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View Full Version : atv offroad fury2 tourney

01-16-2003, 05:51 AM
I would like to know if there is a tourney available for us cable modem guys?

Any info would be appreciated.


01-16-2003, 03:58 PM
someone has got to be interested in this, and have some info.

01-16-2003, 04:10 PM
We have not been able to get 16 people yet last time I think we where 4 short :rolleyes: I can't belive people still use dail up I have had cable for like 6 years now and if someone told me I had to use a modem here at home Id throw the pc out the window ;)

Digtal Cable TV
Digtal Home phone "not cell"
Digtal broadband

Got to love AT&T they even have a help page for PS2 & Xbox If you should have a problem.


01-16-2003, 07:23 PM

01-16-2003, 07:39 PM
I wish i had cable :( :rolleyes:

01-17-2003, 06:07 AM
I have no problem taking the time to lay out a tournament for the cable guys if people just email me and let me know they are interested. I was actually hoping for a 64 player tourney, but I guess we have to walk before we run.

Just email me with your return email and I will get something started.

01-17-2003, 12:22 PM
You DO NOT want to have a 64 man tourney. I have been in a lot of tourneys and it is hard to get a whole 16 people there and organized. Keep in mind you have to do this through the existing chat room and look at how many people would be on at once. We tried a 32 once and it was a disaster. Go with 16 at the highest or you will be sorry.;)

01-17-2003, 01:54 PM
64 :eek: we would be playing for a week :rolleyes: Plus that chat room sux you need to be able to use AIM so you can tell if people are in or not last time we did it all we did was

"so and so are you here?"

16 people is the way to go!

I don't have a problem helping I have a PC right next to my tv.