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11-13-2009, 01:49 AM
so after reading a thread bout cops on here and their "scam" I kinda thought well jeez I don't blame em I mean I went through atv safety when i was 13 years old and their biggest thing was "Tread LIGHTLY" (other than safety of course)!

I don't like the how riding areas keep gettin shut down but with the amount of disrespect some people have I can see why it happens!

between the monster rutts beer cans trash and overly loud pipes it's no wonder why this sport gets a bad rep! and don't put it all the people with sport bikes because big 4x4s do it too!

I was raised on a basic set of rules for trails
(this isn't an old guy sayin this for once lol)

1 helmet... use one(duh)
2 pack out what you pack in
3 respect your PRIVLAGES(yes riding is a privlage)
4 tread lightly and preferably semi quietly

it's not that hard to abide these rules and it would save this sport a lot of greif

what do you guys think?

11-13-2009, 02:23 AM
I do believe in this too, we had some good places to ride here out in the woods on BLM but because people didnt take care of anything they started closing the gates and having the sheriff out there to check up. I will admit that, wall I tried to do my part, I didnt always help.

11-13-2009, 02:40 AM
in my area of PA most of the riding areas have been shut down due to real estate development.

when there has been any serious injuries in an area, the police and game comission would hang around for a while and ticket a few people then it died down. usually in a few weeks to a month they werent seen regulary.

11-13-2009, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by Jakeyracer
so after reading a thread bout cops on here and their "scam" I kinda thought well jeez I don't blame em I mean I went through atv safety when i was 13 years old and their biggest thing was "Tread LIGHTLY" (other than safety of course)!

I don't like the how riding areas keep gettin shut down but with the amount of disrespect some people have I can see why it happens!

between the monster rutts beer cans trash and overly loud pipes it's no wonder why this sport gets a bad rep! and don't put it all the people with sport bikes because big 4x4s do it too!

I was raised on a basic set of rules for trails
(this isn't an old guy sayin this for once lol)

1 helmet... use one(duh)
2 pack out what you pack in
3 respect your PRIVLAGES(yes riding is a privlage)
4 tread lightly and preferably semi quietly

it's not that hard to abide these rules and it would save this sport a lot of greif

what do you guys think? I think you've got a good set of rules to live and ride by

11-13-2009, 07:38 AM
most of the places i ride the owners do not care about the noise. it is mostly the trash. i had the cops show up when i was riding 1 day and they just made sure i didnt leave any trash. the pipes, ruts, or tresspassing wasnt a concern to them

11-13-2009, 08:09 AM
trash - unacceptable
ruts - as long as it aint in someones crops, who cares.
tresspassing - a bit of a no no, but who doesnt do it.
loud pipes - unless your tappin the rev limiter next to a new born baby, who cares. Harleys make the same amount (or more) noise.

thats my take on it

11-13-2009, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
trash - unacceptable
ruts - as long as it aint in someones crops, who cares.
tresspassing - a bit of a no no, but who doesnt do it.
loud pipes - unless your tappin the rev limiter next to a new born baby, who cares. Harleys make the same amount (or more) noise.

thats my take on it


11-13-2009, 08:18 AM
The majority of people on this site don't cause any trouble. Yes, I'm sure there are a few, but most of us are all on the same page and agree that we all need to respect the riding places we have.

People with 4x4 trucks tear their own trails, drop washing machines, leave stacks of tires, all that stuff. Tell me how a quad rider is going to haul that stuff into the woods? Trucks do more damage than quads do. Fortunately, there are responsible truck clubs and they help clean up the trails which is great, but there are always a select few that do whatever they please in the trails. Most atv riders aren't looking to cause trouble. We just want a place to ride where no one will bother us. Keep taking places away and more riders will pack into smaller areas, and you can bet there will be trouble.

I agree with all your rules Jake. I was brought up on the same merits, and if everyone else in all aspects of the off road community were as well, we would probably have more places open to us.

BUT, quad riders are held responsible for WAY too much of the trash and damage that is done to trails and riding areas.

