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12-03-2009, 12:37 PM
Well guys, its been on my mind since i left high school. I believe the military life is for me! Straighten me up and help me feel better about myself as a individual. I got a few questions for anyone who has enlisted before in the navy or any other military branch. What are some of the basic requirements, physical and mental? What are your opinions on the Navy? Are you happy with that branch? Was you scared at first and home sick?

Sorry i ran long guys just basic questions i kinda had running through my mind, I'd ask a recruiter but i like hearing from you guys! lol



EX lvr
12-03-2009, 08:27 PM
i believe the military is not for you, i sure as hell hope they don't make you feel better about yourself as an "individual". ive been in the marine corps for a few years now, you wouldn't want to hear my opinions of the navy lol. heres some food for thought tho, i don't regret joining it has changed me alot in lots of ways. ive been places and done things i never could have imagined. not always good stuff or cool places either. sitting behind a .50 cal looking out across desert into mountains in the middle of the night is freakin cool. being able to roll my eyes when someone says were running 10 miles tomorow. i really do Love my job. but if i could go back i would never have joined. if you have a family its not worth it. i joined right after high school to and i know i could have done way more with my life than this. people say its only 4 years but it really changes you. and you never get 4 years back lol. if you do end up joining go in the air force and get some cushy office job. trust me. as far as physical requirments for me the minimum is 3 miles in 28 min. 3 pullups and 55 crunches. its freakin easy, even more so in any other branch. as far as mental they take anyone, retarded or not. ive met some pretty special people lol. this is a pretty long answer but i hope ive changed your mind ha

12-03-2009, 08:48 PM
I'm currently in the Air Force and was a recruiter for 3 years, only 1/2 yr ago. I just moved to my new duty station. The Air Force life is GREAT. The other branches are very different and I wouldn't suggest any of them. The USMC as stated above, the Army....self explanatory and the Navy turns me off due to the 6 months sea duty. Though not in every job, sea duty is highly encouraged.

The Air Force life is the closest thing to a civilian style life that you'll get out of ANY military branch. A lot of your happiness will come from what job you qualify for and what job the AIR FORCE gives you. Remember, what the AIR FORCE decides to give you. With the economy the way it is there are so many ppl joining that recruiters can be picky on who THEY want to join OUR Air Force.

There are MANY great jobs in the AF so don't let that comment discourage you.

Please go to www.airforce.com to see all the career fields, PM me w/ANY questions at all.

There are far too many good things about the AF to list....job security, good pay, ......many others. Honestly, the only bad part about the AF is that you WILL move roughly every 4-5 years.

Good Luck....and plz don't hesitate to PM w/questions. I am NOT a resident expert on many things....but the AF and recruiting I AM!

12-03-2009, 09:28 PM
i appreciate the post guys i really and thank you for the quick responses. 6months at sea yea that could get to anyone.. and i know its allot to think on im going to talk to a recruiter on monday about it and maybe get a layout of my plan.. physically im in great shape i use to be a ranger and would hike 8miles daily so i mean that dont scare me.. i guess my biggest question is why or why not the navy and now lol why the airforce? whats the pay and stuff like and vacation time? thanks again guys!

12-03-2009, 09:32 PM
PM sent to LTMFB thanks man!

12-04-2009, 08:21 AM
rodeo... i'm currently in the Navy and have been for 17 years come this March. I was stationed in a Helo squadron and F/A-18 squadron. I'm currently deployed to Afghanistan for a year and I have done my share of 6 month deployments.

if you have a positive attitude you will do fine in the military. Just remember to listen to the instructions. If you have any questions e-mail me at rusell.l.pugh@afghan.swa.army.mil

12-04-2009, 11:46 AM
I was in the Navy for 5 years.Not all jobs in the Navy do 6 month "cruises".I was in the Seabees and we did deploy for 7 months but it was not at sea.If I had it to do over again I woudn't have changed a thing.I think the deployment rotation for seabees is now 6 months deployed and 10 months staeside before the next deployment.

12-04-2009, 11:56 AM
what are the seabee's if you dont mind me asking sorry if thats a dumb question :ermm: ? few more questions.. if someone was to pass away in your family or just a general emergency was to occur in your family and your out at sea are you able to fly back home? can you have your own laptops and mp3 players on ship? sorry if i wearing this thread out just curious and nervous wanna get my facts straight before i make a decision lol

12-04-2009, 12:00 PM
Seabees-construction- here are some of the jobs-equip.operator,mechanic,carpenter,electrician,stee lworker,plumber

12-04-2009, 05:24 PM
ok well i was a construction and drafting major through high school so maybe thats a good route to take.. oh well anyone else got and good/bad stories about the navy ?

12-04-2009, 07:22 PM
Trxmadness just sent ya a reply email thanks again man! you guys are helping me out alot!

12-04-2009, 08:18 PM
At this point your options are all up to you. I’d hit each recruiter in whatever branch you like and see what they have to offer you. Try them all if you want, can’t hurt to do a little shopping around.
You may even go as far as to take some test and see what you qualify for. They don’t own you till you swear in, so go check them out.
Good luck in what ever you decide.

12-04-2009, 08:37 PM
was in the army for 3 years and am currently in the national guard, army was a huge mistake but still a great experience i'm currently loving life in the guard and will leave you with some pertinent advice. remember that going into the reserves always leaves you with the option to go to full time not vice versa, bypass your recruiter whenever possible and talk to people who have been/are in because they are more likely to be straight with you, if you do through with it watch the paperwork carefully and don't sign anything that doesn't sound right or isn't what you agreed to. oh and keep your mouth shout about any less then life threatening medical problems when you go to the recruiters it will save you a lot of trouble and time with the whole process.

12-04-2009, 09:51 PM
yea one guy told me to keep hush hush about my quad injuries lol plus i was also told "make sure its in paper and signed or they will just blow smoke up your ***** and you wont get a thing" wise advice.. i could see how a recruiter will just say stuff to make ya join.. i mean heck thats his pay lol thats why i ask you guys :D

12-05-2009, 09:02 PM
bump.. sorry to keep bringing it up just trying to get all the information i can before i go to the recruiters office monday