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11-16-2009, 03:00 PM

Some kids...

11-16-2009, 03:10 PM
While he does have his points, if he got his way gays could marry, and then other people would lose there right to vote on the subject, therefore even if he got what he wanted and then said the pledge, he would be a hypocrite, right?

11-16-2009, 03:19 PM
WOW...and thats our countrys future leaders/lawyers..

11-16-2009, 04:04 PM
Though I commend him for standing up, I don’t think he truly understands what he is standing up for. He said he knew lots of gays and he didn’t think it was fair, but at 10 years old I just don’t think he really knows as much as he thinks he dose.

He has guts I’ll give him that.

11-16-2009, 04:20 PM
i cant tell if his dad tought him to say all that or if that kid is an BRAIN! at 10 years old he should not know the meaning of ANYTHING he was talking about. the only thing he should be worrying about is trying to find a red lego square to finish his lego car.

i think his dad is gay and he cant get married so he taught his son to do that stuff.

11-17-2009, 02:15 PM
^^^ red lego block to finish his lego car. thats good stuff right there:D

11-17-2009, 02:21 PM
..............strong use of vocabulary by all parties involved.

let me just say, WHEN I WAS 10 YEARS OLD I DIDNT GIVE A **** WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD. and thats how it should stay. go play outside kid.


11-17-2009, 07:39 PM
as much as that kid has his rights to his own opinions and to voice his opinion....he would have gotten his ***** beat by his fellow class mates if he went to school wiht me as a child..

..also i would have tanned his hide after i got that call from the school if i was his parent for showing that much dissrespect for his teacher

11-17-2009, 07:58 PM
im in college and i dont even hear kids talk that way.. that vid is just crazy

11-18-2009, 08:30 AM
not a chance in hell that kid said all of that himself. Someone (maybe his dad) told him to say that....

people these days trying to get publicity. At least this isn't as bad as the balloon boy and his parents.

11-19-2009, 12:10 AM
thats gay.......................................:devil:

11-19-2009, 01:30 PM
gays gettin married doesnt effect me at all let em do it. a mean i say let them do what they want because if i wanna hop on a motorcycle there shouldnt be someone saying i cant so why stop them. even though i dont get why a chick wants to go lez and why a guy just isnt turned on by a nice rack but its there life and as a strait person i shouldnt decide for them.

MX MaNiAc 06
11-19-2009, 03:55 PM
He did skip the 4th grade and go straight to 5th from 3rd. No doubt he must be smart kid. But also an arrogant smart kid..

11-19-2009, 04:06 PM
I heard that on the radio last week. We are in trouble if those type of things are known at 10 years old. Man I was still playin with army men and bb guns at 10:p

11-19-2009, 04:19 PM
At 10 years old that's something that's taught in the home, not something discovered while playing outside. If this kid wants liberty and justice for all is he going to accept someone who wants to marry his dog? What about the guy porking the sheep in the barn, maybe it was a consensual meeting? Should his sheep get healthcare privileges? This kid needs less time on moveon.org and more time being a kid.

11-19-2009, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
At 10 years old that's something that's taught in the home, not something discovered while playing outside.

I wonder what would happen if the KKK got a kid on TV to counter his point of view regarding homosexuals. Do you think that the parents of the KKK kid would be paid a visit by child services for possibly having a child in danger for his views?

Think about that for a second or two...

11-19-2009, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
I wonder what would happen if the KKK got a kid on TV to counter his point of view regarding homosexuals. Do you think that the parents of the KKK kid would be paid a visit by child services for possibly having a child in danger for his views?

Think about that for a second or two... Yes they would. It doesn't even have to go that far. If your child went to school and stated their Christian faith says that homosexuality is immoral would land them a suspension for hate speech.

11-19-2009, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
Yes they would. It doesn't even have to go that far. If your child went to school and stated their Christian faith says that homosexuality is immoral would land them a suspension for hate speech.

Some how that seems more probable then the KKK kid, but teh KKK kid would make for better video:devil:

11-19-2009, 09:50 PM
haha, i dont get why straight ppl get married....and cant ponder why a gay person would want to....

in a sense its a financial contract.... because emotional contracts dont need to be legally binding....so to me unless your going to raise children there is no need for a actual marriage, a marriage is only useful in my eyes when your raising children...more or less the marriage binds you to raising and providing a family ....a greater committment ....i think alot of times for a sense of security ...ownership and control....sick

since a gay and a gay cant make a kid.... theres no real reason for a marriage..if your insecure enough about your relationship to feel the need to own the other person.....u dont need to be in a relationship...i mean to me thats the only thing there gaining...1 more thing hanging over there partners head to keep them from leaving cheating etc.....

i really dont care what gay ppl do, but gay ppl need to stop trying to be the same as straight ppl, there not the same, they dont need to be trying to have families, get married etc...

as sad as it is homosexuality is a error...and we dont need them adopting children and raising them in a family with those ideals....its not like im just being ignorant here... men were met for women, and nothing else....no reason they cant go on livinga normal life, but its getting a bit ridiculous......we lock murders , rapists, thiefs etc up...and in my eyes there flaws are more in line with human nature than homosexuality,but there actions more directly hurt ppl than gays..at the level were allowing homosexuality to be mainstream its warping our youth....ppl are ppl and should be treated the same regardless, but there behavior is not ok.... they can do it but it doesnt need to be forced on the youth by tv etc....gays are gay no matter what, i just dont feel we need to glorify it...and at this point im feeling thats the direction its going

11-19-2009, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by SRH
haha, i dont get why straight ppl get married....and cant ponder why a gay person would want to....

