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View Full Version : What's you opinion on the new GNCC rules?

12-20-2009, 02:55 PM
I see a couple big rules for the 2010 season. Limit the womans class to 450cc? IMHO there a A class group and should have the same limit as the male cc limit.

The caster bracket for the YFZR is aloud. IMHO a rule for one quads advatage in which no other quad can use should not be aloud. All other racer quads use there stock a-arm mounts.

More classes added. The Am gets more classes in a allready over done in classes.

12-20-2009, 04:28 PM
1. There should be an above 450cc class for women only if there isnt already one (im not too up on classes) and if there women enough to ride a big bore i say let em'

2. I think they should allow this for all quads and make it even, not just for the yfzr

3. I agree there are too many classes as it is.

12-20-2009, 09:55 PM
I feel the Women's class is like the XC-1 of women riders, therefore they should be under the same rules as the XC-1 class. You have factory women getting as much backing as some XC-1 riders, so I see no reason not to have similar rules.

The caster bracket being legal is ****ing stupid. This has me fired up, it completely goes against the rules for every other quad out there. There should be no direct advantage for one over the others.

Having more classes doesn't exactly mean more people, so the overcrowding shouldn't be an issue. I see this more or less spreading out the existing number of riders into more classes, so instead of having 40 riders in one class you may be closer to 20-30. I have no problem with this at all.

12-21-2009, 03:57 AM
If that is true about the womans class, then they should be under the production rule also. But they are not, thus a open class. And they may be the top in the am races, but they are not at considered pro.

12-21-2009, 05:31 AM
whats the caster bracket advantage?

12-21-2009, 09:27 AM
Ballance and all of his "understudies" are running a bracket on the new Yamaha's that correct the caster issue they are having. It was debated because it changes the mounting location of the top a-arms, which was thought to be illegal by some. It's was kind of a gray area with last years ruling, so they changed it this year to be more clear.

EDIT: Ok, I went back and read it, and it's more confusing than it was before:p

12-21-2009, 09:57 AM
So noted. I'm a smarter man today because of ur post. ;)

12-21-2009, 10:02 AM
I do not see an issue surrounding the brackets for the Yfz's. They are only allowing a change in a flawed design that will simply put them back to what every other quad already has.

As I have said other places..... IF this option was not available to every other Joe Blow out there I would have a problem w/ it. But that is not the case. Everyone has access to the devices used to fix the problem. I do not see how it is an unfair advantage if everyone else is allowed to do the same thing.

12-21-2009, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Flynbryan19
I do not see an issue surrounding the brackets for the Yfz's. They are only allowing a change in a flawed design that will simply put them back to what every other quad already has.

As I have said other places..... IF this option was not available to every other Joe Blow out there I would have a problem w/ it. But that is not the case. Everyone has access to the devices used to fix the problem. I do not see how it is an unfair advantage if everyone else is allowed to do the same thing.

This rule make no sense to me:

3. XC1 and XC2 (ATV): (201-450cc); Fuel tanks are limited to a 4-gallon maximum capacity. Production models only: OEM motor and matching frame combination model required.Frame geometry must remain as designed by the OEM, including all suspension pivot points. Engine modifications, frame reinforcements, and aftermarket A-arms, caster brackets, swing-arms and suspension are permitted.

It says you can't change the suspension pivot points, but you are allowed to run caster brackets that change the position of the top a-arm(i.e. pivot point)?

Hell, why don't someone just make a bracket for the Honda to bring the lower a-arm mounting point closer to the center to reduce bumpsteer. Wouldn't it be the same thing???

12-21-2009, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Scro
This rule make no sense to me:

3. XC1 and XC2 (ATV): (201-450cc); Fuel tanks are limited to a 4-gallon maximum capacity. Production models only: OEM motor and matching frame combination model required.Frame geometry must remain as designed by the OEM, including all suspension pivot points. Engine modifications, frame reinforcements, and aftermarket A-arms, caster brackets, swing-arms and suspension are permitted.

It says you can't change the suspension pivot points, but you are allowed to run caster brackets that change the position of the top a-arm(i.e. pivot point)?

Hell, why don't someone just make a bracket for the Honda to bring the lower a-arm mounting point closer to the center to reduce bumpsteer. Wouldn't it be the same thing???

For the sake of playing devil's advocate...... By reading how the rules play out nothing is stopping you from doing so.