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12-27-2009, 06:18 PM
hey guys.

i just wanted a little help and see what you all thought... also i would be running a 250r of some sort for it all...

ok for starters i've been riding since I was about 12.. I'm down to earth and dont talk out of my butt... i started out on a blaster and built it and sold / traded for a TT 250r that was a FTZ ported 265. then i got a hybred and a 450r and then i got my race 250r i have now for mx..

so jumping foward im 18 now and I've worked really hard and I would like to race, and not race a little here and there... I want to go all out...

Im not trying to talk big but I know there are alot of riders that are on 450's that dont know how to use them and they should be on a 300ex or a blaster cause thats all the power and speed they need and use... and their old man and lady think their child is the best and will give them what they want... we all know that...

so now I'm going to be done with Hs this year. due to the fact i've owned a few 250r's and i have going TONS of boxes of parts for them I would like to race in some mx xc and tt... mind you, there are bout 6-8 XC races ALL season... its not every weekend or every other weekend... im not totally sure about the MX, but TT is every 3 weekes i think...

I have my PRP that i would run for MX and tt, i would the MX class in the TT... less things for me to change over...

as far as my thoughs on a XC it would be a 265 XC CT motor with shocks and some good tires...

Aside from the money to do it, what are some of your tips on this...

as far as what I ride on as far as land. I have a really really really hard traning track that i made with a buddy, its in about a 40 acr field with hills and i have sweepers, side hills, theres everything and anything in there...its close to 3 miles... Its the hardest place i've ever rode becasue its set up as a fast track, if your able to you can go pinned WFO the whole time, but it beats you down like a MFer... its not all straigs... its a straigt across some rough rocky old farm fiels, with loads of field rock

I also have alot of woods that i can ride in and a guy just up the road has a full MX track....

once again... I know im not a Bill B, Berry Hawk, J. Jones or any of those guys. I've just worked really hard on and in this sport and I really feel like its time to go out and have some fun.. reasons why i havnt yet is because my mom doesnt like it and i've worked on it all by my self... but for some reason once i start on it she learns to trust me and stuff...

please dont be D-bags about it and talk crap because im not, i just want some help... on your training and lay outs, lane choice, when to push your self and when to lay back...

one of my flaws is i just want to go 100% the whole time and i know i cant, i have a hard time holding back... so how do you decide when you go wide open or take it easy...

thanks for the help...

again... if theres a d-bag comment im going to delete this post...

post away...

12-27-2009, 07:00 PM
So correct me if I'm wrong, but you want to race mx, tt, and xc? :eek2:

Why not just pick one? You would almost have to have multiple quads to do so. I personally would like to do some more woods racing, but I mainly run Mx so my bike setup does not favor the woods. If I had an extra set of suspension valved for woods I'd do it.

As far as racing, make sure you have the physical ability to do it, the time, and the money if you're going all out. For local races it's easy for me to spend $100 for a race day. For bigger tracks I used to travel to (budd's, steel city, unadilla,etc) I used to go out the day before, practice all day, and spend the night in a hotel. It wasn't unusual to spend $300+ for a weekend like that.

When I was full blown racing, I tried my best to cut out junk food, go to bed before 10, 11 on non race weekends, weight training 2-3 times a week and cardio 4-5 times a week. Even if it was a 30 minute bike ride or jog, I got it in.

Practice how you race. If you struggle with a section, take an afternoon and get it dialed in. Once you learn how to jump, you can jump. Work on your turns. Turns win the race. Line choice as well. Use practice to your advantage and look for/make lines. Example. At the local track there is an 85' uphill with a corner right after it. Most guys were landing it, slowing down, and squaring it up. If you have the speed, use it to you advantage. I made an outside rut in practice and that turn alone got me 5 spots in a 5 lap moto. Practice running moto's too. Get into the rhythm of knowing when you get tired and try to get your stamina up for a full moto.

