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View Full Version : Venting about one of "Those" days lol

11-27-2009, 05:48 PM
Does anyone else ever have one of those days of riding when their just not feeling it. I went to the local track today to ride. Got there early and was raring to go. Made it 2 laps and axle bearings cooked. So after debating for 30 minutes on what to do i hopped in the truck, left the quad and went to buy axle bearings at the dealer......103 BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! So i was there and they had me and i payed it. We tore it down at the track and went to work. After fighting with old bearings and lack of tools i got it back together 2 hours later. By this time i was not in the mood for anything. This track just recently got a rebuild and i went with intentions and ready to get everything jumped today. I got everything but one triple and its not even a huge jump, Its something i wouldnt usually think twice about doing but for some reason this wasnt my day so i took the embarassment of doubling it for 5 laps and finally i said F it, im going home, this aint my day and i wasnt feeling it. It was one of those days where i just felt like i was gonna wreck if i rode like i usually do. So i loaded up and come home. Anyone else have those crappy days??????????????

11-27-2009, 08:07 PM
ya. i think everyone has days like that man. i had a day like it the last time i went to the dunes...the part that sucks is that it's a 3 hour drive

11-27-2009, 08:33 PM
that stinks. I wouldn't even try to change axle bearings at the track. It takes me hours and lots of beer to do that job lol. Those stealerships know how to kick u in the nuts when your down

11-27-2009, 08:37 PM
i do that to. ill be pumped to ride and then not wanna do anything when im actually out there:ermm: mainly because all i think of is wrecking:confused: and then other days ill jump stuff and not even care if i wreck or not

11-27-2009, 09:56 PM
Yah I'm having one of those days. Someone hacked my paypal account for almost $4,000. I caught it when I was buying a factory 4.1 today online.

11-28-2009, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by KXRida
Yah I'm having one of those days. Someone hacked my paypal account for almost $4,000. I caught it when I was buying a factory 4.1 today online.

Wow man 4 grand. i would be sick. Thats alot worse than 103 dollar bearings haha. Paypal is usually pretty secure. anyway of gettin it back??

11-28-2009, 09:32 AM
Yeah some days you can’t seem to hit the ground with a rock, no mater how hard you try.
Sometimes if keep trying you can push through it, And sometimes you just can’t. I would never change the bearings at the track; I like a sterile atmosphere to do surgery on the old girl. In a case like that it’s best to just give in and stop fighting it.

11-28-2009, 12:19 PM
well I just got paid from a job on friday :D but I had to go on estimates today & sign someone up for a roof job. I didn't want to go but I did & she signed up, gave me a deposit. So why am I tired ?:rolleyes: I like money - just work makes me stress'd out. Hey I am happy to have a job - no doubt. Can someone gas up my quad & check the tires please :devil: I think all a need is a ride to clear my head :blah: