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View Full Version : Boise State vs TCU

12-06-2009, 10:44 PM
does anyone else think it's a little week for the BCS guys to put the two non-BCS schools against one another. i would much rather watch Boise State vs Iowa and TCU vs Georgia Tech, or TCU vs Iowa and Boise State vs Georgia Tech. i would much rather watch the two interesting games then a pretty good Fiesta Bowl and a lackluster Orange Bowl.

what do ya'll think?

12-06-2009, 11:33 PM
i wish it would have been, ALA/TEXAS, TCU/CIN, BOISE/OHIO STATE, OREGON/FLORIDA, GT/IOWA... Those would have been awesome. and yes i think its gay they put tcu vs boise, didn't they play against each other in a bowl last year? O well. and IDC what anyone says, but texas shouldnt have won against Neb. Texas has been the lucky team this year, and i believe the ONLY reason they r in the championship game is bc popularity and the results from last year. I hope Alabama murders them!

12-07-2009, 07:38 AM
those would have been great matchups, and i hope texas loses as well but i think they'll win:(

12-07-2009, 08:44 AM
I think the BCS is hoping for a small fan turnout and small TV rating for this game.Then they can use it in the future to lock out non BCS schools even more.You watch and if the numbers are down even a little bit from this Bowl last year they are going to run with it.Thier desire should not effect the credit due to schools that they don't like.
The BCS is a joke!

12-07-2009, 10:55 AM
i agree %100 hasbeen. i wish there were a playoff system, but it will never happen

12-07-2009, 11:04 AM
I agree with you guys. BCS didn't want a take a chance of one of these guys beating a BCS conference team.

12-07-2009, 07:08 PM
Idk about all the other teams but Bama definitely proved something saturday. They didnt just beat florida. They put a whoopin on them. Ingram outscored them by himself and came close to having as many total yards.

Imo Texas lost that game. There was not anytime left on that clock. Enough said.

Florida is gonna get beat again in the sugar bowl. They havent been puttin up big numbers on the scoreboard this year. Cinci can run that score up on em quick since they already got beat

12-08-2009, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by ridin'MX365
i agree %100 hasbeen. i wish there were a playoff system, but it will never happen
I agree.

I wonder if the game will be exciting as the last one was,but I dought it!
We had a super year so far. Go BSU!! :D :macho