12-27-2009, 07:20 PM
yeah, the TT's would be at only the one track...theres not many there... like i said its 2or 3 weeks from each race and they arnt always at that track... i would run a district race in XC, there are 3 XC races in Millville MN i would go to, and then theres 6-8 other xc races aside from that in the woods. I also know a guy that runs mx and i'm thinkin about getting in to it...

last years i said i would do mx and i sat on the side with no quad half the summer cause of blown shocks! (slap on the head)

the TT track is 15 min's away from me. i know about lane choices but i just dont think in mx kickin dirt around on the gates is going to help me...

my quad right now as it sits is a 03 PRP with axis shocks, +2 arms no link and i have the chassis half way done for xc... just need to do the shocks... and some 4/1's... i cant find a +1 or +.5 LT front end...

i'm also looking at a JP chassis that i would build up... the only think that i dont have for this chassis is the top end of a motor and the front end and stem...

Like i said i have all kinds of spaire 250r parts... everything under the sun almost... but the front end...

12-27-2009, 08:47 PM
look into motoxnutrition.com for help with nurition and a trainign program. christian sells great products that are safe and improve your healh and performance. also drink good amount of water, whey protien, gatorade. good to carbo loading during race weeks (pastas breads) also eat soem good protiens to help your muscles recover. look into products like flexxbars and rox risers to reduce vibration and arm pump. ride both smooth and rough tracks to give you a mix on what to prepare for. try to stick to one discipline if you can unless you have 2 different bikes. you can get away with a mx set up in tt but not woods most likely because of width mostly. look into the new quadshot holeshot device from idolspeed.com
for gates theres different types of gates if theres a bolt in them look at the bolt once that bolt drops usually the gate drops 2-3 seconds after.

12-27-2009, 08:48 PM
Ride as much as you can and at as many different places as you can. Practice tracks are good but don't get too used to it. You need a variety of jumps, terrain, and track layouts. Also try to ride with faster people. The more you race the better you will be.

12-27-2009, 09:06 PM
Practice it all to be a well rounded rider, but focus on one. It is way too expensive to try to do it all and you will be burnout before the end of the season. you cant ride a high performance fourwheeler that much and not be working on it and buying parts ALL the time.

12-27-2009, 09:12 PM
i have a teacher out at school who is a trainer but she does it for body lifting... she didnt know what i could do because she hasnt rode a quad... and i said its like riding a pedal bike, with 300LBS more weight with loads of arm pump and she still couldnt catch a feeling of it...

in the summer time i would ride almost every day. I also worked on a farm when i wasnt riding... we did alot of small sqr bails of hay and that is a work out... you have to unload wagons from about 1030-11 till 4- 430 get about a 5- 10 min brake to change wagons around then you go back at it... i was up in the barn and its like 85* out side, its about 110* in side! no joke... its hotter then hell up there...

i dont wanna to get on all these mixxes and stuff... im going to cut back on the junk food... on last week monday i was 147, last night i was 165! from all the dang food i was eating and i had another x-mas today... so i dont know what im at now...

as far as a work out, i cant run... like if i have to run from one place to another to get something fast i can but if i just want to run 5 miles, i cant... theres no point... i could ride bike all day long on the roughest stuff though...

i geuss i would mainly be doing XC...

12-27-2009, 09:22 PM
i know the farm work is a work out live on one and did haying for years. with the mixes and stuff your helping your body recover better and muscles recover and grow better. you just need to work out with whey protien because you can fat instead of muscle. if you want to race anything especially xc you need to build your endurance and stamina. like i say talk to christian he can set you up. also punching bag to asong can help you with conditioning treadmill. when weight lifting for strength work outs high weights with 10-12 reps. to focus on endruance low weights 20-30 reps. i did the endurance for a year andi am telling you my conditioning for mx was amazing. pm me if you have any qs about trainign i can help you out.

12-27-2009, 09:29 PM
what are some of the whey protien or mixxes you want to stay away from... i know for a fact i could take stacker XXX and sit on a couch and if i dont work out its not gonna do **** for me...

i also know theres a limit to what you can take in...

12-27-2009, 09:47 PM
most creatines are known to dehydrate you so you have to drink plenty of water but i know of some track and field atheletes who use N.O. xplode and don't seem to have issues. I use 100% Natural whey i think it is. i use currently Moto X Nutrition's Endurogen which makes a big improvement for endurance and arm pump. I used cynergy it helped me a lil bit but everyone reacts different to different supplements you have to try them and see what works for you. stay away from epedherine it raises your heart beat like crazy.

