View Full Version : Broke my collar bone..

01-04-2010, 10:31 AM
I was at this newish track yesterday and I was jumping pretty much everything except two jumps. After trying to keep up with two pro am riders I tried one of the ones I wasn't hitting. Then thomas brown and cody gibson show up and I rode behind brown for a lil a couple laps later I land sideways on the jump I just learned but managed to straighten up. Next lap I land sideways again but this time I lose a bar and roll it. Well now I have a broken collar bone and am going to lose the championship I have been leading in.. this sucks lol.
The track was awesome though. Long and fast. It had a supercross style rythme section and some big jumps.
Anyways I just wanted to tell you guys my story.

01-04-2010, 10:38 AM
Dude that sucks hopefully you get better soon

01-04-2010, 10:39 AM
i never broke my collar bone that i know of but i bruised it pretty bad my last trip out to breezewood hurt for weeks after wards. never went to the hospital because i didnt think it was that bad but beleive me it did hurt prettybad and just took alot of advil. still sometimes hurts randomly to this day... happened in the begianing of august

01-04-2010, 10:44 AM
Yeah mine is pretty messed up. Its seperated by about an inch. I was in the ER for 8 hours yesterday and they didn't do anything. I'm going to another doctor today so we will see what he says. I don't think they will be able to snap it back together I will probably need surgery.

01-04-2010, 11:31 AM
Mine was an inch apart too and they said it would heal. Wrong, 3 months later, still an inch apart and required a plate, 6 screws, and a bone gragh from my hip. make sure they x-ray it now and make a decision on what to do. Don't let them put it off.
Good Luck.

01-04-2010, 12:23 PM
I good friend of mine had a plate and screws put in last monday.

01-04-2010, 12:59 PM
broken collar bones blow. i think i ws out for almost 8 weeks. i think the worst part was not being able to sleep on my left side or so long.

01-04-2010, 01:05 PM
Just went to the doctors and they said if I get the surgery I will be able to ride the next day. If I don't do anything I can ride in 3 months.
So is the championship worth the price of the surgery? I think I might do it.

JAG Motosports
01-04-2010, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by motofreak2772
I was at this newish track yesterday and I was jumping pretty much everything except two jumps. After trying to keep up with two pro am riders I tried one of the ones I wasn't hitting. Then thomas brown and cody gibson show up and I rode behind brown for a lil a couple laps later I land sideways on the jump I just learned but managed to straighten up. Next lap I land sideways again but this time I lose a bar and roll it. Well now I have a broken collar bone and am going to lose the championship I have been leading in.. this sucks lol.
The track was awesome though. Long and fast. It had a supercross style rythme section and some big jumps.
Anyways I just wanted to tell you guys my story.

Just curious if I know or have seen you at the track. What series, SSQSA? What # ? Is Brown going to race at Bithlo this weekend? Sorry about the accident and hope you heal quick.

01-04-2010, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by motofreak2772
Just went to the doctors and they said if I get the surgery I will be able to ride the next day. If I don't do anything I can ride in 3 months.
So is the championship worth the price of the surgery? I think I might do it.

i would do the surgery just so you don't have to sit on your arse for 3 months and like the other guy said what if it doesn't heal?

01-04-2010, 05:12 PM
Yeah my surgery will be Thursday.
I race SSQSA #27 in C class. I know jordan, he rides minis. Idk if they are racing bithlo or not. I know they are both staying with the johnsons and have been riding a bunch of tracks. So if they stay till the weekend they probably will.

01-04-2010, 05:28 PM
what track were you at? ive been contemplating getting a membership at bartow and picking up a sunpass, i go to tenoroc which is right off the parkway. i can be at bartow after school in about twenty minutes. idk. i really want it to sell.

man i miss ssqsa. did you go to sunshine last season? idk if you remember me, #33 in the b class with the general lee quad (other brother bike ran c class, #32). i got landed on at sunshine. i hate when you get stuck behind idiots, pass them, and then they **** you up. i about punched that old man in his head. :scary:

01-04-2010, 05:47 PM
Yeah I remember you guys, I was on my blaster then so I didn't really talk to big bike guys haha. Its forest glen mx, one of the best tracks yet. Its in manatee county just past wachula. It takes me an hour to get there. You need to ride this track before you sell it. There's also another little track right down the road from forest glen. It has a big step up but is only like a 30 second lap time. About half the size of dade with only 7 jumps total lol. Its good for about 15 min. But the owner is real cool, he is some old country guy.

01-04-2010, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by motofreak2772
But the owner is real cool, he is some old country guy.

hey thats all that matters.

Past wachula?? holy hell thats out there. in the woods lol. i have a bunch of family out there, maybe ill make a trip.

BTW, bubbas mud ranch is having a quad thing (no mud, its all dirt) on the sixteenth. i might head out there. ten bucks to ride.

