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01-19-2003, 10:35 PM
Hey everyone, I have a couple of problems I could use some advice on about dating. Here is my situation as of now. I started to see this girl when I was 17, I am still 17 going to be 18 in April. Well when we started to date, she told me she was going to be 16 really soon, which didnt seem so bad to me, only a year and a half apart.

We started to get really into eachother, like went to really like, really like went to love, you know how it goes. Well finally at like4 months of dating she broke down crying saying, she lied about her age she was only 14 going to be 15, and that she only lied to me because she wanted me. Well I was really into the relationship at that point and basically said I wasnt going to leave her but we would have to figure something out later. Well later is now. I have been seeing her for quite a while and I feel extremely confident in saying that I love her enough to stay with her forever. But . . .

Here is most of the problem. Her mom openly admited she didnt like the fact her daughter was going out with someone 2.5 years older then her. And my mom sorta shares the same feelings, but cares more about my future then anything ( so basically the same thing ) I plan on going to college after I graduate NEXT year, and when I get back I plan to take her back because she will just be turning of age for everything to be okay ( and I will support her fully ) But for the most part right now, We decided that when I turn 18, it would be better that we separate for the time, mostly because I sorta feel threatened by her mom, and I really do want to live a happy life with her after school and I dont want to **** it up now.

Its really hard to explain these feelings to her because mostly her age, but she . . she is a wonderful girl and when I am with her . .. yea I'll stop there. Does this whole idea seem stupid? I am in a lot of confusion about which way to go and will it turn out ok. Sorry about ragging on about my love life but I figured some of you guys would have some good advice to throw in.



01-19-2003, 10:46 PM
Hey Jay you should be proud of your self to say how you feel about her. But here me this your going to college. there are alot of fine girls there, and its like this...
Women are like muffens, once you had one muffin you just want another. so if you really care for this girl then be true to her and keep out of trouble cus they always find out some how in a strange way. And whatever happens always works out for the better in the end.:)

01-19-2003, 10:52 PM
i understand your point completely, but, theres a lot of people out there who are more than 5 or even 10 years apart, my sister and her boyfriend are 4 he was her senior, just they started dating while my sister as a junior at 17 so it was a little different.

01-19-2003, 10:56 PM
Dont worry about it. I was 21 when i meet my girlfriend and she was 17. I had NO clue. She looked 20ish. But i have been going out with her for 2 years now shes my bestfriend. And im going to marry her. So if you realy like her stick with her. If shes worth it.
My girl is one in a trillion. I can never tell that shes 4 years yonger then me! She cleans for me, she always cooks for me, we bought some sea doos togther. The only problem with her is that every other guy in the city wants her. A guy was going to trade me his 2001 Ferrari f355 for her for the night. I told him no chance. True Story. So if you like her stick with her. Have a look at http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=42137

01-19-2003, 10:58 PM
MILF: Yea I know what you mean about girls at college. For one we have discussed that we are still going to see eachother when I am home, holidays and such. Also that we may engage in other partners for the most part, no commitment. I am driving down to Daytona Beach FL for college from NY. So I dont know.

Yama: I know a lot of people with big age differences. Mostly the concerns right now is because since we are sexually active, and have been ( its addicting I know ) thats mostly why its risky me turning 18 and she is still 15. But when she is a little older then there is really not much of a risk right, and well, its really the time in between when I am setting my, our futures together that this is all about.


01-19-2003, 11:03 PM
there is a risk, its called "satuatory rape or soemthing, watch out for that, girls will use it against you if you piss them off, seen it happen

01-19-2003, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Bean
there is a risk, its called "satuatory rape or soemthing, watch out for that, girls will use it against you if you piss them off, seen it happen

Yes that is the risk I am talking about, though I am not afraid of her doing this I have complete and total respect and trust in her. Like I said it would be her mom more than anything cause she is a drunk ***** thats broke a lot, what more of a reason would she need? The other risk would be her getting pregnant, but her being on birthcontrol, sorta diminishes that .



