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View Full Version : has this happened to anyone?

10-18-2009, 07:47 PM
So I just got done ripping around the Soo Pits in northern MN and then headed down the trail. I slowed down to a stop and shut it off for 10 or so minutes. I tried to start it again but the kicker seemed much too easy and i could push it with my hand. I thought the engine had lost compression cause I could still hear the cylinder "pop" when i turned the kicker. I tried bump starting it and it sputtered then died but this time it froze! The kicker is now stuck up as well. I knew i hadn't dropped a valve cause its a 2 stroke and now I have 2 ideas on what the problem could be. I first thought that the connecting rod let go or a wrist pin; therefor not making the cylinder participate at any rpm faster than 1. Also if that is the problem it could explain the jamming when bump starting. I tried bumping it backwards to try and see if my idea was correct but instead it remains jammed My most recent idea is that a gear in the kicker chipped or broke which didn't allow it to completely start the atv and when bump starting it jammed the teeth in the starting gears? Thus not allowing the cylinder to cycle as the kick start is jammed? Please help! I will be taking it apart soon but i dont want to go to far to realize its somthing as simple as vaporlock. (which it isn't) also the temp was just right. not too hot or cold.

10-19-2009, 10:40 AM
Broken piston skirt or snagged piston ring.

10-19-2009, 10:51 AM
time to start tearing it down. Could be broke piston, bad rod, or even somethn in the tranny. But since you said it seemed easy to turn over its probably broke piston.

10-19-2009, 03:37 PM
Ill be tearing it down in the coming weeks but wouldn't I be able to tell before it happened?