12-27-2009, 09:55 PM
yeah just what i dont what to happen is have a health problem... i had good look so far... knock on wood besides a bad neck from a wreck... i landed on my head...

12-27-2009, 10:06 PM
you acually sound alot like me, your young, work hard for all of your stuff, almost have no support in what you want to do, nothing was given to you, and you just want to have a decent shot at it.
ok thats enough of thinking back, lol

to be honest with you, dont worry about all of the protien stuff. yes im sure they help and everything but IMO you can spend the money on more important stuff such as riding gear and things for your quad.

what i would worry about is just being in shape, i dont mean massive muscles, i mean fit, you need to have endurance. i dont know how it is where your at but a XC series that im in has fifteen 2 1/2 hour races in a season. just work out as much as you can, do push ups, sit ups, leg lifts, run (if you can), and if you have a pond, go row a boat around.

but like i said, im just starting out like you, im in my second year of college so im not much older than you so just take my info lightly. but i do have some good info with working out and stuff becasue my sister has a doctorate in PT.
hope this helps.

12-27-2009, 10:27 PM
thumbs up BEAN! haha! the xc tracks are nothing like the GNCC tracks... if you go any more then a +1with out 4-1's our not going to be doing to hot, they never, never groom the one track, if its mudy and its rough, then its gonna be rougher... of all the years i've been there they ran a skidder in it once cause they changed it or something...

here are the xc ones i would go to..
and mx

theres another 2 xc races up north of me in another thing.. and for some reason they dont have any XC races at the one track they had them always at..

12-28-2009, 06:45 AM
You're in Minnesota right? Next year we'll have 7 or 8 TT's for District 23 plus there's Sioux Falls, SD TT/Oval and some closer Nationals.

12-28-2009, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by patrickj75
You're in Minnesota right? Next year we'll have 7 or 8 TT's for District 23 plus there's Sioux Falls, SD TT/Oval and some closer Nationals.

im in WI, i live right by Eauclaire Wi, theres a TT track for go carts by me that runs quads now its called thunder hill... im not sure what district runs on it or that but i know theres about 3 or 4 races there... i havnt been to any of the D23 TT tracks, I've gone to almost all the XC ones though... i wish they still had Hill City.. do you know why the XC for D23 isnt at Arkinsaw MX anymore?

12-28-2009, 09:41 AM
I'm not sure why they aren't racing at Arkansas.

12-28-2009, 06:34 PM
id take the quad you enjoy riding the most and build it to w/e extent your budget allows

running multiple races per week is a bad idea

nobody would waste there money racing week in and week out unless they thought they were gonan take on bill ballance, even if its a far off idea i dont think you can get into it without believing that

race every other week

ride 3 times a week

dont worry about supplements and what not at this time

ride ride ride, and do about 30-40 minutes of cardio keeping your hearate over 180

no weight lifting , except for wrist curls

dont build your quad to the point you dont have at least 2000 set aside for emergency repairs throughout the season

if your going to run a 250r focus on getting some sort of big bore that produces manageable power, mainly for the holeshot, you can make up for any hp defecit on the track with some corner speed
a 330 pv should be suffiecient

remember doug gust would always kick your *** even if you had his 450 and team suzuki behind you, racing is all about desire and practice the more you ride the more natural it will come to u, the $2000 set of shocks wont make you faster than burning 5 gallons of gas a week

race every week, work, have a social life and a gf wont happen

race every other week and ride alot , focus on that one race and it will keep its appeal, do too much youll get burned out on the whole idea and be so broke even if the ability is there you cant afford to go pro

theres alot of riders in the national a,b, pro am and pro classes that wouldnt be there without a fat wallet, and theres alot of other riders who could be faster than a gust or a wienen but we dont see them because they dont use a mature reasonable approach or cant finance it