01-19-2003, 11:15 PM
Yea man...Becareful about Statuatory Rape, it can get you into some deep SH1T! Well, Good Luck wit your relationship!

01-20-2003, 04:33 AM
in indiana it used to be that 16 and over was not rape. now it's like 17 i think.

01-20-2003, 07:43 AM
Ask QuadJunkies for advice. She has helped me out alot in many areas like this. (yaya guys im SERIEOUS here, ok?!?) Anyway, age is nothing. If you both love each other then its true. If your meant to be then it will happen. I'm pretty sure that if you receivce parental consent that it is ok to still date that person. (I have to work on this in a few months becasue my girl will be about 5 months behind me in -turning 18) Could you also consider not having or I guess "showing" that your together? Play the "friends with benifits for a few years. No matter what, keep good comunication and kiss parents @$$'s on both sides. :D Take a deep breath man. It'll work out. In the sceme of dating when you hit the late teen years age is not the issue. Its more realtional than anything. You helped me with my stereo so i thought it was only fair to help ya out a little i bit! Peace man! :cool:

Tommy 17
01-20-2003, 08:00 AM
i've seen the satuatory rape thing happen so many times here... girls says she loves u... ur over 18 shes under... everything is fine and u think she'll never do it 2 u... u do something stupid and she gets mad and thinks wow i'll get him back good this time and reports it... ur now a sex offender and can't work anywhere near kids, can't live by kids, and can't have a public job... just be careful about it...

she should have never lied to u in the start...

01-20-2003, 08:30 AM
I say leave her now while your already confused and in pain, She lied to you from the start, and you say you trust her?:confused: don't mean to be so harsh but life is just that

01-20-2003, 08:45 AM
Man I hate this for you!! I also feel like Skot, If a woman lies once, she will do it again and again! But my mom and dad were 8 years apart!! my mom was still in grade school when my dad was graduating high school!!!!

01-20-2003, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by ChadEXer
Man I hate this for you!! I also feel like Skot, If a woman lies once, she will do it again and again! But my mom and dad were 8 years apart!! my mom was still in grade school when my dad was graduating high school!!!!

yup, once they do it once, they'll do it again, i dated a girl for a year and found out she lied to me about some stuff, i told her id give her one more chance, two days later, and two days before our 1 year, i changed my mind and dumped her.

01-20-2003, 09:11 AM
Ever see the movie jail bait?

01-20-2003, 09:16 AM
Remember not only can the girl claim statutory rape but so can the mother and father. so dont piss off mom and dad either.

01-20-2003, 09:19 AM
Well I think pretty much what we are going to do is be like best friends until we can be together again, and if by then things are still in my best intrest to continue with her then I'll take her back. It does sound bad about her lying to me, but she's young and that seems like the only thing really bad she'd lie to me about. I think it falls under that, younger girls only liking older guys deal. IDK. But I know how serious the statutory rape laws are and I am not going to risk that, its plain and simple.

Thanks for all your advice guys!


01-20-2003, 09:20 AM
Shes not worth it man.
Forget about her and find another girl thats legal ....
Its easier than you think.

01-20-2003, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
i've seen the satuatory rape thing happen so many times here... girls says she loves u... ur over 18 shes under... everything is fine and u think she'll never do it 2 u... u do something stupid and she gets mad and thinks wow i'll get him back good this time and reports it... ur now a sex offender and can't work anywhere near kids, can't live by kids, and can't have a public job... just be careful about it...

she should have never lied to u in the start... well said bro!!just be carefull and keep a lid on it for now,if you were to bring attention to the wrong person or group,it could be bad,ppl in the klink dont take to kindly to those w/ that kinda rap even if you are legit,good luck to ya man!!

01-20-2003, 10:46 AM
hey bro your gonna be going to college.....do you know how many girls you are going to................meat :devil :devil :devil :blah

01-20-2003, 11:31 AM
Yeah - as soon as you turn 18, I'd stay away from her (at least sexually)- there are so many potential problems out there for someone over 18 who is dating a minor.......and even though you trust her, there is the issue of her parents - you don't want to walk on eggshells for another 3 years. It would be like constant blackmail - you wouldn't be able to let your guard down for a minute. If you guys are as good of friends as you say you are, you will be able to stay friends until she is old enough.....if you can do that, your relationship will be an awesome one.