in a sense its a financial contract.... because emotional contracts dont need to be legally binding....so to me unless your going to raise children there is no need for a actual marriage, a marriage is only useful in my eyes when your raising children...more or less the marriage binds you to raising and providing a family ....a greater committment ....i think alot of times for a sense of security ...ownership and control....sick

since a gay and a gay cant make a kid.... theres no real reason for a marriage..if your insecure enough about your relationship to feel the need to own the other person.....u dont need to be in a relationship...i mean to me thats the only thing there gaining...1 more thing hanging over there partners head to keep them from leaving cheating etc.....

i really dont care what gay ppl do, but gay ppl need to stop trying to be the same as straight ppl, there not the same, they dont need to be trying to have families, get married etc...

as sad as it is homosexuality is a error...and we dont need them adopting children and raising them in a family with those ideals....its not like im just being ignorant here... men were met for women, and nothing else....no reason they cant go on livinga normal life, but its getting a bit ridiculous......we lock murders , rapists, thiefs etc up...and in my eyes there flaws are more in line with human nature than homosexuality,but there actions more directly hurt ppl than gays..at the level were allowing homosexuality to be mainstream its warping our youth....ppl are ppl and should be treated the same regardless, but there behavior is not ok.... they can do it but it doesnt need to be forced on the youth by tv etc....gays are gay no matter what, i just dont feel we need to glorify it...and at this point im feeling thats the direction its going

I usually don't disagree with you ... but some of your comments in these paragraphs are out to lunch.

Everyone has different preferences ..... some guys like blondes , some women like tall guys ...people are attracted to different people.... but to say that gays are different than straights is a false accusation. In the end , we all have skin , we all bleed red and we all have a heartbeat ... gays are no different than straights other than the fact they have different preferences.

I don't think most people get into a marriage for the legal stuff (ie each is a 50/50 partner in possessions).... most people take their vows as a sign of commitment . Depending on your type religion , the vows are an expression of fidelity , a commitment to stick with eachother through thick and thin.... and gays should have the same right to express their commitment to eachother that us straight folks do.

I also don't agree with your comment that they should be allowed to have adopt kids. I know a girl who was raised by 2 women .... she turned out as straight as an arrow. She has a loving family that provided for her and supported her in whatever decisions she made. i think a lot of people are under the pretence that if a child is in a gay family , they themselves will turn out gay. I think that's false .... everyone has their own preferences .

11-19-2009, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I usually don't disagree with you ... but some of your comments in these paragraphs are out to lunch.

Everyone has different preferences ..... some guys like blondes , some women like tall guys ...people are attracted to different people.... but to say that gays are different than straights is a false accusation. In the end , we all have skin , we all bleed red and we all have a heartbeat ... gays are no different than straights other than the fact they have different preferences.

I don't think most people get into a marriage for the legal stuff (ie each is a 50/50 partner in possessions).... most people take their vows as a sign of commitment . Depending on your type religion , the vows are an expression of fidelity , a commitment to stick with eachother through thick and thin.... and gays should have the same right to express their commitment to eachother that us straight folks do.

I also don't agree with your comment that they should be allowed to have adopt kids. I know a girl who was raised by 2 women .... she turned out as straight as an arrow. She has a loving family that provided for her and supported her in whatever decisions she made. i think a lot of people are under the pretence that if a child is in a gay family , they themselves will turn out gay. I think that's false .... everyone has their own preferences .
nicely put and some people would be shocked to know how many people are gay.

11-19-2009, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by 440racer66
nicely put and some people would be shocked to know how many people are gay.

Though I agree for the most part of that, I just don't think you should call it marriage. Call it something else that would mean the same thing. Maybe life partner or something like that, but a marriage is and always should be between a man and a woman.
Gays should still have the same rights just don't call it a marriage.

11-19-2009, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Though I agree for the most part of that, I just don't think you should call it marriage. Call it something else that would mean the same thing. Maybe life partner or something like that, but a marriage is and always should be between a man and a woman.
Gays should still have the same rights just don't call it a marriage.

"Marriage is the union (of the representatives) of two different surnames, in friendship and in love, in order to continue the posterity of the former sages, and to furnish those who shall preside at the sacrifices to heaven and earth, at those in the ancestral temple, and at those at the altars to the spirits of the land and grain."

Marriage means different things in different countries around the world. There's polygamy, arranged marriages , forced marriages common-law marriages , interracial marriages cross gender marriages and same sex marriages , among others.

Marriage is just a word to describe the union between two people or two things.

11-19-2009, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by 440racer66
nicely put and some people would be shocked to know how many people are gay.

That's true.

My fiancee worked with a few people that were gay . If she would have never told me , I would have never known. They don't parade around and announce it to everyone , and they don't demand being treated any different. They just wanted to be treated equal and be allowed to be happy.
Here in Canada it's legal for same sex marriages .... it doesn't bother me one bit . They are not trying to take over the country ... they are not pushing their beliefs upon me ....the average gay person that is.

Of course you always get the "radicals" that want the Gay Pride parades ... but like everything else , there's always a few that want to be heard. Just like tree huggers, Tamil protestors, and other minority groups.

11-20-2009, 10:38 AM
ive got gay friends and know gay ppl, there nice ppl, but there defective in the end....in the end i dont care 1 way or the other if they can get married, thats just my point of view on why they shouldnt, lets face it..homosexuality is in there genes... cant be changed, but i think the world is accepting ...and now its going to the point of glorifying it...i just disagree with that aspect, im not opposing it in anyway but when the topic comes to mind those are the thoughts that pop in my head, whose to say whats natural, but but next time your working on your quad try fastening 2 bolts together or 2 nuts:devil: i bet u wont find a place on ur quad to use a bolt that will only fasten to a bolt:p , as a human being i agree there ppl and should be treated equally, i just dont understand why they continue to push for marriage, and as much as i dont understand that , i dont understand why ppl spend so much energy opposing something that really wont hurt anyone