12-28-2009, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by SRH
id take the quad you enjoy riding the most and build it to w/e extent your budget allows

running multiple races per week is a bad idea

nobody would waste there money racing week in and week out unless they thought they were gonan take on bill ballance, even if its a far off idea i dont think you can get into it without believing that

race every other week

ride 3 times a week

dont worry about supplements and what not at this time

ride ride ride, and do about 30-40 minutes of cardio keeping your hearate over 180

no weight lifting , except for wrist curls

dont build your quad to the point you dont have at least 2000 set aside for emergency repairs throughout the season

if your going to run a 250r focus on getting some sort of big bore that produces manageable power, mainly for the holeshot, you can make up for any hp defecit on the track with some corner speed
a 330 pv should be suffiecient

remember doug gust would always kick your *** even if you had his 450 and team suzuki behind you, racing is all about desire and practice the more you ride the more natural it will come to u, the $2000 set of shocks wont make you faster than burning 5 gallons of gas a week

race every week, work, have a social life and a gf wont happen

race every other week and ride alot , focus on that one race and it will keep its appeal, do too much youll get burned out on the whole idea and be so broke even if the ability is there you cant afford to go pro

theres alot of riders in the national a,b, pro am and pro classes that wouldnt be there without a fat wallet, and theres alot of other riders who could be faster than a gust or a wienen but we dont see them because they dont use a mature reasonable approach or cant finance it

first off, there isnt a race every weekend, for XC theres 4 for D23, and then 3 other ones out of the D23 that are nationals that i would run.. one of the other 3 is in july and the other 2 are in aug. and sep. i think

I've rode alot of woods, hence the name woodsracer144... i had a trail when i had my blaster that i rode to work every day when i was 13... got up at 5 and got home at 6 at nigh...

being in the spot that i am, i dont go out and buy new items, i've yet to buy a new part other then items that are cheaper, i got my 250r as a full quad really cheap, im not going to drop 2K on shocks, i might drop 500 or 600 but nothing more then 750... it might not look the nicest but if it works just as well as a new one i will run it, the run down looking quads are always looked down on untill they are beating every one...

as far as a personal life... to be honest i dont have alot of time for bull ****, every friday night and sat. there are partys all over, i went to one and i was pissed, you can believe in what you want, i personally think if you can fight in a war you can drink a beer... i'll have abeer now and then but the people at the partys act like a bunch of 3yos... and when i ask them whats goin on they replied" oh you know gettin drunk and ****ed up and gonna go get high as ****" i heard that twice and i was out of there.. my temper fuse around dumb people is about this long > < around normal people its this long >~30 feet~<

ever since i was 12 i just blocked out stupid people that werent part of the sport, im not gay, not even a chance of it... but ever since my last gf told me she couldnt date because of her grades, i found out really fast that the females i knew had to grow up before i would deal with that **** ever again... she wasnt adumb person at all.. im 18 now, i'm now to the point that a lady friend wouldnt be a bad idea, but even around college, they are still dumber then a mother ****er! i dont get it. just so you understand me a little, I grew up on a farm, i **** you not i was driving tractor bailing hay when i was 7 years old all by my self, i drove the tractor in the feilds bailing it and my old man would run it down the road and have it unloaded... when you were told to do something you went and did it, if you didnt know how to, you worked on it untill you got it right, and if you didnt you got a foot up the ***, i wasnt beatn, i'm very prowd of the way i was raised... and i'll tell you my kids will be raised the same way but i have a hard time finding a woman that has a I.Q. level above stupid ***** that acts like she doesnt know what shes doing cause the thinks its hot/cool/ pretty...
this mostly because i look at my self as old school... like a 50's parent.. my grama told me that when she was my age all women wore a skirt, and looked like lady should, now days they dress up like whores and dont get the respect that they should because of it...

i've met about 3 women that i would date and are like me, and all 3 have had the same bf since i met them... i've known the one girl a good 4 years now...

i know what you mean about the national level tallent not being there... this is the reason i would like to work on my riding and do something... i learned from my gramp you do the best with you have and not with what you dont. i dont have 15K a week but i have a little know how and im able to work on all my own stuff because of it, if i cant get it i have the ablity to get on a mills and lathes and make something work out...

12-28-2009, 07:35 PM
sound slike a solid foundation my friend you don't always have to go to the gym workout with what surrounds ya heck if you find a bent axle and some crappy old wheels use that as a dumb bell.

12-28-2009, 07:42 PM
i got alot of work out things to do because of my teacher...