobbies...

01-07-2010, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by desratt
don't start the acussing.. yes I have raced them.. I used to use 18 in holeshot mx's on 10 inch now I use the 18 " sx's on 8's...

and he did not say specifically INDOOR arenacross... so don't start accussing when you can't even read..

you never know exactly what the dirt will be like so you take your best shot at it.. it used to be turf tammers and if it was different that day you cut off knobbies...

I call it like it is bud. Dont get your panties in a bunch. You recommended a tire without even knowing the conditions.

Grow UP.

01-07-2010, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by hendershot106
obviously none of the above ppl race indoor arenacross. You need to have a little bit more info before tire choice!!!

IF its hard slick packed and grooved you need quadcross or razrcross or hoosier soft coupound

IF its loamy...and the dirt bikes run the same day...it will stay loamy..... you want a razr mx...holeshot... or a hoosier standard compound.

ya i guess i have never raced indoor....



and by the way, tires are just 1/10 of the issue of indoor its set-up suspension and rider. dont forget to "call it how it is"

01-07-2010, 06:06 PM
I would just use a soft compound tire...they hook up great when its hard pack and when its loamy they still do good. razr mx yellow or orange label....DWT just came out with some soft compound tires...Hoosier has the new mx tires as hendershot showed about...i think its all mainly an indviduals opinion anyways.

01-08-2010, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by jmillermx144
I would just use a soft compound tire...they hook up great when its hard pack and when its loamy they still do good. razr mx yellow or orange label....DWT just came out with some soft compound tires...Hoosier has the new mx tires as hendershot showed about...i think its all mainly an indviduals opinion anyways.

At least one other person on here has a worthwile opinion..... proving you "raced" indoors doesnt prove you can set a bike up for indoors....as i said...and miller said..... :rolleyes:

IF you all want to attack something hardcore online...howbout you attack your race results????

01-08-2010, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by shiftyfofiddy
ya i guess i have never raced indoor....



and by the way, tires are just 1/10 of the issue of indoor its set-up suspension and rider. dont forget to "call it how it is"

And glad you get your garage queen dirty then...

once more... this was a tire discussion....not a setup discussion.

You want to get into setup??? We can do that.:D :D ;)

01-08-2010, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by shiftyfofiddy
i do alot of indoor racing and i just go with the itp mxr6 they are the softest compound and i have never had any problems they seem to last me about 2-3 seasons as long as you take care of them

Really. mxr6 is the softest compound???? And they last 2-3 seasons???

Do you ride 2 times a year???

The only way a mxr6 will last 2-3 seasons is setting in the garage as a set of spare tires.

01-08-2010, 11:57 AM
i have never ran a set of tires for two or three seasons on anything....including my 1998 250 recon i use for a pit vehicle at the nationals....and it doesnt even have enough power to spin

01-08-2010, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by hendershot106
And glad you get your garage queen dirty then...

once more... this was a tire discussion....not a setup discussion.

You want to get into setup??? We can do that.:D :D ;) \

garage queen? lol sounds like someone is jealous that i can take care of my bike its a 05 dude. would love to see pictures of your bike, better yet better not i dont want to throw up. its looked like that for 4 years now. just keep your opinions to yourself i have years on you kid. and yes i have had a set of tires last 3 season in INDOOR. if your ever in oregon we can surely go for a ride and ill have to show you that it doesnt only look better then your heap but ill take you to the cleaners on any track and any ride. sounds like your a internet goon

01-08-2010, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by shiftyfofiddy

garage queen? lol sounds like someone is jealous that i can take care of my bike its a 05 dude. would love to see pictures of your bike, better yet better not i dont want to throw up. its looked like that for 4 years now. just keep your opinions to yourself i have years on you kid. and yes i have had a set of tires last 3 season in INDOOR. if your ever in oregon we can surely go for a ride and ill have to show you that it doesnt only look better then your heap but ill take you to the cleaners on any track and any ride. sounds like your a internet goon

Yep im a professional C rider goon. I can make the same quad last for 15 years.

My tires last for 10 years. There the ultra secret super soft self inflating race winning tires. I designed them myself too.

I know its a heap. But i try awful hard. I mean i have a whole 15 dollars in my engine. And i really spent alot on polishing my front bumper to make it pretty for my debut in ax racing...like 5 dollars...on the good mothers polish!!

I want to throw up too. When i realize what passes for knowledge in some ppls tiny little helmet encased craniums.

And for getting taken to the cleaners.... been there done that...its called A class at the nationals. Try it sometime.

Better yet. You tell me what atva national and class you will be running this year and ill meet you there.

Im sure you will stomp me tho... i will be running the C class on millers 98 recon 250 with my 10 year old super special tires.

01-08-2010, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by hendershot106
Yep im a professional C rider goon. I can make the same quad last for 15 years.

My tires last for 10 years. There the ultra secret super soft self inflating race winning tires. I designed them myself too.

