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View Full Version : Little help here ???

12-16-2009, 11:47 AM
First I'll say that I've already posted this in the Mini's forums, and hope to be getting some more responces there.
The guys in that forum have already been very nice and helpful to me so far, and I do appreciate it.

I'm putting this up in the Open Fourms here, because obviously there is a much greater exposure, and more chance of someone being able to answer my questions.

If the Mods feel that I should not post this here,
then feel free to beat me within inches of my life, and hang me from the highest tree. douse me in kerosene, and light me on fire...

(or they can just tell me to take it down, and I will).

if you are interested in reading the entire thread over in the Mini's forums, here's a link...

so with that,... here is my post/questions, for my son's '05 Kymco Mongoose 90.


Hi Guys,
Well I've been a little busy lately, so was unable to do much to Nickolas' ride, but now I'm back at it.

I dropped the front chain sprocket to a 13 tooth, and have almost got it down slow enough to cut him loose on it. (I bought a 15t, 14t, and 13t)
I am going to try to find a rear sprocket with 3 to 6 more teeth, and that should get us down to a good starting point for him, and with all the other sprockets, I should be able to gradually take the gearing back up to normal as his skills improve.
so now I need to find a rear sprocket.

Keep in mind, that the reason I'm having to go through all of this,...
is because Nickolas is a Special Needs kid, (Down Syndrome), and he learns things much more slowly than "typical" kids.
So Yeah,... this is necessary for me to have to do.

His physical size requires that he be on this size of a quad,...
but his abilities require that we start off VERY slowly, and work our way up from there.
He will "get it", in time. I have no doubt of that.

It's just that, as a parent of a special needs kid, I've had to learn that some things will require a little more effort on my part, for him to be sucessful in what he wants to do.

I have no problem with that, He's my boy, and we don't let anything hold us back.

OK, on to my next little venture here...
I removed the clutch side cover to familiarize myself with the whole CVT operating process.
I started the engine, and raised the rpms to watch the action of the Drive Pulley, Clutch, and rear Clutch Driven pulley.
Pretty straight forward simple stuff there.
It's not rocket science, and I've seen them operate on other engines in the past.

There is a "cover "of sorts, that appears to be a housing/holder for the starter pinion gear and related components.
In the manual, it is called the "Reduction Gear Case". (page 16-7).

I tried to remove it before starting the engine, but it seemed to want to basically stay in place, so I let it stay there and started the engine.
I had a good 10 minutes of running time and all was well. It was rattleing a little bit, but seemed to be staying in place, and not moving around too much.
Fortunately, while it was at idle, it decided to move out a little more than it had been, and ended up contacting the inboard side of the Starter Clutch Drive Gear, got bound up, and stalled the engine.

Stupid me!
I know better than this !
Heck,... I've been a "wrench monkey" all my life.
A simple piece of duct tape would have prevented this whole thing.
(so you can now picture me, repeatedly smacking myself in the forehead ! LOL).

Now I cant get it wiggled back into place, (obviously, the reduction gears are out of alignment now).
So I realize that I'm going to have to pull the Drive Pulley assembly off, to see what it is going to take to get the Reduction Gear Case, back into it's proper position.

MAN ! I feel like a dumb rookie at this point ! What an idiot I am.

(And NO,... I'm NOT going to tell my wife, that I have screwed up Nickolas' quad before he even gets to ride it !, I'll never hear the end of that one !)

So now I figure that I'd better stop, and start digging into the manual, to figure out what I need to do.
I find 3 things, (special tools), that I need to get first...

1- a "Universal Holder", part # E017, (page 9-7)
2- a "Lock Nut Socket Wrench", part # E015, (page 16-7)
3- a "Start Clutch Puller", part# E006, (page 16-7)

Now these 3 things raise a few questions.

1- The "Universal holder", is understandable enough.
Obviously, you dont want to use a screwdriver on the aluminum fins, and risk snapping them off while trying to loosen the nut on the end of the crankshaft.
I'll head over to PepBoys, to see if I can find something compatible, or may try using a "Strap wrench" around the circumference of the Drive Pulley.

2- The "Lock Nut Socket Wrench".
What the heck is that ???
I looked it up in the Special tools list, in the manual, (page 1-13), and the list describes part # E015 as a "Long Socket Wrench", so what the heck is a "Lock Nut socket Wrench" ?
seems to be a little bit of contradiction in the manuals description of the tool, as well as, it does not show any picture of this tool.
Any advise here, or suggestions from those of you who have removed the Drive Pulley Assembly, will be appreciated.

3- The "Start Clutch Puller", special tool # E006.
OK,.... I'm reading this,..... The manual says I need it,...
But not pics or description of what it is.
Is this just a simple flywheel or pulley puller ?
I've got plenty of various pullers like that laying around the garage,... but is this some sort of special thing I need to be looking for ???

Thanks again, and as always,
for taking the time to read my long post's,
and helping me out.

- Ron
(btw- did I mention that sometimes I can feel dumber than a box full of rocks ??? LOL!)

12-16-2009, 06:29 PM
i wish i could help, to the top so it isnt missed for a good guy. steve