View Full Version : 05 450R Restoration

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big bad beny
01-29-2010, 07:22 PM
Looks good man.

01-29-2010, 07:49 PM

01-29-2010, 07:55 PM

01-29-2010, 08:20 PM
you have turned this bike from not so great to sexy. haha. goodjob

01-30-2010, 02:27 AM
Looks KILLER!!! Good color combo.

Les Davis
01-30-2010, 08:55 AM
Been following this build from the beginning and it looks amazing...thanks for all the updates. I love watching such a nice build go together!

02-04-2010, 08:35 PM
Any updates?

02-04-2010, 08:35 PM
Any updates?

02-04-2010, 10:43 PM
Still waiting on shocks got some loaner shocks on and allmost got it done will have some good pics soon

racer 557
02-04-2010, 11:03 PM
sweet looking dude

02-05-2010, 05:07 AM
Maaaaaaaaaan, that's sweet!! :D

02-05-2010, 06:28 AM
I am so in love with this color scheme, man it looks awesome.

What are you waiting on for shocks?

02-05-2010, 12:17 PM
who did the graphics?

02-05-2010, 09:03 PM
e sticky graphics

02-05-2010, 09:08 PM
before and after pics

02-05-2010, 09:11 PM

02-05-2010, 09:13 PM

02-05-2010, 10:18 PM

02-05-2010, 10:22 PM
I'll get some good pics as soon as we get a nice sunny day. I couldn't get any decent pics today

ATV Chic
02-05-2010, 11:25 PM
looks awesome:macho

02-06-2010, 02:20 AM
Nice done :blah:

02-06-2010, 02:45 AM
Way to polish a turd and make it shine!! Very nice build.....

NOW, how much you want for it?!?!?! JK :D

02-06-2010, 09:19 AM
Polish a Turd??? That would imply it was never a nice bike...

A diamond in the rough is more like it.

02-06-2010, 10:23 AM
nice work man, beautiful

02-08-2010, 06:26 AM
Any estimates on the total build? I'm in love with this thing.

02-08-2010, 09:58 AM
i went to their website and it says they dont have 09 graohics yet, howd you make yours?

02-09-2010, 03:41 PM
Nice Build! to get graphics you have to email him and he will send you his line up he is pretty fast about it. His email is philippe@e-stickygraphics.com

02-13-2010, 08:19 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Shawthy33
Any estimates on the total build? I'm in love with this thing. [/

around 3700 total ballpark but I used a lot of parts I had lying around the shop I'm not counting my tires and gasket kit and a bunch of other little things I already had.

02-13-2010, 08:28 PM
wow, man you shut my build down. lol, i wish i had all the tools and access as you i would've done 90% of my rebuild on my own and not to mention i have 0% experience with 4stroke engines. although im about to rebuild my top end myself so i hope i dont screw it up. im sure u saved alot of money being able to PC and weld all ur parts in house

that motor really cleaned up very well. i believe i will pick some of that cleaner up myself and use it on my rad and motor.

when i first seen that bike i was speachless, i knew it had to be a project ud bought from some idiot. its a shame how ppl treat quads but then again look at what it has potential to be. I liked the creative ideas u had with the foot peg bolt. that bike was litterally BEAT but now its a show room quad.


02-13-2010, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by mxpimp2000
wow, man you shut my build down. lol, i wish i had all the tools and access as you i would've done 90% of my rebuild on my own and not to mention i have 0% experience with 4stroke engines. although im about to rebuild my top end myself so i hope i dont screw it up. im sure u saved alot of money being able to PC and weld all ur parts in house

that motor really cleaned up very well. i believe i will pick some of that cleaner up myself and use it on my rad and motor.

when i first seen that bike i was speachless, i knew it had to be a project ud bought from some idiot. its a shame how ppl treat quads but then again look at what it has potential to be. I liked the creative ideas u had with the foot peg bolt. that bike was litterally BEAT but now its a show room quad.


Thanks man I still think your yfz bad *** and would prob take me in the qotm contest. I'd love to come to ballance but its hard for to get to nationals because i'm so busy working in the summer. how far north do you come to race

02-13-2010, 08:58 PM
well honestly i havent been outta tha state as far as racing, but this year i plan to race everywhere and the nationals. i prb wont run many but i will be running 3 local series which 1 series consists of podium one thats in IN just north of louisville.

i doubt my bike would beat urs in QOTM mainly 1. because you bike is a honda and theres very few yamaha supporters anymore lol but ur bike is really sharp. :D

02-14-2010, 06:54 AM
Did You ever get those 300ex's together?

04-24-2011, 07:55 PM
Bought it a few months back for my 14 yr old daughter to race.
Put it back to a 450, New cam chain,replaced the STG III with a STG II.
Had the Fox shock serviced, new graphix, new oem carb, and cut the front fenders.
Here is a pic of it today.

04-24-2011, 08:34 PM
Happy to see its beeing takin care of. had a lot of fun doing that build thinking about do another one someday when I have time again

04-26-2011, 07:34 AM
I absolutely love this thing, perfect build

04-28-2011, 06:10 PM
hey steak you sold that bike you built for a practice bike already?

11-27-2011, 09:22 PM
had to bump this just because its my favorite rebuild of all time awsome job!!! id like to know how the CW kit held up over some useage with the vertex piston and what not?

11-28-2011, 11:34 PM
what shocks did you end up running when you had those alba arms?

12-07-2011, 05:10 PM
I love that this thing keeps coming back to the top. I wanting to build a TT bike I'm thinking to doing another build post if I can find another cheap junker.

12-07-2011, 05:18 PM
^^ please do it :devil:

12-08-2011, 08:50 PM
A few action shots!!

12-08-2011, 08:52 PM

12-22-2011, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by staakej
The worst part was it didnt even fit on the header witch gave it a bad exhaust leak prob lost more HP than he gained

Actually, that would make more HP, but im not gonna split hairs here.

12-22-2011, 10:38 PM
^^ holy post digging :eek2:

12-24-2011, 05:43 AM
I'm not sure I've ever read a 30 page thread start to finish so I could see how the build transpired.... LOL

It was worth the read. Great job! What's next and is Al's daughters quad one you built too? Al does some pretty amazing work himself, he did all the gussets on my new Honda build.

12-28-2011, 08:08 PM
did i skip over something or what because on the before pic that thing has a crraazzzyyyy long drop link it looks like the linkage would be digging in the ground.

and did that 400ex run hot with the motor pc'd?