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View Full Version : z450 Test Day 1

10-11-2009, 11:50 AM
Thought i'd throw a new topic up, more pictures, less mess. Anyways, a few of you know that we put together the 450BBK and all the other fancy stuff. Anyways, Yesturday was the first day. Basically it was a short ride... Nice to get out, awesome weather!

The 2 problems

1. The carb has a return spring, that well , was very stiff. I wasn't sure how hard it would actually be. And I didn't last 30 minutes. My hand was having a seizure by the time I was done. ( We fixed that, Jimmy Rigged a different spring, adjusted it a bit.)

2. Someone told me I really need to get a intake, well , whoever said that. You are very right. ESR Intake is coming on friday, It ran pretty good in the bottom, but once I got over 1/2 throttle, it bogged and choked.

So here are the cool pics ! (Thanks dad)





