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12-23-2009, 02:18 PM
I got my dog Bodom a few months ago from a shelter and they said his dominant breed was an american staffie but didnt know what else he was mixed with. Any ideas?


12-23-2009, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by standardryder
I got my dog Bodom a few months ago from a shelter and they said his dominant breed was an american staffie but didnt know what else he was mixed with. Any ideas?

I dont know the answer to your question, but I think its cool that you gave such a good looking dog a home. Props for that.

12-23-2009, 04:08 PM
i'm not an expert but he looks like a full-blood staffie to me

12-23-2009, 04:44 PM
its hard to tell, most of those bully breeds look so similar anyway. just call him a pit bull, good mix of a few of the different bully breeds :-)

12-23-2009, 05:15 PM
German Sheppard or Lab. The tail looks like my neighbours Austrailian Cattle dogs'.

12-23-2009, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by bradley300
its hard to tell, most of those bully breeds look so similar anyway. just call him a pit bull, good mix of a few of the different bully breeds :-)

Never call him a pit bull; you don’t want that stigma on you. Nice looking dog though, I have a pound dog as well and it’s been the best dog I’ve ever had. I would defiantly go to the pound next time. Be firm but not abusive and he should be a good dog.

12-23-2009, 05:57 PM
Thanks for all the info! And I had to fight tooth and nail for this guy! My insurance co would not cover me if I got a pitbull so the shelter wouldnt let me have him, and they wouldnt listen to me when I told em amstaffs dont count! so I had to get written permission from my insurance co just to get him.
But this guys amazing, has the perfect temperament and is very intelligent. He comes everywhere with me and everyone loves him. kinda hard to believe he was a stray:confused:

12-23-2009, 07:38 PM
very good looking pup, almost looks just like mine which i also rescued from the pound as a puppy. people will call anything stocky a pit, but i personally wouldnt call him that either, just call him what he is a staffy mix. most people dont realize how smart and outgoing these dags can be. just be sure to train him right and he will be a good dog. ive been to 2 classes with mine, one from a trainer and one form pet smart and it was actually a good class.

12-24-2009, 11:16 AM
He definately does look to have some sort of a mix in him. Could be some sort of sheppard or lab. Its really hard to tell. Heres a picture of my dog.... hes pure staff. Always say hes a staffordshire terrier, people who dont know will assume straight up pitbull... but it just proves they are uneducated in the matter. These dogs are banned up here now which blows, but my dogs already changed tons of peoples views on that matter. Including my immediate family.....

12-25-2009, 09:26 AM
Body shape and tone is similar to my dog. Def see the staff in him. Pic of mine for reference. Its about how you raise them, the only danger my dog poses is his tail beating you to death or the strength of his tongue.


12-25-2009, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Flyin_250r
He definately does look to have some sort of a mix in him. Could be some sort of sheppard or lab. Its really hard to tell. Heres a picture of my dog.... hes pure staff. Always say hes a staffordshire terrier, people who dont know will assume straight up pitbull... but it just proves they are uneducated in the matter. These dogs are banned up here now which blows, but my dogs already changed tons of peoples views on that matter. Including my immediate family.....

A Stafford Shire is a pit bull under a deferent name but is the same dog. This action was taken by the ACC to try to get away from the stigma of the pit bull. Never the lass it’s the same dog. Would I own one, no way! I have had two pits in my life and I would never take the responsibility of owning such a dog. They are very unpredictable and can, but not always snap and hurt someone and you “will” lose everything you own just to pay for the damage that dog can do.
That last pit I had was just like everyone’s pit and was friendly and never hurt anyone or any thing. Until one day I took him with me to a friends house and he suddenly reached down and grabbed there little dog and gave it a quick shake and killed it right in front of everyone.
Then a few days later he snapped at my nephew who just happened to be on the other side of a fence and didn’t get bit, but only because the fence was there. That dog came down with lead poisoning a few hours later and I have never had a pit since.
If I was you I would get rid of that dog and get another breed, such as a boxer. I am on my forth boxer and I truly love these dogs. They are just as stout as a pit but carry a much friendlier disputation than a pit.

This is just my opinion but it comes from some experience with the two breeds.
Here is my boxer.

12-25-2009, 11:39 AM
I agree with you that boxers are a good dog. By no means would I ever get rid of my dog. Sorry to hear about your experiences. Any dog is capable of damages, yes a pitbulls bite is a bit more extreme but by no means does that mean they can not make a good dog. Basically your saying to get rid of my dog now because of a few bad experiences you've had? This is my 6th bully breed dog and not once have I ever had a bad experience. My dog is going to be 10 this year and has never once shown a sign of aggression. Hes been raised properly and there isnt a situation in the world that I wouldnt feel confident of him facing.

You should not be so against a specific breed because of one bad dog you have encountered. Realize it is your own personal experience with that specific dog you have owned. Its not the breed in general. I always say a pitbull is like a loaded gun... in the wrong hands they are deadly. But I definately wouldnt ever own any other breed if this ban here didnt get passed.

12-25-2009, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Flyin_250r
I agree with you that boxers are a good dog. By no means would I ever get rid of my dog. Sorry to hear about your experiences. Any dog is capable of damages, yes a pitbulls bite is a bit more extreme but by no means does that mean they can not make a good dog. Basically your saying to get rid of my dog now because of a few bad experiences you've had? This is my 6th bully breed dog and not once have I ever had a bad experience. My dog is going to be 10 this year and has never once shown a sign of aggression. Hes been raised properly and there isnt a situation in the world that I wouldnt feel confident of him facing.

You should not be so against a specific breed because of one bad dog you have encountered. Realize it is your own personal experience with that specific dog you have owned. Its not the breed in general. I always say a pitbull is like a loaded gun... in the wrong hands they are deadly. But I definately wouldnt ever own any other breed if this ban here didnt get passed.
my dads had pits and we are currently waiting on a litter of blue pits. its all in the owner if you cant control you dog then its dangerous but i have never had a problem out of a pit and they are very protective of women and children in your house. but like he said they can be dangerous and if it snaps at a kid or acts in such a way that you dont like. take control and some times that means a firm touch if ya know what i mean.

12-25-2009, 05:17 PM
I have a pit that i found on the street 2 years ago he was less than a year old. When I got him home after having a broken leg fixed and the x ray showed some shoot gun pellets in the chest I educated myself on the bread because no one would take him. Now 2 years later there is not a better dog. He goes to every race with me. The biggest thing that i found out about the breed is that yes they were bread to be dog aggressive and people that do not no any better think that it means human agression. As much as they were bread to fight they were bread to be human loyal. Please if you do not know the breed do not make them out to be bad dogs. The people that own them and are responsible will tell you there is no better breed to own

12-25-2009, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by gsxr68
Please if you do not know the breed do not make them out to be bad dogs. The people that own them and are responsible will tell you there is no better breed to own


every dog needs training, exercise and attention, and can be bad. bullies can be some of the best dogs you can have as long as you work with them and socialize them as much as possible. during the last training class we had the only bully breed with the rest being labs. the trainer would get ours to show the class what the dog should do and the whole time she never used his leash. its all in the training of the dog. actually one of the labs was aggressive during the class.

12-25-2009, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Flyin_250r
I agree with you that boxers are a good dog. By no means would I ever get rid of my dog. Sorry to hear about your experiences. Any dog is capable of damages, yes a pitbulls bite is a bit more extreme but by no means does that mean they can not make a good dog. Basically your saying to get rid of my dog now because of a few bad experiences you've had? This is my 6th bully breed dog and not once have I ever had a bad experience. My dog is going to be 10 this year and has never once shown a sign of aggression. Hes been raised properly and there isnt a situation in the world that I wouldnt feel confident of him facing.

You should not be so against a specific breed because of one bad dog you have encountered. Realize it is your own personal experience with that specific dog you have owned. Its not the breed in general. I always say a pitbull is like a loaded gun... in the wrong hands they are deadly. But I definately wouldnt ever own any other breed if this ban here didnt get passed.

The statements you just made about how your dog never showed any aggression. but that’s exactly what every one said about there dog before the dog snapped and bit someone. Most everyone said there (Pit) was so nice and sweet before this happened.
I had a pit for 15 years before the new one came along after the old one died. And I had no problems with that dog. The new pit I trained for two years and was the best mannered dog until he keyed in on something and no amount of training will stop a pit when it’s wants something. They have what I call a gamey side to them that can’t be tamed. That’s why insurance co. won’t carry them on your policy. I say get rid of that dog before you get to attached to it and go with another breed. I’m sorry you picked a dog with such a liability. If I gave you a hand grenade and told you that all hand grenades will go off by itself 50% of the time would you store it on your kitchen table?
Do you really want to be the one responsible for that dog and the liability it will carry?
I put myself in the position when the pit that I had killed my friends dog, how would I feel if that had been a little kid instead of a dog. Trust me when I say that a position I would never want to be in. then when the dog made an aggressive move toward my nephew that was three at the time that was the last straw. I also have a cousin that when she was about 4 years old she was ****ed by a German shepherd and it chewed he ear off and she went threw about 10 surgeries to fix it.

When I was 10 years old I was ridding my horse down the street (we lived in a rural area) a pit ran up to me and my horse and attacked the horse and brought it down. My dad had to cut the throat of the pit to get it to let go. I spent the next 9 hours holding a flash light so the vet could put stitches in. I think he put in about 300 of them before he was done.

You may not want to admit it but you my friend have a bomb waiting to go off and when it dose I just hope you are prepared to deal with it. If you have small kids then you should defiantly get rid of it.

12-25-2009, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by quadrcr161

every dog needs training, exercise and attention, and can be bad. bullies can be some of the best dogs you can have as long as you work with them and socialize them as much as possible. during the last training class we had the only bully breed with the rest being labs. the trainer would get ours to show the class what the dog should do and the whole time she never used his leash. its all in the training of the dog. actually one of the labs was aggressive during the class.

You are living in a dream land. I'm not saying they are not a very smart dog, they are. but the problem with them they can just snap for no reason.

12-25-2009, 08:22 PM
The most dog bites come from the black labs, but a labs don’t put a death grip on you and wont let go like a pit will.

12-25-2009, 09:40 PM
Well before we ruin the guys thread anymore than we already have. I respect the fact that is your opinion, which you are entitled too. But I will also say that you should not be so quick to rule judgement on your own experiences. Like ive said before, this is my 6th... bully breed dog i have owned and not once EVER experienced a problem. So I must be doing something right. My dogs are very well socialized with other animals (dogs, cats, lizards, snakes, etc), children, adults, you name it. So ill stick to what ive personally dealt with. Like i said previously, my dog is nearing 10 years old now and ive had him since a pup... if you just pass dogs on to someone else due to the fact there is a risk.... you should not own a dog for that matter. That for instance is why there is such a bad rep surrounding these dogs. Absolutely wrong handlers. I agree they deserve and need a specific type of owner. But that doesnt just go for these dogs. Shepperds, rotties, dobs, cane corsos, mastiffs, etc all in my eyes need different handling as opposed to labs etc.

So as I stated previously, it is your opinion and all... but you should not expect others to go on your own judgement.

Check out Ceasar Milan as well. For him to say its not the breed itself, its the trainer. I would say he knows more than both of us combined.

