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View Full Version : Good entery level zoom lens

12-13-2009, 03:38 PM
Looking for a good zoom lens in the $500-$1000 range for taking action shots both indoors and out. Maybe something up to 200mm or maybe 300mm. From some of the reading I have done I think it should have a low F#. Right now i'm using a Nikon D3000 and have the 55mm-200mm lens that comes in there kit and it has a range of 4-5.6. I may upgrade to a D90 or D300 down the road and would like the lens to work then too if that is possible.

12-13-2009, 03:41 PM
This one looks like it may suit my needs? Any opinions?


12-13-2009, 03:45 PM
Lou, a 70-300 will be fine. To many folks think the 2.8 lenses are the only option but it just isnt true. Yes, the prime zooms are better quality and can produce better images, but it still takes knowledge of how to use the camera to maximize the lens.

I rarely shoot at 2.8, even with $5000 lenses. Most 2.8 lenses arent even at their sharpest at 2.8.

12-13-2009, 03:50 PM
So you think this would would suit my needs?


12-13-2009, 03:58 PM
Yep, its a very good lens.

Anyone that wants to claim a prime lens is THAT much better then the upper level consumer lenses doesnt spend alot of time actually shooting. I can take that lens above and out shoot most anyone at half the cost of one of my primes for racing or everyday pictures. If they offer it without the VR then save the cash as well, no one I know uses that feature and we have proven that it degrades image quality.

The primes are worth the extra clarity and stop of light to a Pro, most amatuers or hobbiest shooters will not see the difference and if they feel they do I will bet you it is more related to the characteristics of the primes to offer a bit better contrast which can usually be duplicated in post processing.

99% of my friends that shoot wildlife use the Canon 100-400 f4 over much more expensive primes and their work is outstanding. Again, its how the user sets the camera up to shoot and the knowledge to understand light over a lens in most situations.