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01-14-2003, 02:48 PM
Okay Porkchop.......here's some pics I took last Friday at Sand Lake. My 400 and my buddy's raptor. The weather was perfect and only a few people were out riding besides us.

01-14-2003, 02:49 PM

01-14-2003, 02:52 PM
The yellow 400ex belongs to Markynark. It's got a new PRM cans and straps rack on the back. It's pretty sturdy, and holds a cooler and 2 small gas cans. He's selling PRM products on his website now.

01-14-2003, 02:54 PM
Last one...got to ride with a guy who had a brand new Kawi 400. Nice looking quad and plenty fast!!

01-14-2003, 03:01 PM
Okay this is definitely the last one. My buddy mark riding out of one of the Banshee Holes (Idiot Holes).

01-14-2003, 03:02 PM
Forgot the pic

01-14-2003, 07:11 PM
Sweet pic's chad! How was the sand? looks kinda wet still.. but smooth :D

01-14-2003, 08:14 PM
This is from a different angle...

01-15-2003, 06:44 AM
about how big is sand lake???, I cant believe I used to live in Hebo and never knew a thing about Sand Lake, but then... I didnt ride back then either...how many feet up is that hill climb?

01-15-2003, 07:06 AM

It's not hard to miss! lol
Compared to Florence, Winchester Bay etc...Sandlake is about the size of a backyard sand box:D It'd not a bad place to ride but being relativly close to Portland and it's size, it fills up fast.
I usually just go there for a day trip during the week...

The hill in the pics is about is about 150-200 feet in length (guessing). There is nothing real steep there either...the last couple of times i've been there i noticed the bowls seemed to have flattened out:( The side hills like in the pics are fun though.


01-15-2003, 09:22 AM
Yep, Sand Lake is pretty small, compared to the Southern Dunes, but it's a great place to ride during the week when there are no crowds. It's probably 1 mile wide (at it's widest point) and 2 or 3 miles long....if that. But those tree shots are always fun... They aren't very long hillclimbs, but they are fairly steep, and you don't get a running start at them. You have to drop down into the trees, find a place to turn around (or make one), and then it's full throttle back up to the top. They are steep enough that the front end of the quad is very "anxious" to come off the ground. The sand was actually very dry, except where it was at or below the water table, and then it was a bit wet. The bowls had flattened out a bit, but they all were forming some steep lips at the top, which made for good jumping, both up and down. I hit the first bowl going down at about 40 mph. There was about 40 feet before you could see where my back tires hit the sand.

01-15-2003, 03:35 PM
The Idiot holes are what make Sand Lake a blast!! Here is a picture just up from where your pictures were taken

01-15-2003, 03:43 PM

They aren't very long hillclimbs, but they are fairly steep, and you don't get a running start at them. You have to drop down into the trees, find a place to turn around (or make one), and then it's full throttle back up to the top.

The best is to back in and start a new one :D

01-15-2003, 04:00 PM
I cant wait to take my 400 down to the dunes! this time instead of crawling up the hills like I did on the 300 I'll actually be able to FLY up them :D plus I'll actually climb some of the really challenging hills too.

01-15-2003, 11:11 PM
Is sand lake worth the trip for the weekend? Are there any razorbacks like the southern oregon dunes (some of those make awesome jumps:D )

01-16-2003, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Mitch400EX
Is sand lake worth the trip for the weekend? Are there any razorbacks like the southern oregon dunes (some of those make awesome jumps:D )
Sure if you've never been there or don't go very often but if you stay too long you might get bored. Be carful on the "one way" trail, not everyone knows it's oneway...i'm guilty of that once!

No razorbacks unless the weather has changed the bowls since September...That is when I was there last...Chad was there just last weekend so he'll know better.

Sandlake isn't a bad place, it just doesn't compare to the Southern Oregon Dunes.


01-16-2003, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Mitch400EX
Is sand lake worth the trip for the weekend? Are there any razorbacks like the southern oregon dunes (some of those make awesome jumps:D )

If you are driveing that far you would be way better off to visit the southen dunes.