11-13-2009, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
trash - unacceptable
ruts - as long as it aint in someones crops, who cares.
tresspassing - a bit of a no no, but who doesnt do it.
loud pipes - unless your tappin the rev limiter next to a new born baby, who cares. Harleys make the same amount (or more) noise.

thats my take on it i agree. i know im not the only one who thinks the whole making big ruts thing is stupid. if your going to ride, it is going to make ruts. unless you you constantly put around, and IMO thats not what riding is about.

11-13-2009, 10:56 AM
i agree with this
most people just need to open there eyes and ears and take a look at whats going on around them

trash - occasional can or wrapper is ok as long as it is cleaned up but when its more than that its uncalled for

ruts - take it easy on stream crossings,around crops,and any place that lots of riders who may not be very experienced travel

tresspassing - as long as its not out of habit and you dont leave too big of a footprint it doesnt hurt much

loud pipes - loud is fine unless it is aggravatingly loud to the point where it pisses people off,thats what makes many average people look down on quads (this is also something that exhuast companys need to take into consideration) when someone has to resort to making a bad impression on a whole sport just to make a small power gain, theres a problem

my thoughts
take them for what there worth:)

11-13-2009, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Jakeyracer
so after reading a thread bout cops on here and their "scam" I kinda thought well jeez I don't blame em I mean I went through atv safety when i was 13 years old and their biggest thing was "Tread LIGHTLY" (other than safety of course)!

I don't like the how riding areas keep gettin shut down but with the amount of disrespect some people have I can see why it happens!

between the monster rutts beer cans trash and overly loud pipes it's no wonder why this sport gets a bad rep! and don't put it all the people with sport bikes because big 4x4s do it too!

I was raised on a basic set of rules for trails
(this isn't an old guy sayin this for once lol)

1 helmet... use one(duh)
2 pack out what you pack in
3 respect your PRIVLAGES(yes riding is a privlage)
4 tread lightly and preferably semi quietly

it's not that hard to abide these rules and it would save this sport a lot of greif

what do you guys think?

my rules also for any trail. steve

11-13-2009, 11:53 AM
sorry but I dissagree bout the loud pipes because that's exactly why they shut down my favorite riding spot and one of my friends got booted from an organized orv park for having a 98 db fmf pipe

I understand you guys may disagree but it's truely unessessary for the trails(now dunes are different and I'm not talking about them)

and ruts one spoil it for the little guys with 90s 200s and 250s and two as deep and knarly as some ruts are it's due to carelessness more than an average joe cruisin down a trail

11-13-2009, 12:05 PM
98 db is insanely loud and i dont blame them forgiving him the boot.

11-13-2009, 12:05 PM
98 db is insanely loud and i dont blame them forgiving him the boot.

11-13-2009, 12:07 PM
Sadly, this discussion has been going on since people started gathering offroad. Nothing has changed in the 30 years ive been playing outdoors...thats pathetic

11-13-2009, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Sadly, this discussion has been going on since people started gathering offroad. Nothing has changed in the 30 years ive been playing outdoors...thats pathetic

it never ends lol. makes for a bit of fun reading though doesnt it. steve

11-13-2009, 05:54 PM
Do you guy’s here your selves, you just don't get it. do you really think it’s no big deal to ride on privet or public land without written permission. Is it so hard to stop and knock on the door and ask if you can ride on someone’s land? You would be surprised how many will let you if you just ask first.
Have you ever spent a single day fixing the ruts you made while ridding on someone’s land. Think about the one who has spent there time and money to grade and level there land so they can run a tractor through there and mow there land without having ruts. Let me come over to your house and dump my trash in your yard and trench your yard so you can’t mow your grass. Yet you are the first ones to ***** when an area gets closed and the very reason they get closed in the first place.

Yes it is fair to entrap you, be setting up a sting, and stopping you. Arresting you and impounding your bike. I don’t care if they use what ever they need to too catch you doing it. If you are not supposed to be there then don’t go there.

I have been ridding since 1978 and I have seen most if not all the public land closed to all off road traffic, for these very reasons.

I will even say this. If you repeatedly go on privet or public land where it is clearly posted no off road riders you should not only get a ticket but forfeit the vehicle you are ridding.

If you lose your bike then you can only blame your self.

Thanks for screwing it up for the rest of us.

11-13-2009, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Do you guy’s here your selves, you just don't get it. do you really think it’s no big deal to ride on privet or public land without written permission. Is it so hard to stop and knock on the door and ask if you can ride on someone’s land? You would be surprised how many will let you if you just ask first.
Have you ever spent a single day fixing the ruts you made while ridding on someone’s land. Think about the one who has spent there time and money to grade and level there land so they can run a tractor through there and mow there land without having ruts. Let me come over to your house and dump my trash in your yard and trench your yard so you can’t mow your grass. Yet you are the first ones to ***** when an area gets closed and the very reason they get closed in the first place.

Yes it is fair to entrap you, be setting up a sting, and stopping you. Arresting you and impounding your bike. I don’t care if they use what ever they need to too catch you doing it. If you are not supposed to be there then don’t go there.

I have been ridding since 1978 and I have seen most if not all the public land closed to all off road traffic, for these very reasons.

I will even say this. If you repeatedly go on privet or public land where it is clearly posted no off road riders you should not only get a ticket but forfeit the vehicle you are ridding.

If you lose your bike then you can only blame your self.

Thanks for screwing it up for the rest of us.

Thank you. You guys can look at us as being lame, or no fun or whatever, but this is the 100% truth. The rules are there for people to follow all the time. not most of the time. those of you that say a little bit of tresspassing is ok, you are sooo wrong. there is a reason that people have property boundaries. they dont want people there. if you cross their boundary once, you leave tracks. someone else sees those tracks and thinks, well im not the first so i guess its ok just once. and so it goes until there is a full on trail through these innocent peoples yard. noise is another HUGE problem. its the LEADING cause of closures. more so than trash. this is because people can see trash and pick it up. people like me who care about our riding areas. we cant go pack your muffler for you. ITS UP TO YOU TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS AND KEEP OUR RAPIDLY DWINDLING RIDING AREAS OPEN. Ruts, not only make it harder for less experienced riders, but it erodes the soil, causing landslides and such. this leaves a whole new way for anti off road organizations to target us, because we are "destroying wildlife". so dont think of our own opinions when adressing this topic. think of the way that the people who dont ride are going to see us. if you are wearing a helmet, like you should no matter what, then the public cant see the smiles on our faces, so they dont get the see pleasure that we experience from this sport. think of their opinions, and ride in a manner that will make them think better of us than they do. now i know a lot of you will agree with my logic, but agreeing, and following through are ENTIRELY different things.

11-13-2009, 06:53 PM
couldn't agree more... common courtacy(sp) goes a long way

don't get me wrong I love to have fun and go fast, jump, hillclimbs, ect... but I still think bout it before hand like oh should I be haulin *** through a tight windy trail if I'm leading the pack! Hell No! why because I'm gunna kill someone! or Should I go past this sign that says No Tresspassing! prolly not

and I have actully taken the time to ask some people if I could cross their horse pastures to get to some more trails guess what they said "I don't see why not just don't startle my horses" I replied "thanks a million I was expecting a hell no!" he smiles and says "yea well these guys come out roarin by all the time if they cared to stop and ask they would be gettin a piece of my mind but I ain't seen you come through here before"

I lost a whole ten minutes of riding time to ask him and he waves everytime I cruise by now and seems to not care bout me cuttin through his feild

11-13-2009, 06:58 PM
Remember the lead act that was passed last winter to protect children. this caused another problem for the atv world. we had to fight back against the anti off road groups and such. this is just another example of how any little thing can effect our sport. noise, trash, ruts, too much water getting polluted, anything. they will target it. I have seen many trails closed down due to too much mud and water getting polluted because the anti activitists put so much pressure on the system they had to give in to keep what they still had. We used to have a spot that would fill with water over 3 ft deep that would get backed up from beaver dams. it was not the atvers fault the water would back up, we had to drive through it. the next summer we went back to the system of trails, it was closed down and rerouted due to that problem for one example. People like them need to open their eyes and see what actually happens. steve

