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View Full Version : what is your favorite out of these quads

11-24-2001, 09:25 AM
which one would you rather have below

1. 300ex
2. 350 warrior
3.250 mojavo
4.250 trailblazer

11-24-2001, 09:33 AM
Ive ridden them all, I owned a Warrior and now own a 300ex.
I like the 300ex out of all of them.
My .02

11-24-2001, 12:56 PM
Trail blazers are horrible. A friend has one & I was on my other friends bonestock 300ex, no pipes, airfilter, or nothin, & I was eatin him alive in 3rd gear! I think they have to be the weakest sport atv ever made.

11-24-2001, 04:43 PM
i dont know about horrible. my friend had one and he babied it and nothing happend to it he did noticed a little power lost and that is about it. but dont all two strikes do that. but i am be series he babied that thing he would not hit a mud hole. he didnt like riding behind us cause we threw up dust and he didnt want to get his 4 wheeler dirty or his air filter . one day we all left him cause he wouldnt cross a creek!!!!

but you are right they arent the best machines in the world i think the speed is ok it is just it takes a long time for it to gain it. its not good in sand either.

i have a 02 ex stock i dont know waht to put on it and i left a warrior. i think the ex has a higher gear ratio or something cause he is a better rider than me and he was trying his hardest to beat me i beat him 8/10 times we raced. oh we also raced on black top if that makes any difference.

we never got to race in dirt and mud cause somebody stoled it!!:grr

11-24-2001, 09:21 PM

11-25-2001, 01:00 PM
u r on a honda ex site the honda will always win the compitition u should posting it on www.atvsource.com or something like that:devil

12-23-2001, 08:46 PM