I know its a heap. But i try awful hard. I mean i have a whole 15 dollars in my engine. And i really spent alot on polishing my front bumper to make it pretty for my debut in ax racing...like 5 dollars...on the good mothers polish!!

I want to throw up too. When i realize what passes for knowledge in some ppls tiny little helmet encased craniums.

And for getting taken to the cleaners.... been there done that...its called A class at the nationals. Try it sometime.

Better yet. You tell me what atva national and class you will be running this year and ill meet you there.

Im sure you will stomp me tho... i will be running the C class on millers 98 recon 250 with my 10 year old super special tires.

listen so much for being a respectful dude you jump on here throwing words around acting like a "tough guy" you think you have knowledge? your a "c" class rider. i guess its been you against the world your whole life huh? did your daddy neglect you as a child and you have to go be a bad boy on atv riders? i simply stated that you can win races with stock tires that come on the bike factory if the set up is right. let me guess you do your own porting your own shocks as well as develop your secrete tires! lmfao. sounds like you should be working at dasa or rage or developing your own bike and sell it to honda or yamaha. your a joke get a life i wish i could reach through this comp and slap your mug. have fun in the c class there bud, let me know how that polish works out for you. dont be a hater when someone take pride in his bike. with the way my bike looks and was built i have prob sold 10 bikes for honda, as for your bike, looks like yours should be on the cover of field and guide or down at black water with all the other inbreeds keep it real and not be a duech

300ex racer 91
01-08-2010, 07:53 PM
I raced the Kicker arena on the east coast lol and up in albaney they had a white LTR-450 bone stock, and the guy had Hoosier TT slicks on it lol in beginner class and what shocked me and even the anouncer was that He got the Holeshot lol every one wheelied off the line and couldnt keep the fronts down and cuased like a 7 quad pile up first turn and this kid was first around the corner and pulled a 3rd overall lol this was at albany times union for those who raced it, i was amateur in the Main

01-08-2010, 09:43 PM
if you take a look at hendershots link below his post youll see hes not a C class professional...he was saying that making fun of you and your quad.....and as for a pile of heap....his last 2 years hondas are top notch quads....i havent saw his 09 yfz450r yet but im sure its not a piece....im gonna say the only difference between his and yours in being taken care of is that his gets rode like it should and has normal scratches and wear and tear that yours may not get if you only ride indoors.

01-08-2010, 09:45 PM
You're a moron shiftyfofiddy..haha

01-09-2010, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Balaz_73*00
You're a moron shiftyfofiddy..haha

i kno rite???

****yfofiddy...why dont you follow the link to my results below.

Then go home and cry to your daddy about.

Mines dead. Has been. Never gave me anything. But thanks for being an immature individual that is too ignorant to comprehend a "big" word called an insult.

Do you really want me to post up my hondas and put yours to shame????? I can...really no big deal.

At least mine end up on the podium.:rolleyes:

Maybe you do have me on years of experience....like i said...years...not actual experience.

I know Miller and I have raced more ax races in one winter than you will in ten.

This is one of those threads that you will never win...its not a race.....good thing for that though.

Ohh.. and incase you still havent figured it out... THAT LAST POST WAS A JOKE!!!!!!!!! :D

01-09-2010, 02:06 PM
haha..love this thread
Hey can i ee some pics of your honda though..i just like seeing bikes that arent worth anything.jk.;)

01-09-2010, 03:20 PM
listen dude your the one who started out talkin trash about my bike. cuz its clean? whats the point behind that? you can tell me how your bikes can put mine to shame all you want go for it. now you have your little followers backin you up. whatever dude im not going to get into a pissin match with an ******* on the other side of the U.S. over a post that started out with tires. have a good one dude cuz a saint such as yourself deserves the world in his hand

01-09-2010, 04:51 PM

01-09-2010, 05:42 PM
2009 Race bike


2008 Race Bike

http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=337558&perpage=10&highlight=gold rush&pagenumber=1

http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=371638&perpage=10&highlight=project gold rush&pagenumber=2

^^^halfway down last thread.

01-10-2010, 06:59 PM
Wow. Those are 2 of the nicest bikes I've ever seen. Wtf is this fool doing trying to diss you about them?

01-10-2010, 07:35 PM
"FOOL" LOL now we gettin ghetto? he was trashin on my bike, when you want to call me a fool do your research. im over it

01-10-2010, 08:06 PM
so, did anyone come to a solid conclusion as to what kind of tires he should run?
btw shiftyfofiddy, why are you upset about getting "ghetto"? your f'n username contains the words "fo fiddy" and if you have "years on this kid" you should be the responsible adult and know when to stfu and and not argue on the internet.

sorry i am of no use to the tire discussion, i been out of the game for a couple years and i know theres a lot of new chit out there.