11-13-2009, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Jakeyracer
couldn't agree more... common courtacy(sp) goes a long way

don't get me wrong I love to have fun and go fast, jump, hillclimbs, ect... but I still think bout it before hand like oh should I be haulin *** through a tight windy trail if I'm leading the pack! Hell No! why because I'm gunna kill someone! or Should I go past this sign that says No Tresspassing! prolly not

and I have actully taken the time to ask some people if I could cross their horse pastures to get to some more trails guess what they said "I don't see why not just don't startle my horses" I replied "thanks a million I was expecting a hell no!" he smiles and says "yea well these guys come out roarin by all the time if they cared to stop and ask they would be gettin a piece of my mind but I ain't seen you come through here before"

I lost a whole ten minutes of riding time to ask him and he waves everytime I cruise by now and seems to not care bout me cuttin through his feild

Ok now you should stop every once in a while and talk to the man and let him know how much you appreciate him letting you ride through.
Invite him along for a ride and really show him you’re an upstanding person and you respect his generosity.
He may want to ride as much as you.

I’ve been turned down many times and I just say thank you and let them know you will ask before you ride. Sometimes they will come back to you later and give you permission to ride through.

It makes no deference why they don't want you there, it's there land and you should respect it.

If I had land and had trails on it and you road through without asking then I will get you. And if you give me any lip or disrespect me in any way then I will prosecute and file charges on you. Even though I am a rider my self.

If you can get permission to ride get it in writing.

Respect me and I will respect you.

Most of the time when I ask they will let me ride, if not I just say thank you and move on.

I have a church across the street and they always try to park on my property and there is 6 no parking signs, tow away zone and they still park there sometimes right against the no parking sign. I have had no less then 300 cars towed away over the years and they still park there every weekend. In twenty years they have never asked if they could park there. In fact they have even gone as far as to tell me that they are a church and they can do what they want. So they get there car towed and I don’t feel bad about it one little bit.

Same with the quads, “Respect” goes a long way.

11-13-2009, 10:36 PM
When I was maybe 15 I was caught in someones field on a small dirtbike, I was told my friend owned all land until a forrest, until someone rode up on us on a quad and flipped out, there was spit flying and I was scared, if that happends again I'll be putting the *** in a choke hold. It's not fun being yelled at and that's part of the problem. Some (most in my experiences) farmers are downright violent alcoholics. It's one thing to be angry, but to use that anger at the proper time and in an effective manner is where it usually falls apart, you diminish your own clarity, if you think you need to, that's your own assumption your putting on someone, and nobody likes that. Your goal is not to strike fear into someone, you want to be understood clearly (which might be a problem in Alabama, Kentucky etc LOL). If by mistake I'm on your property and after I explain myself and apologize, a farmer says he'll shoot me for being there, I'll pull a concealed pistol and think about taking his wallet. Instead of saying, without tone, "could you not ride here" with an almost instant "I'll never come back!" from the rider. Loud sounds at night is bad for anyone, everybody knows that, but not in the day! Sound shouldn't even be complained of in the day time as that's what it's for. Anyone who is too cheap to buy ear plugs can duck a sick, if you can't sleep like a baby while a screaming 2-stroke goes by your house than you're under too much stress and that's your own damn problem. A jet could land in my house and I'd stay asleep, with all the old farts complaining about sound, maybe that's why they go deaf. If you don't share a passion for offroad, than don't tread on my fun or I'll think I have to make the situation worse so you give up. If not manners, than war!

Both parties, puss!es and offroaders alike, need to be respectful (except for day time riding and sound). When you start seeing a problem that isn't there (ruts, sound), there will be consequences for the ones who complain, which is more of the "problem" for them. I could go on and on, nobody ever wants to change themselves to fix something.

Offroading is too big to go away, it's here and it's improving. We'll always hear about accidents, and it's just because of the huge population. You could have safety stickers up your *** and still die from it anyways.

Our best bet is to each find a community of riders, each put in $ for a couple acres of land away from stuff and close to home, and share.

Who was complaining about ruts? Ruts cultivate the ground for vegitation just like a rototiller, are you against that? Are you scared to step in a rut? Is your field ruined now? Aren't ruts part of the fun or do you want to ride on salt flats?

Be nicer to eachother, and quit being puss!es by not defending your right to have fun.

11-13-2009, 11:45 PM
What part of NO TRESPASING do you not understand?

11-14-2009, 12:24 AM
Me? What part of no-NO TRESPASSING signs do you not understand? I sure as hell can't understand the ones THAT I DON'T SEE. What did you say that I didn't? Our posts were too alike for you to think otherwise, learn how to spell & read before hitting the caps. :rolleyes:

11-14-2009, 01:06 AM
What part of NO TRESPASING do you not understand?

It doesn’t mater why they don't want you there. It doesn’t mater if it's posted or not if it’s not your land don't ride there. As for the noise not everyone works during the day so that’s there sleep time. Let me come and rut your yard and then tell you it cultivates the ground.
It’s up to you to know if you’re riding on the right land or not. Just because there are trails there doesn’t give you the right to be there.
You called all farmers violent alcoholics, did you ever stop to think that you are not the only one he has had to stop riding through “his” land not yours. Did you ever stop by and ask first? You said that you were there by mistake; you knew you were not on your land yet you chose to ride anyway, why? It’s up to you to know where your boundaries are. You said it wasn’t fun being yelled at and your friend had told you where to ride, where was he? The farmer doesn’t have to be nice to though it would help. If he wants to be a tool that’s his business.

And there is nothing wrong with my last post.

11-14-2009, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
What part of NO TRESPASING do you not understand?

It doesn’t mater why they don't want you there. It doesn’t mater if it's posted or not if it’s not your land don't ride there. As for the noise not everyone works during the day so that’s there sleep time. Let me come and rut your yard and then tell you it cultivates the ground.
It’s up to you to know if you’re riding on the right land or not. Just because there are trails there doesn’t give you the right to be there.
You called all farmers violent alcoholics, did you ever stop to think that you are not the only one he has had to stop riding through “his” land not yours. Did you ever stop by and ask first? You said that you were there by mistake; you knew you were not on your land yet you chose to ride anyway, why? It’s up to you to know where your boundaries are. You said it wasn’t fun being yelled at and your friend had told you where to ride, where was he? The farmer doesn’t have to be nice to though it would help. If he wants to be a tool that’s his business.

And there is nothing wrong with my last post.

your just a ****ing dick. why would you even have peoples cars towed away for parking on your land when they are going to chruch. i could see if they was going to make drug deals or it was club next door full of druggies and drunks. but you are having peoples cars towed away while they are going to warship god. imo thats a little harsh. i would never have somebodys car towed away for parking in my yard while they was going to warship the lord and savier...who are you? hitler? or an athiest?

far as the ruts. well i know its harder on the younger riders but thats why you teach them how to stridle the ruts and ride the ruts that will make them better riders on down the road. face it quads are going to make ruts unless your 1st gear creeping then what fun would that be NONE

far as prosecuting somebody for being on your land. well let me tell you i know 2 wrongs dont make a right and i know a man who chased a little boy down on a dirtbike for crossing his land and petrofied the boy so bad that the parents filed a law suit and won because of how bad they scared the little boy. so think about things like that before you flip out on somebody for crossing your land. also keep in mind you might go to *****in at the wrong one one time at the right moment and they might have some brass for you. so you never know these days the world is shady.

far as littering well i dont take anything in the trails with me because simply my riding time is exactly what it is. my riding tme. i dont stop to drink or eat. i just like to ride and skimp out on food and beverages till i get home. and if i get thirsty enough i know how and which parts of a creek or stream to drink out of.

11-14-2009, 01:39 AM
and far as noise. face it noise is everywhere to be found in this world in. things such as harleys, cars going down the road, heavey machinery, etc. i have a train going thru my backyard and i cant just jump infront of the train and say HEY TURN THAT NOISEY SUM BIOCH OFF. sometimes if i could i would but i have been living where im at long enough that i have gotten used to noise. i do have a next door neighbor that lives thru the woods from my house did stop and ask me one day hey man we just had a newborne do you mind not ridin for x number of hours in the evening. and i respected his wishes because he was polite about it. he didnt get snobby or nothin. but if he woulda came up to me yelling and cussing i would have told him hey this is my land i can do wtf i want on it and until i cross your property marker with my noise then dont come over here with your mouth

end of my rant

slightlybent as far as you. man i hate to wish bad upon anybody but i hope somebody gives you a reality check just because of what you said having peoples cars towed for bein at church. my god scrooge where is your heart at!!

11-14-2009, 01:56 AM
ok so if ruts made by a quad are the same as rows made by plows and rototillers and it's fine for you to make them on property you don't own or make a living off of your saying I could use dynamite to "dismantle" your quad because wrenches and sockets do the same thing and even though it's your quad ( NOT MINE) I could do it and that's in no way disrespectful or damaging

that what your saying wether you know it or not that even tho it's not yours it's ok to ruin!

I try to be polite but I'm sorry your ****ed in the head! that's not right!

11-14-2009, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by Jakeyracer
ok so if ruts made by a quad are the same as rows made by plows and rototillers and it's fine for you to make them on property you don't own or make a living off of your saying I could use dynamite to "dismantle" your quad because wrenches and sockets do the same thing and even though it's your quad ( NOT MINE) I could do it and that's in no way disrespectful or damaging

that what your saying wether you know it or not that even tho it's not yours it's ok to ruin!

I try to be polite but I'm sorry your ****ed in the head! that's not right!

i would never cut up somebodys front yard. if its deep in the woods and all then a rut is going to happen in a turn regardless of what kind of quad it is.

when i was a kid i lived on a private road with 3 or 4 houses on the road. we payed "road fees" for gravel and maintence to the road well i got caught doing donuts in the road and i was made to get out there and rake the donuts and ruts out. ive never done it since then. sometimes the best lessons learned in life are the hard ones. it was fun cutting the donuts and ruts but it wont fun out there with a rake and shovel fixing that shyt. so sometimes that might be a better method opposed to cussing, raising hell, and threats and so on that could lead to a court case.

11-14-2009, 02:30 AM
well if they want to be an *** bout you being there kill em with kindness

if they are yellin and cussin say ok I didn't know but now I do thanks and have a good day then ride away and don't go back

that will bug the crap out of them because you didn't yell back or sound scared you just made it seem like you were thankin them for being rude and if you don't go back your somewhat buildin some trust in your words and possibly he may change his mind later if you asked first

but you can't be sarcastic or sound like a smartass because then your gettin them more pissed

it sucks and it may seem like it would be fun to yell back but comes down to how much more grief can people give this sport I mean it already seems as if when I put on my riding gear and go ride I might as well be wearing a shirt that says "Ima Big Doushe" cuz that's how non riders look at me and you and almost all of the people who ride

11-14-2009, 02:52 AM
You just don’t get it. It’s my land they are parking on and when I ask them to move they tell me they can do what they want. Who are they to tell me that? If I parked twenty cars in your yard and when you ask me to move them I tell you to mind your own business how would you feel. Is that any way for church people to act? They even park in my drive way and I can’t even get in or out of my own property. They have there own place to park why do they have to park on privet land. I’m not talking one or two cars, it’s more like twenty. It doesn’t mater who they are, they are trespassing.

Did I mention that they are rag heads? I thought that would change your mind, you racist basted. LOL!!!!!!!!
Kind of sheds a new light on it doesn’t it?

I don’t like them and don’t trust any of them and when they come to this country and start to push me around, I push back.
That’s the MO of our enemy, to come over here and blend in and say they love America, and then kill us. So that means you can’t trust any of them.

I didn’t mention that they were rag heads for a reason, because it doesn’t mater why I don’t want them to park there, it’s my land and I say what goes on, on it.

11-14-2009, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
You just don’t get it. It’s my land they are parking on and when I ask them to move they tell me they can do what they want. Who are they to tell me that? If I parked twenty cars in your yard and when you ask me to move them I tell you to mind your own business how would you feel. Is that any way for church people to act? They even park in my drive way and I can’t even get in or out of my own property. They have there own place to park why do they have to park on privet land. I’m not talking one or two cars, it’s more like twenty. It doesn’t mater who they are, they are trespassing.

Did I mention that they are rag heads? I thought that would change your mind, you racist basted. LOL!!!!!!!!
Kind of sheds a new light on it doesn’t it?

I don’t like them and don’t trust any of them and when they come to this country and start to push me around, I push back.
That’s the MO of our enemy, to come over here and blend in and say they love America, and then kill us. So that means you can’t trust any of them.