As for the age difference.......age is not an issue except for the legal thing. I'm 31 and my boyfriend is 21 (been together a year now)......it sounds like a huge difference, and if he were any normal 21 year old, I wouldn't have even considered dating him...but he's more mature than my 33 year old ex-husband, he's got an incredible career, has set goals his whole life and reached them....when you both reach a certain age, the age difference thing just doesn't matter anymore.

You sound like you have things pretty together - I'm sure you will find a way to work this out so you can stay friends and stay out of jail! ;)

01-20-2003, 12:22 PM
love..is love. If you really like her you will do anything to stay together.... i noa lady who got divorced a couple years ago and now her huband is 13 years older than her.

01-20-2003, 02:46 PM
Only the time can tell what will become of us I guess. Mostly I am thinking about our future together that's why I dont want to mess up now. I know she shouldnt have lied to me about her age. And I know that I will probably meet some amazing women at college; well not AT college but around college. I am only going away for 6 months and will come back making more then$50.00 an hour, and as soon as she is out of school she is comming to live with me. Thanks again for everyone's advice and input on this matter, pretty much everyone says the same things that are running through my mind, exept leave her which I will not do.


01-20-2003, 03:25 PM
You deciding to seperate with her is proably the best thing you can do.. Staying with her might sound good now, but it wont be when your in jail.

In my school 8 guys made a porno movie with a 15 year old guys. Have the guys were 18. Now they are all facing 10 years.

She might not turn you into the cops, but someone else could.


01-20-2003, 07:43 PM
Hey man , i'd say stick it out with her . Im turning 20 and my girl is 16 . It might seem bad right now when you look at the numbers , but just think like when you're 50 and your wife is 46 . Doesn't seem to bad anymore . My parents have 11 years between them and they've been married over 20 years now . I dont think she would be the one to turn you in to the cops and i dont think the parents would either . In last case scenario , move to Canada , legal age is 14 .

DGR Designs
01-20-2003, 07:54 PM
better to be damn close friends then in jail and friends with only bubba. then the sex you want, you aint gettin and the sex you gettin.. you dun want

01-20-2003, 07:54 PM
ever been in jail? Take MY word for it.................its not a fun place to be. Enjoy your freedom, but don't press your luck.

01-20-2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
ever been in jail? Take MY word for it.................its not a fun place to be. Enjoy your freedom, but don't press your luck.

i guess you got to meet the big black guy named tiny :p

01-20-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Rollin20s
i guess you got to meet the big black guy named tiny :p

no....but everyone in there had a picture of your mom.

01-20-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
no....but everyone in there had a picture of your mom.

F(CK YOU, you have got to be one of the most imature mods veer, i was just messing with you, and you bring my mother into this, you sick f(ck

01-20-2003, 08:10 PM
LMAO, 4Punks you are awesome tonight!

01-20-2003, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Rollin20s
F(CK YOU, you have got to be one of the most imature mods veer, i was just messing with you, and you bring my mother into this, you sick f(ck

merry x-mas..................cya

01-20-2003, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Rollin20s
F(CK YOU, you have got to be one of the most imature mods veer, i was just messing with you, and you bring my mother into this, you sick f(ck


someone wants to be booted off the island:rolleyes:

01-20-2003, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by nakomis0
LMAO, 4Punks you are awesome tonight!

yea, and if i ever meet him, he wont be able to type anymore, so you enjoy it while u can :grr

01-20-2003, 08:12 PM
OMG thats so d@mn funny.:blah :blah

01-20-2003, 08:12 PM
too late already happened.....

good job 4punks;) <---- dont take crap from no one

01-20-2003, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Rollin20s
yea, and if i ever meet him, he wont be able to type anymore, so you enjoy it while u can :grr

punk..........don't threaten me. You don't live THAT far away