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10-22-2009, 05:06 PM
ok so i was on my way home from tech and i ended up rear ending a guy... dont feel like going in to all the details but i got a court day to decline to fine i got so what happens when i go to the court... do i have to pay a court cost... i gained or lost 4 points and the ticket is about 180 ish... so what should i do? thanks

10-22-2009, 05:13 PM
Well if you rear ended a guy, and you dont want to share details, I'm just going to say sounds like it was your fault, and I'm not really sure why you are trying to fight the ticket.

10-22-2009, 05:14 PM
im not but people said that if i would show up i could get some of the points back and stuff...

10-22-2009, 05:42 PM
sure go for it.

10-23-2009, 08:33 AM
well it wouldn't hurt to go..my understanding is unless you was backed into, anytime you rear end a vehicle its always your fault. sometimes they will give the option of taking a driving class to eliminate some of those points, wouldn't hurt to ask i guess. And i would be more worried about my insurance rates more than anything lol

10-23-2009, 09:08 AM
yeah im afraid to see those... i just turned 18 and i thought it would go a little lower but not any more...!

10-23-2009, 09:08 AM
In most state you are required to go to court if you are involved in an accident. Go to court and plead guilty if you think you are in the wrong. The court will issue a fine. If you plead not guilty you will be issue an other court date to plea your case.

10-23-2009, 09:15 AM
i actually totalled my car last week, because i "rearended" another car, I was knocked out for over 40minutes :huh, when i woke up a cop was giving me a ticket for careless driving, wrecker was loading my car, and i was sitting their with paramedics........ NOW here is the deal I completely remember exactly what happened, i even knew the make, model, and color of the car that was SITTING in the middle of a 4 lane highway with no turn signal on, no lights on, and no brake lights on..... we were told later by a witness that they were "sitting there waiting to turn" keep in mind its pooring rain, I had changed lanes about 200 yards before because the car in front of me was turning.... by the time i saw them i couldnt stop in time, its kinda hard to see a maroon car with no lights in the rain! i was only going 40 (5 under the speed limit) which is the usual flow of traffic on this road.

i was not talking on my phone

ill be fighting the careless driving ticket in court, i dont think i was driving carelessly, i was in an unavoidalbe accident because of someone elses "careless" driving.

10-23-2009, 09:18 AM
Yeah when I was 18 a guy hit went into are lane and hit us head on and some how we went flying into the car in front of us and rear ended them. Out of 5 people I was the only one that was hurt and it about killed me. The next day I was laying in the hospital and the cop walked in and gave me a ticket. I think it was for failure to reduce speed to avoided a accident. LOL I went to court and fought it with out a lawyer and fought that if that *** hole wouldn’t have came over the hill and went into my lane I wouldn’t have rear ended the car in front of me. I won but the ****ed part was the guy was in a SL500 and lived in a 500,000 dollars house but the cops decided he had a diabetic seizer because he couldn’t afford his insulin. He was some kind of Mexican preacher and ran his *** back across the border. So no matter what it your fault 99 percent of the time. If you go to court and get a few point off your going to have to pay a few hundred for the ticket and court cost.

10-23-2009, 10:36 AM
If your biggest concern is the points you can go to court and tell the judge that you admit to the charge on the ticket, agree to pay the fine and ask if he will wave the points. Most of the time the judge will do that. I did that once when I was 18 with a speeding ticket. I had to pay the fine but no points on my driving record. Then it won't show for the insurance either.

10-23-2009, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by ATPRacing36
If your biggest concern is the points you can go to court and tell the judge that you admit to the charge on the ticket, agree to pay the fine and ask if he will wave the points. Most of the time the judge will do that. I did that once when I was 18 with a speeding ticket. I had to pay the fine but no points on my driving record. Then it won't show for the insurance either.

X2 Just come up with a sob story it was an accident you learned your lesson to pay closer attention to the road blah blah blah. Problem with the insurance though if your vehicle was messed up and you make a claim for it they will find out and in return your rates will go up. Insurance is a scam!

Which 450?
10-23-2009, 03:57 PM
If your driving record is good, they will usually waive points, sometimes the fine, but will make you pay court costs, $100 +/-.

10-26-2009, 12:10 AM
as far as point and rates, with all your insurance needs, always shop around, even if you are happy with who you are with. Does it 'seem' to eanyone else, ins. companys slowly creep up your rates slowly over time lol

10-26-2009, 05:24 PM
well ins. wise... im under my old man and lay yet and the truck is in my mom's name becuse i wasnt 18 when i got it... i'm just gonna say i got it for a beater price from a guy that lived just down teh road from my gramp and said he would cut me a good deal ( i help my gramp and him out alot) anyways the only damage to my truck was the grill... i was goin about 25 be for the contact and it was slower when i hit him... i didnt even hit him very hard... i just dont want to pay more then 187.90...