01-05-2010, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by motofreak2772
Just went to the doctors and they said if I get the surgery I will be able to ride the next day. If I don't do anything I can ride in 3 months.
So is the championship worth the price of the surgery? I think I might do it.
The next day?? For real?? WOW... when my Daughter had hers they still didnt want her racing for a month .
your going to feel a hell of a lot better after a week, but the next day is pushing it IMO.
All I can say is be careful :ermm:

01-05-2010, 10:17 AM
Well obviously the cut won't be healed for a while but what he was saying is the bone will be able to take impact right after its bolted together. I have a race this Sunday so hopefully the cut holds together lmao. I'm still going to take it easy but I only have like a 10 point lead in the series. Idc if I lose this race but hopefully I can win the one after that.

01-05-2010, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by motofreak2772
Well obviously the cut won't be healed for a while but what he was saying is the bone will be able to take impact right after its bolted together. I have a race this Sunday so hopefully the cut holds together lmao. I'm still going to take it easy but I only have like a 10 point lead in the series. Idc if I lose this race but hopefully I can win the one after that. its not the cut ...it the bone that's been drilled holes threw from the screws that's going to hurt . We had to stay on top of pain meds the first couple days ...then things were much better . I guess everyones pain tolerance is different .

01-05-2010, 12:10 PM
Yeah, pain is one thing. But I have a pretty good tolerance and I won't let just the pain stop me from performing. As long as its not physically damaging me then I will push through. But like I said I could retear the stitches or something and that would be an actual problem haha. Pain is a whole different story.
I think by Saturday the actual pain from surgery will be tollerable I just want to be cautious as to not do additional damage, but the way my doctor made it seem the plate will be just as strong as if I had never broken anything.

01-05-2010, 01:52 PM
I broke mine this fall, axle snapped going UP a jump and... well.. you can probly guess how my landing went haha.. I didnt need surgery and was riding my pitbike in 3 weeks, and felt fully healed in about 4-5 weeks.

My dad also broke his while riding my pitbike, hit a stump and fell over doing 2mph, I guess the age took part in that one, hes in his mid 50's. They told him he didnt need surgery but 6 weeks go by and it didnt heal right, couldnt feel his fingers because of nerve damage, had to re-break it and have surgery, but hes been doing fine since then..

That was my first bone I ever broke, and man did it SUCK. Sleeping comfortable is NOT a choice when you have a broken collar bone !!!

DP #000
01-05-2010, 07:21 PM
damn man that sucks. ive dislocated my shoulder 5 times in the past year but i bet thats nothing like a collar bone. even though that still hurts like a b!tch

01-05-2010, 09:52 PM
ive broke my both of mine.

right one= broke when i was body slammed on the playground in 6th grade:rolleyes: it got screws and i was fine in a couple weeks and then a year later the screws were removed.

left one ive broke twice= first time was skating i was doing a bs disaster on the 4 foot vert extension on this quater pipe and hungup and fell about 10 feet right on my head. it broke but it was still "inplace" so i was left as is, i took over a month for it to be back to normal. The second time was riding..... and they screwed it and arent going to remove the screws.

definetly get them to screw it, you be good as new within the week....

01-06-2010, 05:25 PM
Surgery tomorrow...
To be honest I'm kind of nervous. This is my first surgery. I hope all goes well and it doesn't hurt too bad.

01-07-2010, 04:24 AM
good luck, broke mine in june,im just now able to sleep on that shoulder. broke mine nice and clean with no surgery, which was a good thing, because i spent enough $ to sit in the er waiting for pain meds

01-07-2010, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by motofreak2772
Surgery tomorrow...
To be honest I'm kind of nervous. This is my first surgery. I hope all goes well and it doesn't hurt too bad.
You will be fine ;)
The surgery its really fast. I dont think my Daughter was in there more than 30 minutes ,then she went home.
The only thing I cannot stress enough is pain management. Your Dr. may tell you that as well. After surgery, dont wait until things start to really hurt before you take something for it. Stay on top of the meds. We almost had to put my Daughter back into the hopsital because she was in so much pain .Sometimes they like to keep patients over night or so for that reason. Like I said earlier, everyones pain tolerance to certain things are different.
I started cutting her pain meds back because she was liking them TOO much. :p lol

Its all golden for you now . :)
I think they should do these more for everyone with clavical breaks. SOOOO much less suffering! If your going to break it, might as well break it to where it can be plated so you can heal faster! lol

01-07-2010, 04:57 PM
Well I'm glad I did it, turns out there were 6 pieces. Its like an 8 inch plate too. I haven't removed the bandage yet though. Surgery was 3 hours not 30 min lol. Maybe I should get your daughters number for moral support lmao jk.
That's halarious, "you should do these more". Lol id rather not.
My whole arm has been numb all day and is just now getting feeling so I will see how the pain is. I'm. Curious to see the cut and I want to know how many screws I got lol.

01-07-2010, 04:59 PM
Sorry misread the you should do these more thing lol. I agree though, we have the technology why not fix it. Plus it will be straighter.

01-07-2010, 06:46 PM
My daughters was only 4 screws and 4 inch plate but she is very small .glad all went good .

01-07-2010, 06:55 PM
Mine wasn't supposed to be this big but then they realized it was more broken than they thought.