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View Full Version : Lettin go....

10-18-2009, 10:23 AM
Well i decided it was time to let her go. I was thinkin of all the ways i could spend the money, decided stickin it in the bank and forgetting about it would be best.

Its for sale for 6. the brother bike is too. I only cleaned mine up. i guess i will do the brother next week. Kinda stinks, we just freshened them both up. if your interested just shoot me a pm.




10-18-2009, 11:31 AM
if you part out let me know i'll take that hood.

10-18-2009, 11:55 AM
Very nice bike! Why you selling it? I sold mine last year to pay off some bills. I miss it like crazy, but it was tough getting time to ride it, and time to do the maintenance on it... and it was just a money pit. I miss it and I dont...

10-18-2009, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider707
Very nice bike! Why you selling it? I sold mine last year to pay off some bills. I miss it like crazy, but it was tough getting time to ride it, and time to do the maintenance on it... and it was just a money pit. I miss it and I dont...

I just dont have the time for it. between school, work and the girlfriend i dont have any spare time. I think im gonna get my truck back in shape and just chill out.

No, no part out here. I dont have any of the stock parts anymore. if i get what i think i will out of it i will be more than happy.

10-18-2009, 03:06 PM
yah I'm kinda thinkin about the same thing now. Racing is just a money pit anymore and it's so hard to do time wise for me as well. I'm thinking about selling the bike and buying a rocket or building up my ranger a little more, but I don't know yet.

10-18-2009, 03:29 PM
Thats just it. it cost me more to race one weekend then it does to freshen an engine. i was spending 200 bucks in a weekend on hotel costs, fuel, race gas, entry fees, parking fees, and every other fee they can think about.

10-18-2009, 04:00 PM
yah I usually spend a few hundred a race weekend as well. Then you have to think of anything you break and/or need to replace on the bike!

10-18-2009, 04:18 PM
I have been thinking the same thing, but i just dont think i could do it. I havent RIDDEN my r is quite some time. I miss riding, i just have NO time and when I do i hate spending all the money.

I paid my quad off over the summer and that was a huge accoplishment for me considering i paid the whole thing off myself with exception to a few months where my dad covered me.

If i do sell. I want to pick up either a 125 2 stroke bike or a trx250r. Something that i could buy and still have money left over after selling my quad.

10-18-2009, 09:57 PM
i heard you wanted to trade ne plastics before you sold it, but thats just a rumor goin around,lol:D

Tommy Warren
10-18-2009, 10:06 PM
don't do it man!! that bike is sick!! why would you give away a bike that you put 12,000 in to just to have 6000 sit in the bank? I'd rather have 12,000 sit in the garage.......just powdercoat the hubs orange;) and ride it for fun.

10-18-2009, 10:14 PM
Honestly that is one of my favorite 450r's

10-19-2009, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
don't do it man!! that bike is sick!! why would you give away a bike that you put 12,000 in to just to have 6000 sit in the bank? I'd rather have 12,000 sit in the garage.......just powdercoat the hubs orange;) and ride it for fun.

The longer it sits in the garage ... the more it loses value.

It's a tough decision to make , but sometimes it's the best. I sold my YFZ for less than 1/2 of what I had paid for it a year previous.... PLUS I had included all the aftermarket parts I had .. some of which had ZERO ride time. I knew that the longer it sat there for ... the less money I would get for it. :ermm:

10-19-2009, 11:09 AM
i would never sell that bike. its too sick. there are plenty of other ways to make money. sell your kidney, we have 2 for a reason!

10-19-2009, 02:04 PM
I did the same thing about 3 years ago. Never in a million years did i think i would ever sell my quad but i did. Just had different priorities, and my girlfriend...haha. So i know what your going through man. Heck of a nice bike you got there, its a shame to see them go for half of what they should be worth.

MX MaNiAc 06
10-19-2009, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by dns1764
i would never sell that bike. its too sick. there are plenty of other ways to make money. sell your kidney, we have 2 for a reason!

Don't forget about your spleen. Pretty worthless organ as well. :D

Why don't you sell the one bike and keep one?

10-19-2009, 03:21 PM
why dont you trade it for like a 400ex or something plus cash, that way you get moeny and can still ride.

10-19-2009, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
Well i decided it was time to let her go. I was thinkin of all the ways i could spend the money, decided stickin it in the bank and forgetting about it would be best.

Its for sale for 6. the brother bike is too. I only cleaned mine up. i guess i will do the brother next week. Kinda stinks, we just freshened them both up. if your interested just shoot me a pm.




Do you accept kidneys?

10-19-2009, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by atvnut22
why dont you trade it for like a 400ex or something plus cash, that way you get moeny and can still ride.

No time. If i keep letting my bank get bigger and bigger, by the time i graduate high school i will buy a house being foreclosed on. Hell, in my brothers neighborhood one just sold for 36k. nice house too.

I will miss the bike though. There was a couple cool things about it that i have never seen before. for example it revved so fast, it seemed like a 2 stroke. The quad rate shox were awesome, suspension was always there when you needed it. Not to mention the power. Hell the brother bike is even more powerful. they will rip your arms off, thats for sure. :devil:

10-21-2009, 05:52 AM
Here is a picture of both of them. Man we have had these things for ever and never have taken pictures of both of them.




10-21-2009, 08:51 PM
Heres the trailer we built. fits two quads and all the extra junk perfect, or three quads and nothing else. Usually we have a 6 foot tall, 4 foot wide cabinet and a full size toolbox in there too, they just happen to be pulled out. It has a workbench on the nose. Has a shelf on the nose. Has two 8 foot lights (two bulbs each) down each side with a 4 footer across the front. completely wired with switches, breakers, and generator ready. duplicolor coated floor and waterproof walls.

Lights off:

Lights on:

Front light on without two eight foots:


10-26-2009, 05:56 PM
Holy **** Iam building up all my stuff right now and couldnt even think of selling them. Yeah the girl friend wants to hangout all the time but thats what monday through friday is for.weekend is race time. But I have missed some races for her..... god dam it haha

10-26-2009, 05:58 PM
been there done that man... you'll be wanting another one after a while haha.

10-27-2009, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by 400ex28
been there done that man... you'll be wanting another one after a while haha.

i guess thats part of it. ill find a new hobby sooner or later.

i have been tossin around lookin at this 72 (i believe was the year, dont hold me to it) c-10 with a 350/350. pretty nice truck.

idk, we have put so much time and effort into that trailer alone, hate to see it go.

10-27-2009, 08:02 AM
wish i could buy the trailer it would be a nice setup