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View Full Version : Loud pipes and the police (Funny Story)

Mud Goat
10-20-2009, 10:09 PM

Well the other night we were crusing town and we got pulled over becasue our exhaust on my buddies truck was too loud. After we got pulled over the cop asked him to start his truck. Then they got to talking and he ended up tellin him what kind of pipes he had ( Duals with flowmaster super 44s) and the officer asked were he got the pipes put on, how muched they costed and a whole bunch of other questions. apparently he had the same model truck and was looking to get something simular done to his truck and liked the way it sounded. Ended up just giving us a warning. So the old saying does hold true, loud pipes do save lives:D

10-20-2009, 11:10 PM
try that in an import lol haterz

Tommy Warren
10-20-2009, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by FlewByU352
try that in an import lol haterz

you'd get shot....good way to thin the heard.

10-21-2009, 02:19 AM
lol thats funny.

I Drove my old truck around with open LT headers for about 5 months and never got pulled over for it. I did get pulled over for something else though and was scared to death when I had to crank it up to leave. But the cop didn't say anything.


10-21-2009, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by FlewByU352
try that in an import lol haterz

V8 Sounds are > pea shooters....lol

In my area i know that they really dont bust many guys; balls about pipes too often. They sometimes hit the bikers but thats when the harleys rip through neighborhoods after leaving the bar all night and its kinda annoying not going to lie..lol

10-21-2009, 10:42 AM

my buddys F-150 with a bored and built 5.0 had dual cats and flowmasters and we thought it was too quiet so we cut the FM's off and then decided it still wasnt loud enough, so we cut it off about 8 inches behind the header

the only downside was that the motor popped and wheezed a little too much and he was worried about cold air creeping up the exhuast after it was turned off and warping the valves so we ended up just welding on the flowmasters with about a foot of tubing in front of it and it sounded pretty BA without the cats:cool:

10-21-2009, 10:47 AM
That F150 I had with the mild-built 393 stroker had dual Flowmaster 50 series and no cats. It didn't have the "mustang rumble," but it would repetedly set off car alarms. It had a great sound to it, but was borderline obnoxious. Ok...it was obnoxious, and that's probably why I liked it- at the time...

10-21-2009, 10:52 AM
i have my flowmasters dumping out right in front of the rear wheel on the passenger side. its sick to blow the exhaust into car windows when passing. loud as hell too. the only downside is that i get a headache after driving on the highway

10-21-2009, 11:15 AM
When I cut off my old exhaust, I did so right ahead of the cats with a sawzall. Called in sick the next morning to go have exhaust pipes put on...priorities first, right? First person I passed down my old country road was a state trooper- I about crapped a pinecone...luckily he kept on going...

Before that truck, I had a 1978 Blazer with headers and glasspacks...I was young...it sounded like LOUD crap. Well anyways, on that truck, I bought some spare aquarium line and fittings- tapped into the windshield washer system, and ran a seperate line along the back of the hood vents...slipped a piece of copper tubing into the end of the plastic tubing, crimped the end shut. Whenever I was next to someone driving down the road with their windows open, it was at just the right height that I could give the windsheild washer a shot, and it would squirt about 20ft away right into their open window. If you could keep a straight face, it was PRICELESS!!!

10-21-2009, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by IcutMetl
I about crapped a pinecone

sig worthy:p

10-21-2009, 01:42 PM
i pulled up to a roadblock awhile back in my firebird, and when i pull up to the state trooper he says "im gonna have to impound your car because im not the one driving it" lol. then he asks about it, he knew it was an LT1 and what year it was, said he has an old trans am hes working on. then when i left he leaned in the window and said "when you pull off do it real slow, i got alot of respects for the pipes but some of these guys cant take a joke" lol

10-21-2009, 04:46 PM
I remember a few years ago I was riding around at night in my mustang, when a cop pulled out behind me and followed me to the stop sign. He pulled up next to me and I thought he was gonna pull me over for tint and exhaust. Turns out he just wanted to tell me it sounded good and asked what all was done to it. :cool:

10-21-2009, 07:49 PM
Lets see how much trouble I get into this weekend and next week running open header with my new motor. The old exhaust is too small and too short and my cat/B piping wont be in. Its going to be stupid loud and sounding like crap not to mention every time I stop the fumes will just be building up. At least it wont be slow and sounding like crap, it will just sound like crap lol

10-22-2009, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by FlewByU352
Lets see how much trouble I get into this weekend and next week running open header with my new motor. The old exhaust is too small and too short and my cat/B piping wont be in. Its going to be stupid loud and sounding like crap not to mention every time I stop the fumes will just be building up. At least it wont be slow and sounding like crap, it will just sound like crap lol

congrats for being a moron. There's a difference between running an illegal exhaust and looking for trouble. People like you make my vehicles targets.