I apologize for letting the thread get off topic and wont respond again... Sorry

12-25-2009, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Flyin_250r
Well before we ruin the guys thread anymore than we already have. I respect the fact that is your opinion, which you are entitled too. But I will also say that you should not be so quick to rule judgement on your own experiences. Like ive said before, this is my 6th... bully breed dog i have owned and not once EVER experienced a problem. So I must be doing something right. My dogs are very well socialized with other animals (dogs, cats, lizards, snakes, etc), children, adults, you name it. So ill stick to what ive personally dealt with. Like i said previously, my dog is nearing 10 years old now and ive had him since a pup... if you just pass dogs on to someone else due to the fact there is a risk.... you should not own a dog for that matter. That for instance is why there is such a bad rep surrounding these dogs. Absolutely wrong handlers. I agree they deserve and need a specific type of owner. But that doesnt just go for these dogs. Shepperds, rotties, dobs, cane corsos, mastiffs, etc all in my eyes need different handling as opposed to labs etc.

So as I stated previously, it is your opinion and all... but you should not expect others to go on your own judgement.

Check out Ceasar Milan as well. For him to say its not the breed itself, its the trainer. I would say he knows more than both of us combined.

I apologize for letting the thread get off topic and wont respond again... Sorry

Please don’t take it personally, I think they can be great dogs for the right people in the right place.

Thats cool, I was just passing on some of my personal experience I have with the breed. I had one for 15 years with no problem. I have had quite a bit of experience with them, I have a friend that I hog hunt with and he uses them for a catch dogs. He uses plots for tracking and the pits to catch and hold. The pits will tire and quit running after just a few miles so they don’t do well for tracking. They ride on the four wheeler. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the thread as it is. Everyone’s opinion is welcome here both good and bad. I hope you never have a problem with your dog, and a lot of people never do, like my first one.

Maybe you have never seen a perfectly trained and well mannered pit turn on you or someone else, so it’s hard to explain. I have seen it more than once and don’t try to say the dog was not trained properly, I know better.

I think it’s great you have been lucky, so far!!!

I guess you don’t know or have ever seen how much damage a dog like that can do with just a few bites. When it happens it will happen real quick and out of the blue. I have seen it, and I have seen what a pit can do to a 300-400lbs hog with just a few bites. Have you ever seen a pit bay a hog and rip large pieces of meat from the hog’s legs? Like I said I have had a full sized horse taken right out from under me when I was ridding it. You just don’t know because it’s never happened to you.
You don't want your best friend becoming your worst nightmare.

And no I would never pass on a dangerous dog to anyone else. I personally saw to it that the dog was destroyed.

Marry Christmas!!!

12-25-2009, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
You are living in a dream land. I'm not saying they are not a very smart dog, they are. but the problem with them they can just snap for no reason.

no its how i raise my dogs, what about rotts? are they a ticking time bomb? i have one laying about 6 ft from me right now that will not even push a door open to go outside to pee even if its already opened and cracked. some of my extended family has a kennel and shows dogs, their personal breeds is corgis great danes and rotts. the champion rott there is eros, who even is k9 citizen test certified. all studies have showed the dog that bite the most is a lab but news wont report on those bites but if anything short and stocky bite anything all the news stations report it. just like kids they need to be raised the right way.

12-25-2009, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Thats cool, I was just passing on some of my personal experience I have with the breed. I had one for 15 years with no problem. I have had quite a bit of experience with them, I have a friend that I hog hunt with and he uses them for a catch dogs. He uses plots for tracking and the pits to catch and hold. The pits will tire and quit running after just a few miles so they don’t do well for tracking. They ride on the four wheeler. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the thread as it is. Everyone’s opinion is welcome here both good and bad. I hope you never have a problem with your dog, and a lot of people never do, like my first one.

Maybe you have never seen a perfectly trained and well mannered pit turn on you or someone else, so it’s hard to explain. I have seen it more than once and don’t try to say the dog was not trained properly, I know better.

I think it’s great you have been lucky, so far!!!

