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View Full Version : Youth day

10-30-2009, 01:46 PM
Our states Youth Deer hunting day is tomorrow. It is a "Doe" only 1 day hunt for the kids.

I've been feeling like really bad all week, no energy, dizzy etc and havent been able to sleep more then an hour at a time all week. The weather forcast is for light rain on and off so I set up a ground blind for Ryan today and hopefully he will put some meat in the freezer tomorrow.

(Ive been sick enough that i've only hunted twice....that never happens!)

Here is the blind all brushed up...wish him luck!


The view from where I suspect he will shoot if the deer come into the field. You can just make out a 16 foot double stand in this picture that we usually hunt from, but i've been so off balance I dont trust climbing it right now:(