I didn’t mention that they were rag heads for a reason, because it doesn’t mater why I don’t want them to park there, it’s my land and I say what goes on, on it.

well fugg them camel jockeys they can get sabu to fly them in on a magic carpet. i wouldnt have their shyt towed id wire some plastic explosives to their vehicle and once they got goin down the road BOOOM!!

11-14-2009, 03:02 AM
Still think I'm a Dick?

11-14-2009, 03:06 AM
no more racism on this thread that not what it's about

look it bullcrap they park there I know I used to have to wait for my neighbors church meetings to end so I could finally get home from work but this thread is strictly about repect the trails you ride and be safe

Now how is the atv community going to recover if we can't even agree to be more responsible respectable and resonable!

11-14-2009, 03:07 AM
i retract my previous statement. yea its your land do as you wish. i wouldnt let camel jockeys on my land either

but if it was good ol country white folks then i wouldnt mind too much long as they didnt block my driveway...

11-14-2009, 03:17 AM
That’s the whole point; it doesn’t mater who you are. You should get permission to ride on someone’s land. If it's not posted or fenced then they should get a polite warning to leave. And if they keep returning after being warned to stay off then they should be fined for trespassing. I only get bent when the one trespassing cops an attitude with me.

11-14-2009, 03:22 AM
There is one other reason people don’t want you riding on there land. They don’t want to get sued if you get hurt.

11-14-2009, 10:21 PM
slightly bent, i agree with every word youve said in this thread.
and as far as the ruts as noise not being a problem, you guys are just plain ignorant. its as simple as that. saying that ruts are the same as rototillers? do you plant things in the ruts? do you cover the ruts up after your done with them? no, you dont. you ride through them causing them to get deeper and deeper.
and noise, hell i have one of the loudest bikes at the dunes when i go, but thats at the dunes, where there are buffers before neighborhoods, so the sound can drown out, and on the other side is the friggen ocean. on trails, sound matters a million times more. EVEN DURING THE DAY. now thats a shocker! noise is still noise whether its day or night. like i said before i have a pretty loud bike, but i dont ride it on trails. i ride a quieter bike, that isnt set up for drag racing like my loud one is.
the people that live near our riding areas live there because they want to get away from the stress, and the insanity that is our cities today, and they also want to live somewhere peaceful and QUIET. even during the day, when they can appreciate it. i live in the country and if i went outside and all i heard were bikes, i would tolerate it. but not for very long. after a while, i would get sick of it, and try to stop it, because lets face it, loud noises are annoying, no matter how much you love the sound of your bike. come on

11-14-2009, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by tayyo789
slightly bent, i agree with every word youve said in this thread.
and as far as the ruts as noise not being a problem, you guys are just plain ignorant. its as simple as that. saying that ruts are the same as rototillers? do you plant things in the ruts? do you cover the ruts up after your done with them? no, you dont. you ride through them causing them to get deeper and deeper.
and noise, hell i have one of the loudest bikes at the dunes when i go, but thats at the dunes, where there are buffers before neighborhoods, so the sound can drown out, and on the other side is the friggen ocean. on trails, sound matters a million times more. EVEN DURING THE DAY. now thats a shocker! noise is still noise whether its day or night. like i said before i have a pretty loud bike, but i dont ride it on trails. i ride a quieter bike, that isnt set up for drag racing like my loud one is.
the people that live near our riding areas live there because they want to get away from the stress, and the insanity that is our cities today, and they also want to live somewhere peaceful and QUIET. even during the day, when they can appreciate it. i live in the country and if i went outside and all i heard were bikes, i would tolerate it. but not for very long. after a while, i would get sick of it, and try to stop it, because lets face it, loud noises are annoying, no matter how much you love the sound of your bike. come on

Thank you, I think most of them get it, they just want to argue.
My ex is loud but I only ride it at the track so it’s not an issue. All the tracks I go to are away from anyone. Now today I road my KLX duel sport to the national forest and road some trails and had a blast. And yes they were legal trails and I had the sticker on my bike and I stopped at the trail head and put in my $5.00 to ride the trails. The bike is stock and so quiet, you never here me coming and I like it that way. In fact most people see me and expect to hear a loud bike and are surprised it’s so quiet. Now tomorrow it’s off to the track for some mx fun. Man I sure want to get out to the dunes for some of that fun. Unfortunately the closest ones are about 9-10 hours away.