01-10-2010, 08:16 PM
as for the tire question. like he said above me there is so many tires available now its too hard to say what works or what doesn't work. like i said i personally like the mxr6 they are soft and seem to work for me but you could not like them. everyone says their tires are the best but what would you expect them to say. see what other people are running at the track and make a decision from there. im sorry for hijacking your thread just tired of the drama that's my opinion on the tire question

01-12-2010, 09:15 AM

2007 Race Bike

01-12-2010, 09:16 AM
2006 Race bike

01-12-2010, 09:17 AM
2005 race bike (125B 16-24)

01-12-2010, 09:21 AM
2005 race QUAD

01-12-2010, 09:28 AM
why dont u all stfu?

01-12-2010, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by honda4life818
why dont u all stfu?

Because ignorance is NOT bliss......

Why dont you find another thread to put your 2 cents into.

01-12-2010, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by shiftyfofiddy
"FOOL" LOL now we gettin ghetto? he was trashin on my bike, when you want to call me a fool do your research. im over it Not ghetto. Im White. And with the bikes hes got, he can trash any other bike out there.

01-12-2010, 04:29 PM
lol ok dude. im over it now lets get back to the question that was asked TIRES!

01-12-2010, 05:06 PM
im not looking to start any trouble or piss anyone off but reading these fourms was better than watching UFC.

01-12-2010, 07:09 PM
Ummmm, not to be a smart arse or anything. I read the prior post and all that good stuff,but doesn't the soil play into it???? Granted, its dirt,but the soil itself has different properties compared to dirt in different locations. So wouldn't a tire selection be based off the terrain and suspension setup you have???? I don't feel a certain tire is gonna fit everyone's bill. I feel its just a matter of trial and error. I'm sure the soil in the Northwest is totally different than that of the east coast.

01-12-2010, 08:56 PM
From my experience, most arenacross is hardpacked. My favorite tire for hardpack is the ITP Quadcross, like I said. It also seems decent for more softer dirt types so thats what I would run. But if it is significantly more loamy or loose, MXR-6's or Yellow Label Razr Mx's would be better

01-13-2010, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by hendershot106
Because ignorance is NOT bliss......

Why dont you find another thread to put your 2 cents into. by no means am i trying to be a a**. im just sayin why does it matter whos bike looks better or who has whats that better? it doesnt.you have had some pretty sick bikes but his is pretty nice, very good looking bike. im not trying to start a fight, just saying yall have ruined this thread bickering.

01-13-2010, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by airmobile101
Ummmm, not to be a smart arse or anything. I read the prior post and all that good stuff,but doesn't the soil play into it???? Granted, its dirt,but the soil itself has different properties compared to dirt in different locations. So wouldn't a tire selection be based off the terrain and suspension setup you have???? I don't feel a certain tire is gonna fit everyone's bill. I feel its just a matter of trial and error. I'm sure the soil in the Northwest is totally different than that of the east coast.

That is almost exactly what i said......when i stated you cant just tell someone what tire to pick without any real info.....

01-13-2010, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by honda4life818
by no means am i trying to be a a**. im just sayin why does it matter whos bike looks better or who has whats that better? it doesnt.you have had some pretty sick bikes but his is pretty nice, very good looking bike. im not trying to start a fight, just saying yall have ruined this thread bickering.

OK. sounded like you were tryin too. But thats fine. I dont care if my bike looks like a 15 year old POS. No hard feelings.:D

01-13-2010, 01:36 PM
no dont get me wrong you have/had some pretty sick bikes. nicer than mine ever will be.

01-13-2010, 04:50 PM
I actually ran cut turfs on several hard packed indoor tracks over the last couple years and they work very well for the money! I wouldn't count em out at all. But cutting the lugs is a ton of work. This year I'll be on quad cross lites cuz I'm lazy! lol!

CRE Performance
01-13-2010, 09:25 PM
Just like everyone else, I dont want to come across as being a jackass, but.....If you have 2-4 sets of tires to chose from for this event, then your probably experienced enough to not have to ask this question. If you are buying a totally different set of tires for what is possibly a one time thing, then dont waste your money and run what you have!

P.S., I havent looked at Hendershots current bike, but im sure its as nice if not nicer than the last one i seen him on at Durhamtown.:)

01-14-2010, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by CRE Performance
Just like everyone else, I dont want to come across as being a jackass, but.....If you have 2-4 sets of tires to chose from for this event, then your probably experienced enough to not have to ask this question. If you are buying a totally different set of tires for what is possibly a one time thing, then dont waste your money and run what you have!

P.S., I havent looked at Hendershots current bike, but im sure its as nice if not nicer than the last one i seen him on at Durhamtown.:)

The yamaha is coming along...but it has a way to go to be near as nice as that bike.... me tim and tyler will be back at durhamtown this year right before the ga gncc...that wed thurs and fri.

Honestly...i never run anything other than soft compound hoosiers for everything now.... ive used about everything coming and going...and i like them very well...having two sets always helps. :D