View Full Version : help, bike breaking up

10-10-2009, 01:49 PM
last time i took my bike out which was two weeks ago, everything was fine. today i take it out and it started out fine then after a few minutes it started breaking up. so i get off the bike check out a couple things and start it back up and take off and everything is fine for about 30-45 seconds. shut the bike down again, start it back up and take off and same thing, fine for 30-45 seconds then starts breaking up again. do this a few more times and same thing every time.

so anybody got any suggestions? i'm guessing something with the carb. why would it be fine last time i rode and now i have problems?

maybe stator? how do i check for a bad stator?

btw this is a 08 that has ran perfect all season until now

your help is appreciated,