I guess you don’t know or have ever seen how much damage a dog like that can do with just a few bites. When it happens it will happen real quick and out of the blue. I have seen it, and I have seen what a pit can do to a 300-400lbs hog with just a few bites. Have you ever seen a pit bay a hog and rip large pieces of meat from the hog’s legs? Like I said I have had a full sized horse taken right out from under me when I was ridding it. You just don’t know because it’s never happened to you.

And no I would never pass on a dangerous dog to anyone else. I personally saw to it that the dog was destroyed.

Marry Christmas!!!

dont you think your feeding the hunt for prey side of the dog that most people try to train out of the dog? your putting the dog in the position to act on its instincts. also were the dogs neutered? its also a myth that they have locking jaws, they dont lock but they do have the strength.

12-25-2009, 11:20 PM
Ok no the dog that killed my friend’s dog and showed aggression to my nephew had never hunted and was raised from a pup with the kids and other animals. You are taking some of my statements out of context. The dogs that hunt are used just for hunting and are not pets.
Part of the problem with the pits is if they are around small children is that some small children will pull on there ears, and tale, and they can be ruff with them. Then the dog gets annoyed and get aggressive. Then if the young child starts to get scared and starts screaming, then the dog keys in on there high squealing voice and it can trigger there gamey side and it can take over and by then it’s too late. The more the kid screams the more aggressive the dog can become. And it perpetuates itself. Most other breeds don’t stay keyed in for that long and it’s usually just a bite and that’s it. Not to say other breeds can do the same. It’s the kids I think about the most and it’s the kids who get bit the most. If he bites you that’s for you to deal with, but what if it’s a child?

And yes rotties, chows, fellas, and most of your bull mastiffs fall into this category as well.
And yes this includes my boxer. But the odds of the dog attacking you or children go way down with the other breeds.

I have news for you if you think for one minuet that you can train a dog so well that its natural instenks (I know I spelled that wrong) will disappear then you are sadly mistaken.
That is in its genetics and can only be changed through extensive and selective breeding over a long time. You may subdue it some but it’s always there just under the surface. Your only fooling your self if you think it’s not there.

12-26-2009, 07:49 AM
slightlybent, you seem like you know just enough to talk about pits to make them look bad. You have said what you wanted several times, now let the ones who want to tell how good of a breed they are speak.

12-26-2009, 07:56 AM
standardryder If you want you can google dog dna and they can test the to see what the dog is not 100 percent but to me worth the 50 or so dollars to make sure the dog get the right kind of training.

12-26-2009, 09:56 AM
A few things I can tell you about most dog owners. They dont train or give the animal the necessary attention. Pits are high intensity animals and anything less from the owner can have bad results. It is of the greatest importance to train your dog, especially pits. They have endless potential to cause harm. It is up to the owner to control that.

12-26-2009, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by gsxr68
slightlybent, you seem like you know just enough to talk about pits to make them look bad. You have said what you wanted several times, now let the ones who want to tell how good of a breed they are speak.

Yep your right, sorry I got on my sop box. It’s a public forum and anyone can speak up, so if you have something good to say about them then lets here it. Don’t get me wrong, I have a love hate relation with the breed, I have seen both sides of them and I would never want to have that responsibility of having one again. And I just want everyone to know just how unpredictable they can be. I don’t think every one that’s gets a pit knows what there in for. And perhaps by telling you some of the things I have seen it will convince you to rethink what you are doing. Stop making excuses for the breed and just admit that there a bomb waiting to go off and you may or may not be lucky enough to have one that it doesn’t do that.
I for one would never put my friends at risk by having such a dog. I’ve had my say and hopefully anyone that is interested in adopting a dog will think twice about what breed they chose. I think it’s great that anyone would rescue a dog from the pound, I have and will again.

I’ll put it like this and I’ll shut up: Pit bulls are like the talaban, not all of them are dangerous but I still would not bring one into my house to live with me.