01-16-2003, 09:26 AM
Sand Lake for me is just typically a one-day trip every now and then. It's great for when you need to test out new modifications to your bike. It's a fairly close drive, compared to the southern dunes. The one thing I don't like about it is that on the weekends it turns into a drunken "high-school" party. Lots of dumb kids out there doing stuff that usually sends at least one of them to the hospital. It gets really crowded once school is out (Summer/Spring Break), and thats when you have to watch out for yourself. I've known way too many people that have had collisions out there with people that were going the wrong way on a one way trail (which is now clearly marked), or riding across the top of one of the bowls that everyone drag races/jumps up. I've seen a guy on a dirtbike jump 10 feet in the air and land on another quad that was riding by. I guess if you are driving all the way from Seattle, just keep driving for a couple more hours. There really are no razorbacks at Sand Lake, just a couple bowls and a few good places to jump (if you know where to find them). I guess you could try it once in the Summer on your way to the Southern Dunes or on your way home, but after 3 or 4 hours of riding, you have seen and done everything. Don't get me wrong, you can still have fun there, but after being to Winchester or Coos Bay, you will think of Sand Lake as a cat box in comparison.

01-16-2003, 08:25 PM
you will think of Sand Lake as a cat box

LMAO! Aint that the truth...especially after the weekend...

Like the others sais, if you're driving that far you might as well go all the way down to the real dunes.


01-18-2003, 02:41 AM
I personally kinda like Sandlake. Sure it isn't the greatest dune area or the biggest but it has a whole different atmosphere than Florence or Winchester or Coos Bay has. On big weekends it kind of reminds me of a miniaturized Sandfest. My favorite thign about Sandlake is riding at night. Everyone always has cool lights on their flags, wheels, helmets and anything else they can think to string lights up on. I like sitting up near the trails at the first bowl and watch everyone drag racing up and down the bowl, its pretty cool looking. If you aren't smart about it though things can get pretty dangerous. I also like the drags that everyone does on the big weekends. Its cool to be able to get out there and race everyone with tons of people around.
I only live about an hour from Florence so I can go there pretty much whenever I want to for a day trip so sometimes its just nice to do something different for a change. Coos Bay is really awesome though, I definitly think our group needs to make more trips down there.
Speaking of riding, I'm heading to Florence with a few friends tomorrow! Better get to bed! hehe

01-18-2003, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by ThorChick
I personally kinda like Sandlake. Sure it isn't the greatest dune area or the biggest but it has a whole different atmosphere than Florence or Winchester or Coos Bay has. On big weekends it kind of reminds me of a miniaturized Sandfest. My favorite thign about Sandlake is riding at night. Everyone always has cool lights on their flags, wheels, helmets and anything else they can think to string lights up on. I like sitting up near the trails at the first bowl and watch everyone drag racing up and down the bowl, its pretty cool looking. If you aren't smart about it though things can get pretty dangerous. I also like the drags that everyone does on the big weekends. Its cool to be able to get out there and race everyone with tons of people around.
I only live about an hour from Florence so I can go there pretty much whenever I want to for a day trip so sometimes its just nice to do something different for a change. Coos Bay is really awesome though, I definitly think our group needs to make more trips down there.
Speaking of riding, I'm heading to Florence with a few friends tomorrow! Better get to bed! hehe dont forget to take some pics at Florence..we need some updated pics from there!!!And take a few of you draggin!!;)

02-07-2003, 11:20 AM
Nice wheelie pics. Me like!

02-12-2003, 09:38 AM
The other fun thing about Sand Lake is that you can ride all night long. I can't count the number of times that we have been out tearin it up at 3am. But there is something about starting to see the sun come up that instantly tell's your body, "its time to go to bed!"

Regarding the tree shots...I found a nice one last Sunday that was a "back down only". The launch area was slightly uphill. I was stretched out over the handlebars trying to keep the front end down as I would get to about 2/3's of the way up. Finally on the 8th try I rolled the shee over backwards and it came crashing down on me. It was great fun! I finally made it out and had to go back to the truck to fix my flag.

02-12-2003, 10:13 AM
I hear you!! There is nothing sweeter then a midnight full moon ride to get your blood pumpin! :D That has to be one of my favorite things about Sand Lake. Like yourself, I have seen the sun rise a few to many times there but I just keep doing it to myself :rolleyes: